14 research outputs found

    Diseño y desarrollo de libros para ESP: algunas consideraciones para docentes que buscan emprender en esta actividad

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    The purpose of this work is to provide language educators with a framework of reference of some factors that should be taken into account when initiating the development of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) textbooks. The literature review technique was used to address the seven factors discussed in this work. The results indicate that a thorough understanding of target audience needs is essential for meeting the linguistic demands of diverse professional contexts to foster the strategic integration of authentic resources and real-world activities in ESP textbooks. The integration of multiple methodological models and approaches is suggested to ensure comprehensive language learning and practical skill acquisition in ESP learners. To facilitate effective learning, the structure of units or chapters should contain openers, integrated pedagogical devices, and closers. The incorporation of authentic materials, multimodal elements, and domain-specific vocabulary in ESP textbooks supplies the need for practical application of language skills in real-life professional contexts, and acquisition of domain-specific knowledge and terminology that is crucial for effective communication and task performance in specialized fields. Finally, the assessment of the material developed should encompass text accuracy, appropriateness for learning situations, adherence to needs analysis recommendations, and ongoing feedback from model apprentices. This will ensure alignment with learners’ evolving needs over time.  El propósito de este trabajo es facilitar a los profesores de idiomas un marco de referencia de factores que deben considerarse al iniciar el desarrollo de libros de texto para ESP (inglés para fines específicos). Se utilizó la técnica de revisión de literatura para abordar los siete factores discutidos en este trabajo. Los resultados indican que una comprensión profunda de las necesidades del público meta es esencial para satisfacer las demandas lingüísticas de diversos contextos profesionales, para fomentar la integración estratégica de recursos auténticos y actividades del mundo real en los libros de texto de ESP. Se sugiere la integración de múltiples modelos y enfoques metodológicos para garantizar un aprendizaje integral del idioma y la adquisición de habilidades prácticas en los aprendices. Para facilitar un aprendizaje eficaz, la estructura de las unidades o capítulos debe contener elementos de apertura, recursos pedagógicos integrados y cierres. La incorporación de materiales auténticos, elementos multimodales y vocabulario de dominios específicos en los libros de textos de ESP satisface la necesidad de una aplicación práctica de las habilidades lingüísticas en contextos profesionales y la adquisición de conocimientos y terminología de dominios específicos que son cruciales para una comunicación efectiva y correcto desempeño en tareas en campos especializados. Finalmente, la evaluación del material desarrollado debe abarcar la precisión del contenido, idoneidad para situaciones de aprendizaje, el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones del análisis de necesidades y la retroalimentación continua de los aprendices. Esto garantizará la alineación con las necesidades cambiantes de los estudiantes a lo largo del tiempo.&nbsp

    De la synthèse de procyanidines à leur quantification dans les baies de raisins et le vin

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    Les flavanols et leurs oligomères, les procyanidines, sont des composés phénoliques biosynthétisés dans les baies de raisin, dont ils sont extraits pendant la vinification. Une meilleure compréhension de leur évolution pendant la maturation du raisin, la vinification et le vieillissement du vin est importante du fait de leur responsabilité dans beaucoup des propriétés organoleptiques du vin (couleur, amertume et astringence). Plusieurs procyanidines ont été obtenues par une méthode de synthèse permettant de contrôler aussi bien la régio- et la stéréosélectivité de la liaison interflavane que le degré d’oligomérisation. Cette méthode a pu être élargie à la synthèse de procyanidines galloylées. L’étape de couplage, qui restait l’étape limitante de cette synthèse, a pu être améliorée par l’utilisation de la catalyse à l’or. Ces composés ont ensuite été utilisés comme standards afin de les identifier et les quantifier dans du raisin et des vins par chromatographie liquide haute performance. L’étude des intéractions supramoléculaires des composés galloylés a été évaluée par RMN DOSY. En parallèle de ces études, un nouveau composé indolique, possédant un motif glucose dans sa structure, a été identifié et caractérisé pour la première fois dans les vins rouges.Flavanols and their oligomers, procyanidins, are phenolics compounds biosynthetized in grapes, from which they are extrated during winemaking As they contribute so much to the organoleptics properties of the wine (color, bitterness and astringency), a better comprehension of their evolution during grapes maturation, winemaking and ageing of the wine is particulary important. Several procyanidines were obtained by a synthesis method which allows to control as well the interflavan regio- and stereoselectivity as the degree of oligomerization. This method was extended to the synthesis of galloylated procyanidins. The stage of coupling, which was a limiting stage of this synthesis, could be improved by the use of gold III catalysis. These compounds were then used as standards in order to identify and quantify them in grapes and wines by high performance liquid chromatography. The supramolecular properties of galloylated procyanidins were investigated by NMR DOSY. In parallel to these studies, a new indolic compound bearing a glucose moiety, has been identified and characterized for the first time in red wine

    De la synthèse de procyanidines à leur quantification dans les baies de raisins et le vin

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    Les flavanols et leurs oligomères, les procyanidines, sont des composés phénoliques biosynthétisés dans les baies de raisin, dont ils sont extraits pendant la vinification. Une meilleure compréhension de leur évolution pendant la maturation du raisin, la vinification et le vieillissement du vin est importante du fait de leur responsabilité dans beaucoup des propriétés organoleptiques du vin (couleur, amertume et astringence). Plusieurs procyanidines ont été obtenues par une méthode de synthèse permettant de contrôler aussi bien la régio- et la stéréosélectivité de la liaison interflavane que le degré d’oligomérisation. Cette méthode a pu être élargie à la synthèse de procyanidines galloylées. L’étape de couplage, qui restait l’étape limitante de cette synthèse, a pu être améliorée par l’utilisation de la catalyse à l’or. Ces composés ont ensuite été utilisés comme standards afin de les identifier et les quantifier dans du raisin et des vins par chromatographie liquide haute performance. L’étude des intéractions supramoléculaires des composés galloylés a été évaluée par RMN DOSY. En parallèle de ces études, un nouveau composé indolique, possédant un motif glucose dans sa structure, a été identifié et caractérisé pour la première fois dans les vins rouges.Flavanols and their oligomers, procyanidins, are phenolics compounds biosynthetized in grapes, from which they are extrated during winemaking As they contribute so much to the organoleptics properties of the wine (color, bitterness and astringency), a better comprehension of their evolution during grapes maturation, winemaking and ageing of the wine is particulary important. Several procyanidines were obtained by a synthesis method which allows to control as well the interflavan regio- and stereoselectivity as the degree of oligomerization. This method was extended to the synthesis of galloylated procyanidins. The stage of coupling, which was a limiting stage of this synthesis, could be improved by the use of gold III catalysis. These compounds were then used as standards in order to identify and quantify them in grapes and wines by high performance liquid chromatography. The supramolecular properties of galloylated procyanidins were investigated by NMR DOSY. In parallel to these studies, a new indolic compound bearing a glucose moiety, has been identified and characterized for the first time in red wine

    Synthesis of indanones by sequential Heck-reduction-cyclization-alkylation (HRCA) reactions

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    A simple and efficient synthesis of indanones, bearing a quaternary carbon centre, has been developed. The method features, in a one-pot process, the use of a multi-task palladium catalyst for the sequential Heck-reduction reactions, followed by a base-mediated cyclization-allcylation sequence. This methodology, called Heck-reduction-cyclization-allcylation (HRCA), is carried out under mild and simple experimental conditions with the use of inexpensive reagents. The mild conditions have been made possible by the use of diazonium salts that allow Heck couplings at moderate temperature (40 degrees C) under ligand-free conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pregnenolone can protect the brain from cannabis intoxication

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    Pregnenolone is considered the inactive precursor of all steroid hormones, and its potential functional effects have been largely uninvestigated. The administration of the main active principle of Cannabis sativa (marijuana), Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), substantially increases the synthesis of pregnenolone in the brain via activation of the type-1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptor. Pregnenolone then, acting as a signaling-specific inhibitor of the CB1 receptor, reduces several effects of THC. This negative feedback mediated by pregnenolone reveals a previously unknown paracrine/autocrine loop protecting the brain from CB1 receptor overactivation that could open an unforeseen approach for the treatment of cannabis intoxication and addiction.Supported by the EU-FP7 (REPROBESITY, HEALTH-F2-2008-223713, G.M.), the European Research Council (ENDOFOOD, ERC-2010-StG-260515, G.M.), the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (contracts HICOMET and TIMMS, P.V.P.), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (grants DA-03672, DA-003934, and DA-09789, R.A.R. and G.L.B., and RO1 DA003934 and KO5 DA021358, P.H.R