240 research outputs found

    Farmers’ preferences for cotton cultivation characteristics : a discrete choice experiment in Burkina Faso

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    While a fierce debate about the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified crops is ongoing, it is surprising that farmers are often not consulted. In Burkina Faso, where insect resistant Bollgard II (R) cotton (further termed Bt cotton) was commercially released in 2008, studies highlight that cotton producers are in general satisfied with the reduction in insecticide use while the economic benefits are a source of controversy. To gain insight into farmers' preferences towards attributes in cotton cultivation, a discrete choice experiment (DCE) was developed. Five key attributes were identified to describe improved cotton varieties: seed development and provenance, seed costs, yield, required number of insecticide sprays, and preservation of agricultural practices. Farm-gate surveys were conducted among 324 cotton farmers in Western Burkina Faso. The results show that overall, farmers have a positive preference towards yield improvements and a negative preference towards pure private seed development and towards an increase in the requested number of insecticide applications or in the seed costs. According to their varieties at the time of the surveys (Bt and non-Bt), a difference was observed regarding their preferences for a status quo situation, indicating that those growing Bt had a stronger preference to keep the status quo than non-Bt farmers. When dividing the sample in segments based on the farm size, it was shown that there were different preferences with respect to the development of the variety and the required number of insecticide applications. Overall, it can be concluded from this study that economic benefits (linked to higher yields, lower seed costs, or reduced pesticide use) shape farmer's preferences

    Impact of an integrated nutrition intervention on nutrient intakes, morbidity and growth of rural Burkinabe preschool children

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    Iron deficiency and undernutrition often co-exist among children and the prevalence in sub-Saharan African is high. In Burkina Faso, 92% of children under the age of five years were anaemic and 39% were stunted in 2003 according to Demographics and health survey. Risk factors include inadequate dietary intakes and infections that often occur concomitantly. Orphans and vulnerable children who are already atincreased risk for poor psycho-emotional development due to their social status are particularly susceptible to malnutrition. Therefore, there is a challenge to develop effective interventions that address the multiple risk factors of nutritional deficiencies in these children. An integrated nutrition intervention including dietary modification and changes in hygiene practices was implemented targeting a group of preschoolorphans and vulnerable children living in group foster homes. The amount of iron-rich foods particularly goat meat and condiments as well as citrus fruits were increased in the diet. The hygiene component of the intervention focused on handwashing, eating in individual plates, food storage and stool disposal. All members of the foster homesat large benefitted from the activities of the intervention; however, measurements and impact evaluation focused on preschool children (12 - 72 months). Energy and nutrient intakes, anthropometric indices and morbidity including diarrhoea, fever, vomiting and respiratory infections were assessed at baseline and after 18 weeks. Mean bioavailable iron intake was increased from 0.4 to 0.9 mg/d. The intervention resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of inadequate intakes for energy, proteins and most micronutrients. The intervention increased the meat-fish-poultry contribution to energy and iron intakes from 1.6 to 3.5% and from 5.2 to 7.9%, respectively. There was also a decrease in the incidence of infection (from 73 to 9%, p<0.01) and overall orbidity (from 39 to 15%, p<0.05) most likely due to deworming and improvementsin hygiene behaviours. Contrary to baseline, helminths such as Hymelolepis nana,Strongylo�des stercoralis and Necator americanus that often cause blood loss were rarely found at the end of the intervention. The overall changes resulted in improvements in height-for-age z-score (-1.63 to -1.27, p<0.01) and weight-for-age zscore (-1.22 to -1.06, p<0.05). In conclusion, an intervention that targets bioavailableiron and hygiene behaviours improved child growth, iron status and overall morbidity in areas of high incidence of infection

    Past, Present and Future Perspectives on Groundnut Breeding in Burkina Faso

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a major food and cash crop in Burkina Faso. Due to the growing demand for raw oilseeds, there is an increasing interest in groundnut production from traditional rain-fed areas to irrigated environments. However, despite implementation of many initiatives in the past to increase groundnut productivity and production, the groundnut industry still struggles to prosper due to the fact of several constraints including minimal development research and fluctuating markets. Yield penalty due to the presence of drought and biotic stresses continue to be a major drawback for groundnut production. This review traces progress in the groundnut breeding that started in Burkina Faso before the country’s political independence in 1960 through to present times. Up to the 1980s, groundnut improvement was led by international research institutions such as IRHO (Institute of Oils and Oleaginous Research) and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics). However, international breeding initiatives were not su�cient to establish a robust domestic groundnut breeding programme. This review also provides essential information about opportunities and challenges for groundnut research in Burkina Faso, emphasising the need for institutional attention to genetic improvement of the crop

    HIV infection and severe malnutrition: a clinical and epidemiological study in Burkina Faso.

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    OBJECTIVE: To define a clinical profile indicative of HIV infection in a population of severely malnourished children in Burkina Faso. A total of 433 children (average age, 19 months) were recruited at the Sanou Souro National Hospital, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. RESULTS: Sixty-three per cent presented with marasmus, 13% with kwashiorkor and 24% with both forms of malnutrition. The prevalence of HIV infection in children aged over 12 months was 13.8%, with a marked predominance of HIV-1 (95.8%). Mother-to-child transmission was proven in 77% of the cases; in 10% of the observed paediatric AIDS cases, transmission may have occurred through multi-injections with contaminated equipment. Marasmus was the form of malnutrition most frequently associated with HIV (P < 0.001); its severity was exacerbated by HIV infection. Adenopathy (P < 0.0001), oral candidiasis (P < 0.0006), skin disorders (P < 0.01) and hepatomegaly (P = 0.01) appeared to be significantly related to HIV infection. Discriminant analysis revealed that the presence of adenopathies was the strongest indicator symptom of HIV infection. Multivariate analysis revealed that a clinical profile of marasmus, adenopathies and oral candidiasis (specificity, 82%) was indicative of HIV infection in this population. The short-term clinical prognosis was poor and usually led to the death of the child when seropositive (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Among children exhibiting severe malnutrition, HIV-positive children are distinguished by a high horizontal transmission rate, a high specific clinical profile and a very poor prognosis

    Relationships between soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation along a disturbance gradient in the W Park trans-boundary biosphere reserve, West Africa

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    Aims: Vegetation succession depends on the availability of suitable propagules in the soils, thus knowledge of soil seed banks is essential for formulating effective strategies for restoring the vegetation of degraded sites. The W National Park, the only trans-boundary biosphere reserve in West Africa, is being extensively fragmented and degraded in recent decades. The aims of this study were to assess the reserve’s soil seed banks, their relationships with standing vegetation and bundle of disturbances, and their potential significance for vegetation restoration. Methods: The size and composition of the above-ground species vegetation were assessed in nine plots of 1 ha each representing a range of habitats with differing disturbance severity (low, intermediate and high). A total of 702 soil samples were taken from three layers (0-3, 3-6 and 6-9 cm) and soil seed bank was analyzed using the seedling emergence technique. Important Findings: Generally, seeds of non-woody taxa dominated in samples from all soil depths and habitats of all disturbance severities. The mean soil seed density was 17.8, 24.4 and 26.3 seeds dm-3 in samples from the least, intermediate and most disturbed sites, respectively, and highest in the upper soil layers in all cases. The results indicate that there is limited potential for restoring woody vegetation solely from soil seed banks, and that woody species in the region rely more on recently shed seeds trapped in the standing dead biomass and litter on the ground than soil seed banks for regeneration. Thus, human intervention is needed to accelerate forest recovery, mainly through alleviating anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystem (for instance, avoiding destruction of new seeds by intense fire), and site manipulation to improve environmental conditions for seedling establishment and growth

    Propagating the fear of witchcraft: Pentecostal prophecies in the new prophetic churches in South Africa

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    Pentecostal prophecy is one of the major themes of the theology and practice of religion among the prophets of New Prophetic Churches in South Africa and a major factor to the growth and expansion of Pentecostalism in Southern Africa. This paper offers a reflection on the role of prophecy in relation to the fear of witchcraft in the region. The contribution is that Pentecostal prophecy is not always in confrontation but sometime propels the fear of witchcraft. Through media analysis, the paper illustrates with some examples of Pentecostal prophecies on witchcraft how Pentecostal prophecy can aid rather than dispel fear of witchcraft. These prophecies raise several challenges to the discernment of Pentecostal prophetic ministry.Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiolog

    Relationships between soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation along a disturbance gradient in the W National Park trans-boundary biosphere reserve, West Africa

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    Aims Vegetation succession depends on the availability of suitable propagules in the soils, thus knowledge of soil seed banks is essential for formulating effective strategies for restoring the vegetation of degraded sites. The W National Park, the only trans-boundary biosphere reserve in West Africa, is being extensively fragmented and degraded in recent decades. The aims of this study were to assess the reserve’s soil seed banks, their relationships with standing vegetation and bundle of disturbances and their potential significance for vegetation restoration. Methods The size and composition of the above-ground species vegetation were assessed in nine plots of 1 ha each representing a range of habitats with differing disturbance severity (low, intermediate and high). A total of 702 soil samples were taken from three layers (0–3, 3–6 and 6–9cm) and soil seed bank was analyzed using the seedling emergence technique. Important Findings Generally, seeds of non-woody taxa dominated in samples from all soil depths and habitats of all disturbance severities. The mean soil seed density was 17.8, 24.4 and 26.3 seeds/dm3 in samples from the least, intermediate and most disturbed sites, respectively, and highest in the upper soil layers in all cases. The results indicate that there is limited potential for restoring woody vegetation solely from soil seed banks, and that woody species in the region rely more on recently shed seeds trapped in the standing dead biomass and litter on the ground than soil seed banks for regeneration. Thus, human intervention is needed to accelerate forest recovery, mainly through alleviating anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystem (for instance, avoiding destruction of new seeds by intense fire), and site manipulation to improve environmental conditions for seedling establishment and growth. Other ways of restoring forests than through the soil seed bank (e.g. sowing seeds collected elsewhere, and planting tree seedlings) could also be relevant

    Maintenance of Sertoli Cell Number and Function in Immature Human Testicular Tissues Exposed to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy-Implications for Fertility Restoration

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    Background: Retrospective studies in adult survivors of childhood cancer show long-term impacts of exposure to alkylating chemotherapy on future fertility. We recently demonstrated germ cell loss in immature human testicular tissues following exposure to platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs. This study investigated the effects of platinum-based chemotherapy exposure on the somatic Sertoli cell population in human fetal and pre-pubertal testicular tissues. Methods: Human fetal (n = 23; 14–22 gestational weeks) testicular tissue pieces were exposed to cisplatin (0.5 or 1.0 μg/ml) or vehicle for 24 h in vitro and analysed 24–240 h post-exposure or 12 weeks after xenografting. Human pre-pubertal (n = 10; 1–12 years) testicular tissue pieces were exposed to cisplatin (0.5 μg/ml), carboplatin (5 μg/ml) or vehicle for 24 h in vitro and analysed 24–240 h post-exposure; exposure to carboplatin at 10-times the concentration of cisplatin reflects the relative clinical doses given to patients. Immunohistochemistry was performed for SOX9 and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) expression and quantification was carried out to assess effects on Sertoli cell number and function respectively. AMH and inhibin B was measured in culture medium collected post-exposure to assess effects on Sertoli cell function. Results: Sertoli cell (SOX9(+ve)) number was maintained in cisplatin-exposed human fetal testicular tissues (7,647 ± 459 vs. 7,767 ± 498 cells/mm(2); p > 0.05) at 240 h post-exposure. No effect on inhibin B (indicator of Sertoli cell function) production was observed at 96 h after cisplatin (0.5 and 1.0 μg/ml) exposure compared to control (21 ± 5 (0.5 μg/ml cisplatin) vs. 23 ± 7 (1.0 μg/ml cisplatin) vs. 25 ± 7 (control) ng/ml, p > 0.05). Xenografting of cisplatin-exposed (0.5 μg/ml) human fetal testicular tissues had no long-term effect on Sertoli cell number or function (percentage seminiferous area stained for SOX9 and AMH, respectively), compared with non-exposed tissues. Sertoli cell number was maintained in human pre-pubertal testicular tissues following exposure to either 0.5 μg/ml cisplatin (6,723 ± 1,647 cells/mm(2)) or 5 μg/ml carboplatin (7,502 ± 627 cells/mm(2)) compared to control (6,592 ± 1,545 cells/mm(2)). Conclusions: This study demonstrates maintenance of Sertoli cell number and function in immature human testicular tissues exposed to platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents. The maintenance of a functional Sertoli cell environment following chemotherapy exposure suggests that fertility restoration by spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplant may be possible in boys facing platinum-based cancer treatment

    Meningococcal carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis after MenAfriVac mass immunization in Burkina Faso

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the impact of conjugate vaccine A, MenAfriVac, on Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) asymptomatic carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis in three health districts (Bogodogo, Kaya, and Dandé) of Burkina Faso. Asymptomatic carriage of Nm was assessed by performing cross-sectional studyrepeated (rounds 1 to 10) before and after introduction of the conjugate vaccine against serogroup A of N. meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac. In each round at least 1,500 people were enrolled in each district for a month. Data oncases of meningococcal meningitis in the three studied health districts were collected through meningitides epidemiological surveillance of Burkina Faso.Nm was identified in680 of 23,885 throat swabs before vaccination (2. 84%)withNmYasthe dominant serogroup(1.87%). During the same period (2009 and 2010), 891 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in the three health districts among whom 42 were due toNm (4.71%) withNmX (3.70%) asthe most frequently identified serogroup. After vaccination, Nm was identified in 1117 of 27,245 pharyngeal samples (6.42%); NmX (4.42%) wasthe dominantserogroup. From 2011 to 2013, 965 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in all health facilities in the three studied health districts located in the geographical study area; 91 was due toNm (9.43%) andNmWasthe most commonserogroup(52 cases= 5.38%).After introduction of conjugate vaccine A (MenAfriVac), the NmAserogroup almost disappeared both in asymptomatic carriers and in patients with cerebrospinal meningitis. However the presence of the NmW and NmXserogroups, which appear to have replaced serogroup A, is very worrying with regard to meningitis prevention and control in Burkina Faso. It appears necessary to strengthen surveillance and laboratory diagnosis of the different meningococcal serogroups circulating in Africa.Keywords: meningococcal meningitis, serogroups W and X, meningococcal carriage, MenAfriVac
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