32 research outputs found

    Development of Stochastic Optimization Model of Production Cycle Time in Small andMedium Enterprises

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    У докторској дисертацијиприказан је развој стохастичког модела оптимизације времена трајања циклуса производње у малим и средњим предузећима. Модел ће омогућити ефикасно праћење и анализу елемената врема циклуса производње у малим и средњим предузећима, у циљу оптимизације серијске производње и побољшања конкурентности у савременом пословању. Циљ је боље управљање производњом у малим и средљим предузећима као носиоцима привредног раста и развоја. Модел је примењен и експериментално доказан у три предузећа где је истраживање спроведено у периоду 2011-2014 године.U doktorskoj disertacijiprikazan je razvoj stohastičkog modela optimizacije vremena trajanja ciklusa proizvodnje u malim i srednjim preduzećima. Model će omogućiti efikasno praćenje i analizu elemenata vrema ciklusa proizvodnje u malim i srednjim preduzećima, u cilju optimizacije serijske proizvodnje i poboljšanja konkurentnosti u savremenom poslovanju. Cilj je bolje upravljanje proizvodnjom u malim i sredljim preduzećima kao nosiocima privrednog rasta i razvoja. Model je primenjen i eksperimentalno dokazan u tri preduzeća gde je istraživanje sprovedeno u periodu 2011-2014 godine.The Doctoral Dissertation presents the development of stochastic optimization model of production cycle time in small and medium size enterprises.The model will enable efficient tracking and analysis of production cycle time elements in small and medium size enterprises in order to optimize assenibly line production and to improve competitiveness in modern business.The aim is better production contol in small and medium size enterprisesas industial growth and development holders. The model was applied and proved experimentally in three enerprises where the research was caried out from 2011 to 2014

    Reduction of production cycle time by optimising production and non-production components of time in the metalworking industry: a case study

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    The production cycle (PC) time, as a very important economic indicator of freezing current assets, involves the time needed to manufacture a unit or a series of units, from putting them into production until they are put into storage; and yet it is rarely discussed in the literature, even though it should be also analysed and be made as short as possible. The goal of this article is to survey and control the methodology of reducing the PC time of components in the metalworking industry, grouped by factor analysis into the factors of production and non-production components, observed by a modified method of current observations, and viewed as a process whose effectiveness was monitored using control charts. The survey is based on data collected through 1,576 observations in a Serbian company that manufactures electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles. The 2012 results, when compared with those of 2011, indicate that the PC time is significantly reduced by 93 minutes, or by 28.53 per cent, and the manufacturing time by 46 minutes, or by 19.17 per cent. The results furnish empirical findings that provide insights into a number of managerial issues concerning investment decisions in product-specific cycle time improvements and reductions, together with process redesigns

    Reduction of production cycle time by optimising production and non-production components of time in the metalworking industry: a case study

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    The production cycle (PC) time, as a very important economic indicator of freezing current assets, involves the time needed to manufacture a unit or a series of units, from putting them into production until they are put into storage; and yet it is rarely discussed in the literature, even though it should be also analysed and be made as short as possible. The goal of this article is to survey and control the methodology of reducing the PC time of components in the metalworking industry, grouped by factor analysis into the factors of production and non-production components, observed by a modified method of current observations, and viewed as a process whose effectiveness was monitored using control charts. The survey is based on data collected through 1,576 observations in a Serbian company that manufactures electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles. The 2012 results, when compared with those of 2011, indicate that the PC time is significantly reduced by 93 minutes, or by 28.53 per cent, and the manufacturing time by 46 minutes, or by 19.17 per cent. The results furnish empirical findings that provide insights into a number of managerial issues concerning investment decisions in product-specific cycle time improvements and reductions, together with process redesigns

    Differences between the Anthropometric Measurements of Serbian and Libyan Male Passenger Car Drivers

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    The collection and analysis of anthropometric characteristics for various passenger car user populations is a very important predecessor of the design process. The first aim of this survey is to collect up-to-date anthropometric data for male passenger car drivers in Serbia and to collect those data for the first time in Libya. The second aim of this survey is to compare the collected data and enable further modeling using both univariate and multivariate operators' models from both samples. Anthropometric measurements on standing height, sitting height, lower leg length, upper leg length, shoulder width, hip breadth, arm length, and foot length were collected for 921 Serbian and 300 Libyan male drivers. Results show that, for Serbian male drivers, a correlation between variables exists in 67.85% cases, while for Libyan male drivers, a correlation between variables exists in 39.28% cases. The comparison of mean values between variables for Serbian and Libyan male drivers showed that, beside shoulder width, all others have significantly higher values for Serbians than for Libyikans. Consequently, there are different interior space dimensions of the vehicle obtained: for Serbian drivers, interior space dimensions amounted to 1500 x 561 x 1230 mm and for Libyan drivers amounted to1400 x 591 x 1155 mm which are useful to passenger car designers in eliminating existing anthropometric inconsistencies

    A stochastic model to determine the elements of production cycle time in enterprise

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    A model for the stochastic determination of the elements of production cycle time is proposed and experimentally verified in this survey. The originality of the model is reflected in the idea of using a work sampling model to monitor the production cycle, as one of the most significant indicators of production effectiveness and efficiency, instead of applying classical methods. It has been experimentally proved that for a corresponding representative set the elements of working time range according to normal distribution law and that, dynamically viewed, it is possible using mean value calculations to establish control limits on 3 standard deviations for the individual elements of working time and thus to master the process

    Ontology of the Development Strategies: (The) Basis for Decision Support in Government Development Funds

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    This paper presents a methodical approach to the creation of the ontological model which serves as a knowledge base in the decision-making process of evaluation clients who are applying for loans and subsides of state development funds. The role of the proposed ontological model is steering government subsidies and investments in industries and areas of socio - economic development which are defined by the state development strategies. The ultimate aim of this research is to suggest appropriate classifiers (priority indexes) for each ensemble of the socio-economic parameters in the context of scoring government development funds clients. The novelty of the research presented in this paper is reflected by the identifying and semantically presenting of social and economic characteristics, which covers the area of operation of state development funds and which are relevant for the development of the analyzed region. The advantages which are achieved by using the proposed ontology model are: decision-making process that excludes the subjective reasoning of the administrative staff and decision proposals which are justified in state development strategies. The authors in this paper propose an implementation procedure and show a prototype example of utilization of the created ontology

    Modern agribusiness within the framework of society 5.0

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    The domestic agribusiness sector has an important role in economic development and in economic growth. The goal of the paper is to analyze potential influencing factors on sustainable agribusiness. The research methodology included qualitative correlation and causation analysis, categorization and deduction. Datasets from credible sources were analyzed a Sustainable Agribusiness Trend Index (SATI) model was developed. Through analyzing the existing body of literature, analyzing previous and newest available data in the domain of agriculture and macro-economic indicators, as well through the developed SATI model, potential future trends in the domain of sustainable agribusiness are noted. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that modern agribusiness requires a multi-aspect approach. Factors such as renewable water sources, human development index, GPD growth and many other present integral parts of sustainable agribusiness development.Accepted for publishin

    Industry 5.0: A New Paradigm in Manufacturing

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    The fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0has brought challenges to enterprises across the globe. In addition, the globalization of markets and the COVID-19 pandemic have put pressure on enterprises who want to achieve competitive ability. Amidst the challenges of the modern business environment, the concept of the fifth industrial revolution - Industry 5.0 arises as a Society 5.0 compatible and systematic transformation of the Industry 4.0 concept. Industry 5.0 is forthcoming and is not fully materialized. However, it derives and is complementary with the Society 5.0 initiative, which is present for five years now. In this paper, the drawbacks of Industry 4.0 and the concept of Industry 5.0 are analysed. The main goal of the paper is to present Industry 5.0 and the new paradigm of manufacturing and conducting business. The paper contributes to the existing body of literature and provides an adequate basis for future research in the domain of industrial revolutions, sustainability, and competitivenes