Environmental pollution control is one of the most important goals in pollution risk assessment today. The aim
of this study is conducting a retrospective view of the evolution of particulate matter (PM10) and heavy metals
(As, Cd, Ni and Pb) at different localities in the Spanish cluster ceramic in the period between January 2007
and December 2011. The study area is in the province of Castellón. This province is a strategical area in the
framework of European Union Pollution control. Approximately 80% of European ceramic tiles and ceramic
frits manufacturers are concentrated in two areas, forming the so-called “Ceramics Clusters”; one is in Modena
(Italy) and the other in Castellón (Spain). In this kind of areas, there are a lot of pollutants from this industry
that represent an important contribution to soil contamination so it is necessary to control the air quality in them.
These atmospheric particles are deposited in the ground through both dry and wet deposition. Soil is a major sink
for heavy metals released into the environment. The level of pollution of soils by heavy metals depends on the
retention capacity of the soil, especially on physical-chemical properties (mineralogy, grain size, organic matter)
affecting soil particle surfaces and also on the chemical properties of the metal. The most direct consequences
on the ground of air pollutants are acidification, salinization and the pollutions that can cause heavy metals
as components of suspended particulate matter. For this purpose the levels of PM10 in ambient air and the
corresponding annual and weekly trend were calculated. The results of the study show that the PM10 and heavy
metals concentrations are below the limit values recommended by European Union Legislation for the protection
of human health and ecosystems in the stud