1,630 research outputs found

    How are wages set in Beijing

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    International audienceChina's export performance over the past fifteen years has been phenomenal. Is this performance going to last? Wages are rising rapidly but a population in excess of one billion represents a large reservoir of labor. Firms in export-intensive provinces may draw on this reservoir to increase competition in their labor market and keep wages low for many years to come. We develop a wage equation from a New Economic Geography model to capture the upward pressure from national and international demand and downward pressure from migration. Using panel data at the province level, we find that migration has moderately slowed down Chinese wage increase over the period 1995-2007

    The Effects of a Technology Shock in the Euro Area

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate the effects of a technology shock in the euro area within a structural VAR framework. Since the impact of these shocks on labor use is a controversial issue in the related literature, we give particular attention to it. Given that the estimated effects of a technology shock are quite sensible to the low-frequency properties of the labor input measure, we resort to an extensive statistical analysis to investigate whether hours worked are better characterized as stationary or difference stationary. We conduct a battery of classical unit root and stationary tests, analyze the small-sample properties of some of the tests-statistics, explore encompassing tests and Bayesian odds ratios to ascertain if the more appropriate VAR model is the one in which hours per capita enter in levels or first-differences. The evidence gathered is in support of hours being stationary, which leads to the conclusion that per capita hours worked rise after a technology shock in the euro area. As for the responses of the remaining variables, our results are in line with the bulk of the literature.

    How are wages set in Beijing

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    China's export performance over the past fifteen years has been phenomenal. Is this performance going to last? Wages are rising rapidly but a population in excess of one billion represents a large reservoir of labor. Firms in export-intensive provinces may draw on this reservoir to increase competition in their labor market and keep wages low for many years to come. We develop a wage equation from a New Economic Geography model to capture the upward pressure from national and international demand and downward pressure from migration. Using panel data at the province level, we find that migration has moderately slowed down Chinese wage increase over the period 1995-2007.Wages; China; Migration; Economic geography

    Evening high school: democratization and diversity

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    O propósito do texto é divulgar resultados de pesquisa nacional, desenvolvida em oito estados de todas as regiões do país (MS, MG, PA, PB, RN, RS, SC e SP), acerca do ensino médio noturno. O material coletado para o estudo, por meio de aproximadamente dez mil entrevistas com professores, alunos e diretores de escolas que ofereciam ensino médio noturno, permitiu analisar ações em implementação nessas escolas, visando oferecer subsídios para a formulação e implementação de políticas educacionais para o ensino médio, contemplando especificidades do noturno.The purpose of this paper is to release results of a national research developed in eight Brazilian states of all regions (MS, MG, PA, PB, RN, RS, SC, SP), about evening high school. The material collected for the study, roughly 10,000 interviews with teachers, students and principals of schools that offered evening high school. They were allowed to analyze actions of these schools, and with this, it is possible to rethink the formulation of educational policies at high school levels with the specific characteristics of the evening school

    State assessment systems: the use of results, implications and trends

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    O artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa que analisa sistemas de avaliação implementados por cinco unidades federadas (Bahia, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Paraná e São Paulo), considerando as características vigentes em 2005-2007. Tendo como referência suas especificidades, busca-se explorar como os resultados produzidos vêm informando a formulação e implementação de políticas educacionais, bem como discutir seu potencial para tornar-se um marco da política educacional que efetivamente interfere na gestão das redes de ensino e das escolas. Observou-se que os sistemas tendem a apresentar características semelhantes e tomam como principal referência o Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica, de âmbito nacional. Quanto ao uso dos resultados, são tênues ou inexistentes seus impactos ainda que precedidos, na fala de seus propositores, de ampla retórica presente na literatura sobre suas potencialidades. No entanto, a partir do balanço feito pelos próprios gestores dos sistemas, é possível identificar a preocupação de tornar tais sistemas mais efetivos. Assim, já neste estudo, identificam-se iniciativas que procuram transformar a utilização dos dados obtidos em instrumentos de gestão, como as que propõem bônus para professores e funcionários.This article presents the results of research that analyzes the assessment systems implemented by five brazilian states (Bahia, Ceara, Minas Gerais, Parana and Sao Paulo), considering their characteristics in 2005-2007. Taking into account their specificity, an attempt is made to explore how the results have been used for formulating and implementing educational policies, as well as their potential for becoming a milestone in educational policy that effectively intervenes in the management of schools systems and schools. It was observed that the systems tend to have similar characteristics, their main point of reference being the Basic Education Assessment System, on national level. As for using the results, their impact is at best tenuous, or even non-existent, even though, in the words of their proponents, it is preceded by powerful rhetoric, as expressed in the literature about its potential. However, from an examination of the systems carried out by the managers themselves, it is possible to identify a concern with making them more effective. So, even in this study initiatives have already been identified that seek to transform the use of the data obtained into a management tool, as the ones that propose offering bonuses to teachers and staff

    Variation of textural properties in pears dried by different solar methodologies.

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    In Portugal, the variety of S. Bartholomew (Pyrus communis L.) pears are subject to an artisan drying process consisting of direct open-air sun exposure, leading to a traditional product with unique texture characteristics, called “Pêra Passa de Viseu”. However, the drying process does not provide the current standards of safety and, therefore, recent investigations have emerged with alternatives to the traditional drying process. The changes that occur in the pears during the drying process are of the most importance to define the sensory characteristics and the quality of this product. As the texture is a highly valued characteristic for this product, it is necessary to verify that the different drying methods give place to products as similar to the traditional as possible. Thus, this study aimed at determining the changes that occur in the texture with the drying process and compare the texture of pears dried by two different drying processes, namely the traditional open-air and the solar stove with ventilation. Pears of the Portuguese variety S. Bartholomew were obtained from a local producer, both in the fresh state and after drying by the traditional procedure. Some of the fresh pears were dried by the alternative method. From the results obtained, it was possible to observe that both drying processes affected the initial texture. However, no important differences were seen when the two drying methods were compared with each other, thus allowing to conclude that the alternative drying methodology can be used to replace the traditional one, without altering the textural properties of the final product and with an highly added value in food safety

    Understanding organisational identity as a factor influencing organisational design

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    Organisations function in a rapidly changing operating environment and business leaders are in constant search of solutions that will increase both the organisationÕs effectiveness and performance. Organisational design is often utilised as one such solution to create alignment within the organisation. However, one of the many challenges of organisational design is to create and maintain this alignment between the design (what work is delivered?) and the identity (who are we?) of the organisation. Prior research says little on how the constructs of organisational design and organisational identity interact with each other as research tends to focus on these constructs separately. Therefore, purpose of this research is to determine if organisational identity is a factor that influences the organisational design to gain deeper insight as to how these complex constructs manifests itself within the organisational. Based on the exploratory nature of the research, qualitative methods where used to investigate how organisational identity and organisational design interact using observations from participants who were either business leaders, HR practitioners or organisational design specialists within a variety of organisations across South Africa. Based on the rich data gathered from interviews with participants, thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The key findings of the research not only built on the existing literature, but new insights materialised. Firstly, the role of leadersÕ and individualsÕ identity influence on the organisational identity emerged as a consistent theme. Secondly, new insight regarding the nature of organisational identity and how it influences the organisational design process emerged. The findings, which are represented in the Organisational Identity Lenses model, suggest that organisational identity has four different lenses. These lenses are: Ôwho am I?Õ as an individual in the organisation, Ôwho are we?Õ as a collective, Ôwho are we becoming?Õ as a future-focused view of the organisation and finally Ôwho are we no longer?Õ as a reflection of the historical context of the organisation. These four lenses have a significant influence on the organisational design process and the implications of this research suggest that the organisational design process should be one that facilitates the process of articulating Ôwho are we becoming?Õ in a manner that encourages alignment within the organisation.Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2018.kr2019Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)MB

    Avaliação e gestão do risco na perspetiva da norma ISO 9001:2015

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da QualidadeNo atual contexto económico, a globalização expõe as organizações a vários fatores, tanto internos como externos, que tornam incerto o alcance dos seus objetivos. Os clientes exigem constantemente produtos com características que satisfaçam e excedam as suas necessidades, os produtos alteram-se de dia para dia e existem cada vez mais concorrentes, tendo assim a qualidade um papel relevante e de destaque para as organizações. Face às constantes mudanças no mercado, a revisão da norma ISO 9001 sugere a implementação de uma abordagem sistemática e contínua na consideração dos riscos em todo o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo a implementação do processo de avaliação e gestão do risco numa metalomecânica, mais concretamente na empresa “Balanças Marques”, localizada na cidade de Braga. O processo de avaliação e gestão do risco foi implementado segundo o referencial ISO 9001:2015. O projeto teve como finalidade adequar o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade da empresa ao novo referencial normativo, bem como apoiar no processo de transição para o mesmo. Na prática o trabalho incidiu na identificação dos riscos existentes associados aos vários processos do Sistema e ao seu Contexto Organizacional. Para a identificação destes riscos, realizaram-se entrevistas com colaboradores chave e fez-se uma análise aos dados e dos procedimentos operacionais existentes. Através de ferramentas como FMEA e Análise SWOT, procedeu-se à análise e avaliação dos riscos identificados e, com base no índice RPN, foram identificadas possíveis ações. Os resultados deste projeto indicam que a implementação da gestão do risco foi fulcral para colocar a organização a agir de forma preventiva nos vários processos que engloba o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade e Contexto Organizacional. A aplicação do FMEA tornou este processo estruturado e de fácil visualização, permitiu a identificação das atividades mais críticas e a priorização de ações para mitigar os efeitos das potenciais falhas identificadas.In the current economic context, globalization exposes organizations to various factors, both internal and external, that make the achievement of their objectives uncertain. Customers constantly demand products with features that meet and exceed their needs, products change from day to day and there are more and more competitors, thus having quality a relevant and prominent role for organizations. Given the constant changes in the market, the review of ISO 9001 suggests the implementation of a systematic and continuous approach in the consideration of risks throughout the Quality Management System. In this sense, the present dissertation had the objective of implementing the process of risk assessment and management in metal industry, more specifically in the "Balanças Marques" company, located in the city of Braga. The risk assessment and management process was implemented according to ISO 9001: 2015. The purpose of the project was to adapt the company's Quality Management System to the new normative framework, as well as to support the process of transition to it. In fact, the work focused on identifying the existing risks associated with the various processes of the System and its Organizational Context. To identify these risks, interviews were conducted with key employees followed by an analysis of the data and the existing operational procedures. Through tools such as FMEA and SWOT Analysis, the identified risks were analyzed and evaluated and, based on the RPN index, possible actions were also identified. The results of this project indicate that the implementation of risk management was central to putting the organization to act in a preventive way in the various processes that incorporate the Quality Management System and Organizational Context. The application of the FMEA made this process structured and easy to analyze, allowed to identify the most critical activities and the prioritization of actions to mitigate the effects of the identified potential failures

    Estágio no ateliê Storytailors

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Design, com a especialização em Moda apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.Esta dissertação tem como titulo “Alta-Costura e o Objeto de Luxo, Estágio no Ateliê Storytailors”, pretendendo identificar e analisar a adaptação de conceitos de Alta-Costura à realidade de um ateliê português. O trabalho desenvolvido neste estágio levou a uma profunda aprendizagem e colaboração em vários projetos, quer em coleções, quer em encomendas de ateliê, como vestidos de noiva e de cerimonia, desde o seu início colaborando nas diversas fases dos respetivos projetos, onde foram acompanhadas todas as fases da criação e da construção das peças, desde a tirada de medidas do cliente até à criação de moldes, corte, montagem, provas (fitting) e acabamentos finais. Participou-se ainda no desenvolvimento das coleções na área de design, na criação de peças para desfile, sob o conceito de desperdício zero, aplicado no decorrer do estágio. As metodologias utilizadas neste estágio foram tanto de carater intervencionista, tendo a aluna participado nas áreas de design e de produção da empresa Storytailors, como não-intervencionista, no sentido da observação e do registo do trabalho desenvolvido pelos colaboradores da empresa. A aluna pretende demonstrar no exemplo do ateliê Storytailors, como elementos da Alta-Costura podem ser introduzidos no trabalho de um ateliê português. Além disto a aluna pôde verificar a importância da vertente prática desenvolvida no estágio, aplicando conhecimentos teóricos anteriormente adquiridos, em contexto profissional.ABSTRACT: This dissertation has as title "Haute Couture and the Luxury Object, Internship at Atelier Storytailors", intending to identify and analyze the adaption of concepts of Haute Couture to the reality of a Portuguese atelier. The work developed in this internship led to a profound learning and collaboration in various projects in both collections and atelier orders such as wedding gowns and ceremonial garments, collaborating in several stages of the respective projects, accompanying all stages of the creation and construction of garments, from taking the client measures until pattern making, cutting, assembling, fitting and finishings. The intern participated in the development of collections in the design area, creating garments for fashion shows under the concept of zero waste, applied in the course of the internship. The methodologies used in this stage were both of interventionist character, the student participating in the areas of design and production of the company Storytailors, as non-interventionist, in the sense of the observation and registration of the work developed by the staff of the company. The student intends to demonstrate at the example of the atelier Storytailors, how elements of haute-couture can be introduced into the work of a Portuguese atelier. Also, the student could verify the importance of practice, applying during the internship, the previously acquired theoretical knowledge in a professional context.N/