11 research outputs found

    Morfologija zglobne kvržice američkih povijesnih i suvremenih populacija

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    Objectives: This study was performed to determine the values of the articular eminence inclination (AEI), the articular eminence height (AEH), and the length of the articular eminence curved line (AEL) among American prehistoric and contemporary populations. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 120 human dry skulls divided into 4 groups: Illinois group (IP), Kentucky group (KP), African Americans group (AAP) and American Caucasians group (ACP). Each group comprised 30 human dry skulls. Measurements of AEI (by two methods), AEH and AEL were performed using computer software on 5 sagittal sections through silicone molds of the articular eminence. The obtained results were statistically analyzed at significance level of p 0.05). The mean AEI M1 values ranged from 31.56° to 38.72°, the mean AEI M2 values ranged from 44.14° to 58.37°, the mean AEH ranged from 5.82 to 6.86 mm, and the mean AEL values ranged from 11.57 to 12.73 mm. Conclusions: AEI, AEH, AEL values are variables, but they did not differ significantly among American populations. Left-right differences as the result of natural body asymmetry were not statistically significant. Sex and age did not significantly affect the articular eminence morphology.Svrha rada: Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se dobile vrijednosti nagiba stražnjega zida zglobne kvržice (AEI), visine zglobne kvržice (AEH) i duljine zakrivljene linije od najviše do najniže točke na zglobnoj kvržici (AEL) između američkih povijesnih i suvremenih populacija. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je obavljeno na 120 ljudskih lubanja podijeljenih u četiri skupine: Illinois (IP), Kentucky (KP), američki crnci (AAP) i američki bijelci (ACP). U svakoj je bilo po 30 lubanja. Mjerenje AEI (dvije metode), AEH i AEL vrijednosti provedeno je s pomoću računalnog programa na pet rezova kroz si-likonske otiske zglobne kvržice. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni i analizirani na razini značajnosti od p 0,05). Srednje AEI M1 vrijed-nosti bile su od 31,56° do 38,72°, srednje AEI M2 vrijednosti od 44,14° do 58,37°, srednje AEH vrijed-nosti od 5,82 do 6,86 mm, a srednje AEL vrijednosti od 11,57 do 12,73 mm. Zaključak: AEI, AEH, AEL vrijednosti su varijabilne, ali bez statistički značajnih razlika između američkih populacija. Razlike s obzirom na stranu tijela, kao rezultat prirodne asimetrije tijela, nisu bile statistički značajne. Spol i dob nisu značajno utjecali na morfologiju zglobne kvržice

    Psychometric Properties of the Croatian Language Version of the Dental Environment Stress Questionnaire on Dental Medicine Students

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    Svrha: Razviti hrvatsku verziju Dental Environment Stress upitnika (DES) s 41 pitanjem za mjerenje razine stresa kod studenata dentalne medicine pretkliničkih i kliničkih godina studija te ispitati psihometrijska svojstva upitnika u hrvatskoj kulturološkoj sredini. Ispitanici i postupci: Engleska verzija DES upitnika s 41 pitanjem prvo je prevedena na hrvatski jezik i postavljena na Google drive. Ispunili su je 202 studenta Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučiliša u Zagrebu i 30 studenata drugih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu kako bi se ispitala psihometrijska svojstva upitnika. Studenti su procijenili ukupnu količinu stresa na Likertovoj ljestvici (0 = nema stresa, 3 = najveći mogući stres). Unutarnja konzistentnost testirana je na 202 studenta dentalne medicine; test-retest analiza na 30 studenata koji su ispunili isti upitnik dvaput; konvergentna valjanost na 202 studenta dentalne medicine te divergentna valjanost na 202 studenta dentalne medicine i 30 studenata drugih fakulteta koji nisu iz područja biomedicine. Rezultati: Unutarnja konzistencija pokazala je visok Cronbach alpha koeficijent (0,9), a test-retest pouzdanost pokazala je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u zbroju bodova upitnika (p > 0,05) unutar razdoblja od 14 dana kada se razina stresa nije značajno mijenjala (vrijeme praznika). Konvergentna valjanost potvrđena je značajnom korelacijom između zbroja bodova DES upitnika i jednim općim pitanjem o procjeni razine stresa (Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije = 0,881; p < 0,001). Divergentna valjanost potvrđena je značajno manjim zbrojem bodova DES upitnika kod studenata fakulteta koji nisu iz područja biomedicine (t = 7,5, P < 0,001). Zaključak: Izvrsne psihometrijske značajke hrvatske verzije DES upitnika omogućuju njegovu uporabu za evaluaciju razine stresa kod studenata dentalne medicine u hrvatskoj kulturološkoj sredini.Objective: To develop the Croatian version of the 41-item Dental Environment Stress questionnaire (DES) for stress assessment of dental students in both, preclinical and clinical years of study and to test its psychometric properties in Croatian dental student population. Materials and Methods: The English version of the 41-Item DES questionnaire was first translated into the Croatian language. Subsequently, it was set on the google drive and filled out by a total of 202 students from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb and 30 additional students from other Faculties. Students also assessed their overall level of stress on the Likert scale (1=no stress, 5=highest level of stress). Internal consistency was tested on 202 dental students; test-retest reliability on 30 dental students who filled out the same questionnaire twice; convergent validity on 202 dental students; and divergent validity on 202 dental students and 30 students from faculties not belonging to the biomedicine group. Results: Internal consistency showed high Cronbach alpha coefficient (0.9) and test-retest reliability showed no significant difference (P>0.05) within the period of 14 days when stress level had not changed (vacation). Convergent validity was confirmed by the significant association between the DES summary scores and the self- perceived level of stress (Spearman’s rho=0.881; P<0.001). Divergent validity was confirmed by significantly lower DES summary scores in students not belonging to the Biomedicine group (t=7.5, P<0.001). Conclusion: Excellent psychometric properties of the Croatian version of the DES questionnaire enable its utilization for assessment of stress level in Croatian dental students

    Pediatric patients’ reasons for visiting dentists in all WHO regions

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    Oral Function, Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Appearance, and Psychosocial Impact are the four oral healthrelated quality of life (OHRQoL) dimensions (4D) or areas in which oral disorders impact pediatric patients. Using their dentists’ assessment, the study aimed to evaluate whether pediatric dental patients’ oral health concerns ft into the 4D of the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) construct.Dentists who treat children from 32 countries and all WHO regions were selected from a web-based survey of 1580 international dentists. Dentists were asked if their pediatric patients with current or future oral health concerns ft into the 4D of the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) construct. Proportions of all pediatric patients’ oral health problems and prevention needs were computed

    Koncepcija skraćenog zubnog niza

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    Temporomandibularni poremećaji; retrodiscitis

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    Mini-Implants Retaining Removable Partial Dentures in Subjects without Posterior Teeth: A 5-Year Prospective Study Comparing the Maxilla and the Mandible

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    Background and objectives: Long-term studies of clinical outcomes of mini-implants (MDIs) in the first premolar/canine sites retaining a bilateral free-ending removable partial dentures (RPD) in Kennedy class I subjects have not been well documented. The aim was to assess clinical outcomes in a prospective 5-year cohort study comparing the mandible and maxilla. Material and Methods: Participants (n = 92) who received two MDIs each and a new RPD were reviewed after one, three and five years. A total of 71 participants (82 mini-implants in the mandible; 58 in the maxilla) completed the study. Marginal bone level change, success, survival rates, Modified Plaque (MPI) and Bleeding Indices (MBI) were assessed. Results: The five-year success rate was 93.3% and 93.4% (p > 0.05), in the mandible and the maxilla, respectively. Mean peri-implant bone loss (MBL) increased significantly over five years (p < 0.01) to 0.50 mm in the mandible and 0.52 mm in the maxilla. Age had a significant effect on the MBL (higher rates in younger participants), while jaw of insertion, gender, and antagonistic jaw status did not. MPI and MBI were not significantly correlated with MBL. Conclusions: The insertion of two MDIs in previous first premolar/canine sites for retention of a free-end saddle RPD can be a successful treatment modality in subjects with narrow alveolar ridges

    Prilagodba na nove proteze i pet godina kliničke uporabe: praćenje kvalitete života ovisne o oralnome zdravlju i orofacijalne estetike kod pacijenata s potpunim ili pokrovnim protezama na miniimplantatima

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    Objective of work: It is unclear how long patients need to adapt to new dentures. This study assessed adaptation and five years of clinical use, comparing complete denture wearers (CDs) and mini-implant mandibular overdenture wearers opposing a maxillary CD ( MDI-OD), based on oral health reported quality of life (OHRQoL) and orofacial esthetics (OES). Material and Methods: A total of 36 subjects in the CD group (25 females) and 30 subjects in the MDI group (20 females) completed the 5-year study. All patients received new CDs, but in the MDI-OD group, four mini-implants were inserted interforaminally in the mandible before denture manufacture. Participants filled in the OHIP-EDENT and OES questionnaires one day after dentures’ delivery, on the 3 rd , 8 th , 15 th , 30 th day, and at the 1-, 3- and 5-year follow-up examinations. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive methods, X 2 test, independent t-test, Friedman, and Mann-Whitney test. Results and Conclusions: Both groups’ adaptation to new dentures was completed within a month. The MDI-OD group had significantly better OHRQoL in all follow-ups except for the 3 rd and 8 th day, probably due to soreness and pain, the reason why the MDI-OD group had limitation in functioning in the first days after new dentures’ delivery. Already after the third year and at the fifth year, OHRQoL worsened (p<0.01) in both groups. However it was significantly more pronounced in the conventional CD wearers (p<0.01) than in the MDI-OD group. Orofacial esthetics was highly scored in both groups. The scores dropped down only after three years, equally in both groups.Cilj rada: Autori ovog istraživanja procjenjuju prilagodbu na proteze i njihovu petogodišnju kliničku upotrebu uspoređujući pacijente s obje potpune proteze (CD) i one s mandibularnom pokrovnom protezom na miniimplantatima nasuprot maksilarnoj potpunoj protezi (MDI-OD) na temelju kvalitete života ovisne o oralnome zdravlju (OHRQoL) i orofacijalne estetike ( OES). Materijal i metode: U CD skupini ukupno je 36 ispitanika (25 žena) završilo petogodišnju studiju, a 30 ispitanika (20 žena) u skupini MDI-OD. Svi su dobili nove CD-e, ali u skupini MDI-OD četiri miniimplantata ugrađena su interforaminalno u mandibulu prije izrade proteze. Sudionici su ispunjavali sljedeće upitnike: OHIP-EDENT i OES prvi dan poslije predaje proteza, zatim 3., 8., 15., 30. dan, te na kontrolnim pregledima poslije 1, 3 i 5 godina nošenja. Statistička analiza uključila je deskriptivne metode, X 2 test, t-test za nezavisne uzorke te Friedmanov i Mann-Whitneyev test. Rezultati i zaključak: Prilagodba na nove proteze bila je u objema skupinama završena u roku od mjesec dana. Skupina MDI-OD imala je znatno bolju kvalitetu života (OHRQoL) od skupine CD na svim kontrolama, osim 3. i 8. dana, vjerojatno zbog žuljanja i boli, zbog čega je skupina MDI-OD također imala ograničenje pri funkciji u prvim danima poslije predaje novih proteza. Poslije treće i pete godine OHRQoL se pogoršao (p < 0,01) u objema skupinama. No pogoršanje je bilo znatno izraženije kod nositelja konvencionalnih proteza (p < 0,01) u odnosu prema skupini MDI-OD. Orofacijalna estetika dobila je visoke ocjene u objema skupinama. Ocjene za estetiku počele su se smanjivati tek poslije tri godine i to podjednako u i u jednoj i u drugoj skupini

    Clinical Outcomes of Three versus Four Mini-Implants Retaining Mandibular Overdenture: A 5-Year Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background and Objectives: Due to a lack of long-term clinical studies that would clarify whether the insertion of three mini-implants (MDIs) can be as successful treatment as the insertion of four MDIs for the retention of mandibular overdentures (ODs), this 5-year prospective cohort study was set up. Materials and Methods: Participants (n = 83) randomly received either four or three MDIs and a mandibular OD. Clinical examinations were performed at the baseline, as well as after one, three, and five years, respectively. A total of 73 participants (38 in the four-MDI and 35 in the three-MDI groups) partook in the study. The marginal bone level change, success and survival rates, and prosthodontic maintenance were assessed. Results: Repeated measures showed that the mean peri-implant bone loss increased progressively at a small amount over five years in both groups (four-MDI group = −0.36 ± 0.74; three-MDI group = −0.33 ± 0.27 mm; p < 0.05). However, an ANCOVA revealed no significant effects of the group (no significant difference between the three- and the four-MDI groups; F = 0.085; p = 0.771), gender (F = 0.023; p = 0.88), or covariate age (F = 1.95; p = 0.167) on the dependent variable: the 5-year MBL change. The success rate (together with successful survival) was 93.8% in the four-MDI group and 91.7% in the three-MDI group. The log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test revealed no significant differences between them (X2 = 0.373; p = 0.541). Conclusions: In patients with narrow ridges, the insertion of three MDIs in the mandible for overdenture retention can be equally as successful as the insertion of four MDIs