134 research outputs found

    Variáveis que Influenciam na Escolha de uma Agência de Turismo no Público de Estudantes Universitários

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 O segmento turístico tem passado por profundas transformações, dentre estas, a chamada “desintermediação”. Saber o que leva o consumidor a escolher uma agência dentre outras, ou comprar direto dos fornecedores turísticos é um fator importante para a sobrevivência desse tipo de organização. O artigo tem por objetivo identificar esses motivos entre o público universitário. Para a elaboração do instrumento de coleta foi realizado um levantamento qualitativo inicial, a fim de identificar as variáveis que o consumidor considera mais relevantes, as quais foram utilizadas para estruturar um questionário em escala Likert de 5 pontos. Foi aplicada uma pesquisa de corte transversal com 150 alunos de uma instituição de ensino. Identificou-se que a maioria dos entrevistados considera o atendimento como fator mais importante na escolha de uma agência. A análise fatorial mostrou que a propensão de desintermediação é mais relevante entre os mais jovens e entre as pessoas que viajam com mais freqüência. 
 Palavra-chave: Agência de turismo; comportamento do consumidor; tomada de decisão.
 The tourist segment has passed by profound transformations, among them, that called desintermediation. To know what leads the consumer to choose one agency among others or to buy directly from the tourist suppliers is an important factor for this type of organization survival. The article objective is to identify these reasons among the university public. To elaborate the collection instrument, an initial qualitative survey was carried out, in order to identify those variable considered more relevant by the consumer, which had been utilized to structure a questionnaire, in 5 points Likert scale. A transversal cut research with 150 students of an education institution was applied. It was identified that the service is considered the most important factor to the great part of the interviewed students in the choice of an agency. The factorial analysis showed that the desintermediation propensity is more relevant among both the youngest and the people who travel more frequetly. 
 Keywords: Travel agency; consumer behavior; decision taking

    Dental impaction of permanents canines - consequences and relation with funtional orthopedics of the maxillary

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    O conhecimento e a experiência clínica do crescimento e desenvolvimento normal de uma criança, assim como uma investigação radiográfica do progresso da erupção dentária, são importantes na supervisão da erupção do canino superior permanente. A observação de alguns sinais e sintomas, como por exemplo, a palpação do "vulto" do canino permanente acima do ápice da raiz do canino decíduo, aproximadamente aos 9 anos de idade, é muito importante para o diagnóstico de uma erupção ectópica. Na possibilidade de diagnosticar precocemente, o profissional se vê diante de maiores recursos de tratamento, na tentativa de evitar complicações que, embora raras, podem acontecer, como a necessidade de um tracionamento e a reabsorção radicular de dentes adjacentes.Clinical experience and knowledge of normal growth and development of children, as well as radiographic studies of the dental eruption evolution, are important to supervise the maxillary permanent canine eruption. Clinical observations of signs and symptons such as digital palpation of the permanent canine bulges above the primary canine apex, on children of about nine years old, is a very important Step for the diagnosis of ectopic eruption. Dentist may find more help with the early diagnosis, to avoid complications that are not so frequent to happen, but are still a burden such as traction and adjacent root tooth resorption


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    Sob a ótica do conceito adorniano de autonomia estética, analisamos aqui de qual forma se dá a relação entre sociedade e arte, passando por discussões quanto à separação entre teoria e práxis, quanto à lógica interna da obra de arte, quanto ao poder de integração da indústria cultural, em relação às obras de arte, e quanto à impossibilidade de controlar os seus efeitos sociais, seja ela autônoma, seja engajada. Trata-se, ainda, de demonstrar o caráter ilusório da proposição segundo a qual a arte seria eficaz instrumento politizador, quando utilizada de forma a engajar e adaptar seu conteúdo a objetivos políticos pré-determinados, o que será feito por meio da análise interpretativa das obras de Theodor W. Adorno e de seus comentadores, na área de estética

    Ionizing Radiation-Induced Apoptosis and DNA Repair in Murine Erythroleukemia Cells

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    A morphological study of DNA repair and apoptotic patterns in relationship with cell cycle events was performed on murine erythroleukemia cells. The presence and distribution of DNA replicon sites were evaluated through the BrdU-anti BrdU immunofluorescence and immunogold techniques in light and electron microscopy. Different patterns of labelling and percentages of BrdU positive cells were observed depending on irradiation dose (up to 60 Gy) and time in post-irradiation culture (up to 24 hours). An enlargement of the S phase of the cell cycle was evidenced 18 hours post-irradiation as determined by flow cytometry analysis. The high resolution approach showed that, in spite of several morphological alterations, BrdU labelling was present even in cells displaying early and late apoptotic features

    Segmentação no setor turístico: o turista LGBT de São Paulo

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    The objective of this article is to present the tourism segment LGBT (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender) of Sao Paulo city and gather information about his profile as important support for the tourism sector in defining their marketing strategies. It was carried out an exploratory and statistical data from government and representatives of this public for a description and analysis of data on the composition and profile of this segment, as well as the strategies being used by companies to captivate it and loyalty it. It also composes a Descriptive Study carried out by the Tourism Observatory of São Paulo next to the participants of the Sao Paulo Gay Parade in 2011. As results, it appears that LGBT public presents behavioral particularities as buyers of tourist products, providing during their stay, higher investments than others tourism segments, because it comes as a tourist for a longer period of stay in Sao Paulo, thus leaving more financial resources in the city. It also presents as results, examples of effective use of differentiation strategies by organizations, attraction, service and loyalty in this segment.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198346593852O objetivo neste artigo é retratar o segmento de turismo LGTB (Lésbicas, Gays, Transexuais e Bissexuais) da cidade de São Paulo e levantar informações sobre seu perfil como importante respaldo para o setor turístico na definição de suas estratégias de marketing. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico exploratório e um levantamento de dados estatísticos junto a órgãos governamentais e órgãos representantes deste público para uma descrição e análise dos dados sobre a composição e perfil desse segmento, bem como sobre as estratégias que estão sendo utilizadas pelas empresas para cativá-lo e fidelizá-lo. Compõe também o trabalho Estudo Descritivo realizado pelo Observatório do Turismo de São Paulo junto aos participantes da Parada Gay em São Paulo, em 2011. Como resultados, verifica-se que o público LGTB apresenta particularidades comportamentais como compradores de produtos turísticos, proporcionando durante sua estada, investimentos superiores aos feitos por outros segmentos do turismo, pois vem permanecendo como turista por um período maior de tempo em São Paulo, deixando assim mais recursos financeiros na cidade. Também apresenta como resultados, exemplos da utilização eficaz de estratégias de diferenciação por parte das organizações, na atração, atendimento e fidelização desse segmento.

    Identification of Brazilian wild-type isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus based on polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS technique

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    Currently is accpeted that the majority of the unknown species in the world are in the tropics and Brazil possibly holds more than 25% of this biodiversity. In the filamentous fungi case the number of new species described for science in Brazil is very small when compared with the potentiality of the region. In addition, there is expected to find a large biological variability inside of described and new fungal species. Species belonging to the Aspergillus genus are responsible for invasive aspergillosis. This is gaining prominent position because of their capability to affect immunocompromised and immunosuppressed patients and aspergillosis is most commun mould infection more recognised worldwide. A better understanding about the regional fungal traits can help to a fast and effective treatment of patients with aspergillosis. In order to set up a collection containing regional fungal strains with clinical relevance to attend the great variability (morphology, biochemical, genomics and proteomics patterns) of the Brazilian fungal population 13 wild-type Aspergillus isolates from section Fumigati were studied. They were isolated from the five official Brazilian regions (North, Northeast, Centre-east, Southeast and South) and identified based on a polyphasic approach which is. based on morphological, biochemical, molecular biology and spectral analyses by MALDI-TOF MS. After collected, purified and identified all 13 Aspergilli isolates were preserved at Filamentous Fungi Collection of Ribeirão Preto (CFF-RP), São Paulo, Brazil. Data obtained from the polyphasic approach led to a final fungal identification at species level. Overall, MALDI-TOF MS was the fast technique for identify the species. However, molecular biology was the gold standard for the species identification once it was used to validate data obtained from the other techniques mentioned above. Moreover, either MALDI-TOF MS or molecular biology should not be used as a single step for fungal identification.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, Brazil)

    Identification of brazilian aspergilli based on a polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF ICMS

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    Publicado em "Biological resource centres : closing the gap between science and society : abstracts book...". ISBN 978-972-97916-5-9Microbial culture collections were established to preserve cultures of fungi and bacteria for taxonomical studies. However, nowadays they are also important for the ex situ conservation of microbial biodiversity. They are responsible for collecting, cataloguing, identifying and preserving strains for biomedical research, teaching, industry, agriculture, etc. Hence, this current work performed a polyphasic study based on morphology, biochemistry and MALDI-TOF ICMS to identify aspergilli from different environments in Brazil. Thirteen isolates of Aspergillus spp. deposited at the Filamentous Fungi Collection of Ribeirão Preto (CFF-RP) were analysed. Strains were grown on Czapek-Dox Agar (CZA) and Malt Extract Agar (MEA) at 30°C for morphology. Biochemical characterisation (production of ochratoxin A and fumonisin B2) was performed by HPLC. The MALDI-TOF ICMS analysis were performed on an Axima LNR system (Kratos Analytical, Shimadzu, Manchester, UK) equipped with a nitrogen laser (337 nm), using a mass range from m/z=2000 to 20000 Da and Escherichia coli DH5α strain for external calibration. The fungal identifications were performed using SARAMIS software (AnagnosTech mbH, Postdam-Golm, Germany). One A. thermomutatus was an OTA producer. In contrast, fumonisin B2 was no detected for all strains studied. The MALDI-TOF ICMS results corroborated the morphological identifications. Of the 13 isolates, 38, 31, 15.5 and 15.5% were A. fumigates, A. niveus, A. thermomutatus and A. ochraceus, respectively. These results contribute to knowledge about microbial biodiversity from the Brazilian environment

    Using a polyphasic approach to identify wild Brazilian fungal strains

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    [Aim] The species must be delineated based on a polyphasic approach, including morphology, physiology, profile of secondary metabolites and molecular biology [1]. According to Santos et al. [2;3] it is clearer that spectral analyses add value to the polyphasic approach. This work aimed to perform a polyphasic approach based on morphological, biochemical and spectral analysis by MALDI-TOF ICMS for identify Aspergilli isolates from different environments of Brazil

    Dynamics of biofilm formation and the interaction between Candida albicans and methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    Polymicrobial biofilms are an understudied and a clinically relevant problem. This study evaluates the interaction between C. albicans, and methicillin- susceptible (MSSA) and resistant (MRSA) S. aureus growing in single- and dual-species biofilms. Single and dual species adhesion (90 min) and biofilms (12, 24, and 48 h) were evaluated by complementary methods: counting colony-forming units (CFU mL-1), XTT-reduction, and crystal violet staining (CV). The secretion of hydrolytic enzymes by the 48 h biofilms was also evaluated using fluorimetric kits. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to assess biofilm structure. The results from quantification assays were compared using two-way ANOVAs with Tukey post-hoc tests, while data from enzymatic activities were analyzed by one-way Welch-ANOVA followed by Games-Howell post hoc test ( = 0.05). C. albicans, MSSA and MRSA were able to adhere and to form biofilm in both single or mixed cultures. In general, all microorganisms in both growth conditions showed a gradual increase in the number of cells and metabolic activity over time, reaching peak values between 12 h and 48 h (<0.05). C. albicans single- and dual-biofilms had significantly higher total biomass values (<0.05) than single biofilms of bacteria. Except for single MRSA biofilms, all microorganisms in both growth conditions secreted proteinase and phospholipase-C. SEM images revealed extensive adherence of bacteria to hyphal elements of C. albicans. C. albicans, MSSA, and MRSA can co-exist in biofilms without antagonism and in an apparent synergistic effect, with bacteria cells preferentially associated to C. albicans hyphal forms.CNPq (Council for Technical and Scientific Development) (Grant 400658/2012-7)Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (SFRH/BPD/71076/2010)CAPES(Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel