219 research outputs found

    Contraintes d’adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des sols en riziculture irriguee au Sud Togo

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    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l’une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées. Afin d’évaluer le taux d’adoption des technologies et les contraintes d’adoption, une étude a été réalisée dans les périmètres irrigués de la région Maritime auprès de 250 riziculteurs dans quatre villages. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que les technologies comme l’apport d’engrais, (quatre sacs NPK 15-15- 15 et deux sacs d’Urée 46 %) et l’apport fractionné de l’urée en deux temps sont adoptées à plus de 60 % en raison du niveau de fertilité des sols et de leur pratique peu couteuse. Par contre, le placement profond d’urée et l’enfouissement de la paille du riz ont été moins adoptés avec un taux d’adoption inférieur à 15 %. Les raisons évoquées sont entre autres le coût élevé des technologies, le manque d’équipements, la pénibilité des activités et le manque d’informations.Il ressort donc que les paquets de technologies vulgarisées sont parfois incomplètes et répondent peu aux conditions socioéconomiques des riziculteurs.Mots clés : Niveau d’adoption, technologiques, fertilité des sols, riziculture irriguée, Sud TogoEnglish AbstractConstraints to the adoption of soil fertility management technologies in irricated rice farming in the South TogoThe decline in soil fertility, one of the main constraints of the agricultural sector in Togo, is even more prevalent in irrigated rice farming where land is harvested every year without fallow.These falling in soil fertility, the main constraints of the agricultural sector, are even more prevalent in irrigated rice farming where land is harvested each year without fallow. Faced with this situation, various solutions have been proposed, including technologies for the management of soil fertility. In order to determine the rate of adoption of technologies and contraints of adoption, a study was carried out in the irrigated perimeters of the Maritime region with 250 rice farmers in four villages. The results of the study showed that technologies such as fertilizer supply four bags NPK 15-15-15 and two bags urea 46 % and fractional intake of urea in two stages are adopted to more than 60 % in because of the level of soil fertility and their inexpensive practice. On the other hand, technologies such as the deep placement of urea and the burial of rice straw have been very little adopted, with an adoption rate of less than 15%. Reasons evoke are high technology costs, lack of equipment, hardship and lack of information.It thus appears that the packages of popularized technologies are sometimes incomplete and answer little to the socio-economic conditions of rice farmers.Keywords : Adoption level, technologies, soil fertility, irrigated rice farming, south Tog

    Perceptions et strategies d’adaptation des producteurs agricoles aux changements climatiques au nord-ouest de la region des Savanes du Togo

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    Cette étude se propose d’inventorier les perceptions et les stratégies locales d’adaptions des producteurs aux changements climatiques. L’étude a été conduite auprès de 300 producteurs agricoles choisis par tirage aléatoire randomisé au Nord-Ouest de la région des Savanes. Les résultats ont montré que les producteurs agricoles perçoivent clairement les changements à travers les paramètres climatiques tels que la pluviométrie, la température. Ces changements se traduisent par une diminution et une irrégularité des pluies (68 %), de fortes températures (62 %), une plus grande fréquence de poches de sécheresse (50 %), un rallongement de la saison sèche (60 %). Ils ont pour conséquences l’accroissement de l’insécurité alimentaire (81 %), l’endettement (39 %). Face à ces changements, les producteurs adoptent des stratégies d’adaptation dont les plus répandues sont l’adaptation variétale, l’utilisation des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols, l’utilisation de la fumure minérale et organique. La combinaison de ces pratiques endogènes avec les connaissances scientifiques peut permettre d’asseoir de véritables stratégies d’adaptation.Mots clés: Changements climatiques, adaptation, pratiques endogènes, résilienceEnglish Title: Perceptions and adaptation strategies of agricultural producers to climate change in the northwest of the Savannah region of TogoEnglish AbstractThis study proposes to inventory the perceptions and the local strategies of adaptations of producers to climate change. The study was conducted on 300 agricultural producers chosen by random selection in the north-west of the Savannah region. The results showed that agricultural producers clearly perceived climate changes through parameters such as rainfall, temperature. These changes result in decreased and irregular rainfalls (68 %), high temperatures (62 %), higher frequency of drought pockets (50 %), longer dry season (60 %). The consequences of these changes consist in increased food insecurity (81 %), indebtedness (39 %). In response to these changes, producers adopt adaptation strategies. The most common adaptation strategies adopted by producers are the varietal adaptation, the use of soil and water conservation techniques, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. The combination of these endogenous practices with scientific knowledge can make it possible to establish real adaptation strategies.Keywords: Climate change, adaptation, endogenous practices, resilienc

    Past, Present and Future Perspectives on Groundnut Breeding in Burkina Faso

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a major food and cash crop in Burkina Faso. Due to the growing demand for raw oilseeds, there is an increasing interest in groundnut production from traditional rain-fed areas to irrigated environments. However, despite implementation of many initiatives in the past to increase groundnut productivity and production, the groundnut industry still struggles to prosper due to the fact of several constraints including minimal development research and fluctuating markets. Yield penalty due to the presence of drought and biotic stresses continue to be a major drawback for groundnut production. This review traces progress in the groundnut breeding that started in Burkina Faso before the country’s political independence in 1960 through to present times. Up to the 1980s, groundnut improvement was led by international research institutions such as IRHO (Institute of Oils and Oleaginous Research) and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics). However, international breeding initiatives were not su�cient to establish a robust domestic groundnut breeding programme. This review also provides essential information about opportunities and challenges for groundnut research in Burkina Faso, emphasising the need for institutional attention to genetic improvement of the crop

    Economic and psychological burden of scheduled surgery cancellation in a sub-Saharan country (Burkina Faso)

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    Background: Cancellation of scheduled surgery creates a financial burden for hospitals, caregivers and patients. Cancellation causes emotional stress, which impacts on outcomes. In poor countries where the adequacy of healthcare is limited, the ethical dilemma created by scheduled surgery cancellation is particularly important.Objective: To identify the incidence, cost and emotional impact of elective surgical cancellation in a teaching hospital in BurkinoFaso.Methods: A four month, prospective, observational study was undertaken in a teaching hospital (Yalgado Ouedraogo). All surgical patients were eligible. The causes of cancellation, financial cost and patients’ emotional response were assessed. The cost was estimated using a tool adapted for the economic cost of African job types.Results: During the study period, 1 088 cases were scheduled to undergo inpatient surgery. Of these, 239 cases (21.9%) were cancelled. Among the cancelled cases, 237 were cancelled during preparation in the surgical ward and two cases were cancelled in the operation room. A large number of the patients were housewives (n = 87). The highest cancellation rate (35.9%) was found in general surgery. Cancellation was judged avoidable in 214 cases (89.5%). The total cost of surgery cancellation to the hospital was US19147(meanvalueUS 19 147 (mean value US 80 per patient). Patients lost a mean of US62.70,whichrepresented117.6 62.70, which represented 117.6% of the official average monthly income in Burkina Faso. ENT surgery was the costliest to the hospital (US 4 989 ). Cancellation caused a negative emotional reaction in 205 patients (85.7%) and ‘sadness’ was the most frequent (54.8%; n = 131). Cancellation resulted in 163 days of work lost.Conclusion: Based on income, the cost of day of surgery cancellation was high in Burkina Faso.Keywords: cost, emotional reaction, psychology, surgery cancellatio

    Meningococcal carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis after MenAfriVac mass immunization in Burkina Faso

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the impact of conjugate vaccine A, MenAfriVac, on Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) asymptomatic carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis in three health districts (Bogodogo, Kaya, and Dandé) of Burkina Faso. Asymptomatic carriage of Nm was assessed by performing cross-sectional studyrepeated (rounds 1 to 10) before and after introduction of the conjugate vaccine against serogroup A of N. meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac. In each round at least 1,500 people were enrolled in each district for a month. Data oncases of meningococcal meningitis in the three studied health districts were collected through meningitides epidemiological surveillance of Burkina Faso.Nm was identified in680 of 23,885 throat swabs before vaccination (2. 84%)withNmYasthe dominant serogroup(1.87%). During the same period (2009 and 2010), 891 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in the three health districts among whom 42 were due toNm (4.71%) withNmX (3.70%) asthe most frequently identified serogroup. After vaccination, Nm was identified in 1117 of 27,245 pharyngeal samples (6.42%); NmX (4.42%) wasthe dominantserogroup. From 2011 to 2013, 965 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in all health facilities in the three studied health districts located in the geographical study area; 91 was due toNm (9.43%) andNmWasthe most commonserogroup(52 cases= 5.38%).After introduction of conjugate vaccine A (MenAfriVac), the NmAserogroup almost disappeared both in asymptomatic carriers and in patients with cerebrospinal meningitis. However the presence of the NmW and NmXserogroups, which appear to have replaced serogroup A, is very worrying with regard to meningitis prevention and control in Burkina Faso. It appears necessary to strengthen surveillance and laboratory diagnosis of the different meningococcal serogroups circulating in Africa.Keywords: meningococcal meningitis, serogroups W and X, meningococcal carriage, MenAfriVac

    Evaluation of mosquito electrocuting traps as a safe alternative to the human landing catch for measuring human exposure to malaria vectors in Burkina Faso

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    Background: Measuring human exposure to mosquito bites is a crucial component of vector-borne disease surveillance. For malaria vectors, the human landing catch (HLC) remains the gold standard for direct estimation of exposure. This method, however, is controversial since participants risk exposure to potentially infected mosquito bites. Recently an exposure-free mosquito electrocuting trap (MET) was developed to provide a safer alternative to the HLC. Early prototypes of the MET performed well in Tanzania but have yet to be tested in West Africa, where malaria vector species composition, ecology and behaviour are different. The performance of the MET relative to HLC for characterizing mosquito vector population dynamics and biting behaviour in Burkina Faso was evaluated. Methods: A longitudinal study was initiated within 12 villages in Burkina Faso in October 2016. Host-seeking mosquitoes were sampled monthly using HLC and MET collections over 14 months. Collections were made at 4 households on each night, with METs deployed inside and outside at 2 houses, and HLC inside and outside at another two. Malaria vector abundance, species composition, sporozoite rate and location of biting (indoor versus outdoor) were recorded. Results: In total, 41,800 mosquitoes were collected over 324 sampling nights, with the major malaria vector being Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) complex. Overall the MET caught fewer An. gambiae s.l. than the HLC (mean predicted number of 0.78 versus 1.82 indoors, and 1.05 versus 2.04 outdoors). However, MET collections gave a consistent representation of seasonal dynamics in vector populations, species composition, biting behaviour (location and time) and malaria infection rates relative to HLC. As the relative performance of the MET was somewhat higher in outdoor versus indoor settings, this trapping method slightly underestimated the proportion of bites preventable by LLINs compared to the HLC (MET = 82.08%; HLC = 87.19%). Conclusions: The MET collected proportionately fewer mosquitoes than the HLC. However, estimates of An. gambiae s.l. density in METs were highly correlated with HLC. Thus, although less sensitive, the MET is a safer alternative than the HLC. Its use is recommended particularly for sampling vectors in outdoor environments where it is most sensitive

    Anopheline species composition and the 1014F-genotype in different ecological settings of Burkina Faso in relation to malaria transmission

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    Background: A three-year longitudinal study was conducted in four sentinel sites from different ecological settings in Burkina Faso, between 2008 and 2010 to identify longitudinal changes in insecticide resistance within Anopheles gambiae complex species based on larval collection. During this study, adult mosquitoes were also collected indoor and outdoor using several methods of collection. The present study reports the diversity of malaria vectors and the 1014F-genotype from this adult collection and investigates the association between this 1014F-genotype and sporozoite rate. Methods: Adult mosquitoes were collected from July to August (corresponding to the start of rainy season) and October to November (corresponding to the end of rainy season) over 3 years (2008–2010) at four sites across the country, using pyrethrum spray catches (PSC), exit traps and pit shelters. Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes were identified to species and genotyped for the L1014F kdr mutation by PCR using genomic DNA. The circumsporozoite antigen of Plasmodium falciparum was detected in mosquitoes using sandwich ELISA. Results: Overall 9212 anopheline mosquitoes were collected during the study period. Of those, 6767 mosquitoes were identified as Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.). Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles coluzzii, Anopheles gambiae and or Anopheles funestus were incriminated as vectors of P. falciparum in the study area with an average sporozoite rate of 5%, (95% CI 4.14–5.99%). The kdr1014F-genotype frequencies were 11.44% (95% CI 2.5–39.85%), 19.2% (95% CI 4.53–53.73%) and 89.9 (95% CI 63.14–97.45%), respectively for An. arabiensis, An. coluzzii and An. gambiae. The proportion of the 1014F-genotype varied between sporozoite-infected and uninfected An. gambiae s.l. group. There was no significant difference in the 1014F-genotype frequency between infected and uninfected mosquitoes. Conclusion: The current study shows the diversity of malaria vectors and significant interaction between species composition and kdr1014F-genotype in An. gambiae complex mosquitoes from Burkina Faso. In this study, no associations were found between the 1014F-genotype and P. falciparum infection in the major malaria vector An. gambiae s.l

    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) provides a superior tool for the diagnosis of Pneumococcal Infection in Burkina Faso

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    Purpose of study: The aim of this study was to determine the value of real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (rt-PCR) in the routine surveillance of pneumococcal meningitis in Burkina Faso, compared to standard methods of culture, Gram stain and latex agglutination assay.Materiel and methods: A total of 385 specimens of cerebrospinal fluid were analyzed by the three standard bacteriological methods (Gram stain, latex agglutination assay, and culture) and real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction.Results: Of 385 specimens analyzed by these methods, 204 S. pneumoniae were detected by one or more  methods. Gram stain detected 36.4% (140/385) Gram positive encapsulated diplococci; 37.7% (145/385) and 20.8% (80/385) of the specimens were positive for pneumococci by latex agglutination assay and culture. These specimens were tested with rt-PCR, which confirmed 51.2% (197/385) S. pneumoniae positive. The sensitivity and specificity of culture were 54.4% and 31.5%, respectively, and the sensitivity and specificity of rt-PCR were 96.6% and 100%, respectively. These results showed that rt-PCR was more sensitive than Gram stain (p=0.0235), latex agglutination assay (p=0.0442)and culture (p=0.0006).The culture is the gold standard method; however, the result showed that rt-PCR had specificity and was as specific as Gram stain (p=0.3405) and latex agglutination assay (p=0.7745).Conclusion: rt-PCR was highly sensitive and specific. It could be used as a complementary diagnostic tool to  mprove case confirmation of bacterial meningitis. However,its high cost, the qualification of the technical staff and infrastructures required for its implementation, constitute obstacles to its widened use in countries with limited resources.Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, meningitis, rt-PCR, standard bacteriological methods Objectif: Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la place de la rt-PCR dans la surveillance de routine deméningitespneumococciquesau Burkina Faso et la comparée avec les méthodes de la bactériologie classique: Culture, coloration de Gram et l’agglutination au latex.Matériel etméthodes: Au total, 385 échantillons deliquides céphalorachidiens (LCR)étaient analysés par les trois méthodes de la bactériologie classique (coloration de Gram, agglutination au latex, culture) et la PCR en temps réel.RESULTATS: Parmi 385 échantillons analysés, 204 cas de Streptococcuspneumoniae étaient détectés par une ou plusieurs méthodes. La coloration de Gram adétecté 36,4% (140/385) diplocoques encapsulés à Gram positif (DGP); 37,7% (145/385) et 20,8% (80/385) d’échantillons étaient positifs aux pneumocoques par l’agglutination au latex et la culture. Ces échantillons étaient aussi testés par rt-PCR qui a confirmé 51,2% (197/385) cas positifs de S. pneumoniae. La sensibilité et la spécificité de la culture étaient respectivement de 54,4% et 31,5%, et la sensibilité et la spécificité de rt-PCR étaient respectivement de 96,6% et 100%. Ces résultats ont montré que la rt-PCR était plus sensible que la coloration de Gram (p=0,0235), l’agglutination au latex (p=0,0442) et la  culture(p=0,0006).La culture est une méthode de référence; cependant, le résultat a montré que rt-PCR était plus sensibleet aussi spécifique que la coloration de Gram ((p=0,3405)et l’agglutination au latex (p=0,7745).Conclusion : :rt-PCR était plus sensible et plus spécifique. Elle pourrait être utilisée comme un outil de diagnosticcomplémentaire pour améliorer les cas de confirmation de méningites bactériennes. Cependant, ces coûts de réalisation, la qualification de techniciens et les matériels pour son application constituent des obstacles pour sa vulgarisation dans les pays à ressources limités.Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, méningites, rt-PCR, méthodes de la bactériologie classique Article in English

    Assessing the variability in experimental hut trials evaluating insecticide-treated nets against malaria vectors.

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    Experimental hut trials (EHTs) are used to evaluate indoor vector control interventions against malaria vectors in a controlled setting. The level of variability present in the assay will influence whether a given study is well powered to answer the research question being considered. We utilised disaggregated data from 15 previous EHTs to gain insight into the behaviour typically observed. Using simulations from generalised linear mixed models to obtain power estimates for EHTs, we show how factors such as the number of mosquitoes entering the huts each night and the magnitude of included random effects can influence study power. A wide variation in behaviour is observed in both the mean number of mosquitoes collected per hut per night (ranging from 1.6 to 32.5) and overdispersion in mosquito mortality. This variability in mortality is substantially greater than would be expected by chance and should be included in all statistical analyses to prevent false precision of results. We utilise both superiority and non-inferiority trials to illustrate our methodology, using mosquito mortality as the outcome of interest. The framework allows the measurement error of the assay to be reliably assessed and enables the identification of outlier results which could warrant further investigation. EHTs are increasingly playing an important role in the evaluation and regulation of indoor vector control interventions so it is important to ensure that these studies are adequately powered. [Abstract copyright: © 2023 The Authors.
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