43 research outputs found

    Informe de asesoría al proyecto azolla banco mundial dm 5381

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    La impresionante extensión, diversidad y potencial del Ecosistema Guayas, brinda asiento al Proyecto Azolla y este lugar, por su excepcional posición planetaria, configuración, productividad y megadiversidad, despierta interés no solo nacional sino mundial, que surge principalmente de la oportunidad de áreas del conocimiento que abarca, lo que abre nuevos rumbos al accionar institucional y empresarial del Ecuador y España.Banco Mundial-ESPOL-ICQ

    Delimitation of the Coastal Transition Zone in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador

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    The article presents a methodology for the delimitation of the coastal transition zone (CTZ) and the identification of zones with distinct soil properties in the Gulf of Guayaquil (GG), Ecuador. The Gulf was chosen as study area for its urban, economic and ecological potential, more in particular for its rich marine and agricultural resources, and biodiversity. Soil physical and chemical methods, such as soil salinity indices, physical and chemical parameters, coupled with multivariate analysis enabled the delimitation of the CTZ and the grouping of the studied soil transets in three clusters with distinct properties, located in the GG from the limit of the mangrove swamp. Whereas the average conductance in the swamp area is around 27.17 mS cm-1, inland to the isoline called the coastal transit zone soil salinity on average is 4 mS cm-1. The coastal transition zone has an average width of 4.2 km, which can be characterized by three clusters. Clusters 1 and 2 show similarities in their physical and chemical soil parameters, clearly different from the soil properties of cluster 3. The characteristics of each cluster is related to its location within the study area

    Assesment of PM10 pollution episodes in a ceramic cluster (NE Spain): Proposal of a new quality index for PM10, As, Cd, Ni and Pb

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    Environmental pollution control is one of the most important goals in pollution risk assessment today. In this sense, modern and precise tools that allow scientists to evaluate, quantify and predict air pollution are of particular interest. Monitoring atmospheric particulate matter is a challenge faced by the European Union. Specific rules on this subject are being developed (Directive 2004/107/EC, Directive 2008/50/EC) in order to reduce the potential adverse effects on human health caused by air pollution. Air pollution has two sources: natural and anthropogenic. Contributions from natural sources can be assessed but cannot be controlled, while emissions from anthropogenic sources can be controlled; monitoring to reduce this latter type of pollution should therefore be carried out. In this paper, we describe an air quality evaluation in terms of levels of atmospheric particles (PM10), as outlined by European Union legislation, carried out in an industrialised Spanish coastal area over a five-year period with the purpose of comparing these values with those of other areas in the Mediterranean Basin with different weather conditions from North of Europe. The study area is in the province of Castellón. This province is a strategic area in the frame work of European Union (EU) pollution control. Approximately 80% of European ceramic tiles and ceramic frit manufacturers are concentrated in two areas, forming the so-called “ceramics clusters”; ones in Modena (Italy) and the other in Castellón. In this kind of areas, there are a lot of air pollutants from this industry then it is difficult to fulfill de European limits of PM10 so it is necessary to control the air quality in them. The seasonal differences in the number of days in which pollutant level limits were exceeded were evaluated and the sources of contamination were identified. Air quality indexes for each pollutant have been established to determine easily and clearly the quality of air breathed. Furthermore, in accordance with Directive 2008/50/EC, an Air Quality Plan is proposed to protect human health, and the environment as a whole, in the study area. General and specific corrective measures of main emission sources are provided. A strategy for air pollution management is thus presented

    Propuesta de un plan de saneamiento atmosférico en el clúster cerámico de Castellón

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    Desde principios de siglo la provincia de Castellón alberga uno de los núcleos más importantes a escala española y mundial de producción de pavimento y revestimiento cerámico. El elevado desarrollo alcanzado por este sector productivo ha llevado a que se introduzcan en el medio atmosférico una serie de sustancias químicas que producen una contaminación. Este hecho implica que se deban conocer las diferentes etapas del proceso productivo, así como las emisiones de contaminantes que provocan, con el fin de minimizar los efectos negativos que éstas pudieran ocasionar. Se busca un desarrollo sostenible que garantice un futuro con unos parámetros de calidad ambiental dentro de los límites normativos, y que asegure el bienestar de la población y preserve los ecosistemas naturales y los bienes materiales. Para ello se realiza una descripción de las emisiones de este sector industrial y de los niveles de inmisión en los municipios donde se ubica. El objetivo de este trabajo es la propuesta de un plan de saneamiento atmosférico con una serie de medidas correctoras a aplicar y un plan de vigilancia del mismo que garantice los parámetros de calidad ambiental fijados.Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the province of Castellón, East Spain, is one of the most important areas of floor and wall tile production on a national and worldwide scale. Given this productive sector’s rate of development, a series of pollution-producing chemical substances has been introduced into the atmosphere. This situation involves having to know the different stages of the production process and the emissions of the pollutants causing pollution in order to minimise the negative effects caused by these substances. Sustainable development is sought to guarantee that, in the future, the environmental quality parameters fall within the legal limits, and which also ensures the population’s wellbeing and conserves natural ecosystems and material assets. To this end, the emissions from this industrial sector have been described, as have the inmission levels in the towns near to where this sector is located. The aim of this work is the proposal of an atmospheric cleanup plan by applying a series of correcting measures and a surveillance scheme of these measures to ensure the environmental quality parameters established

    Industrial Limestone Rocks in the Castellón province, Spain

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    The extracted stone of the Nature is one of the oldest materials used by the humanity as a builder. This material stands out by its big compression mechanical resistance and its resistance to the weathering, apart from its ornamental value, is the raw material of the most building materials, so that, in glass manufacture, environmental impact neutralization process, agriculture, paper manufacture, etc. Castellon province, setting in the oriental sector of the Iberian range, presents a substantial importance by the large amount of carbonate rocks, which belong widely to the Mesozoic era, more specifically to the Jurassic and Cretaceous period, where the tectonic caused the development of platform environments, being the source together with the time of these prized materials. The characterization and the study of these materials, in several ways, pass to be essential in order to get the most favourable and correct way in the use and application of the carbonate rocksLa piedra extraída de la Naturaleza es uno de los materiales más antiguos utilizados por la humanidad, en sus condiciones de constructor. Estos materiales destacan por su gran resistencia mecánica a la compresión y su resistencia a los agentes atmosféricos, además de tener cierto valor ornamental, son la materia prima de casi todos los materiales de construcción, así como de aplicación tan diversa como en la fabricación de vidrio, en procesos de neutralización de impacto ambiental, agricultura, fabricación de papel, etc. La provincia de Castellón, situada en el sector oriental de la Cordillera Ibérica, presenta gran relevancia debido a la gran cantidad de rocas carbonatadas, pertenecientes mayoritariamente al Mesozoico, concretamente dentro del Jurásico y del Cretácico. En el que la tectónica determinó el desarrollo de ambientes de plataforma, originando con el paso del tiempo estos preciados materiales carbonatados. La caracterización y el estudio de estos materiales a diferentes niveles pasa por ser primordial para la óptima y correcta explotación, proceso y utilización de las rocas calizas o de sus derivado

    Assessment of PM10 and heavy metals concentration in a Ceramic Cluster (NE Spain)

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    Environmental pollution control is one of the most important goals in pollution risk assessment today. The aim of this study is conducting a retrospective view of the evolution of particulate matter (PM10) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Ni and Pb) at different localities in the Spanish cluster ceramic in the period between January 2007 and December 2011. The study area is in the province of Castellón. This province is a strategical area in the framework of European Union Pollution control. Approximately 80% of European ceramic tiles and ceramic frits manufacturers are concentrated in two areas, forming the so-called “Ceramics Clusters”; one is in Modena (Italy) and the other in Castellón (Spain). In this kind of areas, there are a lot of pollutants from this industry that represent an important contribution to soil contamination so it is necessary to control the air quality in them. These atmospheric particles are deposited in the ground through both dry and wet deposition. Soil is a major sink for heavy metals released into the environment. The level of pollution of soils by heavy metals depends on the retention capacity of the soil, especially on physical-chemical properties (mineralogy, grain size, organic matter) affecting soil particle surfaces and also on the chemical properties of the metal. The most direct consequences on the ground of air pollutants are acidification, salinization and the pollutions that can cause heavy metals as components of suspended particulate matter. For this purpose the levels of PM10 in ambient air and the corresponding annual and weekly trend were calculated. The results of the study show that the PM10 and heavy metals concentrations are below the limit values recommended by European Union Legislation for the protection of human health and ecosystems in the stud

    Assessment of PM10 and heavy metal concentration in a ceramic cluster (NE Spain) and the influence on nearby soils

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    Environmental pollution control is one of the most important goals in pollution risk assessment today. The aim of this study is to conduct a retrospective view of the evolution of matter particulate (PM10) and the heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) at different localities (Alcora, Castellón and Onda) in the Spanish cluster ceramic in a period between January 2007 and December 2011. The study area is in the province of Castellón. This province is a strategic area in the framework of European Union Pollution control. Approximately 80% of European ceramic tiles and ceramic frits manufacturers are concentrated in two areas, forming the so-called “ceramic clusters”; one is in Modena (Italy) and the other in Castellón (Spain). In these kind of areas, there are a lot of pollutants from this industry that represent an important contribution to soil contamination so it is necessary to control their air quality. In these areas atmospheric particles are deposited in the ground through both dry and wet deposition. Soil is a major sink for heavy metals released into the environment. For this purpose the levels of PM10 in ambient air and the corresponding annual and seasonal trend were calculated. The results of the study show that the PM10 and heavy metal concentrations are below the limit values recommended by European Union Legislation for the protection of human health and ecosystems in the study period. There is an important reduction of them from 2009 in all control stations due to economic crisis and subsequent decrease of industrial activity. The atmospheric seasonal tendency of pollutant concentrations is marked by the rate of industrial activity and additionally by the temperature. Complementarily, a comparative study of heavy metal levels in soils was performed in this area. Soils with low pollution by Ni and Pb were detected, while different pollution by Cd was found depending on the sampling site. Although there is an evident reduction of PM10 and heavy metal levels, the results show that these pollutants have been accumulated in the soil close to emission sources

    Pigments ceràmics encapsulats

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    En aquesta comunicació es presenta un panorama actual del món de la investigació en pigments ceràmics, amb les diferents classificacions establertes per a la seua classificació sistemàtica, s'emfatitza la via del encapsulament de colors ceràmics mitjançant rutes de síntesis sol-gel com la més innovadora, prometedora i rendible de totes les vies d'investigació en el camp dels pigments ceràmics, i es presenten alguns resultats aclaridors respecte de repeste de la naturalesa d'aquests pigments

    Caracterización litológica y mineralogica de los materiales permo-triásicos de Castellón utilizados como materia prima cerámica : la arcilla de Moró

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    Las lutitas de edad Pérmica que se utilizan como materia prima en la industria azulejera de Castellón se conocen en el sector cerámico como arcilla de Moró. En el presente trabajo se describen las características litológicas y composicionales de estas lutitas con el objetivo de establecer las variaciones en composición a lo largo de la serie estratigráfica tipo. Los resultados muestran una composición mineralógica de la roca total muy uniforme, formada esencialmente por cuarzo, filosilicatos y hematites. Ocasionalmente y en proporciones por debajo del 5% aparece también feldespato potásito, dolomita y calcita. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla está formada por illita ± caolinita ± clorita ± interestratificado illita-esmectita ± interestratificado clorita-esmectita y muestra un patrón de distribución sedimentario. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la importancia del análisis mineralógico en la caracterización de las materias primas y, por tanto, en el control de sus propiedades cerámicas y de los procesos productivos relacionados.The aim of this work is to establish the mineralogical (XRD) composition of the Permo-Triassic claystone known as Moró clay. Particular emphasis is placed on the compositional variations along the litostratigraphic section. Bulk rock XRD analysis shows a homogeneous composition dominated by quartz, phyllosilicates and hematite. Minor components (<5%) include potassium feldspar, dolomite and calcite. The clay minerals assemblage is formed by illite ± kaolin ± chlorite ± mixed-layer illite-smectite ± mixed-layer chlorite-smectite and reveals a sedimentary distribution pattern. The study of the lithological section allows the identification and valuation of changes in the mineralogical characteristics of the raw material. Results provide evidence for the importance of mineralogical analysis in the control of raw materials and hence their use in industrial processes