47 research outputs found

    Assesing the frequency and clauses of out-of-stock events through store scanner data

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    This paper aims to provide an answer to the question of out-of-stock events (OOS), their frequency, the sales losses they generate, and their causes. The authors provide two contributions. They describe a new sales-based measure of OOS computed on the basis of store-level scanner data and identify several of the main determinants of OOS. They also introduce a significant distinction between complete and partial OOSout-of-stock events; store-level scanner data; assortment; retailing; marketing metrics

    Antibody interference and response kinetics of isatuximab plus pomalidomide and dexamethasone in multiple myeloma

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    The ICARIA-MM study was sponsored by Sanofi. The authors thank, Helgi van de Velde, Valérie Boutet, Shujia Dai, Deborah DiNoto, Graziella Engelvin, Olivier Fedeli, Sébastien Hugla, Dominique Mouret, Béatrice Pradeilles, and Alain Roccon, all employees of Sanofi, for their contribution to the study, technology, and comments on the manuscript. The authors thank the participating patients and their families, and the study centers and investigators, for their contributions to the study. The medical writing support was provided by John Clarke, PhD and Stephanie Brillhart, PhD of Elevate Medical Affairs, contracted by Sanofi Genzyme for publication support services

    Isatuximab, carfilzomib, and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma: updated results from IKEMA, a randomized Phase 3 study

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    Longer-term outcomes with the anti-CD38 antibody isatuximab in combination with carfilzomib-dexamethasone (Isa-Kd) were evaluated in the randomized Phase 3 trial IKEMA (NCT03275285), in a prespecified, follow-up analysis of progression-free survival (PFS, primary study endpoint), final complete response (CR) using Hydrashift Isa immunofixation assay, minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity, and safety. Enrolled patients had relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (1-3 prior treatment lines). Isa 10 mg/kg was administered intravenously weekly in cycle 1 then biweekly. Efficacy analyses were performed in the intent-to-treat population (Isa-Kd: n = 179, Kd: n = 123) and safety evaluated in treated patients (Isa-Kd: n = 177, Kd: n = 122). Consistent with the primary interim analysis, the addition of Isa to Kd prolonged PFS (HR 0.58, 95.4% CI: 0.42-0.79; median PFS 35.7 [95% CI: 25.8-44.0] vs 19.2 [95% CI: 15.8-25.0] months). PFS benefit was observed with Isa-Kd across subgroups, including patients with poor prognosis. The stringent CR/CR rate was 44.1% vs 28.5% (odds-ratio: 2.09, 95% CI: 1.26-3.48), the MRD negativity rate 33.5% vs 15.4% (odds-ratio: 2.78, 95% CI: 1.55-4.99) and the MRD negativity CR rate 26.3% vs 12.2%, with Isa-Kd vs Kd. The safety profile of Isa-Kd was similar to that reported in the prior interim analysis. These findings further support Isa-Kd as a standard-of-care treatment for relapsed multiple myeloma patients.Clinical trial information: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03275285

    BIBLIOGRAPHIE: Promotion et choix du point de vente

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    Mesures d'impact de promotion des ventes : Description et comparaison de trois méthodes

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    International audienceMesurer l'impact d'une promotion sur les ventes d'un produit et analyser l'effet au cours du temps est une tùche importante pour un responsable de produit. Cet article applique et compare trois approches statistiques pour mesurer l'impact de promotions (ou d'actions marketing) sur les ventes de deux produits.La premiÚre approche proposée par le logiciel FuturMaster consiste à estimer les ventes que l'on aurait dû observer s'il n'y avait pas eu de promotions à l'aide du modÚle de lissage exponentiel de Holt-Winters. La seconde approche utilise une extension du modÚle Holt-Winters permettant la prise en compte d'évÚnements marketing. A chaque type d'actions marketing, par exemple des promotions de type de réduction de prix, il est associé un indice de promotion. Cette approche est celle utilisée par le logiciel Forecast Pro XE. La troisiÚme démarche consiste à modéliser la série des ventes, contaminées par des données atypiques provenant d'actions marketing, à partir de modÚles ARIMA et des fonctions d'intervention. La procédure utilisée pour détecter et caractériser la nature des données atypiques est celle proposée par le logiciel SCA. Les données analysées portent sur des consommations mensuelles de jus d'orange et de biscuits apéritifs soumises à des actions promotionnelles

    Prescribing of Electronic Activity Monitors in Cardiometabolic Diseases: Qualitative Interview-Based Study

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    International audienceBackground: The prevalence of noncommunicable diseases, including those such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, so-called cardiometabolic diseases, is high and is increasing worldwide. Strong evidence supports the role of physical activity in management of these diseases. There is general consensus that mHealth technology, including electronic activity monitors, can potentially increase physical activity in patients, but their use in clinical settings remains limited. Practitioners’ requirements when prescribing electronic activity monitors have been poorly described.Objective: The aims of this qualitative study were (1) to explore how specialist physicians prescribe electronic activity monitors to patients presenting with cardiometabolic conditions, and (2) to better understand their motivation for and barriers to prescribing such monitors.Methods: We conducted qualitative semistructured interviews in March to May 2016 with 11 senior physicians from a public university hospital in France with expertise in management of cardiometabolic diseases (type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia). Interviews lasted 45 to 60 minutes and were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using directed content analysis. We report our findings following the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist.Results: Most physicians we interviewed had never prescribed electronic activity monitors, whereas they frequently prescribed blood glucose or blood pressure self-monitoring devices. Reasons for nonprescription included lack of interest in the data collected, lack of evidence for data accuracy, concern about work overload possibly resulting from automatic data transfer, and risk of patients becoming addicted to data. Physicians expected future marketing of easy-to-use monitors that will accurately measure physical activity duration and intensity and provide understandable motivating feedback.Conclusions: Features of electronic activity monitors, although popular among the general public, do not meet the needs of physicians. In-depth understanding of physicians’ expectations is a first step toward designing technologies that can be widely used in clinical settings and facilitate physical activity prescription. Physicians should have a role, along with key health care stakeholders—patients, researchers, information technology firms, the public, and private payers—in developing the most effective methods for integrating activity monitors into patient care

    The experience of discrimination in France : why me?

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    Racial discrimination hurts more than discrimination on the basis of class. This is because one can move up the class ladder but one cannot change one’s physical features or skin colour. This remarkable book, The Experience of Discrimination in France: Why Me? brings out graphically that in the developed world like France for instance, the discriminated do not starve or get locked up but they nevertheless suffer pain and discrimination both latent and manifest. The authors, François Dubet, Olivier Cousin, Eric MacĂ© and Sandrine Rui flesh out each of these, which makes the everyday life of the discriminated, come alive at every turn

    Pourquoi moi ? : L'expérience des discriminations

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    Qu'il s'agisse d'inĂ©galitĂ©s de traitement en fonction du sexe, de la race, de la sexualitĂ©, de la religion, de l'origine, des handicaps, de la santĂ©, les discriminations sont aujourd'hui perçues et combattues comme la figure centrale des injustices. S'il est indispensable de les dĂ©crire et de les mesurer, il faut aussi que l'on sache mieux comment elles sont vĂ©cues par celles et ceux qui les subissent. L'Ă©cart est grand, en effet, entre les inĂ©galitĂ©s objectives et la maniĂšre dont les personnes les ressentent et, surtout, dont elles les tiennent pour justes ou injustes. Pourquoi moi ? s'efforce de rendre compte de ce vĂ©cu plus divers qu'il n'y paraĂźt. De l'"expĂ©rience totale" qui fait de la discrimination le coeur de l'identitĂ© et du rapport au monde des individus Ă  la distanciation que d'autres parviennent Ă  installer grĂące Ă  un ensemble de stratĂ©gies et de tactiques, se dĂ©ploie un espace de discriminations ressenties de façon plus ou moins intense. Ces expĂ©riences sont dĂ©terminĂ©es par le jeu complexe des conditions sociales. Ainsi les plus discriminĂ©s ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement ceux qui Ă©prouvent les sentiments d'inĂ©galitĂ© les plus aigus. La comparaison entre l'Ă©cole et l'hĂŽpital montre que les discriminations sont perçues de façon trĂšs diffĂ©rente dans ces institutions pour lesquelles la diversitĂ© des cultures et des personnes ne constitue pas le mĂȘme enjeu. Les discriminations et les luttes qu'elles entraĂźnent rĂ©vĂšlent de profondes transformations de notre vie sociale et de nos subjectivitĂ©s ; non seulement elles dĂ©voilent des injustices intolĂ©rables, mais elles montrent comment les individus essaient de se construire comme les sujets de leur libertĂ© et de leur identitĂ© quand l'ordre social perd de son unitĂ© et de son ancienne lĂ©gitimitĂ©