316 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Studies of Several Human Calculi Containing Calcium Phosphate Crystals

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    Human calcium phosphate calculi: two sialoliths, a urolith, a rhinolith, and a tonsillolith were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The sialoliths and urolith had appositional shells with thick cortices, respectively, around several nuclei composed of calcospherulites and a rubber-film fragment. The rhinolith had a thin cortex with appositional laminations around a glomerulus-like mass of calcified cotton-like strings. The tonsillolith had a rough cortex with appositional laminations. Its porous interior was composed of numerous calcified conglomerates with microorganisms and calcified masses with fine appositional laminations around the conglomerates. The major crystals were identified as biological apatites (AP) with a sand-grain rather than a needle-like shape, and plate-shaped octacalcium phosphate (OCP). The AP deposits of the rhinolith probably were associated with magnesium (Mg) phosphates or contained Mg. No OCP was found in the rhinolith. The AP deposits were mainly formed by extracellular calcification. Hexahedral crystals, identified as Mg-containing whitlockite (WH), were precipitated in the internal spaces of the AP and OCP deposits. The rhinolith nucleus consisted of WH crystal deposits only


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    Soil in the Fukushima area has been polluted with the radioactive contaminants such as Cs by the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011. Remediation of soil contaminated with radioactive Cs remains one of the most important problems. Phytoremediation is an environmental remediation technique that takes advantage of plant physiology and metabolism to remove radioactive contaminants. Eleocharis acicularis is well known as heavy metal hyperaccumulator aquatic plant and expected as the strong candidate for application to Phytoremediation of polluted water and soil. In this study, a laboratory experiment was carried out to investigate the potential of E.acicularis for Phytoremediation of radioactive Cs contaminated site.The plants were grown hydroponically and placed in solutions containing Cs and K at different concentration (Cs concentration: 5 mg/L, K concentration: 0, 0.2, 2, 5, 50, 100 mg/L) in a period of 21days.In the experimental results, the highest concentration of Cs was 1560 mg/kg-DW in E. acicularis after 21 days. The concentration of Cs in plants decreased with the increasing initial concentration of K in the solution. This results indicate that E. acicularis has the ability to accumulate radioactive Cs from radioactive Cs contaminated soil and water, making it a good candidate species for radioactive Cs Phytoremediation. Keywords : Fukushima, Eleocharis acicularis, phytoremediation, C

    <ORIGINAL>A prospective randomized clinical study on the efficacy of CO_2 lasers on initial stage endodontics

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the CO_2 laser in a prospective randomized trial. A total of 112 teeth in 112 patients, previously treated pulpectomy procedures were gathered and randomly divided into two groups composed of 56. Irradiation was performed on one group and non-irradiation forms of treatment were performed on the other group. On the first group of teeth, root canal enlargement was done and followed by exposure of the canal to a CO_2 laser light (5W, 200msec) using 3 cycles each at a rate of 15 seconds per cycle. The second group was not exposed to laser light following root canal enlargement. The laser was applied on the root canal for a controlled period of time. On the day following pulpectomy, a statistically significant (p < 0.05) fewer number of patients observed pain in the irradiation group compared to the non-irradiation group. The treatment times and the total treatment days in the irradiation group are shorter than in the non-irradiation group (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that the laser treatment was significantly associated with treatment times. This study shows that the degree of oral pain was greatly reduced in patients who underwent laser irradiation as compared to these who did not. Our study suggests that the use of laser treatment provide significant short-term improvement compared to conventional forms of treatment performed during pulpectomy

    Surgical removal of amyloid-laden lymph nodes: a possible therapeutic approach in a primary systemic AL amyloidosis patient with focal lymphadenopathy

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    We report a patient with primary systemic AL amyloidosis who suffered from remarkable bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. Intensive chemotherapies, including two cycles of high-dose melphalan with autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, were insufficiently effective for both the lymphadenopathy and amyloidogenic IgG lambda lambda-type M-protein in serum, but the patient showed complete haematological remission after extensive surgical removal of enlarged lymph nodes that had massive depositions of lambda lambda-type immunoglobulin light chain-derived amyloid. Lymphadenectomy may be a possible therapeutic approach with regard to both cosmetic and haematological aspects in primary systemic AL amyloidosis patients with focal lymphadenopathy.ArticleAMYLOID-JOURNAL OF PROTEIN FOLDING DISORDERS. 18(2):79-82 (2011)journal articl

    Ultrasonographic features and vascular patterns of the submandibular gland

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    The ultrasonographic features and intranodal vascular patterns of the submandibular glands were evaluated to establish criteria for the diagnosis of salivary glands. There were significant differences between the internal echo of the submandibular glands and the parotid glands and the tongue. The internal echo of the submandibular gland indicated the lowest intensity. The internal echo intensity in the under 30% weight/height ratio group was hypoechoic, and the echo intensity in the over 50% weight/height ratio group was hyperechoic. The ratio of the obvious posterior echo of the submandibular glands were 11.0-15.0%. The ratio of the obvious boundary echo of the submandibular glands were 2.5-3.6%. No lateral shadow was observed. Continuity of the bifurcation part with the trunk was observed in 17 facial arteries (68%), 14 submental arteries (56%), and these arteries were easily examnined. Continuity was observed in 1 branch of the external carotid artery (4%), and the suprahyoid branch of the lingual artery was not observed

    Dietary salt reduction in rural patients with albuminurea using family and community support: the Mima study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Residents of rural communities are often more socially connected compared to urban dwellers. Using family and community support to motivate health behavior change may be useful in rural settings. The objective of this study was to pilot a salt reduction (SR) intervention for rural albuminuria patients using support from family and neighborhood residents compared to a usual care condition. The primary outcome was change in urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All consecutive outpatients with an ACR >= 30 mg/gCr were recruited from the Koyadaira Clinic. Patients self-selected their participation in the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG) because the rural population expressed concern about not being treated at the same time. In the IG, patients and their families were educated in SR for 30 minutes in their home by experienced dieticians. In addition, patients, families and neighborhood residents were also educated in SR for 2 hours at a public town meeting hall, with educational content encouraging reduction in salt intake through interactive activity. The CG received conventional treatment, and ACR and blood pressure (BP) were measured after 3 months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 37 subjects recruited (20 male, 16 female, mean age; 72.8 ± 9.2 years), 36 completed the 3-month follow up and were analyzed. In the IG, ACR decreased significantly from baseline (706 ± 1,081 to 440 ± 656; t = 2.28, p = 0.04) and was reduced compared to the CG (213 ± 323 to 164 ± 162; F = 3.50, p = 0.07), a treatment effect approaching significance. Systolic BP in the IG (145 ± 14 to 131 ± 13 mmHg; t = 3.83, p = 0.002) also decreased significantly compared to the CG (135 ± 13 to 131 ± 14; F = 4.40, p = 0.04).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Simultaneous education of patients, their families and neighborhood residents may be important in rural areas for treatments and interventions requiring health behavior change.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>UMIN000001972</p

    Idiopathic Bone Cavity of the Mandible

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    A case of an idiopathic bone cavity is presented and discussed. The patient was a 54-year-old Japanese male with a history of stomach carcinoma operation and hospitalization two years ago. He was referred to the Department of Dental Radiology with a panoramic radiograph performed by the dentist. The panoramic radiograph demonstrated a well-defined elliptical radiolucent lesion near the right angle of the mandible, situated below the mandibular canal and slightly above the inferior border of the mandible. The patient stated that the lesion progressed asymptomatically without any sensation. From the lesion was indicated, the patient was greatly anxious about metastasis of stomach carcinoma to the mandible. To define the diagnosis of the lesion, intraoral radiography, extraoral radiography, tomography, and sialography were carried out. All results showed that the lesion was an idiopathic bone cavity without relationship to salivary gland tissue. No biopsy was carried out, but the lesion was diagnosed to be benign, and a metastatic carcinoma was ruled out

    Nonlinear Realization of Partially Broken N=2 AdS Supersymmetry in Two and Three Dimensions

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    We investigate the nonlinear realization of partially broken NN=2 global supersymmetry in the D=2 and 3 anti de-Sitter (AdS) space. We particularly study Nambu-Goldstone degrees of freedom for the NN=2 AdS supersymmetry partially broken down to NN=1 AdS supersymmetry, where we observe a NG fermion of the broken supersymmetry and a NG boson of the internal symmetry which form a NG multiplet. Based on the nonlinear realization method, we construct a superspace formalism for 2 and 3 dimensional AdS space and evaluate the covariant derivatives and supervielbeins for the AdS superspace. Finally we obtain the nonlinear transformation laws and the lowest order of effective Lagrangians.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, references and a note adde