39 research outputs found

    The Effect of Job Stress on Turnover Intention through Job Satisfaction of Government Commercial Bank Employees

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of job stress and job satisfaction on staff turnover rates. The study population was drawn from employees of government commercial banks in East Java, Indonesia. With multi-stage sampling techniques, a research sample of 600 people was obtained. The analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and path analysis. The findings of the study prove that job stress has a positive and significant effect directly or indirectly on job satisfaction. keywords: Job stress, job satisfaction, turnover intentio

    The Effect of Lecturer Commitment on Student Academic Achievement toward Student Satisfaction through Perceived Teaching Quality

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the direct and indirect effects of lecturer commitments to academic achievement on student satisfaction through perceived teaching quality. The population of this research is all lecturers and students in state and private universities in Indonesia. The research sample used 180 lecturers and 600 state and private university students in East Java, which were obtained by using multi-stage sampling techniques. The main findings of the study prove: 1) There is a positive and significant direct effect of lecturer commitment to academic achievement on perceived teaching quality, 2) There is a significant positive direct ef-fect of lecturer commitment to academic achievement on dental satisfaction 3) There is a significant positive direct effect of perceived teaching quality on student satisfaction, 4) There is a positive and significant indirect effect of lecture-commitment to academic achievement on student satisfaction through perceived teaching qualit

    Does Leadership Effectiveness Matter for Indonesia Vocational Teacher Performance? The Mediating Role of Work Motivation

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    Enhancing teacher performance is a global challenge and understanding managerial sides, and motivation can be used to deal with this issue. The purpose of this study aimed at examining the impact of leadership effectiveness and teacher performance in vocational school, as well as investigating the role of work motivation. A quantitative method was adopted to improve understanding of this phenomenon. The participants of this study were recruited from the vocational school teachers in East Java by distributing online questionnaires employing WhatsApp. The findings of this study showed that effective leadership positively influenced both work motivation and teacher performance. Indeed, work motivation can explain the relationship between effective leadership and vocational teacher performance. Based on the results, it is recommended to the education office, school principals, vocational teachers to pay more attention to the effectiveness of leadership, and work motivation to improve teacher performance. This study recommends that school principals and educational policymakers pay attention to the matters of leadership and work motivation as the essential factor in driving teacher performance


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    Perilaku konsumen: pendekatan praktis disertasi himpunan jurnal penelitian

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    Manusia sebagai konsumen perilakunya selalu berubah dan berkembang sesuai dengan kemajuan peradabannya. Ketika sebuah produk atau jasa ditawarkan di pasar namun tidak didasarkan pada analisis sebuah studi yang mendalam tentang perilaku konsumen maka, produk atau jasa tersebut akan bisa laku di pasar. Jika hal ini dilakukan berulang-ulang maka perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian. Peran strategis disiplin ilmu perilaku konsumen adalah menawarkan berbagai cara, metode, agar supaya para pelaku bisnis dapat memahami perilaku konsumen secara tepat sehingga ketika dia mau mengeluarkan produk atau jasa tertentu di pasar dapat diterima pasar secara memuaskan.Dengan mengenal perilaku konsumen, para pelaku bisnis dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya sesuai dengan mazhab pemasaran modern yang berorientasi pada kebutuhan konsumen

    Perilaku Konsumen

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    Metodologi Penelitian: pendekatan praktis dalam penelitian

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    Ilmu metodologi penelitian bukan sekadar ilmu teoritis, tetapi juga merupakan ilmu praktis. Selama ini ada kesan di kalangan mahasiswa, dosen muda, dan peneliti pemula bahwa meneliti adalah pekerjaan sulit. Padahal, proses penelitian sesungguhnya tidak terlalu sulit jika Anda mendapatkan buku ajar yang mudah dipahami dan dipraktikkan. Kelebihan buku ini terletak pada pembahasan tiap topik yang bersifat ringkas dan jelas sehingga pembaca akan mudah, cepat, dan tepat memahami seluk-beluk penelitian. Melalui buku ini para pembaca dapat memperoleh gambaran secara utuh tentang cara memulai penelitian, melaksanakan penelitian, sampai cara menuliskan laporan akhir hasil penelitian. Pembahasan dalam buku yaitu 路 Hakikat penelitian dan studi tentang ragam dan jenis penelitian 路 Cara mengadakan penelitian 路 Memilih dan merumuskan masalah 路 Merumuskan hipotesis penelitian 路 Memilih pendekatan dalam penelitian 路 Merumuskan anggapan dasar 路 Kajian literatur 路 Menentukan variabel serta menentukan dan memilih instrumen penelitian 路 Menentukan sumber data, populasi, sampel penelitian, dan pengumpulan data 路 Analisis data dan penulisan laporan penelitian dan disertai contoh bentuk proposal penelitian dasar (fundamental research) dan penelitian tindakan/terapan (action/application research) agar pembaca dapat memahami lebih komprehensif tentang cara menyusun proposal penelitian yang baik dan bena

    Perilaku konsumen : pendekatan praktis

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    Manusia sebagai konsumen selalu berubah dan berkembangan sesuai sengan kemajuan peradabannya.xviii, 422 hlm.; 23 cm

    Perilaku konsumen pendekatan praktis disertai himpunan jurnal penelitian

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    xvii, 422 hlm.: 23 c

    Metode penelitian; pendekatan praktis dalam penelitian

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    iv.; 303 hal.; ill.; 23 c