811 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Data Warehouse untuk Mengetahui Tren Aktivitas Trouble Ticket

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    This research started from the need for XYZ company to be able to present reports or data quickly when needed. There are so many trouble tickets per month, so PT XYZ needs information from historical data that can be seen from various dimensions, especially regarding trends that occur in trouble tickets. With this research, it is possible to develop a data warehouse originating from the operational database from PT XYZ, perform data warehouse analysis with Tableau software to find out trends in trouble ticket activity transactions. The data warehouse development method is to use the nine step design methodology development method using pentaho software. Based on the obtained trends, an information analysis of the number of Trouble tickets was carried out based on two dimensions, namely location and time, and it was found that in the 2nd and 3rd week of each month they had the most trouble tickets. This is due to the influence of the weather in these locations. Then an evaluation was carried out through a questionnaire using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the average rating from users was 3.83-4.22 which stated that this research could provide benefits and be accepted by PT XYZ


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    Abstract Malocclusion is a clinical symptom, in which the teeth of maxilla and mandible are not located at the proper location. If malocclusion left untreated, it can lead to complications in the digestive system, headache, and periodontal disease disorders. Malocclusion problems involving abnormalities of teeth, bones, and muscles around the jaw are obligation of orthodontic specialists to treat them. The treatments can be varying based on the type of malocclusion, including tooth extraction and tooth braces. To know certain degree of malocclusion experienced by the patient, an assessment method called Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) Index is usually used by the specialist. To help the works of orthodontic specialists in Indonesia, a new automated calculation system based on 2D image of tooth model for PAR Index is being developed. In this paper, the calculation system for over-jet, open-bite, and teeth segmentation is developed. The result of the developed system is then compared with manual assessment done by orthodontic specialist, in order to verify the accuracy of the system

    Pressure gauge accuracy and tire maintenance awareness among vehicle owners in Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria

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    Aside from human factors, tire blowouts and other tire imperfections are major contributors to the persistently high road accident rate. While tire imperfections are categorized as part of the mechanical factors affecting road accident, the tire maintenance personnel and the vehicle owners' human behavior plays a significant role in ensuring that accidents due to tire imperfections are minimized. Therefore, this study aims to determine the accuracy of the pressure gauges used by tire maintenance personnel, popularly called vulcanizers in Nigeria, and to determine the level of awareness of vehicle owners about the basic information that affects the safe use of tires on the road.  The study consists of two stages. The first stage investigates the accuracy of the pressure gauges used by twenty vulcanizers in four different districts in Birnin Kebbi, the northwestern part of Nigeria. The second stage was an online survey regarding the tire maintenance behavior of 87 participants, who were formally educated from Diploma to Ph.D. level. The study's findings showed that about 25% of the vulcanizers do not use pressure gauges to measure air pressure during tire inflation, and less than 17% of the readings taken were accurate. Yet about 60% of the respondents believe that vulcanizers' pressure gauges are reliable and less than 30% of the respondents know that the expiring date of tires is four years in Nigeria. Therefore, there is an urgent need for proper awareness about tire usage and maintenance among the general population. It would also be appropriate to include such basic road safety information in the school curriculum at all levels


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    Pasirmulya Village, located in Bandung, is a village that has several potentials such as coffee, handicrafts, and tourism. But there are still obstacles in marketing products from the village, especially handicraft products. The marketing techniques currently used are still not optimal, so the potential of handicraft products has not been optimally exploited. Online sales media proved to be very effective in marketing products to consumers, given the ease offered and not knowing distance and time. To start online sales, adequate knowledge is needed in terms of operating a computer and utilizing the internet network. At this moment, most of the participants were high school graduates, the rest were junior high school graduates and about half of the participants are 15-20 years old. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge in operating computers, creating documents with word processing software, processing data with worksheet software, and utilizing the internet that supports marketing activities. The target of this training is the members of Karang Taruna RW 06 and RW 12 in Pasirmulya. It is expected that after the implementation of this training the members of Karang Taruna can pass on the knowledge they have gained to other members of the village community

    Mechanisms of Anticonvulsant Action of Residual Aqueous Fraction (RAF) of the Ethanol Root Bark Extract of Carissa edulis

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    Preparations of Carissa edulis (Vahl) have been used in the Nigerian traditional medicine for the management of fever, sickle cell disease, epilepsy, pain cancer and inflammatory conditions for many years and their efficacy is widely acclaimed among the Hausa communities of Northern Nigeria. The possible mechanism(s) involved in the anticonvulsant action of residual aqueous fraction of ethanol root bark extract of Carissa edulis (RAF) were determined using flumazenil, naloxone, cyproheptadine, bisindolylmaleimide (BIM), ibuprofen and misoprostol. Flumazenil antagonized the anticonvulsant effect of both RAF and diazepam, while BIM promoted their anticonvulsant effect. However, naloxone and cyproheptadine did not affect the RAF anticonvulsant effect. Ketoprofen increased the RAF and valproate anticonvulsant activity while misoprostol did not alter their effects. The interaction studies revealed that GABAergic, glycine, serotonergic and opioid neurotransmission were found to be involved in the RAF anticonvulsant effects. Keywords: Anticonvulsant, Bisindolylmaleimide, Flumazenil, GABA, serotonergic, opioid

    Economical Electricity Home System using Solar

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    Economical home system can be defined as one realization of home that have a cost-effective ideal by using specific set of technologies combined with the renewable energy as a power supply. This system has a highly advance for lighting, temperature control, socket and own power supply by using solar panel. This system is developed in this project and focused on B40 community that represents the bottom 40% of income earners and also this project becomes suitable for this community for getting an energy efficiency system. Due to the COVID-19, B40 households were reported to have lost their jobs causing financial hardship and had to face the issue of high electricity bills which are very burdensome for them at all in order to pay the cost electricity for monthly. The aim of the article is to design and simulate the solar power system including battery storage in suitable software for a residential house especially in B40 community home and also to analyze the potential of battery storage in order to store the energy from solar panel. Therefore, the economical electricity home system using solar energy for B40 community is proposed in this project for producing an energy efficient system at home. In addition, an electrical floor plan and floor plan of B40 community home is designed in the SketchUp software that using basic electrical equipment such as lighting, ceiling fan and socket. The system is developed by using the MATLAB software in order to produce the result of energy efficiency by using the renewable energy which is solar system and also battery storage. According to the data produced from the calculation of old bills and new bills, the energy consumptions are calculated and also be compared before and after using the renewable energy which is using solar system. The data obtained through calculation of maximum demand in new bill is used in the simulation of solar system in MATLAB software. The results obtained show that after using an energy-efficient load, the monthly new bill is around RM 27.79 which is around RM 10.75 less than the monthly old bill before using an energy-efficient load. It can be concluded that the use of renewable energy in B40 community home can save the energy and also money

    Aquilaria species as potential anti-inflammatory agents–A review on in vitro and in vivo studies

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    141-154In the current review article, the studies conducted to investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of Aquilaria species are compiled and summarized. Since inflammation is the underlying cause of many diseases, the encounter of effective and safe biomedical anti-inflammatory compounds has become the focus of recent researches. Aquilaria species were known to possess a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, among which anti-inflammatory activity has been reported in many in vitro and in vivo studies. Chromones, sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, benzophenones and phorbol esters were the major anti-inflammatory compounds isolated from Aquilaria species. The objective of this review paper is to extend researches on the anti-inflammatory activity of different parts of Aquilaria species and support their future use in natural pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammation-associated conditions