4,366 research outputs found

    Akivis Superalgebras and speciality

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    In this paper we define Akivis superalgebra and study enveloping superalgebras for this class of algebras, proving an analogous of the PBW Theorem. Lie and Malcev superalgebras are examples of Akivis superalgebras. For these particular superalgebras, we describe the connection between the classical enveloping superalgebras and the corresponding generalized concept defined in this work

    Stratifying ideals and twisted products

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    We study stratifying ideals for rings in the context of relative homological algebra. Using LU-decompositions, which are a special type of twisted products, we give a sufficient condition for an idempotent ideal to be (relative) stratifying.Comment: 14 page

    Estudio clĂ­nico retrospectivo

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    La patología inflamatoria localizada del párpado es relativamente frecuente en consulta s oftalmológica s , generando costes personales y sociales . Así, conocer s u incidencia, posible etiología, eficacia del tratamient o y complicaciones, entre otros, hacen conveniente su estudio. OBJETIVO S V alorar la incidencia, factores asociados, tratamie nto s , complicaciones y posible prevención de orzuelos y chalacio ne s. MÉTODO E studio retrospectivo de orzuelos y chalacio ne s en 1000 pacientes asistidos en consulta de O ftalmol ogía general . RESULTADOS Incidencia de l 5,9 % de la población ( 4 ,8% orzuelos, 0, 9% chala cio ne s y 0,1% ambas patologías ) . E dad media de aparición de las patol ogías : 40 años aproximadamente ; orzuelos más frecue ntes en párp ados superiores y chalacio ne s en inferiores. A parecen más en mujeres (55,17%) que en hombres (44,83%) . Los orzuelos presentan valores similares en ambos sexos; los chalacio ne s inciden má s en mujeres (7) (12%) que en hombres (2) ( 2,44%). Existe mayor incidencia en personas con dietas pobres en frutas y verduras (13) ( 22,41 %) . 69% (40) presentan ametropías , 97,5% (39) son ametropías bajas. L os má s frecuentes: astigmatismos (29) (50%), seguidos d e hipermetropías (14) (24,13%) y miopías (12) ( 20,69%). T ratamiento médico establecido en el 86,21% (5 0 ) , curando al 86% (43 ). Los casos de cambios refractivos ( 44,82 % ) ( 26 ) se tratan optométricamente , 12% (7) son nuevas ametropías; mejora el 73% ( 16) de 22 pacientes ( 37,93%) . 2 Se curan el 84,21% de 58 . H ay un 15,79% (9 ) de complicaciones, m ás frecuentes en orzuelos (89%) : recidivas ( 4 ) (44%), fístulas ( 2 ) (22%) y enquistados ( 2 ) (22%). La presencia de ametropías bajas, espe cialmente astigmatismos, señalan una influe ncia directa en la aparición de las patologías. CONCLUSIONES Orzuelos y chalaciones relativamente frecuente s en consulta de O ftalmología (6%) , sobre todo entre los 40 - 60 años ; presenta n una ligera relación con el sexo femenino . Sus causas puede n estar relacionadas con defectos refractivos no corregidos y déficits carenciales en la dieta . El tratamiento médico y refractivo parece efectivo en la resolución d e éstas.3 ABSTRACT Localized inflammatory pathology of the eyelid is usual in ophthalmological consultations. This generates personal and social costs. Because of that, to know the incidence, possible etiology, treatment efficacy and complications among others, are required in a study. AIM To assess the incidence, associated factors, treatment, complications and possible prevention of styes and chalations in the spec ialized healthcare environment. METHOD R etrospective study of sty es and chalations in 1000 patients assisted in a gener al ophthalmology consultation. RESULTS The i ncidence is 5,9% : 4,8% styes, 0,9% chalation s and 0,1% both pathologies. They appear about 40 years old ; the styes occur most frequently in the upper eyelids and th e chalations in the lower ones. T he pathologies appear more in women (55,17%) than in men (44,83%). Styes have similar values in both sexes, but the rate of sickness i s more frequent in women (7) ( 12% ) than in men (2) ( 2,44%). 69% (40) presen t with a metropies. 97,5% correspond t o low amotropies. T he most frequent are astigmatism (29) (50% ), followed by hypermetropes (14) ( 24 ,13%) and shortsightedness (12) ( 20, 69%). Medical treatment in 86,21% (50), curing 86 % (43). H ad refractive changes 44,82% (26) w ere treated with new graduation and cured without complications 73% (16) optometric ally (22 patients: 37,93%) C ure 84,21% (49 patients) of the pathology. There are 15,79% (9) of complications, ( more in styes) (89%) : recurrences ( 4 ) (44%), fistula s ( 2 ) (22 %) and encysted ( 2 ) (22%). 4 The presence of low ametropies, especially astigmatism, indicates a direct influence of these on the production of pathologies. CONCLUSIONS Styes and chalations are relatively common in the ophthalmology consultation (6%), m ore i n average ages 40 to 60 years and hav e a slight relationship with female sex. Its causes may be related to unregulated refractive defects and deficiencies in diet (fruit), among others. Medical and refractive treatment seems effective in the resolution of these pathologies.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    Moral emotions and physiological markers in prosocial decision-making

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of prototypical moral emotions on prosocial behavior in an economic task, in interaction with physiological markers of arousal, measured through Electrodermal Response and Heart Rate, and of parasympathetic response, measured through Heart Rate Variability. 40 undergraduate and postgraduate students performed an experimental version of the Ultimatum Game with moral vignettes describing the responders. We found that participants’ mean offer in the elevation block was higher than in the outrage block. The physiological measures did not differ significantly between both emotional blocks. The results suggested that information people receive about third-parties influence their behavior towards them, through moral judgment. Therefore, the results are in line with the assumption that emotions elicited by a disinterested elicitor can influence one’s decision to help or not a third-part

    EFL teachers’ Perceptions about Intercultural communicative competences and their practices in English classes on the context of current migration waves in Bogotá.

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    To explore, How EFL teachers promote the Intercultural Communicative Competence to develop awareness, acceptance and respect among members from other cultures and backgrounds in the context of current migration waves in Bogotá.La visión principal de este estudio se centra en analizar la relación actual entre la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera y la enseñanza de la competencia comunicativa intercultural. Este estudio busca investigar cómo los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera promueven la Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural para desarrollar la conciencia, la aceptación y el respeto entre miembros de otras culturas y orígenes en el contexto de las olas migratorias actuales en Bogotá. Este es un xi estudio cualitativo, realizado con veinte profesores de tres contextos educativos diferentes: un colegio privado, un instituto de idiomas y un programa de licenciatura en inglés. Los instrumentos que se consideraron fueron observaciones de clase aplicadas al inicio del estudio, entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas durante el estudio y un grupo focal aplicado al final del estudio. El estudio mostró que, de hecho, los docentes y profesores implementaron actividades para promover la interculturalidad; sin embargo, la CCI se considera parte de las lenguas extranjeras, descuidando la diversidad cultural entre los miembros de la misma lengua materna, es decir la cultura propia. En consecuencia, la implementación de CCI no se ha promovido con éxito en las lecciones de inglés como lengua extranjera.The main vision of this study focuses on analyzing the current relationship between teaching a foreign language and teaching of intercultural communicative competence. This study seeks to investigate how EFL teachers promote the Intercultural Communicative Competence to develop awareness, acceptance and respect among members from other cultures and backgrounds in the context of current migration waves in Bogotá.. This is a qualitative study, carried out with twenty teachers from three different educational contexts: A private school, a language institute and a bachelor’s degree in English program. The instruments that were considered were class observations applied at the beginning of the study, semi-structured interviews applied during the study and a focus group applied at the end of the study. The study showed that in fact, teachers and professors implemented activities to promote interculturality; nevertheless, ICC is seen as part of the foreign languages, neglecting cultural diversity among members of the same mother tongue, it is to say the own culture. Consequently, the implementation of ICC has not been successfully promoted in EFL lessons
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