
This paper analyzed the relationship between crown area and diameter at breast height of tree species in a Mixed-Araucaria Forest in mid-southern Parana State, Brazil. The data come from 1 hectare plot where all trees were mapped and had their crown projection drawn in the field and transferred to computer to a SIG environment to relate to DBH. In this paper, 634 individuals >10 cm DBH were used for the analysis. Trees were separated in 5 groups: General (all species), Araucaria, Imbuia, Canelas and Others. Outliers from each were properly eliminated from the correlation analysis and regression model testing. Imbuia and Araucaria were those that showed the strongest correlations. Among the models tested, the best fitting was provided by potential function (lnAC=b0+b1(lnDAP)), with the lowest standard errors of estimate and most homogeneous graphical residual distribution. It was concluded that the relationship between crown area and trunk diameter is stronger in some cases (Araucaria and Imbuia) than when a mix of species is taken into account (Canelas, Others and all species due to the different architecture of the crowns). It is possible to estimate accurately the tree crown area from its diameter when the relationship is strong.Keywords: Araucaria; crown diameter; crown projection; modeling; regression. ResumoRelação de área de copa e diâmetro do fuste para espécies arbóreas da Floresta Ombrófila Mista no centro-sul do Paraná. Avaliou-se a relação entre a área de copa e o diâmetro à altura do peito de árvores de um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no estado do Paraná. Os dados são de 1 hectare, onde foram locadas as projeções das copas das árvores, tratadas posteriormente em ambiente SIG para cálculo de área e relação com DAP. Foram utilizados 634 indivíduos >10 cm de DAP. As árvores foram divididas em 5 grupos: Geral, Araucária, Imbuia, Canelas e Outras. Foram encontrados outliers, que foram eliminados da análise de correlação e da modelagem. A correlação entre área de copa e diâmetro do fuste foi de 0,75 para o conjunto total. Os grupos Imbuia e Araucária apresentaram as correlações mais fortes. Dos modelos testados, o que melhor se comportou em termos de ajuste foi o potencial (lnAC = b0+b1(lnDAP)), com menores erros padrões da estimativa e distribuições gráficas de resíduos. Concluiu-se que a relação área de copa e diâmetro do fuste é mais forte em alguns casos (Araucária e Imbuia) e moderada a fraca quando avaliadas espécies com diferentes arquiteturas de copa (Canelas, Outras espécies e conjunto Geral). Nos casos de maior relação, existe a possibilidade de estimar a área de copa em função do diâmetro do tronco.Palavras-chave: Araucária; diâmetro de copa; projeção de copa; modelagem; regressão. This paper analyzed the relationship between crown area and diameter at breast height of tree species in a Mixed-Araucaria Forest in mid-southern Parana State, Brazil. The data come from 1 hectare plot where all trees were mapped and had their crown projection drawn in the field and transferred to computer to a SIG environment to relate to DBH. In this paper, 634 individuals >10 cm DBH were used for the analysis. Trees were separated in 5 groups: General (all species), Araucaria, Imbuia, Canelas and Others. Outliers from each were properly eliminated from the correlation analysis and regression model testing. Imbuia and Araucaria were those that showed the strongest correlations. Among the models tested, the best fitting was provided by potential function (lnAC=b0+b1(lnDAP)), with the lowest standard errors of estimate and most homogeneous graphical residual distribution. It was concluded that the relationship between crown area and trunk diameter is stronger in some cases (Araucaria and Imbuia) than when a mix of species is taken into account (Canelas, Others and all species due to the different architecture of the crowns). It is possible to estimate accurately the tree crown area from its diameter when the relationship is strong

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