47 research outputs found

    Une industrie du Paléolithique moyen en roches éruptives dans la grotte de Sainte-Anne 1 (Polignac, Haute-Loire, France)

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    pdf disponible en tant que "tiré à part" électronique pour un usage scientifique privéLa particularité du gisement de Sainte-Anne I est que la série lithique du niveau le plus récent (niveau J1) est constituée en majorité de matières volcaniques (surtout basaltes et phonolites) et en très faibles proportions de silex, chailles et quartz. L'industrie en matières volcaniques comporte deux aspects : d'une part des objets volumineux sur galets (représentés surtout par des pièces bifaciales) et d'autre part une industrie sur éclats, obtenue par plusieurs procédés technologiques prédéterminés. Les supports retouchés sont absents. Une étude pétrographique est été effectuée sur les roches volcaniques exploitées dans le site pour déterminer les faciès lithologiques principaux. Les données typo-technologiques ont été croisées avec l'étude pétrographique


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    International audienceIn southeastern France, many Final Acheulean/Early Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Palaeolithic assemblages have yielded bone retouchers. The oldest are dated to the Middle Pleistocene: from MIS 11 at Terra Amata; MIS 9 at Orgnac 3; and MIS 6-7 at Payre F, Sainte-Anne I and Le Lazaret. However, this early evidence of bone tool use only concerns a few dozen pieces among thousands of faunal and lithic remains. These re-touchers indicate behavioural changes from MIS 11-9 onwards in southeastern France, associated with a mosaic of technological and subsistence changes that became more common during the Middle Palaeolithic. The frequency of these bone artefacts increases during MIS 7, becoming much more numerous after MIS 5, sometimes totaling more than a hundred items at one site, such as Saint-Marcel Cave. Bone retoucher frequency is still highly variable throughout the Middle Palaeolithic and seems to be determined by the type of occupation and activities rather than the associated lithic technologies. This broad, regional comparative analysis contributes to a better understanding of the technical behaviour developed by Neanderthals, as well as their Middle Pleistocene ancestors, and their ability to recover and use bones

    Fouille programmée. Polignac. Site de la grotte de Sainte-Anne 1.

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    Bilan scientifique de la Région Auvergne, 2006. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. ISSN 1240-8654, 65-67Présentation succinte des principaux résultats de la campagne de fouilles 2006

    Fouille programmée. Polignac. Site de la grotte de Sainte-Anne 1.

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    Bilan scientifique de la Région Auvergne, 2007. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. ISSN 1240-8654, 66-68Présentation des principaux résultats de la campagne de fouilles 2007 : origine des matériaux, technologie, espèces chassées, taphonomie

    Fouille programmée annuelle. Polignac. Site de la grotte de Sainte-Anne 1.

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    Bilan scientifique de la Région Auvergne, 2008. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. ISSN 1240-8654, 83-86Présentation des principaux résultats de la campagne de fouilles 2008 : origine des matériaux, technologie, espèces chassées, taphonomie

    Gliadin-Mediated Proliferation and Innate Immune Activation in Celiac Disease Are Due to Alterations in Vesicular Trafficking

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    Background and Objectives: Damage to intestinal mucosa in celiac disease (CD) is mediated both by inflammation due to adaptive and innate immune responses, with IL-15 as a major mediator of the innate immune response, and by proliferation of crypt enterocytes as an early alteration of CD mucosa causing crypts hyperplasia. We have previously shown that gliadin peptide P31-43 induces proliferation of cell lines and celiac enterocytes by delaying degradation of the active epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) due to delayed maturation of endocytic vesicles. IL-15 is increased in the intestine of patients affected by CD and has pleiotropic activity that ultimately results in immunoregulatory cross-talk between cells belonging to the innate and adaptive branches of the immune response. Aims of this study were to investigate the role of P31-43 in the induction of cellular proliferation and innate immune activation. Methods/Principal Findings: Cell proliferation was evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation both in CaCo-2 cells and in biopsies from active CD cases and controls. We used real-time PCR to evaluate IL-15 mRNA levels and FACS as well as ELISA and Western Blot (WB) analysis to measure protein levels and distribution in CaCo-2 cells. Gliadin and P31-43 induce a proliferation of both CaCo-2 cells and CD crypt enterocytes that is dependent on both EGFR and IL-15 activity. In CaCo-2 cells, P31-43 increased IL-15 levels on the cell surface by altering intracellular trafficking. The increased IL-15 protein was bound to IL15 receptor (IL-15R) alpha, did not require new protein synthesis and functioned as a growth factor. Conclusion: In this study, we have shown that P31-43 induces both increase of the trans-presented IL-15/IL5R alpha complex on cell surfaces by altering the trafficking of the vesicular compartments as well as proliferation of crypt enterocytes with consequent remodelling of CD mucosa due to a cooperation of IL-15 and EGFR

    L’utilizzazione delle rocce diverse dalla selce nel Paleolitico antico e medio : scelte economiche, tecniche e funzionali, sulla base dello studio dei siti di Sainte-Anne I (Haute-Loire, France) (SIO 5-7) e di Notarchirico (Basilicata, Italia) (SIO 14-17)

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    La question principale à laquelle nous avons tenté de répondre est la suivante : est-ce que la variabilité des matières premières (caractéristiques pétrographiques et morphologie des supports) a conditionné la production des hommes préhistoriques dans le temps et dans l’espace ? La mise en place de fiches descriptives technologiques spécifiques pour chaque catégorie d’objets nous a permis d’analyser les caractères techniques propres à chaque produit et de sélectionner les variables principales qui ont joué un rôle important dans l’évaluation des contraintes et ont guidé la production lithique. L’analyse critique des contextes lithostratigraphiques et la prise en compte des diversités techniques, technologiques ou chronologiques des industries permettent de reconsidérer les paradigmes à la base de la différentiation des techniques : produits du façonnage bifacial (biface, ébauche), système de production Levallois, système de production Discoïde. Ces termes ont trop longtemps masqué la variabilité exprimée par la production technique des tailleurs du Paléolithique. C’est vers l’analyse de la pluralité des comportements humains et des sociétés qu’il faut se diriger maintenant.The use of geomaterials different from flint in Early and Middle Paleolithic. Economical technical and functional choices after the study of two sites : Sainte-Anne I (Haute-Loire, France) (MIS 5-7) and Notarchirico (Basilicata, Italy) (MIS 14-17).We tried to answer the question: has the variability of raw materials (from petrographical characteristics and morphological aspects) influenced prehistoric knappers during the production both in time and space? The creation and use of specific descriptive files for each category of objects allowed us to analyze the technical characteristics of the products and to select the variables that played a major role in the assessment of needs at the base of the lithic production. Critical analysis of the litho-stratigraphic contexts and consideration of technical, technological or chronological diversity allows to reconsider the paradigms underlying the differentiation of the techniques: products façonnage (double sided, ébauche), Levallois production system, discoid production system. These terms have for too long concealed the variability of the characters in Paleolithic lithic production. We have now to reconsider the purposes of lithic studies and to aim to decipher the plurality of individuals and palaeolithic societies behaviours.L’utilizzazione delle rocce diverse dalla selce nel Paleolitico antico e medio : scelte economiche, tecniche e funzionali, sulla base dello studio dei siti di Sainte-Anne I (Haute-Loire, France) (SIO 5-7) e di Notarchirico (Basilicata, Italia) (SIO 14-17).La questione principale alla quale abbiamo tentati di rispondere è la seguente: la variabilità delle materie prime (caratteristiche petrografiche e morfologia dei supporti) ha condizionato gli uomini preistorici durante la produzione nel tempo e nello spazio? La creazione e l’utilizzo di schede di analisi specifiche per ogni categoria di oggetti ci ha permesso di analizzare i caratteri tecnici specifici dei prodotti e di selezionare le variabili principali che hanno giocato un ruolo importante nella valutazione delle necessità alla base della produzione litica. L’analisi critica dei contesti lito-stratigrafici e la considerazione delle diversità tecnica, tecnologica o cronologica delle industrie permette di riconsiderare i paradigmi alla base della differenziazione delle tecniche: prodotti del façonnage bifacciale (bifacciale, ébauche), sistema di produzione Levallois, sistema di produzione Discoide. Questi termini hanno per troppo tempo celato la variabilità dei caratteri che durante il Paleolitico era necessario prendere in considerazione nella produzione litica. Adesso bisogna dare un nuovo indirizzo agli studi, indirizzandoli verso la presa di coscienza della pluralità dei comportamenti umani e delle società paleolitiche

    The use of geomaterials different from flint in Early and Middle Paleolithic : economical technical and functional choices after the study of two sites : Sainte-Anne I (Haute-Loire, France) (MIS 5-7) and Notarchirico (Basilicata, Italy) (MIS 14-17)

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    La question principale à laquelle nous avons tenté de répondre est la suivante : est-ce que la variabilité des matières premières (caractéristiques pétrographiques et morphologie des supports) a conditionné la production des hommes préhistoriques dans le temps et dans l’espace ? La mise en place de fiches descriptives technologiques spécifiques pour chaque catégorie d’objets nous a permis d’analyser les caractères techniques propres à chaque produit et de sélectionner les variables principales qui ont joué un rôle important dans l’évaluation des contraintes et ont guidé la production lithique. L’analyse critique des contextes lithostratigraphiques et la prise en compte des diversités techniques, technologiques ou chronologiques des industries permettent de reconsidérer les paradigmes à la base de la différentiation des techniques : produits du façonnage bifacial (biface, ébauche), système de production Levallois, système de production Discoïde. Ces termes ont trop longtemps masqué la variabilité exprimée par la production technique des tailleurs du Paléolithique. C’est vers l’analyse de la pluralité des comportements humains et des sociétés qu’il faut se diriger maintenant.The use of geomaterials different from flint in Early and Middle Paleolithic. Economical technical and functional choices after the study of two sites : Sainte-Anne I (Haute-Loire, France) (MIS 5-7) and Notarchirico (Basilicata, Italy) (MIS 14-17).We tried to answer the question: has the variability of raw materials (from petrographical characteristics and morphological aspects) influenced prehistoric knappers during the production both in time and space? The creation and use of specific descriptive files for each category of objects allowed us to analyze the technical characteristics of the products and to select the variables that played a major role in the assessment of needs at the base of the lithic production. Critical analysis of the litho-stratigraphic contexts and consideration of technical, technological or chronological diversity allows to reconsider the paradigms underlying the differentiation of the techniques: products façonnage (double sided, ébauche), Levallois production system, discoid production system. These terms have for too long concealed the variability of the characters in Paleolithic lithic production. We have now to reconsider the purposes of lithic studies and to aim to decipher the plurality of individuals and palaeolithic societies behaviours