4,690 research outputs found

    perm mateda: A matlab toolbox of estimation of distribution algorithms for permutation-based combinatorial optimization problems

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    Permutation problems are combinatorial optimization problems whose solutions are naturally codified as permutations. Due to their complexity, motivated principally by the factorial cardinality of the search space of solutions, they have been a recurrent topic for the artificial intelligence and operations research community. Recently, among the vast number of metaheuristic algorithms, new advances on estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) have shown outstanding performance when solving some permutation problems. These novel EDAs implement distance-based exponential probability models such as the Mallows and Generalized Mallows models. In this paper, we present a Matlab package, perm mateda, for estimation of distribution algorithms on permutation problems, which has been implemented as an extension to the Mateda-2.0 toolbox of EDAs. Particularly, we provide implementations of the Mallows and Generalized Mallows EDAs under the Kendall’s-τ, Cayley, and Ulam distances. In addition, four classical permutation problems have been also implemented: Traveling Salesman Problem, Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem, Linear Ordering Problem, and Quadratic Assignment Problem

    Structure and Dynamics of the Globular Cluster Palomar 13

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    We present Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/MegaCam photometry for the Milky Way globular cluster Palomar 13. We triple the number of spectroscopically confirmed members, including many repeat velocity measurements. Palomar 13 is the only known globular cluster with possible evidence for dark matter, based on a Keck/High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer 21 star velocity dispersion of σ = 2.2 ± 0.4 km s^(–1). We reproduce this measurement, but demonstrate that it is inflated by unresolved binary stars. For our sample of 61 stars, the velocity dispersion is σ = 0.7^(+0.6)_(–0.5) km s^(–1). Combining our DEIMOS data with literature values, our final velocity dispersion is σ = 0.4^(+0.4)_( –0.3) km s^(–1). We determine a spectroscopic metallicity of [Fe/H] = –1.6 ± 0.1 dex, placing a 1σ upper limit of σ_([Fe/H]) ~ 0.2 dex on any internal metallicity spread. We determine Palomar 13's total luminosity to be M_V = –2.8 ± 0.4, making it among the least luminous known globular clusters. The photometric isophotes are regular out to the half-light radius and mildly irregular outside this radius. The outer surface brightness profile slope is shallower than typical globular clusters (Σ α r^η, η = –2.8 ± 0.3). Thus at large radius, tidal debris is likely affecting the appearance of Palomar 13. Combining our luminosity with the intrinsic velocity dispersion, we find a dynamical mass of M_(1/2) = 1.3^(+2:7)_(–1.3) × 10^3 M_☉ and a mass-to-light ratio of M/L_V = 2.4^(+5.0)_(–2.4) M_☉/L_☉. Within our measurement errors, the mass-to-light ratio agrees with the theoretical predictions for a single stellar population. We conclude that, while there is some evidence for tidal stripping at large radius, the dynamical mass of Palomar 13 is consistent with its stellar mass and neither significant dark matter, nor extreme tidal heating, is required to explain the cluster dynamics

    Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, <i>Sphaenorhynchus botocudo</i> Caramaschi, Almeida and Gasparini, 2009: First state record and first record out of the type locality

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    This study presents the first record of the recently-described Lime Treefrog Sphaenorhynchus botocudoCaramaschi, Almeida, and Gasparini, 2009 in the state of Bahia, and the first record out of its type locality

    Kelpie: A ROS-based multi-robot simulator for water surface and aerial vehicles

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    Testing and debugging real hardware is a time consuming task, in particular for the case of aquatic robots, for which it is necessary to transport and deploy the robots on the water. Performing waterborne and airborne field experiments with expensive hardware embedded in not yet fully functional prototypes is a highly risky endeavour. In this sense, physics-based 3D simulators are key for a fast paced and affordable development of such robotic systems. This paper contributes with a modular, open-source, and soon to be freely online available, ROS-based multi-robot simulator specially focused for aerial and water surface vehicles. This simulator is being developed as part of the RIVERWATCH experiment in the ECHORD european FP7 project. This experiment aims at demonstrating a multi-robot system for remote monitoring of riverine environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Effects of gluon number fluctuations on photon - photon collisions at high energies

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    We investigate the effects of gluon number fluctuations on the total γγ\gamma\gamma, γγ\gamma^*\gamma^* cross sections and the photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2)F_2^\gamma(x,Q^2). Considering a model which relates the dipole-dipole and dipole-hadron scattering amplitudes, we estimate these observables by using event-by-event and physical amplitudes. We demonstrate that both analyses are able to describe the LEP data, but predict different behaviours for the observables at high energies, with the gluon fluctuations effects decreasing the cross sections. We conclude that the study of γγ\gamma \gamma interactions can be useful to constrain the QCD dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Improved version with two new figures. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Screening nuclear field fluctuations in quantum dots for indistinguishable photon generation

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    A semiconductor quantum dot can generate highly coherent and indistinguishable single photons. However, intrinsic semiconductor dephasing mechanisms can reduce the visibility of two-photon interference. For an electron in a quantum dot, a fundamental dephasing process is the hyperfine interaction with the nuclear spin bath. Here we directly probe the consequence of the fluctuating nuclear spins on the elastic and inelastic scattered photon spectra from a resident electron in a single dot. We find the nuclear spin fluctuations lead to detuned Raman scattered photons which are distinguishable from both the elastic and incoherent components of the resonance fluorescence. This significantly reduces two-photon interference visibility. However, we demonstrate successful screening of the nuclear spin noise which enables the generation of coherent single photons that exhibit high visibility two-photon interference.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + Supplementary Informatio