24 research outputs found

    Nedostatak informacija o raku debelog crijeva i rektuma u široj javnosti mogao bi biti razlog niske stope odgovora na program probira

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    Introduction: In Croatia, about 3,500 patients are diagnosed with a colorectal carcinoma annually. The National Program for Early Detection of Colon Cancer has been implemented in Croatia since 2007. The program’s primary goal is todetect colon cancer at an early stage of the disease, which should reduce the incidence and mortality from colon cancer. Aim: To determine the interest of the target group in participating in the program, reasons for not responding to the program, and their knowledge about it altogether. Materials and methods: Surveying 50 patients within the program’s target group about their response to and understanding of reasons for screening. Results: Although 84% of the participants know about the program, the response rate was unsatisfactory. Conclusion: Most of the respondents who suffered from a colorectal carcinoma received a call but did not respond due to the absence of symptoms, which correlates with a low level of knowledge on colorectal carcinoma.Uvod: Godišnje u Hrvatskoj od kolorektalnog karcinoma oboli oko 3500 bolesnika. Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva u Hrvatskoj se provodi od 2007. godine. Primarni cilj programa je otkrivanje raka debelog crijeva u ranoj fazi bolesti, što bi trebalo smanjiti učestalost i smrtnost od raka debelog crijeva. Cilj: Utvrditi interes ciljne skupine za sudjelovanje u programu, razloge neodazivanja na program te njihovu ukupnu upućenost u program. Materijali i metode: Anketiranje 50 pacijenata unutar ciljne skupine programa o njihovom odgovoru i razumijevanju razloga za probir. Rezultati: Iako 84% sudionika zna za program, stopa odaziva nije bila zadovoljavajuća. Zaključak: Većina ispitanika koji su bolovali od kolorektalnog karcinoma primili su poziv, ali se nisu odazvali zbog nepostojanja simptoma, što korelira s niskom razinom znanja o kolorektalnom karcinomu

    Economic predictors of differences in interview faking between countries : economic inequality matters, not the state of economy

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    Many companies recruit employees from different parts of the globe, and faking behavior by potential employees is a ubiquitous phenomenon. It seems that applicants from some countries are more prone to faking compared to others, but the reasons for these differences are largely unexplored. This study relates country-level economic variables to faking behavior in hiring processes. In a cross-national study across 20 countries, participants (N = 3839) reported their faking behavior in their last job interview. This study used the random response technique (RRT) to ensure participants anonymity and to foster honest answers regarding faking behavior. Results indicate that general economic indicators (gross domestic product per capita [GDP] and unemployment rate) show negligible correlations with faking across the countries, whereas economic inequality is positively related to the extent of applicant faking to a substantial extent. These findings imply that people are sensitive to inequality within countries and that inequality relates to faking, because inequality might actuate other psychological processes (e.g., envy) which in turn increase the probability for unethical behavior in many forms

    Potencijalni prediktivni biljezi postoperativnih komplikacija kolorektalnog karcinoma temeljeni na omjeru nezrelih granulocita i limfocita, udjelu nezrelih granulocita te IG i IT omjeru

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    Introduction: The markers of inflammations are a significant predictor of postoperative outcome after colorectal cancer surgery. Along with leukocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) we tried to test the role of immature granulocytes (IG) counts and trends in the postoperative period. Methods: We recorded matched three patient according to their sex, age, and tumor localization who had an uneventful recovery with three patients who had an anastomotic leak required reoperation. We obtained the IG count with every complete blood count and correlated these with CRP, PCT, NLR. For the best prediction we calculated the potential Zagreb score by adding 1 point for elevated NLR ratio for more than 75%, minimally three consecutively elevated % IG, doubling of immature granulocytes relative value to absolute neutrophils count ratio (IG ratio) and immature granulocytes relative value to leucocytes count ratio (IT ratio) at three consecutive time points. Results and Conclusion: Potential Zagreb score seems to predict the need for reoperation in time. Herein we introduce its concept, and we plan the retrospective study to test its feasibility and precision.Uvod: Markeri upale su važni čimbenici u predviđanju poslijeoperacijskog tijeka u kolorektalnoj kirurgiji. Uz leukocite, C reaktivni protein, prokalcitonin i neutrofilno/limfocitni omjer, uvodimo mogućnost korištenja broja i trendova nezrelih granulocita u postoperacijskom periodu. Metode: Zabilježili smo kliničke podatke tri pacijenta koja su imala uredan poslijeopracijski tijek i tri koja su imala dehiscencu anastomoze. Pacijenti su upareni po dobi, spolu, i lokalizaciji karcinoma kolorektuma. Obradili smo podatke o broju nezrelih granulocita koji je integralni dio kompletne krvne slike na analizatoru Sysmex XN 1000, te korelirali podatke sa CRP-om, PCT-om, NLR-om. Najbolje predviđanje smo dobili kada je ustanovljen potencijalni Zagreb score: povećan NLR za više od 75%, tri povećanja % IG zaredom i udvostručenje IG-a and IT-a u tri mjerenja zaredom. Rezultati i zaključak: Potencijalni Zagreb score je predvidio potrebu za reoperacijom na vrijeme. Ova serija slučajeva je uvela koncept i planiramo retrospektivno, na većem uzorku, testirati izvedivost i preciznost potencijalnog Zagreb scorea

    Photoelectron and photoion study of the valence photoionization of C60

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    Recent photoion yield measurements, done in the valence photoionization region of C60, reveal a high fraction of doubly and even triply charged ions [see A. Reinköster, S. Korica, G. Prümper, J. Viefhaus, K. Godehusen, O. Schwarzkopf, M. Mast, U. Becker, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 2135]. The Click to view the MathML source intensity increases continously up to hν≈60 eV and stays constants at higher photon energies. Moreover, the fragmentation into Click to view the MathML source and Click to view the MathML source is pronounced in the energy region hν≈50–70 eV. The question arises, if after electrons are removed from certain electronic levels, the multiple-ionization or even the fragmentation is somehow triggered. Or in other words, if the multiple-ionization or the fragmentation characteristics can be already seen in the simple (non-coincident) electron data. We can answer the question with the help of such non-coincident valence electron measurements, recorded in the interesting photon energy region hν≈40–70 eV

    Proofs for implementation of higher HE4 and ROMA index cut-off values in ovarian cancer preoperative stratification

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    This study aimed to identify and quantify the clinical significance of the HE4 and ROMA index in patients with an adnexal tumour. We recruited 159 women and the HE4 and CA125 were measured with an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay in the sera. We used the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Mann–Whitney’s test and logistic regression to interpret the data. In the premenopausal group (n = 57), the ROC analysis (with cut-off: 86.1 pmol/L for HE4; 40.7 U/L for CA125 and 21.9% for ROMA) demonstrated the superior prognostic potential of those markers when the higher cut-offs used are compared to producers. The AUC for HE4/CA125/ROMA were 0.846/0.867/0.846, respectively. The HE4/ROMA showed 85.7% sensitivity and 94% specificity. In the postmenopausal group (n = 102), the ROC analysis cut-off values were: 99.8 pmol/L for HE4; 45.8 U/L for CA125 and 38.4% for ROMA. AUC for HE4/CA125/ROMA were 0.928/0.899/0.927, respectively. HE4 had an 86.1% sensitivity at 92.4% specificity, while ROMA showed an 88.9% sensitivity at a 90.9% specificity.Impact Statement What is already known on this subject? The incidence of ovarian cancer has been increasing, despite the improvement of diagnostic, operative and therapeutic procedures. As a part of the multiparametric approach, the HE4 and ROMA index improve the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of CA125 in the detection of ovarian cancer. What the results of this study add? The evaluation of HE4 and ROMA efficacy in the preoperative stratification was made by logistic regression analysis. The better prognostic potential of ROMA index, in patients with present adnexal mass, was obtained using our higher cut-offs for the ROMA index (21.9% for premenopausal and 38.4% for postmenopausal) in comparison to the producer’s (11.7% for premenopausal and 29.9% for postmenopausal). The HE4 and ROMA index had 14.29 +LR, 0.15 –LR, 67% PPV and 97.9% NPV in the premenopausal patients. In the postmenopausal group, the HE4 had 11.37 +LR, 0.15 –LR, 75.6% PPV and 92.4% NPV, the ROMA showed 9.78 +LR, 0.12 –LR, 91.2% PPV and 95.2% NPV. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Application of a higher cut-off for HE4/CA125/ROMA index can significantly reduce the percentage of FP and FN in the preoperative stratification of ovarian cancer and justify speculations about this subject in the future

    Appearance of plasmons in fullerenes

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    The valence electrons of fullerenes may be regarded as spherical distributions with a finite width of a jellium-like potential giving rise to collective motions of this orange peel electron cloud. They cause strong enhancement of the photoionization cross section, a resonant behavior phenomenon know as plasmon excitations. The number and characteristic features of these excitations will be discussed