857 research outputs found

    U-Pb geochronology of the Lime Hill gneissic complex, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

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    Low-grade metasedimentary rocks of Late Proterozoic age in the Bras d'Or Terrane of Cape Breton Island contain small areas of gneissic rocks which were previously undated. New U-Pb data indicate that the Lime Hill gneissic complex is the product of an Early Cambrian intrusive/metamorphic event Two intrusions at Lime Hill give similar ages which indicate that emplacement and deformation of foliated tonalitic orthogneiss were followed very quickly by intrusion of massive granitic dykes at about 540 to S4S Ma. U-Pb analyses of metamorphic monazite from the Lime Hill paragneiss indicate that these rocks last cooled through the closure temperature of the U-Pb system for monazite (650-700°C) at about 549 Ma. All zircon fractions analyzed from the tonalitic orthogneiss and granitic dyke contain older inherited zircons which yield an apparent age range of at least 1.4 to 23 Ga. The presence of an inherited monazite component may suggest that the rocks have been affected by an older metamorphic event and are in fact older than the Malagawatch Formation, as suggested by published ore lead isotopic values. RÉSUMÉ Des roches métasédimentaires faiblement meétamorphisees d'âge protérozolque tardif et faisant partie de la Lanière de Bras d'Or (ile du Cap Breton), renferment des Hots de roches gneissiques dont l'âge n'avait pas encore été déterminé. De nouvelles données U-Pb indiquent que le complexe gneissique de Lime Hill est le résultat d'un épisode intrusif ou métamorphique datant du deimt du Cambrien. A Lime Hill, deux intrusions ont produit des âges semblables qui montrent que l'emplacement et la déformation d'un orthogneiss tonalitique furent suivis très rapidement par l'intrusion de dykes granitiques massifs, il y a environ 540 à 545 Ma. Des analyses U-Pb d'une monazite métamoiphique provenant du paragneiss de Lime Hill indiquent que le demier réfroidissement de ces roches en deca de la température de clôture du système U-Pb pour la monazite, i.e. de 650 à 700°C, eût lieu vers 549 Ma. Toutes les portions de zircons extraites de l'orthogneiss tonalitique et du dyke granitique comprennent des zircons remaniés qui donnent un âge apparent dont la gamme s'étend de 1.4 à 2.3 Ga. La présence d'une composante de monazite remaniée semble suggèrer que les roches ont subi un épisode antérieur de métamorphisme, et indiquer que les roches sont en réalité plus vieilles que la Formation de Malagawatch, tel que suggèré par les valeurs publiées des isotopes du plomb du minéral. [Traduit par le journal

    Generation of Intrinsic Vibrational Gap Modes in Three-Dimensional Ionic Crystals

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    The existence of anharmonic localization of lattice vibrations in a perfect 3-D diatomic ionic crystal is established for the rigid-ion model by molecular dynamics simulations. For a realistic set of NaI potential parameters, an intrinsic localized gap mode vibrating in the [111] direction is observed for fcc and zinc blende lattices. An axial elastic distortion is an integral feature of this mode which forms more readily for the zinc blende than for the fcc structure. Molecular dynamics simulations verify that in each structure this localized mode may be stable for at least 200 cycles.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX, using epsf.sty. To be published in Phys. Rev. B. Also available at http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~kiselev

    Ab initio Hartree-Fock Born effective charges of LiH, LiF, LiCl, NaF, and NaCl

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    We use the Berry-phase-based theory of macroscopic polarization of dielectric crystals formulated in terms of Wannier functions, and state-of-the-art Gaussian basis functions, to obtain benchmark ab initio Hartree-Fock values of the Born effective charges of ionic compounds LiH, LiF, LiCl, NaF, and NaCl. We find excellent agreement with the experimental values for all the compounds except LiCl and NaCl, for which the disagreement with the experiments is close to 10% and 16%, respectively. This may imply the importance of many-body effects in those systems.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 2 figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev. B April 15, 200

    Quantum gates with topological phases

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    We investigate two models for performing topological quantum gates with the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) and Aharonov-Casher (AC) effects. Topological one- and two-qubit Abelian phases can be enacted with the AB effect using charge qubits, whereas the AC effect can be used to perform all single-qubit gates (Abelian and non-Abelian) for spin qubits. Possible experimental setups suitable for a solid state implementation are briefly discussed.Comment: 2 figures, RevTex

    The importance of initial-final state correlations for the formation of fragments in heavy ion collisions

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    Using quantum molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the formation of fragments in symmetric reactions between beam energies of E=30AMeV and 600AMeV. After a comparison with existing data we investigate some observables relevant to tackle equilibration: dsigma/dErat, the double differential cross section dsigma/pt.dpz.dpt,... Apart maybe from very energetic E>400AMeV and very central reactions, none of our simulations gives evidence that the system passes through a state of equilibrium. Later, we address the production mechanisms and find that, whatever the energy, nucleons finally entrained in a fragment exhibit strong initial-final state correlations, in coordinate as well as in momentum space. At high energy those correlations resemble the ones obtained in the participant-spectator model. At low energy the correlations are equally strong, but more complicated; they are a consequence of the Pauli blocking of the nucleon-nucleon collisions, the geometry, and the excitation energy. Studying a second set of time-dependent variables (radii, densities,...), we investigate in details how those correlations survive the reaction especially in central reactions where the nucleons have to pass through the whole system. It appears that some fragments are made of nucleons which were initially correlated, whereas others are formed by nucleons scattered during the reaction into the vicinity of a group of previously correlated nucleons.Comment: 45 pages text + 20 postscript figures Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Measurement of the electron electric dipole moment using YbF molecules

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    The most sensitive measurements of the electron electric dipole moment d_e have previously been made using heavy atoms. Heavy polar molecules offer a greater sensitivity to d_e because the interaction energy to be measured is typically 10^3 times larger than in a heavy atom. We report the first measurement of this kind, for which we have used the molecule YbF. Together, the large interaction energy and the strong tensor polarizability of the molecule make our experiment essentially free of the systematic errors that currently limit d_e measurements in atoms. Our first result d_e = (- 0.2 \pm 3.2) x 10^-26 e.cm is less sensitive than the best atom measurement, but is limited only by counting statistics and demonstrates the power of the method.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. v2. Minor corrections and clarifications made in response to referee comment

    quasiharmonic equations of state for dynamically-stabilized soft-mode materials

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    We introduce a method for treating soft modes within the analytical framework of the quasiharmonic equation of state. The corresponding double-well energy-displacement relation is fitted to a functional form that is harmonic in both the low- and high-energy limits. Using density-functional calculations and statistical physics, we apply the quasiharmonic methodology to solid periclase. We predict the existence of a B1--B2 phase transition at high pressures and temperatures