1,720 research outputs found

    Optical and structural properties of radiant heated and vacuum annealed electron beam deposited CdS thin films

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    This paper describes the optical and structural properties of Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) thin films deposited onto glass substrate by vacuum evapn. assisted with (RH) and without radiant heater (VA)​. The RH and VA thin films showed high transmittance of 87​% at 680 and 550 nm resp. The optical band gap was estd. using transmittance measurements and found to be decreased with VA thin film. RH thin film revealed max. absorption coeff. compared to VA thin film. The XRD anal. confirmed that the films reveal hexagonal and cubic (002) orientations. The crystallite grain size was found to be 15.5 and 16.7 nm for RH and VA films resp

    Optical and structural properties of radiant heated and vacuum annealed electron beam deposited CdS thin films

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    This paper describes the optical and structural properties of Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) thin films deposited onto glass substrate by vacuum evapn. assisted with (RH) and without radiant heater (VA)​. The RH and VA thin films showed high transmittance of 87​% at 680 and 550 nm resp. The optical band gap was estd. using transmittance measurements and found to be decreased with VA thin film. RH thin film revealed max. absorption coeff. compared to VA thin film. The XRD anal. confirmed that the films reveal hexagonal and cubic (002) orientations. The crystallite grain size was found to be 15.5 and 16.7 nm for RH and VA films resp

    Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Structural, Electrical and Thermo-electric Power of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3

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    In this communication, we are reporting the effect of electron beam (e-beam) irradiation on thermoelectric properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 manganites. The samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique. It is observed that the lattice volume increases with increase in dosage of e-beam. With irradiation an increase in resistivity is observed. For small irradiation dosage, we first observe a decreases in metalinsulator transition temperature TMI; thereafter TMI increases with further increase in dosage of irradiation. Both, the resistivity data and thermo-electric power data demonstrate that small polaron hopping model is valid in high temperature region

    Utjecaj brzine doze pulsnoga zračenja na nastanak mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne ljudske krvi

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    The micronucleus assay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes is a sensitive indicator of radiation damage and could serve as a biological dosimeter in evaluating suspected overexposure to ionising radiation. Micronucleus (MN) frequency as a measure of chromosomal damage has also extensively been employed to quantify the effects of radiation dose rate on biological systems. Here we studied the effects of 8 MeV pulsed electron beam emitted by Microtron electron accelerator on MN induction at dose rates between 35 Gy min-1 and 352.5 Gy min-1. These dose rates were achieved by varying the pulse repetition rate (PRR). Fricke dosimeter was employed to measure the absorbed dose at different PRR and to ensure uniform dose distribution of the electron beam. To study the dose rate effect, blood samples were irradiated to an absorbed dose of (4.7±0.2) Gy at different rates and cytogenetic damage was quantifi ed using the micronucleus assay. The obtained MN frequency showed no dose rate dependence within the studied dose rate range. Our earlier dose effect study using 8 MeV electrons revealed that the response of MN was linear-quadratic. Therefore, in the event of an accident, dose estimation can be made using linear-quadratic dose response parameters, without adding dose rate as a correction factor.Mikronukleus-test pokazao se osjetljivim pokazateljem oštećenja u limfocitima periferne ljudske krvi te se primjenjuje kao biološki dozimetar posumnja li se na prekomjerno izlaganje ionizirajućem zračenju. Mikronukleusi kao mjera oštećenja kromosoma često se rabe za procjenu učinaka zračenja u biološkim sustavima. Ovdje je istraženo djelovanje pulsnoga elektronskoga snopa od 8 MeV, dobivenog s pomoću elektronskoga akceleratora marke Microtron, na nastanak mikronukleusa u rasponu brzina doza od 35 Gy min-1 do 352.5 Gy min-1. Brzine doza mijenjale su se mijenjajući brzinu ponavljanja pulsa (tzv. pulse repetition rate, krat. PRR). Za mjerenje apsorbirane doze pri različitim PRR-ovima rabio se Frickeov dozimetar. Dozimetrijska su mjerenja također poslužila za ujednačavanje doze elektronskoga snopa. Za istraživanje utjecaja brzine doze, uzorci krvi ozračeni tako da apsorbiraju dozu od (4.7±0.2) Gy pri različitim brzinama doze, a zatim se s pomoću mikronukleus-testa utvrdilo citogenetsko oštećenje. Pokus s pulsnim snopovima energije 8 MeV upućuje na neovisnost broja mikronukleusa o brzinama doze u rasponu ispitanome u ovom istraživanju. Naše ranije istraživanje utjecaja doze pulsnoga elektronskoga zračenja energije 8 MeV upozorilo je na linearni do kvadratni odgovor izmjerenih parametara. Stoga se akcidentalna doza može procijeniti s pomoću linearnih do kvadratnih parametara odgovora na dozu, bez potrebe za korekcijom s pomoću brzine doze

    Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Structural, Electrical and Thermo-electric Power of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3

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    In this communication, we are reporting the effect of electron beam (e-beam) irradiation on thermoelectric properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 manganites. The samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique. It is observed that the lattice volume increases with increase in dosage of e-beam. With irradiation an increase in resistivity is observed. For small irradiation dosage, we first observe a decreases in metalinsulator transition temperature TMI; thereafter TMI increases with further increase in dosage of irradiation. Both, the resistivity data and thermo-electric power data demonstrate that small polaron hopping model is valid in high temperature region

    Effect of electron beam irradiation on structural and optical properties of Cu-doped In2O3 films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering.

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    Undoped and Cu-doped In2O3 films were prepared by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering technique. The effects of Cu doping and high-energy electron beam irradiation on the structural and optical properties of as-prepared films were investigated using techniques such as x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), lateral scanning electron microscopic image analysis, energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, micro-Raman, and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy. Moderate doping of Cu in In2O3 enhanced the intensity of (222) peak, indicating alignment of crystalline grains along . Electron beam irradiation promoted orientation of crystalline grains along in undoped and moderately Cu-doped films. EDX spectroscopic and XPS analyses revealed incorporation of Cu2+ ions in the lattice. The transmittance of Cu-doped films decreased with e-beam irradiation. Systematic reduction of the bandgap energy with an increase in Cu doping concentration was seen in unirradiated and electron-beam-irradiated films

    Manufacturing practices for silicon-based power diode in fast recovery applications

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    This paper reports a fast recovery semiconductor diode that was developed for use in high power applications. The diode constructed in disc-type ceramic package with a peak-inverse voltage rating of 2800 V and current rating of 710 A was fabricated using float-zone (FZ) silicon wafer as the starting raw material. Alternate processes viz. gold diffusion, gamma irradiation and electron irradiation were explored for control of carrier lifetime required to tune the switching response of the diode to the desired value of 8 s. The paper compares the results of these alternate processes. The diodes were fabricated and tested for forward conduction, reverse blocking and switching characteristics. The measured values were observed to be comparable with the design requirements. The paper presents an overview of the design, manufacturing nd testing practices adopted to meet the desired diode characteristics and ratings. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2788

    Transconductance and Transfer Characteristics of 8 MeV Electron Irradiated Dual N-Channel MOSFETs

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    The electrical characteristics of dual N-channel enhancement metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) were altered by irradiating with 8 MeV electron beam for different doses ranging from 200 Gy to 1 kGy at ambient air. The irradiation experiments were conducted with gate bias (VGS = -2, 0, +1.5 and +2 V). Significant increase in transconductance (gm) was observed after irradiation. The gm was found to increase drastically for the dose of 1 kGy with positive bias (1.5 and 2 V). The transfer characteristics at VDS=12 V revealed that the drain current (ID) increases with the increase of dose and also increases with the increase of gate bias voltage during irradiation. The results of these investigations are presented and discussed

    Dielectric properties of electron irradiated PbZrO<SUB>3</SUB> thin films

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    The present paper deals with the study of the effects of electron (8 MeV) irradiation on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of PbZrO3 thin films grown by sol-gel technique. The films were (0.62 &#181;m thick) subjected to electron irradiation using Microtron accelerator (delivered dose 80, 100, 120 kGy). The films were well crystallized prior to and after electron irradiation. However, local amorphization was observed after irradiation. There is an appreciable change in the dielectric constant after irradiation with different delivered doses. The dielectric loss showed significant frequency dispersion for both unirradiated and electron irradiated films. Tc was found to shift towards higher temperature with increasing delivered dose. The effect of radiation induced increase of &#949;'(T) is related to an internal bias field, which is caused by radiation induced charges trapped at grain boundaries. The double butterfly loop is retained even after electron irradiation to the different delivered doses. The broader hysteresis loop seems to be related to radiation induced charges causing an enhanced space charge polarization. Radiation-induced oxygen vacancies do not change the general shape of the AFE hysteresis loop but they increase Ps of the hysteresis at the electric field forced AFE to FE phase transition. We attribute the changes in the dielectric properties to the structural defects such as oxygen vacancies and radiation induced charges. The shift in TC, increase in dielectric constant, broader hysteresis loop, and increase in Pr can be related to radiation induced charges causing space charge polarization. Double butterfly and hysteresis loops were retained indicative of AFE nature of the films

    Isolation and characterization of Plasmid DNA from clinically isolated E.coli strain at Pravara rural hospital, Loni, India

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    Abstract Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases and people of all age-groups and geographical locations are affected. Multiple resistance to antimicrobials drugs arising in Escherichia coli isolate may complicate therapeutic management of UTI. The present study aimed to isolate and characterize plasmid DNA from Clinical isolated E. coli. Biochemical tests confirm that the hospital isolate is E.coli and antibiotic susceptibility test results shows that it is MDR strain. Molecular techniques such as plasmid DNA isolation and PCR amplification of integrons genes were used to confirm MDR. The results showed that the size of plasmid DNA is more than 52 Kb and the size of successfully amplified integron genes (I and II) were 175 and 250 bp respectively. Hospital isolate was confirmed as E.coli MDR on the basis of existence of integron genes