434 research outputs found


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    This study aims to quantify the carbon stock in young stands of forest restoration planted with native species on family farms in the north of the state of Rondônia. A forest inventory of the stands was carried out in 20 permanent plots. Biomasses of 20 sample trees located near each sample plot were determined by the destructive method. Laboratory analyses of carbon content in plant tissues were made on samples brought from the field. Biomass partitioning by compartments was evaluated and regression equations were applied for estimation from dendrometric inventory data. The total dry biomass was distributed as follows: 52% in shafts, 22% in branches, 13% in foliage and 13% in roots. The calculated carbon stock in the stands was 15.7 t.ha-1 at 75 months of age, which corresponds to an average annual carbon fixation of 2.5 t.ha-1.year-1. Such values represent a removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of 57.6 tCO2eq.ha-1 and 9.2 tCO2eq.ha-1.year-1. It was concluded that, in spite of being young, the stands have an expressive stock of carbon, which corresponds to about 8.3% of what is stored in the Amazonian native forest

    Estoques de carbono e propriedades físicas de plintossolos em diferentes usos do solo na Amazônia

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    The population growth and the climate changes impose challenges to society, especially regarding food supply and the maintenance of desirable soil conditions. Besides, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, there is a necessity of studies addressing the understanding of soil conditions under different land uses, as soils can become carbon pools or sources depending on management practices. This study was conducted in soil profiles of Amazon Plinthosols under different land uses: undisturbed forests, cattle ranching pastures, and mixed crops. Soil density and carbon fraction were assessed at four depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, and 20-40 cm), while particle size and mineralogy were examined at 0-20 and 20-40 cm. Soils under undisturbed forests presented lower densities and higher carbon fractions when compared to other land uses. These soils also presented the highest carbon stock; however, the Tukey test indicated no significant differences. Soil densities were lower in forest environments. Cattle ranching pastures presented higher carbon stocks when compared to mixed crops (at age 10 years). Our results indicated that proper soil management practices are needed to maintain the soil productive capacity after converting forested areas for other uses. Plinthosols, due to its textural and mineralogical characteristics, presented high amounts of quartz, demonstrating how sensitive these environments are to changes in the landscape due to deforestation and how unstable the maintenance of carbon stocks is because of such conditions. This study provides useful information to the understanding of the carbon stock in Amazon Plinthosols. It may be helpful to improve the Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases and to understand the impacts of land-use change.O crescimento populacional e as questões climáticas impõem desafios à sociedade, principalmente no que diz respeito ao abastecimento de alimentos e à manutenção de condições desejáveis do solo. Além disso, há uma evidente necessidade de reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa, notadamente àquelas causadas por mudanças no uso do solo. Portanto, há necessidade de estudos que abordem o entendimento das condições do solo sob os diferentes usos do solo, uma vez que esses podem se tornar fontes de carbono dependendo das práticas de manejo. Este estudo foi conduzido em perfis de Plintossolos Amazônicos sob: florestas primárias, pastagens para pecuária e plantios mistos de restauração florestal. A densidade e o teor de carbono foram avaliados em quatro profundidades (0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm), enquanto as propriedades físicas foram examinadas nas profundidades de 0-20 e 20-40 cm. Solos sob florestas primárias apresentaram as menores densidades e os maiores teores de carbono quando comparados a outros usos da terra. Esses solos também apresentaram o maior estoque de carbono. Entretanto, não foi observada diferença significativa pelo teste de Tukey para ambas variáveis. As pastagens apresentaram maiores estoques de carbono quando comparados aos plantios mistos (aos 10 anos). Nossos resultados indicaram que práticas de manejo adequadas são necessárias para a manutenção da capacidade produtiva do solo após a conversão de florestas para outros usos. Os Plintossolos, por suas características texturais e mineralógicas, apresentaram elevados teores de quartzo, notadamente nas camadas superficiais, demonstrando quão sensíveis às mudanças na paisagem. O estoque de carbono no solo é, portanto, sensível às mudanças na sua cobertura. Este estudo fornece informações úteis para o entendimento do estoque de carbono em Plintossolos na Amazônia Brasileira, bem como para aprimorar as estimativas realizadas no Inventário Nacional de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa

    Methane emissions and carbon storage from household paper disposal in Brazil during 1901-2016

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    In this paper, we estimated the methane emissions by the disposal of sanitary and domestic-use paper consumed throughout Brazil from 1901 to 2016. The apparent consumption of this type of paper from 1961 to 2016, calculated from the data of the FAOSTAT system, was used to estimate the amount of waste disposed of annually in three site categories: sanitary landfill, controlled dump, and open-air, uncontrolled dump. The 2006 IPCC Guide methodology was used to calculate CH4emissions and long-term carbon storage. Nine scenarios based upon the law that establishes the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) were examined, considering 100% waste disposal and treatment in landfills or incineration from 2014. The total emission was estimated at 1.967 MtCH4, corresponding to 55.080 MtCO2eq by GWP-AR5, and the stored carbon at 3.724 Mt, corresponding to 13.655 MtCO2eq. CH4emission increased beyond the population growth rate due to an increase in the per capita paper consumption in the country, from 0.02 kgCH4.year-1 in 1961 to 0.30 kg CH4.year-1 in 2016. The NSWP has not yet been accomplished, and the scenarios outlined indicate that, from the point of view of CH4 emissions, it would be more advantageous to carry out incineration instead of applying other waste treatment technologies


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    This study developed a system of equations for predicting total aboveground and component biomass in black wattle trees. A total of 140 black wattle trees at age 10 years were measured regarding their diameter at 1.30 m height above the ground (d), total tree height (h), basic wood density (branches and stem), and biomass (stem, crown, and aboveground). We evaluated the performance of linear and nonlinear allometric models by comparing the statistics of R2adj., RRMSE%, and BIC. Nonlinear models performed better when predicting crown biomass (using only d as an independent variable), and stem and aboveground biomass (using d and h as independent variables). Adding basic density did not significantly improve biomass modeling. The residuals had non-homogeneous variance; thus, the fitted equations were weighted, with weights derived from a function containing the same independent variables of the fitted biomass function. Subsequently, we used a simultaneous set of equations to ensure that the sum of each component's estimated biomass values was equal to the total biomass values. Simultaneous fitting improved the performance of the equations by guaranteeing the components' additivity, and weighted regression allowed to stabilize error variance, ensuring the homoscedasticity of the residuals.This study developed a system of equations for estimating total aboveground and component biomass in Acacia mearnsii De Wild. We analyzed 140 individuals of approximately 10 years of age, measuring the following data: diameter at 1.30 m height (d), total height (h), basic wood density (branches and stem), and biomass (crown, stem, and total). We tested linear and nonlinear allometric models; model selection statistics were R2adj., Syx%, and BIC. We selected nonlinear models to estimate component biomass, using d as an independent variable for crown biomass, and d and h for stem and total biomass. Adding basic density did not significantly improve biomass modeling. The residuals had non-homogeneous variance; thus, the adjusted equations were weighted, with weights derived from a function containing the same independent variables of the adjusted biomass function. Subsequently, we used simultaneous adjustment of equations to ensure that the sum of each component's estimated biomass values was equal to the total biomass values. Simultaneous adjustment improved the performance of the equations by guaranteeing the components' additivity, and weighted regression allowed to stabilize error variance, ensuring the homoscedasticity of the residuals


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    This paper analyzed the relationship between crown area and diameter at breast height of tree species in a Mixed-Araucaria Forest in mid-southern Parana State, Brazil. The data come from 1 hectare plot where all trees were mapped and had their crown projection drawn in the field and transferred to computer to a SIG environment to relate to DBH. In this paper, 634 individuals >10 cm DBH were used for the analysis. Trees were separated in 5 groups: General (all species), Araucaria, Imbuia, Canelas and Others. Outliers from each were properly eliminated from the correlation analysis and regression model testing. Imbuia and Araucaria were those that showed the strongest correlations. Among the models tested, the best fitting was provided by potential function (lnAC=b0+b1(lnDAP)), with the lowest standard errors of estimate and most homogeneous graphical residual distribution. It was concluded that the relationship between crown area and trunk diameter is stronger in some cases (Araucaria and Imbuia) than when a mix of species is taken into account (Canelas, Others and all species due to the different architecture of the crowns). It is possible to estimate accurately the tree crown area from its diameter when the relationship is strong.Keywords: Araucaria; crown diameter; crown projection; modeling; regression. ResumoRelação de área de copa e diâmetro do fuste para espécies arbóreas da Floresta Ombrófila Mista no centro-sul do Paraná. Avaliou-se a relação entre a área de copa e o diâmetro à altura do peito de árvores de um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no estado do Paraná. Os dados são de 1 hectare, onde foram locadas as projeções das copas das árvores, tratadas posteriormente em ambiente SIG para cálculo de área e relação com DAP. Foram utilizados 634 indivíduos >10 cm de DAP. As árvores foram divididas em 5 grupos: Geral, Araucária, Imbuia, Canelas e Outras. Foram encontrados outliers, que foram eliminados da análise de correlação e da modelagem. A correlação entre área de copa e diâmetro do fuste foi de 0,75 para o conjunto total. Os grupos Imbuia e Araucária apresentaram as correlações mais fortes. Dos modelos testados, o que melhor se comportou em termos de ajuste foi o potencial (lnAC = b0+b1(lnDAP)), com menores erros padrões da estimativa e distribuições gráficas de resíduos. Concluiu-se que a relação área de copa e diâmetro do fuste é mais forte em alguns casos (Araucária e Imbuia) e moderada a fraca quando avaliadas espécies com diferentes arquiteturas de copa (Canelas, Outras espécies e conjunto Geral). Nos casos de maior relação, existe a possibilidade de estimar a área de copa em função do diâmetro do tronco.Palavras-chave: Araucária; diâmetro de copa; projeção de copa; modelagem; regressão. This paper analyzed the relationship between crown area and diameter at breast height of tree species in a Mixed-Araucaria Forest in mid-southern Parana State, Brazil. The data come from 1 hectare plot where all trees were mapped and had their crown projection drawn in the field and transferred to computer to a SIG environment to relate to DBH. In this paper, 634 individuals >10 cm DBH were used for the analysis. Trees were separated in 5 groups: General (all species), Araucaria, Imbuia, Canelas and Others. Outliers from each were properly eliminated from the correlation analysis and regression model testing. Imbuia and Araucaria were those that showed the strongest correlations. Among the models tested, the best fitting was provided by potential function (lnAC=b0+b1(lnDAP)), with the lowest standard errors of estimate and most homogeneous graphical residual distribution. It was concluded that the relationship between crown area and trunk diameter is stronger in some cases (Araucaria and Imbuia) than when a mix of species is taken into account (Canelas, Others and all species due to the different architecture of the crowns). It is possible to estimate accurately the tree crown area from its diameter when the relationship is strong

    Análise da estrutura vertical de florestas através do diagrama h-m.

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    A quantitative method of analyzing the vertical structure of forestes is proposed. The method was named h-M diagram and serves to distinguish stories in the forest as a whole or for specific populations inside it. Data collected in a fir- hermlock forest in Japan were to ilustrate the usage of the diagram. The forest was composed of three stories: story I for emergent higher than 30m, II for trees of 5- 30m,  and III for trees shorter than 5m. Four types of stratification were recognized for specific populations: a- dominant species with wide size distribution; b- pioneers with a single story; c- non- pioneer species (intermediate wit two stories; d- understory species with three stories. The stratification of the populations was related to their ecological behavior. It was concluded that h-M diagram is a gelpful tool for inferstanding the structure of forests.Um método quantitativo de avaliação da estrutura vertical de floresta é desenvolvido. O método denominado diagrama h-M serve para o reconhecimento de estratos no povoamento como um todo e para populações específicas. Dados de uma floresta de "fir-hemlock" do Japão são usados para especificação da aplicação do método. Três estratos forma reconhecidos para o povoamento, o estrato I para árvores emergentes superiores a 30 m de altura, o II para árvores de 5-30 m de altura e o III para varas de regeneração, menores que 5 m de altura. Quatro tipos de estratificação de populações foram identificadas: a - espécies dominantes, com ampla estratificação; b - espécies pioneiras com apenas um estrato; c - espécies não pioneiras (intermediárias) com dois estratos; d - espécies do sub-bosque com três estratos. As características de estratificação das diferentes populações foram relacionadas com seu comportamento ecológico. Conclui-se que o diagrama h-M é uma ferramenta útil para a compreensão da estrutura da florestal


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    O Paraná é o líder na geração nacional de energia elétrica, respondendo por 16,74% da produção. O Estado também é um grande consumidor de energia elétrica, participando com 6,22% em escala nacional. A energia elétrica é responsável pela emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), dentre os quais o dióxido de carbono (CO2) é o mais expressivo. Este trabalho quantificou e analisou as emissões de CO2 associadas ao consumo de energia elétrica no Estado do Paraná no período 2010-2014. Dados do Anuário Brasileiro de Energia 2015 e de fatores de emissão do Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN) foram empregados para os cálculos. Estimou-se as emissões em 2010 em 1,3 milhão de toneladas de CO2 equivalente (CO2e), a qual saltou para 4,1 milhões em 2014. Esse aumento expressivo se deve a três fatores: o aumento da população, do consumo per capita de eletricidade e do maior fator de emissão do SIN brasileiro no período devido ao uso mais intenso de fontes não renováveis na matriz elétrica. Concluiu-se que as emissões de CO2e associadas ao consumo de energia elétrica no Estado triplicaram em 5 anos e que há necessidade de reforçar a participação de energias renováveis para frear essa tendência nos próximos anos

    Predição da sobrevivencia em reflorestamentos de Pinus elliottii Engelm

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    Este trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo testar 7 modelos matemáticos através do uso de regressão não linear para predição da sobrevivência, ou mortalidade, à nível de povoamento, para 2 níveis de densidade inicial de plantio (2500 e 2000 árvores por hectare) e 3 classes de qualidade de sítio em plantios de Pinus elliottii Engelm.. Para tanto foram utilizados dados de sobrevivência de 29 parcelas amostrais, coletados nas idades 0, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17 e 19 anos de idade. Os 7 modelos testados foram os seguintes: (vide summarium). A análise das estatísticas R2 (coeficiente de determinação), teste F de significância da regressão, syx (erro padrão residual absoluto corrigido), syx % (erro padrão residual percentual), bem corno a avaliação gráfica do comportamento residual e o teste de probabilidade cumulativa foram utilizados para selecionar o melhor modelo dentre os sete testados. A avaliação conjunta das estatísticas citadas revelou que o modelo 6 (Silva) foi o mais eficiente entre todos os testados, visto que resultou bons valores para os indicadores estatísticos, comportamento uniforme e aleatório dos resíduos, também é simples de ser ajustado requerendo baixo número de iterações e ainda atende amplamente todos os requisitos de um satisfatório modelo de mortalidade. Esta avaliação ainda revelou que os demais modelos são também satisfatórios, com exceção do modelo 1 (Beverton)


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    The objective of this work was to analyze the legal arrangements on a very complex theme in the forest sector: the use of a species threatened with extinction, araucaria. After years of intense deforestation, linked to the country's economic growth, after 1960 decade, it was edited an array of regulations aimed to control the forest use through strict laws and expansion of the environmental bureaucracy. In 2014, MMA Decree 443, araucaria was included in the danger category, restricting any timber use, including the ones gathered under forest management. The justification for this inclusion comes from the population reduction, deforestation and logging. Regarding the justification of its inclusion, it is important to note the non-disclosure of official data, an obligation of the State, on the remaining area and number of individuals. Decree 443 collides with the Brazilian forest low removing rights, as forest management, not established by Law number 12.651 of 2012. It also defies the Complementary Law 140 which establishes reports and technical-scientific studies for framing the listed species. Nor does it comply with the steps required in article 5º MMA Decree 43, which precedes Decree 443. By analyzing the regulations regarding the araucaria and its commercial use: there is no law prohibiting the use, through management and planting; what exists are Decrees and resolutions. Whoever is in the messianic right to forbid the cutting of the species, subsidizes itself in Decrees and resolutions. Moreover, who believes they have the right to cut it, is not aware of the legislation