5,120 research outputs found

    Edge Detection: A Collection of Pixel based Approach for Colored Images

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    The existing traditional edge detection algorithms process a single pixel on an image at a time, thereby calculating a value which shows the edge magnitude of the pixel and the edge orientation. Most of these existing algorithms convert the coloured images into gray scale before detection of edges. However, this process leads to inaccurate precision of recognized edges, thus producing false and broken edges in the image. This paper presents a profile modelling scheme for collection of pixels based on the step and ramp edges, with a view to reducing the false and broken edges present in the image. The collection of pixel scheme generated is used with the Vector Order Statistics to reduce the imprecision of recognized edges when converting from coloured to gray scale images. The Pratt Figure of Merit (PFOM) is used as a quantitative comparison between the existing traditional edge detection algorithm and the developed algorithm as a means of validation. The PFOM value obtained for the developed algorithm is 0.8480, which showed an improvement over the existing traditional edge detection algorithms.Comment: 5 Page

    Glider: A GPU Library Driver for Improved System Security

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    Legacy device drivers implement both device resource management and isolation. This results in a large code base with a wide high-level interface making the driver vulnerable to security attacks. This is particularly problematic for increasingly popular accelerators like GPUs that have large, complex drivers. We solve this problem with library drivers, a new driver architecture. A library driver implements resource management as an untrusted library in the application process address space, and implements isolation as a kernel module that is smaller and has a narrower lower-level interface (i.e., closer to hardware) than a legacy driver. We articulate a set of device and platform hardware properties that are required to retrofit a legacy driver into a library driver. To demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of library drivers, we present Glider, a library driver implementation for two GPUs of popular brands, Radeon and Intel. Glider reduces the TCB size and attack surface by about 35% and 84% respectively for a Radeon HD 6450 GPU and by about 38% and 90% respectively for an Intel Ivy Bridge GPU. Moreover, it incurs no performance cost. Indeed, Glider outperforms a legacy driver for applications requiring intensive interactions with the device driver, such as applications using the OpenGL immediate mode API

    Implementasi Kebijakan Benchmark Behavioral Model dalam Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan Pajak (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Madya Malang)

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    Self assessment system is one kind of tax collection which the taxpayers have a duty to count, calculate, pay and report their tax obligation by themselves. In the other side, not all of taxpayers obey the rule to pay and report it well so supervision and tax audit needed by tax officer. One of the methods that used by tax officer in doing tax supervision and audit is using benchmark behavioral model methods or its usually called by BBM. The objective of research is to know and describe how the implementation of BBM policy in tax supervision and audit. This research using case study with qualitative approach. Result of research shows that BBM method can be used as a tool in supervision and audit but can not be used as the base of tax assessment letter. BBM has a function as an alarm for account representatif in doing tax intensification. BBM also helps tax auditor task in audit planning and audit area arrangement

    Women\u27s Portrayals in the Comic Books (a Visual Grammar of the Heroines\u27 Portrayals in the Selected Comic Books Published by Dc Comics and Marvel)

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    This paper entitled “Women\u27s Portrayals in the Comic Books (A Visual Grammar of the Heroines\u27 Portrayals in the Selected Comic Books Published by DC Comics and Marvel)” is aimed at investigating how women, especially heroines are portrayed in the comic books and what the portrayals signify. The study is a qualitative study using the visual grammar theory proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and the systemic functional linguistics theory proposed by Halliday (2004). The data are in the form of four online comics published by DC Comics and Marvel. The study finds that heroines are portrayed in negative and positive ways. The negative ways portray the heroines as sex symbols, the ones who sexually stimulate men\u27s attention in their appearance, greedy, fragile (especially when the heroines play their character as alter ego). While, the positive ways portray the heroines as strong, brave, smart and impressive ones. The findings also show that no matter how strong the heroines, they are still in the subjection

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berstruktur Metode Penemuan Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    : This study aims to produce LKS structured method of guided discovery material and area of ​​a circle whose circumference is valid, practical, and effective. The method used in this research is the research and development (research and development) which adapts the model of development of Borg and Gall. The research subject is class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Sebangki of 20 people limited trial and 56 trials spacious. The results of data analysis 1) is valid based on ratings validator with an average score of 90%, as the average score of the validation of more than 80%, the LKS is categorized as very valid, meaning LKS could be tested, 2) practical based on the responses of students with an average score of 88% and enforceability of Lesson Plan with an average score of 98% in both catagories is very good, that is practical worksheets used in the learning process, 3) the effectiveness seen from the mathematical ability of written and oral communication students. Result written communications skills mathematical average of 76% and the average verbal score of students by 78%, as written and oral communication skills are both good students category, then LKS meets aspects of effective, meaning that students can express ideas or idea in the form of pictures, making working steps, and solving mathematical problems in writing, or orally

    Informed pair selection for self-paced metric learning in Siamese neural networks.

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    Siamese Neural Networks (SNNs) are deep metric learners that use paired instance comparisons to learn similarity. The neural feature maps learnt in this way provide useful representations for classification tasks. Learning in SNNs is not reliant on explicit class knowledge; instead they require knowledge about the relationship between pairs. Though often ignored, we have found that appropriate pair selection is crucial to maximising training efficiency, particularly in scenarios where examples are limited. In this paper, we study the role of informed pair selection and propose a 2-phased strategy of exploration and exploitation. Random sampling provides the needed coverage for exploration, while areas of uncertainty modeled by neighbourhood properties of the pairs drive exploitation. We adopt curriculum learning to organise the ordering of pairs at training time using similarity knowledge as a heuristic for pair sorting. The results of our experimental evaluation show that these strategies are key to optimising training
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