3 research outputs found

    Tamoxifen ameliorates peritoneal membrane damage by blocking mesothelial to mesenchymal transition in peritoneal dialysis

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    Mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (MMT) is an auto-regulated physiological process of tissue repair that in uncontrolled conditions such as peritoneal dialysis (PD) can lead to peritoneal fibrosis. The maximum expression of peritoneal fibrosis induced by PD fluids and other peritoneal processes is the encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) for which no specific treatment exists. Tamoxifen, a synthetic estrogen, has successfully been used to treat retroperitoneal fibrosis and EPS associated with PD. Hence, we used in vitro and animal model approaches to evaluate the efficacy of Tamoxifen to inhibit the MMT as a trigger of peritoneal fibrosis. In vitro studies were carried out using omentum-derived mesothelial cells (MCs) and effluent-derived MCs. Tamoxifen blocked the MMT induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, as it preserved the expression of E-cadherin and reduced the expression of mesenchymal-associated molecules such as snail, fibronectin, collagen-I, α-smooth muscle actin, and matrix metalloproteinse-2. Tamoxifen-treatment preserved the fibrinolytic capacity of MCs treated with TGF-β1 and decreased their migration capacity. Tamoxifen did not reverse the MMT of non-epitheliod MCs from effluents, but it reduced the expression of some mesenchymal molecules. In mice PD model, we demonstrated that MMT progressed in parallel with peritoneal membrane thickness. In addition, we observed that Tamoxifen significantly reduced peritoneal thickness, angiogenesis, invasion of the compact zone by mesenchymal MCs and improved peritoneal function. Tamoxifen also reduced the effluent levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and leptin. These results demonstrate that Tamoxifen is a therapeutic option to treat peritoneal fibrosis, and that its protective effect is mediated via modulation of the MMT processThis work was supported by grant SAF2010-21249 from the ‘‘Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad’’ to MLC and by grant S2010/BMD-2321 from ‘‘Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid’’ to MLC and RS. This work was also partially supported by grants PI 09/0776 from ‘‘Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias’’ to AA, and RETICS 06/0016 (REDinREN, Fondos FEDER, EU) to R

    Perfil productivo del municipio de Silvia en el Cauca para el desarrollo y la competitividad territorial de la Región Pacífico

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    La competitividad, en general, se puede analizar desde dos perspectivas, en primer lugar, como un conjunto de factores que determinan el nivel de productividad y segundo, como un determinante del incremento sostenido del bienestar de las personas. En este sentido, se define competitividad como la administración de recursos propios y capacidades para aumentar sostenidamente la productividad empresarial y el bienestar de la población de la región (Benzaquen, Carpio, Zegarra, y Valdivia, 2010, p. 75). Dada la importancia de conocer y diagnosticar los territorios en efectos de la definición de las estrategias de desarrollo y competitividad territorial de la Región Pacifico de Colombia, se hace necesario caracterizar en términos de las dimensiones del desarrollo el municipio de Silvia - Cauca, con el fin de encontrar potencialidades al interior del municipio y generar sinergias con las localidades que lo rodean. El perfil pretende mostrar los aspectos sociales, institucionales, económicos, culturales y ambientales en los cuales el municipio de Silvia se encuentra en mejor o peor situación que la Región Pacifico y el departamento del Cauca, y con estas comparaciones ayudar a identificar las fortalezas y potencialidades del municipio, en aras de la competitividad territorialCompetitiveness, in a broader term, can be analyzed from two perspectives: first, as a set of factors that determine a level of productivity and, second, as a determinant of the increase in the welfare of the population. In this sense, competitiveness is defined as the administration of own resources and capacities to sustainably increase business productivity and the well-being of the region's population (Benzaquen et al., 2010, p. 75). Given the importance of knowing and diagnosing the territories for effects of the definition of strategies of development and territorial competitiveness of the Pacific Region of Colombia, it is necessary to characterize in terms of the dimensions of development the municipality of Silvia – Cauca, with the purpose of finding potentialities within the municipality and generate synergies with the localities that surround it. The profile aims to show the social, institutional, economic, cultural and environmental aspects in which the municipality of Silvia is in better or worse situation than the Pacific Region and the department of Cauca and with these comparisons help identify the strengths and potentialities of the municipality, for the sake of territorial competitivenessProyecto de grado (Economista)-- Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2019PregradoEconomist

    Retos del espacio habitable, sostenible y la movilidad

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    La discusión del diseño y su objetivo de lograr espacios habitables es la temática principal de este libro a partir de 3 ópticas generales, la habitabilidad, la sustentabilidad y la movilidad; que engloban la práctica, la investigación y la propuesta para hacer de este espacio vital, uno con características que lo transformen en uno habitable para sus ocupantes quienes de manera importante les dan sentido y razón de ser a través de su interacción en ellos y con la demás gente