31 research outputs found

    Parâmetros produtivos de vacas de duplo propósito suplementadas com alimentação não convencional no Caribe colombiano úmido

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    Los sistemas de producción de doble propósito (SPDP) son de gran transcendencia en la región caribe colombiana debido al aporte socioeconómico y seguridad alimentaria para la población; no obstante, los indicadores productivos son bajos, atribuibles a la escasa gestión tecnológica y la estacionalidad en la producción causada por reducción en la disponibilidad de forraje en época seca. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar en vacas de SPDP de cuatro fincas de municipios de Córdoba y Bolívar, el efecto de la suplementación con dietas energético-proteicas balanceadas con base en subproductos agroindustriales (DEP), frente a la dieta ofrecida por el productor (DProd), sobre el consumo de nutrientes, (CN) la producción de leche (PL), la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP), y los días abiertos (DA). Se encontró mayor consumo (g/día) de proteína (p=0,009) y extracto etéreo (p=0.001) en vacas del tratamiento DEP en comparación con DProd en fincas de San Carlos (SC) y el Carmen de Bolívar (CB), sin diferencias (p>0.05) en el consumo de NDT y EM (Mcal/día) entre tratamientos. La PL fue superior en los grupos suplementados con DEP en las vacas de CB (p=0.035;6.43 vs. 5.88 kg/vaca/d) y en SC (p=0.008; 4.4 vs 3.7 Kg. animal/d). En la dieta DEP se observaron reducciones (p<0.05) entre 17 a 51 en los días abiertos y mayor GDP en vacas de SC (0.375 kg a/día); además, las crías mayores de 4 meses en el CB la GDP fue mayor con DEP (0.470 vs 0.407 kg/a/d; p<0.05). El uso de dietas balanceadas con subproductos de la agroindustria se presenta como una opción promisoria para mejorar la producción de leche y los parámetros productivos de vacas y crías de doble propósito en hatos del caribe húmedo colombianoDual-purpose production systems (SPDP) are of great importance in the Colombian Caribbean region due to the socioeconomic contribution and food security for the population; however, the productive indicators are low, attributable to poor technological management and seasonality in production caused by reduced forage availability in the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate in SPDP cows from four farms in the municipalities of Córdoba and Bolívar, the effect of supplementation with balanced energy-protein diets based on agroindustrial by-products (DEP), compared to the diet offered by the producer ( DProd), on nutrient intake (CN), milk production (PL), daily weight gain (GDP), and days open (DA). Higher consumption (g/day) of protein (p=0.009) and ether extract (p=0.001) was found in cows treated with DEP compared to DProd in farms in San Carlos (SC) and Carmen de Bolívar (CB), no differences (p>0.05) in the consumption of NDT and ME (Mcal/day) between treatments. PL was higher in the groups supplemented with DEP in CB cows (p=0.035; 6.43 vs. 5.88 kg/cow/d) and in SC (p=0.008; 4.4 vs 3.7 Kg. animal/d). In the DEP diet, reductions were observed (p<0.05) between 17 to 51 in open days and higher ADG in SC cows (0.375 kg a/day); In addition, the pups older than 4 months in the BC, the ADG was higher with DEP (0.470 vs 0.407 kg/a/d; p<0.05). The use of balanced diets with by-products of the agroindustry is presented as a promising option to improve milk production and the productive parameters of dual-purpose cows and calves in herds of the Colombian humid CaribbeanOs sistemas de produção de duplo propósito (SPDP) são de grande importância na região do Caribe colombiano devido à contribuição socioeconômica e segurança alimentar para a população; no entanto, os indicadores produtivos são baixos, atribuíveis ao mau manejo tecnológico e à sazonalidade na produção causada pela redução da disponibilidade de forragem na estação seca. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar em vacas SPDP de quatro fazendas nos municípios de Córdoba e Bolívar, o efeito da suplementação com dietas energético-protéicas balanceadas à base de subprodutos agroindustriais (DEP), em comparação com a dieta oferecida pelo produtor (DProd), na ingestão de nutrientes (CN), produção de leite (PL), ganho de peso diário (PIB) e dias abertos (DA). Maior consumo (g/dia) de proteína (p=0,009) e extrato etéreo (p=0,001) foi encontrado em vacas tratadas com DEP em comparação com DProd nas fazendas de San Carlos (SC) e Carmen de Bolívar (CB), sem diferenças (p>0,05) no consumo de NDT e EM (Mcal/dia) entre os tratamentos. A PL foi maior nos grupos suplementados com DEP em vacas CB (p=0,035; 6,43 vs. 5,88 kg/vaca/d) e em SC (p=0,008; 4,4 vs 3,7 Kg. animal/d). Na dieta DEP, foram observadas reduções (p<0,05) entre 17 a 51 em dias abertos e maior GMD nas vacas SC (0,375 kg/dia); Além disso, nos filhotes com mais de 4 meses no CB, o GMD foi maior com DEP (0,470 vs 0,407 kg/a/d; p<0,05). O uso de dietas balanceadas com subprodutos da agroindústria apresenta-se como uma opção promissora para melhorar a produção de leite e os parâmetros produtivos de vacas e bezerros de dupla finalidade em rebanhos do Caribe úmido colombian

    Hand Preferences in Owl Monkeys (Aotus spp.) Using a Single Task Assessment

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    In the past 25 years, there have been a number of studies published on systematic investigation handedness in nonhuman primates. The goal of these studies have been to evaluate whether prosimians and anthropoids show patterns of hand preferences that resemble the right handedness found in humans and the general consensus is that handedness is inconsistent both within and between species. Handedness has never been investigated in the only nocturnal anthropoid, the owl monkey. We investigated hand preferences in 13 captive owl monkeys (7 males and 6 females all adult) living outdoors. A foraging single task assessment was presented to each monkey shortly after awakening for the night. Trials lasted for 10 minutes and median number of trials (n=13) was conducted for each monkey. Ten of the monkeys showed a distinct left hand preference and three a right-hand preference (p\u3c 0.005, t-test) and there was no significant difference in hand preference between males and females. With our limited amount of data, we were nonetheless impressed that each monkey studied showed a hand preference for this particular task. However, the manual asymmetry was not nearly as pronounced as in humans. We are currently conducting additional trials, adding additional subjects as well as an additional task, insect foraging, to continue to investigate this phenomenon. As owl monkeys live high in the canopy and are active at night, hand preferences in this genus can likely only be investigated in captivity. Correlations between hand preference and neurology (cerebral lateralization) as seen in humans, remain to be explored

    Biomasa radical de pastos bajo labranza y fertilización en un inceptisol del valle del Sinú

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    Angleton grass (Dicanthium aristatum) is the dominant Gramineae specie in the Sinu River Valley. Its root growth is limited by soil compaction, a mixed effect of high density and penetration resistance. With the aim to determine the effect of vertical tillage and fertilization over root biomass, soil density and penetration resistance, four different kinds of grasses (Mulato II, Toledo, Angleton and Estrella) were established on an inceptisol soil located at Turipaná Research Center, in Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia. Four vertical tillage treatments with three repeats were evaluated: two with rigid chisel, 30 cm - 60 cm and two with grassland renovator, horizontal distance 30 and 60 cm, and 30 cm depth. Two levels of fertilization were evaluated: F1: 300 kg ha-1 of DAP (18% N - 46% P2 O5 ), 200 kg ha-1 of KCl (60% K2 O) and 150 kg ha-1 of urea (46% N) and F2 : 50% of the previous described treatment. In a split plot design experiment, the effect of vertical tillage and fertilization during 18 months over soil density, penetration resistance and root biomass growth were tested by ANOVA and average Duncan comparison. No independent effect of tillage or fertilization on grasses was observed, but there are significant interaction between tillage and grasses, fertilization and grasses and tillagefertilization and grasses. It is concluded that differences in the variables soil density, penetration resistance and root biomass were due to grazing effect and tillage-fertilization-grass interaction.La biomasa radical de los pastos predominantes en el Valle del río Sinú está limitada por la compactación del suelo, caracterizada por la alta densidad y resistencia a la penetración. Con el propósito de determinar el efecto de la labranza vertical y fertilización sobre la biomasa radical, densidad del suelo y resistencia a la penetración, se establecieron los pastos Mulato II, Toledo, Ángleton y Estrella en un inceptisol del Centro de Investigación Turipaná, ubicado en Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia; bajo un diseño de parcelas subdivididas con tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron cuatro sistemas de labranza vertical (dos con cincel rígido a 30 y 60 cm y dos con renovador de praderas a 30 y 60 cm de distancia horizontal, ambas a 30 cm de profundidad) y dos niveles de fertilización (F1= 300 kg ha-1 de DAP (18% N - 46% P2O5), 200 kg ha-1 de KCl (60% K2O) y 150 kg ha-1 de úrea (46% N) y F2 = 50% de las dosis anteriores. Los resultados a los 18 meses después de aplicado los tratamientos no mostraron efecto de la labranza ni de la fertilización en los pastos; mas sí hubo interacciones significativas entre labranza y pastos, fertilización y pastos, labranza - fertilización y pastos. Se concluye que las diferencias en las variables densidad del suelo, resistencia a la penetración y biomasa radical se encontraron por efecto de los pastos y por la interacción labranza - fertilización - pasto

    Eficiencia agronómica del arroz INIAP-17 con niveles de fertilización química y biológica en el Litoral Ecuatoriano

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    The investigation was carried out in the experimental farm of the College of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, canton Babahoyo. Ten treatments were evaluated with three repetitions. The objective was to analyze the influence of four organic bioestimulantes on the efficiency of the conventional chemical fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa), to measure the effect on the agronomic behavior of the cultivation. The variety of rice INIAP-17 was sowed in parcels of 20 m2. The treatments were distributed at random in a design of complete blocks. For the evaluation of stockings the test was used from Tukey to significancia 5%. At the end of the cycle of the cultivation was evaluated: height of plants, sprout number for m2, grains for panicles, length and number of panicles m2, days to flowering, days to crop, number of grains for panicles, weight 1000 grains and yield for hectare. The results determined that the application of a program of high fertilization level (140-60-90-30 kg/ha, of N-P-K-S) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, the grain yield increased with increments of 23,44% with relationship to the witness. In the same way applications of Bacilllus and Azotobacter more levels means (120-40-60-20) and first floor (100-30-40-10) of application of N-P-K-S, they don't impact in days to the flowering, tipping, weight of 1000 grains, number of grains for panicles and relationship grain/straw.La investigación fue realizada en la granja experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, cantón Babahoyo. Se investigaron diez tratamientos y tres repeticiones. El objetivo fue analizar la influencia de cuatro bioestimulantes orgánicos sobre la eficiencia de la fertilización química convencional en arroz (Oryza sativa), para medir el efecto sobre el comportamiento agronómico del cultivo. Se sembró la variedad de arroz INIAP-17 en parcelas de 20 m2. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron en un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Para la evaluación de medias se utilizó la prueba de Tukey al 5 % de significancia. Al final del ciclo del cultivo se evaluó altura de plantas, número de macollos por m2, granos por panícula, longitud y número de panículas m2, días a floración, días a cosecha, número de granos por panícula, peso 1000 granos y rendimiento por hectárea. Los resultados determinaron que l aplicación de un programa de alto nivel de fertilización (140-60-90 kg/ha) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, aumentó el rendimiento de grano con incrementos del 23,44 % con relación al testigo. De la misma manera aplicaciones de Bacilllus y Azotobacter  más niveles medios y bajos de aplicación de N-P-K-S, no inciden en días a la floración, volcamiento, peso de 1000 granos, número de granos por panícula y relación grano/paja. La variedad  INIAP-17 con la aplicación de un programa de alto nivel de fertilización (140 N-60 P-90 K-30 S kg/ha) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha (5236,5 kg/ha) obtuvo un rendimiento superior a otros tratamientos

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases

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    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) provides world-class bioinformatics databases, software tools, services and training to the international life science community in academia and industry. These solutions allow life scientists to turn the exponentially growing amount of data into knowledge. Here, we provide an overview of SIB's resources and competence areas, with a strong focus on curated databases and SIB's most popular and widely used resources. In particular, SIB's Bioinformatics resource portal ExPASy features over 150 resources, including UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, ENZYME, PROSITE, neXtProt, STRING, UniCarbKB, SugarBindDB, SwissRegulon, EPD, arrayMap, Bgee, SWISS-MODEL Repository, OMA, OrthoDB and other databases, which are briefly described in this article

    Heredabilidad y tendencias genéticas para caracteres del crecimiento en bovinos criollos: Heredabilidad del crecimiento en bovinos Romosinuano

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    The heritability and genetic trends were estimated for birth weight, weaning and 16 months of age of Colombian Creole roe cattle Romosinuano, in order to identify the genetic variability of the three characters. 4032 records from 5616 animals, including parents and descendants, obtained in the period from 1943 to 2018 at the Turipaná Research Center, were used. Six mixed animal models were adjusted for each character, using univariate analysis. The models included the contemporary group and the number of births as fixed effects, and as random effects the effect of the animal, the maternal effect and the effect of the permanent maternal environment, obtaining from the heritability estimates of the characteristics analyzed. Genetic trends were estimated by simple linear regression of the average genetic values over the year of birth of cattle. The heritability estimates for direct effects were higher than maternal heritability values, while total heritability for birth weight, weaning and 16 months, they were equal to 0.17 x 0.03, 0.09 x 0.02 and 0.06 x 0.03 respectively, indicating that much of the variation in weights in all three ages is due to environmental factors more than genetic differences between the individuals analyzed. Genetic trends had both positive and negative and near-zero regression coefficients, indicating the preservation of genetic variability in the Romosinuano race and making it clear that to improve growth characteristics, factors associated with the year and time that are beyond the scope of this study must be modified and are of great importance when making a genetic improvement program using this Creole breedSe estimaron la heredabilidad y las tendencias genéticas para los caracteres de peso al nacimiento, al destete y a los 16 meses de edad de bovinos criollos colombianos Romosinuano, con el fin de identificar la variabilidad genética de los tres caracteres. Se utilizaron 4032 registros provenientes de 5616 animales incluidos padres, madres y descendientes, obtenidos en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1943 al 2018 en el Centro de Investigación Turipaná. Se ajustaron seis modelos animales mixtos para cada carácter, mediante el análisis univariado. Los modelos incluyeron el grupo contemporáneo y el número de parto como efectos fijos, y como efectos aleatorios el efecto del animal, el efecto materno y el efecto del ambiente materno permanente, obteniendo a partir de las estimativas de heredabilidad de los caracteres analizados. Las tendencias genéticas fueron estimadas mediante regresión lineal simple del promedio de los valores genéticos sobre el año de nacimiento de los bovinos. Las estimaciones de heredabilidad para efectos directos fueron mayores a los valores de heredabilidad materna, mientras que la heredabilidad total para el peso al nacimiento, al destete y a los 16 meses, fueron igual a 0,17 ± 0,03, 0,09 ± 0,02 y 0,06 ± 0,03 respectivamente, lo que indica que gran parte de la variación de los pesos en las tres edades se debe a factores ambientales más no a diferencias genéticas entre los individuos analizados. Las tendencias genéticas presentaron coeficientes de regresión tanto positivos como negativos y cercanos a cero, lo que indica la conservación de la variabilidad genética en la raza Romosinuano y deja manifiesto que para mejorar los caracteres de crecimiento se deben modificar factores asociados al año y época que están fuera del alcance de este estudio y son de gran importancia al momento de hacer un programa de mejoramiento genético utilizando esta raza crioll


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    La biomasa radical de los pastos predominantes en el Valle del río Sinú está limitada por la compactación del suelo, caracterizada por la alta densidad y resistencia a la penetración. Con el propósito de determinar el efecto de la labranza vertical y fertilización sobre la biomasa radical, densidad del suelo y resistencia a la penetración, se establecieron los pastos Mulato II, Toledo, Ángleton y Estrella en un inceptisol del Centro de Investigación Turipaná, ubicado en Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia; bajo un diseño de parcelas subdivididas con tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron cuatro sistemas de labranza vertical (dos con cincel rígido a 30 y 60 cm y dos con renovador de praderas a 30 y 60 cm de distancia horizontal, ambas a 30 cm de profundidad) y dos niveles de fertilización (F1= 300 kg ha-1 de DAP (18% N - 46% P2O5), 200 kg ha-1 de KCl (60% K2O) y 150 kg ha-1 de úrea (46% N) y F2 = 50% de las dosis anteriores. Los resultados a los 18 meses después de aplicado los tratamientos no mostraron efecto de la labranza ni de la fertilización en los pastos; mas sí hubo interacciones significativas entre labranza y pastos, fertilización y pastos, labranza - fertilización y pastos. Se concluye que las diferencias en las variables densidad del suelo, resistencia a la penetración y biomasa radical se encontraron por efecto de los pastos y por la interacción labranza - fertilización - pasto

    Eficiencia agronómica del arroz INIAP-17 con niveles de fertilización química y biológica en el Litoral Ecuatoriano

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    The investigation was carried out in the experimental farm of the College of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, canton Babahoyo. Ten treatments were evaluated with three repetitions. The objective was to analyze the influence of four organic bioestimulantes on the efficiency of the conventional chemical fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa), to measure the effect on the agronomic behavior of the cultivation. The variety of rice INIAP-17 was sowed in parcels of 20 m2. The treatments were distributed at random in a design of complete blocks. For the evaluation of stockings the test was used from Tukey to significancia 5%. At the end of the cycle of the cultivation was evaluated: height of plants, sprout number for m2, grains for panicles, length and number of panicles m2, days to flowering, days to crop, number of grains for panicles, weight 1000 grains and yield for hectare. The results determined that the application of a program of high fertilization level (140-60-90-30 kg/ha, of N-P-K-S) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, the grain yield increased with increments of 23,44% with relationship to the witness. In the same way applications of Bacilllus and Azotobacter more levels means (120-40-60-20) and first floor (100-30-40-10) of application of N-P-K-S, they don't impact in days to the flowering, tipping, weight of 1000 grains, number of grains for panicles and relationship grain/straw.La investigación fue realizada en la granja experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, cantón Babahoyo. Se investigaron diez tratamientos y tres repeticiones. El objetivo fue analizar la influencia de cuatro bioestimulantes orgánicos sobre la eficiencia de la fertilización química convencional en arroz (Oryza sativa), para medir el efecto sobre el comportamiento agronómico del cultivo. Se sembró la variedad de arroz INIAP-17 en parcelas de 20 m2. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron en un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Para la evaluación de medias se utilizó la prueba de Tukey al 5 % de significancia. Al final del ciclo del cultivo se evaluó altura de plantas, número de macollos por m2, granos por panícula, longitud y número de panículas m2, días a floración, días a cosecha, número de granos por panícula, peso 1000 granos y rendimiento por hectárea. Los resultados determinaron que l aplicación de un programa de alto nivel de fertilización (140-60-90 kg/ha) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, aumentó el rendimiento de grano con incrementos del 23,44 % con relación al testigo. De la misma manera aplicaciones de Bacilllus y Azotobacter  más niveles medios y bajos de aplicación de N-P-K-S, no inciden en días a la floración, volcamiento, peso de 1000 granos, número de granos por panícula y relación grano/paja