595 research outputs found
Pengaruh Brand Image dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan, Jasa Bisnis, Transportasi (Kasus Po.medan Jaya Perwakilan Pekanbaru)
The purpose of this research to knowing the effect of Brand Image and service quality for the loyalty of costumer, business service, transportation in the case of PO. Medan Jaya Brand Image Branch Pekanbaru. Brand Image as a Variable (X1) and service quality as (X2) and then can formulate at the step of implementation of the activity,equiment that used, standard or parameter that has appointed, The test and inspection. And then the loyalty of costumer as a the dependent variable (Y). This research is doing for every passengers or everyone who know the Bus PO. Medan Jaya as many as 99 persons. The Data obtained from questionnaire and the next to be treated for being tested use statistic analysis such assimple linear regression analysis, t test, and correlation analysis and determination with use the help of SPSS 17.The result of research show that the result of hypotesis test t thitung 4,652>ttabel 1,985. This case show thatBrand Image give the effect on Loyalty of costumers, and the test result thitung 7,259>ttabel 1,985. This case show that the service quality give the effect onloyalty of bus costumers PO. Medan Jaya is equal to 68,1%Keywords: Brand Image ,Service Quality, Loyalty of costume
Analisis Perawatan Mesin Press 80 Ton pada Lini P3c03 3&4 Denganmetode Tpm (Total Productive Maintenance) di PT. Xyz
PT. XYZ adalah Perusahaan manufaktur pelek/roda baja untuk mobil penumpang. PT XYZ mempunyai 11 lini produksi. Dalam proses produksinya, khusus untuk pencapaian hasil di lini P3CO3 3&4 mesin press 80 Ton mempunyai nilai prosentase out put terkecil dibanding lini lainnya. Terhitung sejak periode Maret – Mei 2016 sebesar 71,2% dan target yang ditetapkan Perusahaan sebesar 84,3%. Downtime yang terjadi sebesar 19470 menit. Faktor yang menyebabkan output produksi pada lini P3C03 3&4 terkecil yaitu efektivitas penggunaan mesin belum optimal. Oleh karena itu,maka dilakukan perhitungan nilai efektivitas penggunaan mesin dengan menggunakan metode OEE (Overall Equipment Effectivities) tidak tercapai dengan hasil aktual sebesar 50.57% dan target standar Internasional sebesar 85%. Nilai OEE tidak tercapai tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode six big losses ditemukanlah permasalahannya yaitu lamanya waktu loss time die gompal akibat proses repair sebagai pareto terbesar. Kemudian untuk mengetahui penyebab utama lamanya waktu repair die gompal, maka digunakan metode diagram fishbone dengan hasil yaitu Faktor metode waktu perawatan yang kurang optimal & Faktor mesin/peralatan yaitu desain die (alat cetak/potong) yang kurang efektif berkaitan dengan waktu repair die. Dari permasalahan ini, maka dilakukan perhitungan dengan interval waktu penggantian/perawatan dengan metode age replacement dan didapat waktu penggantian/perawatan setiap 380 menit & 1900 unit. Kemudian untuk mengurangi lamanya waktu repair, dilakukan modifikasi perlatan die dengan membaginya menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu die & die holder
Modal Sosial Sistem Bagi Hasil Dalam Beternak Sapi Pada Masyarakat Desa Purwosari Atas, Kecamatan Dolok Batu Nanggar Kabupaten Simalungun
Ternak sapi banyak dijumpai dikabupaten Simalungun. Kebanyakan warga yang memelihara sapi bukan milik sendiri melainkan milik orang lain yang mempercayakan kepadanya untuk dipelihar. Adapun upah atau hasil yang diperoleh dari jerih payahnya dalam memelihara ternak sapi tersebut adalah, apabila sapi yang dipelihara berkembangbiak maka anaknya dibagi dua antara pemilik sapi dan pemelihara sapi, Atau dengan jalan menjual sapi, kemudian keuntungan dibagi dua. Pemeliharaan dalam bidang ekonomi ini, khususnya dalam pemeliharaan sapi sering masyarakat sebut dengan istilah gaduh sapi. Dalam melaksanakan kerja sama sistem gaduh sapi landasan masyarakat melakukan sistem tersebut hanya berdasarkan kepercayaan diantara keduanya, tidak membuat perjanjian secara terang – terangan dihadapan kepala desa. Pihak pemilik sapi dan pihak pemelihara sapi atau penggaduh sapi, lebih mengutamakan kepercayaan dari pada membuat perjanjian secara terang – terangan karena akan mengurangi kepercayaan di antara keduanya. Padahal dengan dibuatnya perjanjian secara terang – terangan yang memuat beberapa peraturan yang sangat terperinci dan mengikat akan memberikan perlindungan hukum yang baik bagi pelaku USAha. Dari hasil penelitian Jika sampai terjadi sengketa, maka para pihak yang melakukan kerjasama biasanya berusaha menempuh cara penyelesaian yang terbaik yaitu dengan cara musyawarah keluarga atau negosiasi. Hal ini dikarenakan para pelaku USAha adalah keluarga, sahabat, dan tetangga dekat yang memiliki hubungan yang baik di antara keduanya
The Effect of the Marketing Mix Service on Loyalty of Customers with the Satisfaction of Service as Intervening Variables in PT Mandala Multifinance Padang City
This study aimed to analyze: (1) The effect of services marketing mix to satisfaction on services, (2) The effect of services marketing mix to customer loyalty (3) The effect satisfaction on services to customer loyalty (4) The effect services marketing mix to customer loyalty through satisfaction on service as intervening variable. This type of research is causative, the respondents are customers of Mandala Finance Padang City. The population in this study amounted to 2868 people. Determination of the number of samples by using Slovin Formula, samples were taken with Simple Random Sampling method. This study used sample of 352 people Mandala Finance Customer. Type of this research is the primary data. Primary data in this study were obtained from questionnaires distributed to respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inductive analysis through Structural Equation Model analysis and hypothesis testing using t test (α = 0.05). The research show that: (1) Product, price and physical evidence have significant effect to satisfaction on services (2) Product and price have significant effect to customer loyalty (3) satisfaction on services have significant effect to customer loyalty (4) Product and price have significant effect to customer loyalty through satisfaction on services as an intervening variable.
Pemodelan Kualitas Air Tanah
Pemodelan Kualitas Air Tanah bertujuan untuk mengidenti¯kasi hal-hal penting seperti, sumber kontaminasi, pengembangan spatial kontaminasi tersebut, dampaknya kontaminasi dimasa depan serta strategi penganggulangan kontaminasi. Model yang dapat merepresen- tasikan karakteristik transportasi kontaminan dan interaksi kimiawi kontaminan akan dkem- bangkan. Pengembangan model dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu, pengembangan model konseptual, mengekspresikan model konseptual kebentuk ekspresi matematika, menentukan solusi analitik atau atau numerik dari model serta melakukan veri¯kasi model dengan data
The Influence of Poly(Lactic Acid) Addition to Thermal Properties of the Blended Polypropylene for Food Packaging Materials
The commonly used food packaging materials are made from synthetic polymers derived from petroleum. However, the use of synthetic polymers has negative impacts on the environment, because it is difficult to degrade naturally either by the biotic or abiotic process. Although their complete replacement with eco-friendly packaging films is just impossible to achieve economically, at least for a specific application like food packaging the use of bioplastics should be the future. One of the alternatives is to blend synthetic polymer for instance polypropylene (PP) with a natural polymer like poly-lactic acid (PLA). Because their mixture is an immiscible blend because they have highly different polarity, it is necessary to add a compatibilizer such as polypropylene-grafted maleic anhydride (PP-g-MAH) in order to increase the properties of its blend miscibility. The objective of this research was to study the influence of PLA addition to the thermal properties of their blend product with PP. The combinations of PP with PLA in the ratios of (80:20); (90:10); (95:5) were prepared and then characterized for their thermal property behaviour by means of TG and DSC. The results showed that increasing the amount of PLA will decrease their enthalpy significantl
With the increased competition within the Indonesian hotel industry, the need forhoteliers to create memorable hotel experiences for customers is becoming increasingly important. A better understanding of how to create such experiences can help ensure customers revisit a hotel and maintain their sense of loyalty. This study analyses and discusses real hotel customers' reviews and feedback about their stay in the Top 10 Hotels in Indonesia. The findings show that perceptions of hospitality, perceptions of space and the overall hotel experience are the three most important factors in creating a memorable experience for Indonesian hotel customers. Limitations of this study and the avenues for future study are also discussed
Moral development is development related to rules and conventions regarding what should be done in interactions with others. For this reason, moralrdevelopment needs special attention because morals are closely related to the spiritual and social abilities of children. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that influence moral development at elementary school age. The research carried out is a research with a qualitative research approach, and using library research methods. The reference sources are taken from data collected from library research results by analyzing theories based on books, journals, and others with the theme of factors that influence moral development. In the moral development of students, internal factors include genetic factors or the influence of innate traits that exist in students. Furthermore, the traits that underlie moral development are developed or shaped by the environment. Students will begin to see and incorporate the values that exist in the surrunding environment, both in the family environment and in the community environment, which can include elders who may be role models in the community, neighbors, friends and teachers in the school environment
Moral development is development related to rules and conventions regarding what should be done in interactions with others. For this reason, moralrdevelopment needs special attention because morals are closely related to the spiritual and social abilities of children. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that influence moral development at elementary school age. The research carried out is a research with a qualitative research approach, and using library research methods. The reference sources are taken from data collected from library research results by analyzing theories based on books, journals, and others with the theme of factors that influence moral development. In the moral development of students, internal factors include genetic factors or the influence of innate traits that exist in students. Furthermore, the traits that underlie moral development are developed or shaped by the environment. Students will begin to see and incorporate the values that exist in the surrunding environment, both in the family environment and in the community environment, which can include elders who may be role models in the community, neighbors, friends and teachers in the school environment
Perancangan Sistem Produksi, Persediaan, dan Pembelian PT. Maju Jaya Mulya
Analysis and design of information system in PT. Maju Jaya Mulya is aimed to identify the organization needs in controlling and managing the data and information of operational transaction. They will be used as a base for developing a new integrated system that can meet company needs and to face the rivalry from the competitors. The activity in analysis and design is focused in production, inventory management and purchasing activities, as the main business of the company. The analysis and design of the company\u27s needs will be documented by using unified modeling language. With this information system, there is an expectation that this system will ease the company in doing their activity in production, inventory management and purchasing. This system will also minimize the data lost and human error, which is usually caused by the manual process and storage data of transactional data
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