551 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Theories with and without R-Parity

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    We review supersymmetry models with and without R-parity. After briefly describing the Minimal Supersymetric Standard Model and its particle content we move to models where R-parity is broken, either spontaneously or explicitly. In this last case we consider the situation where R-parity is broken via bilinear terms in the superpotential. The radiative breaking of these models is described in the context of bb--Ď„\tau and bb--Ď„\tau--tt unification. Finally we review the phenomenology of these R-parity violating models.Comment: 9 pages, 5 Figures in Postscript. Talk given at the EuroConference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 30 September - 5 October, 200

    Promoción turística y calidad de servicio en un monumento arqueológico de un distrito de Lima – 2021

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer la relación entre la Promoción turística y calidad de servicio en un monumento Arqueológico de un distrito de Lima - 2021. Por lo tanto, los participantes fueron adultos que acuden a visitar el monumento (n = 200), los visitantes fueron de entre las edades, de 18 a 45. Además, el tipo de estudio fue descriptivo-correlacional y mediante el diseño de investigación no experimental. Los instrumentos que se usaron fueron el cuestionario de promoción turística y el cuestionario de calidad de servicio. Entonces, los resultados relacionales concluyeron que se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa de tipo directa y de magnitud alta (rho = .783**; p = .000), asimismo, las relaciones entre los factores y las variables fueron estadísticamente significativa (.000), además, las dos variables obtuvieron niveles moderados, para calidad de servicio (91.5%) y la promoción turística (92.0%). En conclusión, los adultos que acuden como visitantes, perciben que a mayor promoción tiricia, habrá mayor calidad de servicio en el monumento Arqueológico de un distrito de Lima - 2021

    Development of the Conical Spouted Bed Technology for Biomass and Waste Plastic Gasification

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    Gasification is one of the most effective methods for upgrading different wastes, such as plastics and biomass, because the gas produced can be used directly as a fuel or as a renewable raw material for the production of chemicals and fuels. The conical spouted bed reactor (CSBR) has demonstrated to perform well in gasification process due to its specific features, such as (i) the cyclic and vigorous particle movement that avoids bed defluidization (a limitation in fluidized beds), (ii) capability for handling irregular or sticky solids, (iii) high heat transfer rates between phases, and (iv) bed stability in a wide range of gas flow rates. However, the conventional CSBR is characterized by its short residence time, which involves serious problems for minimizing tar formation. The incorporation of a fountain confiner in the CSBR is key to increasing the gas residence time and improving the contact between the gas and heat carrier particles, thereby promoting tar cracking reactions and so enhancing carbon conversion efficiency from 81.5% (without confiner) to 86.1% under fountain enhanced regime. The quality of the syngas is clearly improved as the H2 concentration increases from 36 to 42% with and without the fountain confiner, whereas that of CO decreases from 34 to 29%, respectively

    Pending issues in protection, productivity growth, and poverty reduction

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    This paper selectively synthesizes much of the research on Latin American and Caribbean labor markets in recent years. Several themes emerge that are particularly relevant to ongoing policy dialogues. First, labor legislation matters, but markets may be less segmented than previously thought. The impetus to voluntary informality, which appears to be a substantial fraction of the sector, implies that the design of social safety nets and labor legislation needs to take a more integrated view of the labor market, taking into account the cost-benefit analysis workers and firms make about whether to interact with formal institutions. Second, the impact of labor market institutions on productivity growth has probably been underemphasized. Draconian firing restrictions increase litigation and uncertainty surrounding worker separations, reduce turnover and job creation, and poorly protect workers. But theory and anecdotal evidence also suggest that they, and other related state or union induced rigidities, may have an even greater disincentive effect on technological adoption, which accounts for half of economic growth. Finally, institutions can affect poverty and equity, although the effects seem generally small and channels are not always clear. Overall, the present constellation of labor regulations serves workers and firms poorly and both could benefit from substantial reform.Labor Markets,Labor Standards,Economic Theory&Research,Work&Working Conditions,Labor Management and Relations

    Excipient-free inhalable microparticles of Azithromycin produced by electrospray: A novel approach to direct pulmonary delivery of antibiotics

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    Inhalation therapy offers several advantages in respiratory disease treatment. Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic with poor solubility and bioavailability but with a high potential to be used to fight lung infections. The main objective of this study was to generate a new inhalable dry powder azithromycin formulation. To this end, an electrospray was used, yielding a particle size around 2.5 µm, which is considered suitable to achieve total deposition in the respiratory system. The physicochemical properties and morphology of the obtained microparticles were analysed with a battery of characterization techniques. In vitro deposition assays were evaluated after aerosolization of the powder at constant flow rate (100 L/min) and the consideration of the simulation of two different realistic breathing profiles (healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients) into a next generation impactor (NGI). The formulation was effective in vitro against two types of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Finally, the particles were biocompatible, as evidenced by tests on the alveolar cell line (A549) and bronchial cell line (Calu-3). © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Selective oxidation of aromatic alcohols in the presence of C3N4 photocatalysts derived from the polycondensation of melamine, cyanuric and barbituric acids

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    A set of C3N4 samples has been prepared by using melamine, cyanuric acid and barbituric acid as the precursors. The materials were subjected both to physical and chemical characterization and were used as photocatalysts for the selective oxidation of aromatic alcohols in water suspension under UV and visible irradiation. The photoactivity of the materials versus the partial oxidation of four substituted benzyl alcohols was investigated. The type and position of the substituents in the aromatic molecule influenced conversion and selectivity to the corresponding aldehyde. The presence of barbituric and cyanuric acids in the preparation method has changed the graphitic-C3N4 structure, and therefore both the characteristics of the material and the ability of light to activate the surface of the photocatalyst. The most active material prepared in the presence of melamine and cyanuric acid showed a remarkable selectivity towards the aldehyde even under visible irradiation

    Valores interpersonales y cultura organizacional en colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad de la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2021

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    El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad Determinar la relación existente entre Valores interpersonales y Cultura organizacional en colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad de la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2021. Contando en tal estudio con una muestra de 111 colaboradores formales. El estudio forma parte de la línea de desarrollo organizacional de tipo descriptivo-correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo. Los instrumentos que fueron empleados en la investigación son la Escala de Valores interpersonales EVIS-2 (Colunchi, 2018) y el Cuestionario para evaluar la Cultura Organizacional (Lacherre, 2017). Se utilizó además el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, en el cual se buscó medir las dos variables aleatorias cuantitativas. En cuando a los resultados de la presente investigación, el 38.7% (43 colaboradores) presentan un nivel alto de Valores interpersonales y el 36% (40 colaboradores) presentan un nivel medio de Cultura organizacional. Finalmente, se evidencia que existe una relación estadísticamente muy significativa y directa entre los Valores interpersonales y la Cultura organizacional (p: ,000; rho: ,470**) en colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad de la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2021

    Rol del padre durante el proceso de gestaciĂłn de su pareja en un Centro de Salud del MINSA. Lambayeque, 2021

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    El rol del padre durante el proceso de gestación, es de gran importancia porque ayuda a fortalecer la confianza y apoyo que necesita su pareja para afrontar los cambios en el embarazo, a su vez que su involucramiento favorece la formación del vínculo afectivo; esto generó la siguiente interrogante ¿Cómo es el rol del padre durante el proceso de gestación de su pareja en un Centro de Salud del MINSA Lambayeque, 2021? Esta investigación cualitativa, con enfoque de Estudio de Caso, de tipología múltiple planteó como objetivo describir el rol del padre durante el proceso de gestación de su pareja en un Centro de Salud del MINSA de Lambayeque. La muestra delimitada por saturación fue de cinco padres con sus respectivas parejas gestantes, a las que se les aplicaron dos entrevistas semiestructuradas. A lo largo de la investigación se aplicaron los principios éticos. Los resultados revelados se plasmaron en dos categorías: Involucramiento pasivo del padre durante la gestación de su pareja, subcategorías: padre proveedor de recursos económicos durante el embarazo, pseudoacompañamiento del padre en el embarazo, tratando de vincularse con su hijo(a) por nacer, mostrando amor a su manera; los horarios extensos de trabajo, limitan el desempeño del rol paterno. Finalmente, se concluyó que los padres tienen una participación pasiva a lo largo del embarazo, siendo un obstáculo la falta de tiempo por motivos laborales y económicos, pues se centran más en ejercer el rol de proveedor
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