174 research outputs found

    Perceived supervisor’s subclinical psychopathy, and subordinate’s organizational commitment, job satisfaction and satisfaction with executive

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    This study was designed to investigate the correlations between supervisor`s perceived subclinical psychopathy and subordinate`s organizational commitment, overall job satisfaction and particularly satisfaction with his/her supervisor. The results, based on a sample of 153 employees, showed that subordinates working with leaders, who can be de ned as organizational (or industrial, corporate) psychopaths, tended to adopt more negative work attitudes. Supervisor`s perceived subclinical psychopathy had a negative impact on subordinates’ job satisfaction, satisfaction with supervisor and their organizational commitment. The paper discusses the results and limitations of the study, and offers suggestions for future research

    The dark side of social media: Associations between the Dark Triad of personality, self-disclosure online and selfie-related behaviours

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    The present study investigated the relations between the Dark Triad personality traits (i.e., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy), distinct dimensions of selfdisclosure online (i.e., honesty, amount, positive valence, and intent) and selÞ e relatedbehaviours (taking, posting, and editing selÞ es). The results indicated, that all three Dark Triad components were positively correlated with posting and editing selÞ es on social networking sites (SNSs). However, multiple regression analysis demonstrated that only narcissism predicted selÞ e-related behaviours. Narcissism and Machiavellianism were positively related to the amount of personal information disclosed online and the tendency to intentionally self-disclose in a computer-mediated communication (CMC). Moreover, we found no signiÞ cant correlations between the perceived controllability of Internet communication and two types of self-promotion in the Internet (self-disclosure online and selÞ e-related behaviours). Our Þ ndings demonstrate the importance of analysing the ‘dark’ personality traits in the context of self-promotional behaviours in social media

    Rola pamięci i opowieści w kształtowaniu tożsamości i wychowaniu aksjologicznym dziecka. Pedagogiczne refleksje na temat spektaklu Opowieści z niepamięci.

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    The aim of the article is to present the theatrical performance for children entitled Stories from Oblivion as a tool for shaping the cultural identity of a child and introducing the youngest audience to the subject of memory as an ethical category. In the research, the analysis of the content of the play is used and interpreted in the context of philosophical considerations of Paul Ricoeur concerning stories, time, memory and forgetting. Particular parts of the article concern: the pedagogical role of memory; Slavic mythology; stories as a narrative genre; memory and forgetting and their social consequences; identity and its shaping; educational values of the presented performance. Based on P. Ricoeur’s opinion on stories, memory and forgetting, as well as on B. Milerski’s pedagogical views, it was concluded that the content  of  the  analysed  performance  and  the  way  it  deals  with the above mentioned subjects can be an example of upbringing for memory and recognizing a story as a significant educational tool in the process of identity formation.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja spektaklu teatralnego dla dzieci Opowieści z niepamięci jako narzędzia kształtowania tożsamości kulturowej dziecka oraz wprowadzenia najmłodszej widowni w tematykę pamięci jako kategorii etycznej. W badaniu wykorzystano analizę treści spektaklu i zinterpretowano go w kontekście filozoficznych rozważań Paula Ricoeura dotyczących opowieści, czasu, pamięci i zapominania. Poszczególne części artykułu dotyczą: pedagogicznej roli pamięci; mi- tologii słowiańskiej; opowieści jako gatunku narracyjnego; pamięci i zapominania oraz ich społecznych skutków; tożsamości i jej kształtowania; wychowawczych wartości prezentowanego przedstawienia. Opierając się na przekonaniach Ricoeura dotyczących opowieści, pamięci i zapominania, oraz poglądach pedagogicznych B. Milerskiego, stwierdzono, że treść omawianego spektaklu i sposób poruszania w nim wspomnianej tematyki mogą być przykładami wychowania do pamięci oraz uznania opowieści za znaczące narzędzie w procesie kształtowania tożsamości

    Wrocław 65+. Samorządowe, pozarządowe, komercyjne, kościelne i inne wrocławskie społeczne inicjatywy na rzecz seniorów

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    Starzenie się społeczeństwa powoduje, że coraz więcej instytucji i firm przygotowuje oferty dedykowane seniorom. Dotyczy to zarówno instytucji samorządowych, jak też naukowych, kościelnych czy organizacji pozarządowych. Wrocław chce podkreślać swoją wyjątkowość na różnych polach działalności społecznej. Władze miasta i wrocławianie lubią, gdy zauważa się młodość czy wielokulturowość Wrocławia. Nie dziwi więc też, że włodarze starają się, aby miasto było postrzegane jako „przyjazne seniorom”. Artykuł nie jest głosem „za” lub „przeciw” temu twierdzeniu, przedstawia natomiast część oferty, kierowanej we Wrocławiu do jego starszych mieszkańców i zwraca uwagę na pewne cechy charakterystyczne dla prezentowanych inicjatyw oraz wynikające z tego zagrożenia.Ageing of the Polish society cause the growing number of proposals dedicated to seniors. This offers are extended by local governments as well as universities and study centres, churches and NGOs. Wrocław likes to be exceptional in many different areas. Wrocław authorities as well as city residents like if it is described as “young city” or multicultural one. It is understandable that they try to present the city as “seniors-friendly” as well. The article is not aimed to proclaim the city seniors-friendly or not, but to present some of the efforts offered to elder residents of Wrocław as well as to underline the distinctive attributes of such proposals together with some risks arising from these attributes

    Psychopathy and procrastination: Triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy and its relations to active and passive procrastination

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    The present study examined the relationships between potentially adaptive and maladaptive aspects of psychopathy distinguished within the triarchic model (i.e., boldness, meanness and disinhibition) and two types of procrastination, reflecting its functional and dysfunctional aspects (i.e., active procrastination and passive procrastination). Additionally, the potential mediating mechanisms underlying these associations were investigated. The results revealed that the three components of the triarchic model of psychopathy were related to different forms of procrastination in distinct ways. In particular, active procrastination displayed a positive link to boldness and meanness, whereas passive procrastination was found to be positively related to disinhibition and negatively to boldness. Furthermore, two parallel multiple mediation analyses demonstrated the mediating effects of individual difference variables (i.e., impulsiveness, negative affectivity, general self-efficacy) on these relationships. As hypothesized, impulsiveness and negative affectivity partially mediated the association between disinhibition and passive procrastination, while self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship between boldness and active procrastination. The paper concentrated on the theoretical implications of these findings for understanding how different psychopathy-related traits are related to different aspects of procrastination

    Perfekcjonizm – pozytywny czy negatywny. Adaptacyjne i dezadaptacyjne formy perfekcjonizmu

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    Perfectionism as a personality trait is deÞ ned in the frame of unidimensional, bidimensional or multifaceted models. The dominating theoretical approaches not only concentrate on the dysfunctional, negative aspects of perfectionism rela- ted to the symptoms of psychopathology, but they also indicate the presence of a positive, adaptative dimansion of perfec- tionism. The aim of the article is to discuss and analyze theoretical concepts and the results of previous empirical research concerning both forms of perfectionism. Special a ention was focused on the analysis of the factors modifying the relation between perfectionism and symptoms of psychopathology

    Tax Justice or Tax equality – Is the Tax Justice Possible? The Psychological and Economic Perspective

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    A lot of recent research in the field of economic psychology has investigated whether the objective and subjective tax justice affects the tax payers behaviour, especially the tax evasion. This article presents main factors that influence the perception of the tax justice and the most influential economic and psychological tax justice theories. The author also analyzes the relations between tax justice and tax equality

    Procrastination in Blended Learning. The Role of General Self-efficacy, and Active and Passive Procrastination

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    Pomimo wzrastającego zainteresowania empirycznego prokrastynacją akademicką w kontekście kształcenia na odległość, istnieje niewiele badań poświęconych temu zjawisku w odniesieniu do programów blended learning. W przeprowadzonym badaniu analizowano zależności między uogólnionym poczuciem własnej skuteczności, dwoma rodzajami prokrastynacji (aktywną i pasywną prokrastynacją) oraz behawioralną tendencją do odkładania w czasie aktywności związanych z nauką w trakcie uniwersyteckiego kursu z wykorzystaniem platformy Moodle. Uzyskane wyniki pokazały, że pasywna prokrastynacja wykazuje silny negatywny związek z prokrastynacją w blended learningu, podczas gdy spostrzegane poczucie własnej skuteczności oraz aktywna prokrastynacja są niepowiązane z deklarowanym odkładaniem w czasie zadań podczas kursu blended learning. Dodatkowo wykazano istnienie negatywnego związku między zgłaszaną liczbą ukończonych wcześniej kursów blended learning a prokrastynacją w blended learningu. Praktyczne i teoretyczne implikacje otrzymanych wyników w odniesieniu do nauczania z wykorzystaniem metody blended learning zostały omówione w podsumowaniu.Despite the growing empirical interest in academic procrastination in the distance learning, there are only limited studies on the determinants of this phenomenon in the blended learning programmes. The present study investigates the relationships between general self-efficacy, two types of procrastination (active and passive procrastination), and the behavioural tendency to postpone learning activities in a blended learning university course using Moodle platform. Results indicate that passive procrastination is strongly positively associated with procrastination in blended learning, while perceived self-efficacy and active procrastination are unrelated to the self-reported task delays during the blended learning course. In addition, the negative link between the reported number of previous completed blended-learning courses and procrastination in blended learning is observed. Practical and theoretical implications of these findings for a blended learning environment are discussed

    Ciemna triada osobowości w środowisku pracy : perspektywa interakcyjna

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    The book constitutes the first Polish monograph concerning the issues of coexistence with people with “dark” personality traits in the workplace. The present monograph considers three types of socially harmful personality traits which form the so-called dark triad: Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. The “dark” personality traits constitute the core of the inquiry and they are analyzed with regard to the attitudes towards work (i.e. job satisfaction and brand loyalty), civic and counter-productive activities in the workplace, as well as (according to the interactive approach) selected characteristics of the workplace. The monograph consists of four chapters. Chapter one presents the two basic approaches to describing personality in the workplace: the trait approach and the interactive approach. In the beginning, the chapter underscores the importance of distinguishing between the “light” and “dark” personality traits in the workplace. Next, the chapter discusses the most important conceptions within the interactive approach to the study of personality in the organizational context, including the theory of personality trait activation in the workplace. Chapter two introduces the taxonomy of the dark triad, which includes three discrete “dark” personality traits, analyzed at the sub-clinical level: Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. It presents two approaches to the study of the dark triad: the unification approach and the discrimination approach, and situates the dark triad against the other personality models, in addition to enumerating the most important behavioral correlations between Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. Moreover, it discusses the issue of the functioning of people who possess some of the traits of the dark triad in the workplace, underlining the significance of the potential benefits and costs connected with the presence of people who exhibit high levels of Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy in the business. Chapter three discusses two attitudes towards work, analyzed in the monograph in relation to the traits exhibited by the dark triad: job satisfaction and brand loyalty. The chapter defines both concepts, presents the main categories of their personality and situational conditions, and examines the character of the links between the traits of the dark triad and the aforementioned attitudes towards work. Chapter four focuses on the analysis of two distinctive categories of voluntary actions in the workplace, i.e. civic actions and counter-productive actions. It indicates the main problems with terminology connected with the description of the aforementioned organizational actions and differentiates between three categories of conditions for organizational actions: attitudes towards work, situational factors, personality factors. The chapter is based on earlier research which focuses on the analysis of the interdependence between the personality traits of the dark triad and civic as well as counter-productive actions in the workplace. The three following chapters form the empirical part of the monograph. The first chapter discusses the methodological basis of own research; the second chapter analyzes the results of the study, and the third chapter presents their interpretation. The conducted study has confirmed the majority of the hypotheses considering the direct links between the personality traits of the dark triad, attitudes towards work and organizational actions. It has been shown that two conditions (power within the organization, understood as a formal position at the firm, and interpersonal conflict in the workplace) fulfilled the role of the moderators in the relation between the traits of the dark triad and attitudes towards work and organizational actions. Singular mediational effects of the attitudes towards work with regard to the links between the traits of the dark triad and organizational actions have also been observed. Taking into account the results of the study, modifications to the research model have been proposed, in order to include the direct correlations between situational factors and attitudes towards work and organizational actions. At the end of the monograph, on the basis of the literature on the subject, the author attempted interpretation of the obtained results, pointing to the limitations of the conducted studies and possible future avenues for empirical research

    Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and regulatory focus at work in relation to strengths use and deficit correction in the workplace

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    Extant research has shown that grandiose narcissism predicts a wide range of work-related outcomes. However, despite differentiating in the social-personality literature besides grandiose narcissism also its vulnerable form, there is little organizational research that would include both expressions of narcissism, in particular with regard to positive organizational behaviors, including strengths use and deficit correction in the workplace. In addition, the role of dark-side personality traits, such as narcissism, in predicting strengths use and deficit correction in the workplace, in particular in regard to motivational factors, seems understudied. Accordingly, this study adds to the literature on narcissism in the organizational context by investigating the direct effects of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and motivational orientation in the form of regulatory focus at work on strengths use and deficit correction in the workplace. Based on a sample of 446 working adults from the Polish population, it was found that grandiose narcissism positively predicted both strengths use and deficit correction. In turn, vulnerable narcissism was unrelated to strengths use and deficit correction. Furthermore, drawing on the distal-proximal model of work-specific regulatory focus, it also tested whether regulatory focus at work has the incremental validity over grandiose and vulnerable narcissism in predicting strengths use and deficit correction. The hierarchical regression analyses indicated that both promotion and prevention focus were positively associated with strengths use and deficit correction, predicting them beyond grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. The theoretical and practical implications of this study in the context of narcissism in the workplace and positive organizational scholarship are discussed