54 research outputs found

    Electron Density Determination and Bonding in Tetragonal Binary Intermetallics by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction

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    Intermetallics offer unique property combinations often superior to those of more conventional solid solution alloys of identical composition. Understanding of bonding in intermetallics would greatly accelerate development of intermetallics for advanced and high performance engineering applications. Tetragonal intermetallics L10 ordered TiAl, FePd and FePt are used as model systems to experimentally measure their electron densities using quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction (QCBED) method and then compare details of the 3d-4d (FePd) and 3d-5d (FePt) electron interactions to elucidate their role on properties of the respective ferromagnetic L10-ordered intermetallics FePd and FePt. A new multi-beam off-zone axis condition QCBED method has been developed to increase sensitivity of CBED patterns to change of structure factors and the anisotropic Debye-Waller (DW) factors. Unprecedented accuracy and precision in structure and DW factor measurements has been achieved by acquiring CBED patterns using beam-sample geometry that ensures strong dynamical interaction between the fast electrons and the periodic potential in the crystalline samples. This experimental method has been successfully applied to diamond cubic Si, and chemically ordered B2 cubic NiAl, tetragonal L10 ordered TiAl and FePd. The accurate and precise experimental DW and structure factors for L10 TiAl and FePd allow direct evaluation of computer calculations using the current state of the art density functional theory (DFT) based electron structure modeling. The experimental electron density difference map of L10 TiAl shows that the DFT calculations describe bonding to a sufficient accuracy for s- and p- electrons interaction, e. g., the Al-layer. However, it indicate significant quantitative differences to the experimental measurements for the 3d-3d interactions of the Ti atoms, e.g. in the Ti layers. The DFT calculations for L10 FePd also show that the current DFT approximations insufficiently describe the interaction between Fe-Fe (3d-3d), Fe-Pd (3d-4d) and Pd-Pd (4d-4d) electrons, which indicates the necessity to evaluate applicability of different DFT approximations, and also provides experimental data for the development of new DFT approximation that better describes transition metal based intermetallic systems

    Deep Learning of Atomically Resolved Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Images: Chemical Identification and Tracking Local Transformations

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    Recent advances in scanning transmission electron and scanning probe microscopies have opened exciting opportunities in probing the materials structural parameters and various functional properties in real space with angstrom-level precision. This progress has been accompanied by an exponential increase in the size and quality of datasets produced by microscopic and spectroscopic experimental techniques. These developments necessitate adequate methods for extracting relevant physical and chemical information from the large datasets, for which a priori information on the structures of various atomic configurations and lattice defects is limited or absent. Here we demonstrate an application of deep neural networks to extract information from atomically resolved images including location of the atomic species and type of defects. We develop a 'weakly-supervised' approach that uses information on the coordinates of all atomic species in the image, extracted via a deep neural network, to identify a rich variety of defects that are not part of an initial training set. We further apply our approach to interpret complex atomic and defect transformation, including switching between different coordination of silicon dopants in graphene as a function of time, formation of peculiar silicon dimer with mixed 3-fold and 4-fold coordination, and the motion of molecular 'rotor'. This deep learning based approach resembles logic of a human operator, but can be scaled leading to significant shift in the way of extracting and analyzing information from raw experimental data

    Analysis of Performance Instabilities of Hafnia-Based Ferroelectrics Using Modulus Spectroscopy and Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents

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    The discovery of the ferroelectric orthorhombic phase in doped hafnia films has sparked immense research efforts. Presently, a major obstacle for hafnia's use in high-endurance memory applications like nonvolatile random-access memories is its unstable ferroelectric response during field cycling. Different mechanisms are proposed to explain this instability including field-induced phase change, electron trapping, and oxygen vacancy diffusion. However, none of these is able to fully explain the complete behavior and interdependencies of these phenomena. Up to now, no complete root cause for fatigue, wake-up, and imprint effects is presented. In this study, the first evidence for the presence of singly and doubly positively charged oxygen vacancies in hafnia–zirconia films using thermally stimulated currents and impedance spectroscopy is presented. Moreover, it is shown that interaction of these defects with electrons at the interfaces to the electrodes may cause the observed instability of the ferroelectric performance

    Designing Atomic Edge Structures in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Improved Catalytic Activity

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    Designing new materials for functional applications depends upon our ability to understand and correlate the materials structure and chemistry to functional material properties. This is even more important for two-dimensional (2D) materials where thicknesses are on the order of a single atom to a few-atomic layers; therefore, any structural or chemical modification at these length scales can have a profound effect on modifying physical and chemical properties. 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) such as MoS2 have emerged as a promising catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction with defects such as vacancies and edges being linked to high catalytic active sites as opposed to basal planes for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) [1]. Based on these findings it is important to develop controlled synthesis methods that will promote the formation of atomic edge structures engineered for high catalytic HER activity