16 research outputs found

    PrevalĂȘncia do risco para transtornos mentais e suicĂ­dio em estudantes dos cursos superiores de medicina e de direito

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. LĂșcia Helena Coutinho dos Santos (in Memoriam)Coorientadora: Profa. Dra. MĂŽnica Nunes LimaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias da SaĂșde, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em SaĂșde da Criança e do Adolescente. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/07/2016Inclui referĂȘnciasResumo: UniversitĂĄrios sĂŁo vulnerĂĄveis para o desenvolvimento de Transtornos Mentais (TM). De acordo com a Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das InstituiçÔes Federais de Ensino Superior (Andifes, 2011) 47,7% dos universitĂĄrios no Brasil referiram ter vivenciado alguma crise emocional durante sua formação acadĂȘmica, caracterizadas principalmente por DepressĂŁo (22%) e Ansiedade (70%). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalĂȘncia dos principais riscos para TM e SuicĂ­dio em estudantes dos cursos de Medicina e Direito. Trata-se de estudo prospectivo de 1048estudantes da Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ - 775 do curso de Medicina e 273 de Direito, que responderam aos instrumentos: 1) Adult Self Report-ASR e 2) WHOQOL-100. O ASR Ă© um inventĂĄrio de autoavaliação destinado Ă  adultos de 18 a 59 anos que permite verificar aspectos do Funcionamento Adaptativo e PsicopatolĂłgico do indivĂ­duo. Um escore igual ou acima de 70 Ă© considerado ClĂ­nico, entre 65 e 69,LimĂ­trofe e abaixo de 64, Normal. O WHOQOL-100 Ă© um instrumento para avaliação de Qualidade de Vida com resultado expresso em porcentagem, variando de 0 a100%. Valores entre 0% e 25% foram considerados como Qualidade de Vida Ruim,entre 26% e 50%, Moderada, entre 51% e 75% Boa e entre 76% e 100%, Ótima. A prevalĂȘncia geral de risco de TM foi de 48,7%. Um a cada dois estudantes de Medicina e de Direito apresentaram escore do ASR ClĂ­nico e 65,1% LimĂ­trofe, com predomĂ­nio do sexo feminino e 3Âș ano em ambos os cursos. Os principais riscos para TM observados em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico pelo DSM-Orientado foram Problemas de Ansiedade(20,4%), Problemas de DepressĂŁo (14,7%) e Personalidade Evitativa (14,9%).Problemas Internalizantes (ASR) foram observados em 35,8% dos casos representados por SĂ­ndrome Ansiedade/DepressĂŁo (18,0%) e Isolamento (14,2%).Itens CrĂ­ticos EspecĂ­ficos em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico tiveram elevada prevalĂȘncia representados por "Dificuldade de Atenção/Concentração" (26,1%), "ObsessĂ”es" (19,9%), "Oscilação de Humor" (18,5%), "Consumir Álcool ou Ficar BĂȘbado" (15,5%) e "Chorar Muito"(11,2%). Comprometimento no Funcionamento-Adaptativo Geral esteve associado a todos os itens do ASR, Ă  exceção do Uso de Álcool. Qualidade de Vida Geral Ruim ou Moderada foi encontrada em 30% dos estudantes e em 50% nos DomĂ­nios FĂ­sico e PsicolĂłgico do WHOQOL-100. A prevalĂȘncia de risco de SuicĂ­dio foi de 11,5% e a presença de qualquer Problema do DSM-Orientado em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico aumentou o risco de SuicĂ­dio em 5 vezes (RR = 5,09 IC 95% = 3,47–7,47) e pelo ASR em 6,5 vezes(RR = 6,45 IC = 95% = 3,92–10,62), associado principalmente a Problemas Internalizantes, Problemas de DepressĂŁo, Problemas de Ansiedade e Personalidade Evitativa. Cerca de 50% deles apresentava de uma a trĂȘs sĂ­ndromes associadas. InstituiçÔes de Ensino Superior devem implementar estratĂ©gias de prevenção, diagnĂłstico precoce e orientação terapĂȘutica multidisciplinar a fim de garantir possibilidade de se graduar com qualidade de vida adequada e compatĂ­vel com a fase de juventude.Abstract: University students are the most likely to develop Mental Disorder (MD). According to the Brazilian National Association of Federal Institutions of Higher Education Leaders (ANDIFES - Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das InstituiçÔes Federais de Ensino Superior) 47.7% of the Brazilian university students suffer some kind of emotional crisis during their academic life, mainly depression (22%) and anxiety (70%). The main goal of this research was to verify the preponderance of fundamental risks of MD and suicidal behavior during the courses of Law and Medicine. The prospective study brought together data of 1048 students of the Federal University of Parana – Brazil, 775 majoring in medicine and the other 273 in law that responded to the psychopathology and life quality instruments: 1) Adult self-report – ASR and 2) WHOQOL-100). ASR is an inventory of self evaluation focused on adults from 18 to 59 years what allow to verify aspects of the individual's adaptive and psychopathological functioning. A score above or equal to 70 is considered a Clinical case, from 65 to 69 Borderline and below 64 Normal. The WHOQOL 100 is an instrument to avaliate quality of life with a result expressed in percentage, ranging from 0 to 100%. Values between 0% and 25% were rated as Bad life quality, among 26% and 50% Moderate, from 51% to 75% Good and Great quality of life were those within 76% and 100%. The general prevalence of MD risk was 48.7%. One every two students on the case showed Clinic ASR score and 65.1% Borderline score, with the predominance of women and of the 3rd year in both fields of study. The biggest risks of MD observed in Clinic level for DSM-oriented were Anxiety Problems (20.4%), Depressive Problems (14.7%) and Avoidant Personality Problems (14.9%). Internalizing Problems (ASR) were noticed in 38.5% of the cases represented by Anxious/Depressed Syndrome (18.0%) and Withdrawn (14.2%). Specifical Critical Items on a Clinic level had an elevated prevalence represented by ‘’difficulties of concentration and paying attention’’ (26%), ‘’obsessions’’ (19.9%), ‘’oscillations of humor’’ (18.5%), ‘’drinking problems’’ (15.5%), ‘’crying a lot’’ (11.2%). Commitment on the Adaptative Functioning in general was associated with all items of ASR, with the exception of the alcohol consuming issue. An average or bad quality of life was checked by 30% of the students and in 50% of physical and psychological domains of WHOQOL-100. The prevalence risk of suicidal behaviours was of 11.5% and the presence of any DSM-oriented problem in clinical level multiplied the risk of suicide in 5 times (OR= 5.09 IC 95%= 3.47-7.47) and for the ASR in 6,5 times (OR = 6.45 IC = 95% = 3.92–10.62), associated mainly with Internalizing Problems, Anxiety Problems, Depressed Problems and Avoidant Personality Problems. About 50% of them presented from one to three correlated syndromes. Superior Educations Institutions must implement preventive strategies, early diagnosis and multidisciplinary therapeutic orientation in order to guarantee to its students the possibility to graduate with an adequate and compatible life quality to the youth

    Discrepùncias no crescimento dos dimídios em crianças com paralisia cerebral hemiplégica: associação com a função, atividades e participação social

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    Objective: Evaluate side-to-side discrepancies in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP), and investigate associations of these discrepancies with patients’ age at initiation of physical therapy, motor and cognitive function, and degree of activities and social participation. Method: We obtained eight side-to-side measurements from 24 HCP children with mean age 49.3±5.2 months. Results: Early initiation of physical therapy was associated with lower discrepancy in hand length (p=0.037). Lower foot length discrepancy was associated with lower requirement for caregiver assistance in activities related to mobility. Increased side-to-side discrepancy was associated with reduced wrist extension and increased spasticity. Discrepancy played a larger role in children with hemineglect and in those with right involvement. Conclusion: Increased discrepancy in HCP children was associated with reduced degree of activity/social participation. These results suggest an association between functional use of the extremities and limb growth.Objetivo: Avaliar a discrepĂąncia entre o crescimento dos lados do corpo em crianças com paralisia cerebral hemiplĂ©gica (PCH), e investigar sua associação com a idade de inĂ­cio do tratamento de fisioterapia, função motora e cognitiva, grau de atividades e participação social. MĂ©todo: Comparamos oito medidas obtidas de 24 crianças com PCH e com mĂ©dia de idade de 49,3±5,2 meses. Resultados: O inĂ­cio precoce da fisioterapia se relacionou Ă  menor discrepĂąncia no comprimento da mĂŁo (p=0,037). A menor discrepĂąncia no comprimento do pĂ© se relacionou Ă  menor necessidade de ajuda do cuidador em atividades de mobilidade. A maior discrepĂąncia esteve relacionada Ă  menor extensĂŁo de punho e Ă  maior espasticidade. A discrepĂąncia foi mais importante em crianças com heminegligĂȘncia e com envolvimento Ă  direita. ConclusĂŁo: Crianças com PCH com maior discrepĂąncia apresentaram menor atividade/participação social. Os resultados sugerem associação entre o uso funcional da mĂŁo e o crescimento das extremidades.CuritibaPRUniversidade Federal do ParanĂĄ Hospital de ClĂ­nicas Centro de NeuropediatriaSĂŁo PauloSPUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ Departamento de PediatriaUniversidade Federal do ParanĂĄ Departamento de ClĂ­nica MĂ©dicaHospital Albert EinsteinUNIFESPSciEL

    130 anos de evidĂȘncias: risco de suicĂ­dio entre mĂ©dicos e estudantes de medicina

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    Objective: To evaluate the incidence of risk of Mental Disorders (MD), Suicide and Quality of Life in medical students. Methods: This is a prospective cross-sectional study conducted at a Public Higher Education Institution of Medicine in Southern Brazil. Evaluation of 775 students who responded in person to Adult Self Repport (ASR) and WHOQOL-100, with individual return of results, orientation and mandatory referral for those with “Borderline” and “Clinical” scores and optional for those with “Normal” score. Results: The incidence of MD risk was 54.3% and suicide risk was 10.6%. Internalizing Problems were observed in 34.7% of cases and Externalizing Problems in 12.6%. Among the most frequent syndromes, Anxiety/Depression, Isolation and Attention were highlighted. “Poor” or “Moderate” Overall Quality of Life was observed in about 30%, associated with adaptive functioning and the presence of DSM-Oriented or ASR problems at “Clinical” level (p <0.001). The main variables for suicide risk were Anxiety/Depression Problems, Internalizing Problems, Thought Problems, and Antisocial Personality (p <0.001). “Clinical” Score for two or more Syndromes or Total Problems was selected as an independent variable for the risk of suicide, while the Spirituality and Psychological domains were appointed as protective (p <0.001). Conclusions: There was a high incidence of MD associated with poor quality of life and increased risk of suicide among medical students.Objetivo: Avaliar a incidĂȘncia de risco para Transtornos Mentais (TM), SuicĂ­dio e Qualidade de Vida em estudantes de Medicina. MĂ©todos: Estudo transversal, prospectivo realizado em Instituição PĂșblica de Ensino Superior de Medicina do Sul do Brasil. Avaliação de 775 estudantes que responderam presencialmente ao Adult Self Repport (ASR) e WHOQOL-100, com devolução individual do resultado, orientação e encaminhamento obrigatĂłrio para aqueles com escores “LimĂ­trofe” e “ClĂ­nico” e opcional para os com escore “Normal”. Resultados: A incidĂȘncia de risco de TM foi de 54,3% e de risco de suicĂ­dio de 10,6%. Problemas Internalizantes foram observados em 34,7% e Problemas Externalizantes em 12,6%. Entre as sĂ­ndromes mais frequentes, destacaram-se Ansiedade/DepressĂŁo; Isolamento e Problemas de Atenção. Qualidade de vida geral “Ruim” ou “Moderada” foi observada em cerca de 30%, associada a funcionamento adaptativo e presença de Problemas do DSM-Orientado ou ASR em nĂ­vel “ClĂ­nico” (p<0,001). As principais variĂĄveis para o risco de suicĂ­dio foram: Ansiedade/DepressĂŁo; Problemas Internalizantes, Problemas de Pensamento e Personalidade Antissocial (p <0,001). Escore “ClĂ­nico” para duas ou mais SĂ­ndromes ou Total de Problemas foi selecionado como variĂĄvel independente para o risco de SuicĂ­dio enquanto os domĂ­nios Espiritualidade e PsicolĂłgico foram apontados como protetores (p<0,001). ConclusĂ”es: Observou-se elevada incidĂȘncia de TM, associado a qualidade de vida ruim e aumento do risco de suicĂ­dio entre estudantes de Medicina

    PrevalĂȘncia do risco para transtornos mentais e suicĂ­dio em estudantes dos cursos superiores de medicina e de direito

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. LĂșcia Helena Coutinho dos Santos (in Memoriam)Coorientadora: Profa. Dra. MĂŽnica Nunes LimaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias da SaĂșde, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em SaĂșde da Criança e do Adolescente. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/07/2016Inclui referĂȘnciasResumo: UniversitĂĄrios sĂŁo vulnerĂĄveis para o desenvolvimento de Transtornos Mentais (TM). De acordo com a Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das InstituiçÔes Federais de Ensino Superior (Andifes, 2011) 47,7% dos universitĂĄrios no Brasil referiram ter vivenciado alguma crise emocional durante sua formação acadĂȘmica, caracterizadas principalmente por DepressĂŁo (22%) e Ansiedade (70%). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalĂȘncia dos principais riscos para TM e SuicĂ­dio em estudantes dos cursos de Medicina e Direito. Trata-se de estudo prospectivo de 1048estudantes da Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ - 775 do curso de Medicina e 273 de Direito, que responderam aos instrumentos: 1) Adult Self Report-ASR e 2) WHOQOL-100. O ASR Ă© um inventĂĄrio de autoavaliação destinado Ă  adultos de 18 a 59 anos que permite verificar aspectos do Funcionamento Adaptativo e PsicopatolĂłgico do indivĂ­duo. Um escore igual ou acima de 70 Ă© considerado ClĂ­nico, entre 65 e 69,LimĂ­trofe e abaixo de 64, Normal. O WHOQOL-100 Ă© um instrumento para avaliação de Qualidade de Vida com resultado expresso em porcentagem, variando de 0 a100%. Valores entre 0% e 25% foram considerados como Qualidade de Vida Ruim,entre 26% e 50%, Moderada, entre 51% e 75% Boa e entre 76% e 100%, Ótima. A prevalĂȘncia geral de risco de TM foi de 48,7%. Um a cada dois estudantes de Medicina e de Direito apresentaram escore do ASR ClĂ­nico e 65,1% LimĂ­trofe, com predomĂ­nio do sexo feminino e 3Âș ano em ambos os cursos. Os principais riscos para TM observados em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico pelo DSM-Orientado foram Problemas de Ansiedade(20,4%), Problemas de DepressĂŁo (14,7%) e Personalidade Evitativa (14,9%).Problemas Internalizantes (ASR) foram observados em 35,8% dos casos representados por SĂ­ndrome Ansiedade/DepressĂŁo (18,0%) e Isolamento (14,2%).Itens CrĂ­ticos EspecĂ­ficos em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico tiveram elevada prevalĂȘncia representados por "Dificuldade de Atenção/Concentração" (26,1%), "ObsessĂ”es" (19,9%), "Oscilação de Humor" (18,5%), "Consumir Álcool ou Ficar BĂȘbado" (15,5%) e "Chorar Muito"(11,2%). Comprometimento no Funcionamento-Adaptativo Geral esteve associado a todos os itens do ASR, Ă  exceção do Uso de Álcool. Qualidade de Vida Geral Ruim ou Moderada foi encontrada em 30% dos estudantes e em 50% nos DomĂ­nios FĂ­sico e PsicolĂłgico do WHOQOL-100. A prevalĂȘncia de risco de SuicĂ­dio foi de 11,5% e a presença de qualquer Problema do DSM-Orientado em nĂ­vel ClĂ­nico aumentou o risco de SuicĂ­dio em 5 vezes (RR = 5,09 IC 95% = 3,47–7,47) e pelo ASR em 6,5 vezes(RR = 6,45 IC = 95% = 3,92–10,62), associado principalmente a Problemas Internalizantes, Problemas de DepressĂŁo, Problemas de Ansiedade e Personalidade Evitativa. Cerca de 50% deles apresentava de uma a trĂȘs sĂ­ndromes associadas. InstituiçÔes de Ensino Superior devem implementar estratĂ©gias de prevenção, diagnĂłstico precoce e orientação terapĂȘutica multidisciplinar a fim de garantir possibilidade de se graduar com qualidade de vida adequada e compatĂ­vel com a fase de juventude.Abstract: University students are the most likely to develop Mental Disorder (MD). According to the Brazilian National Association of Federal Institutions of Higher Education Leaders (ANDIFES - Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das InstituiçÔes Federais de Ensino Superior) 47.7% of the Brazilian university students suffer some kind of emotional crisis during their academic life, mainly depression (22%) and anxiety (70%). The main goal of this research was to verify the preponderance of fundamental risks of MD and suicidal behavior during the courses of Law and Medicine. The prospective study brought together data of 1048 students of the Federal University of Parana – Brazil, 775 majoring in medicine and the other 273 in law that responded to the psychopathology and life quality instruments: 1) Adult self-report – ASR and 2) WHOQOL-100). ASR is an inventory of self evaluation focused on adults from 18 to 59 years what allow to verify aspects of the individual's adaptive and psychopathological functioning. A score above or equal to 70 is considered a Clinical case, from 65 to 69 Borderline and below 64 Normal. The WHOQOL 100 is an instrument to avaliate quality of life with a result expressed in percentage, ranging from 0 to 100%. Values between 0% and 25% were rated as Bad life quality, among 26% and 50% Moderate, from 51% to 75% Good and Great quality of life were those within 76% and 100%. The general prevalence of MD risk was 48.7%. One every two students on the case showed Clinic ASR score and 65.1% Borderline score, with the predominance of women and of the 3rd year in both fields of study. The biggest risks of MD observed in Clinic level for DSM-oriented were Anxiety Problems (20.4%), Depressive Problems (14.7%) and Avoidant Personality Problems (14.9%). Internalizing Problems (ASR) were noticed in 38.5% of the cases represented by Anxious/Depressed Syndrome (18.0%) and Withdrawn (14.2%). Specifical Critical Items on a Clinic level had an elevated prevalence represented by ‘’difficulties of concentration and paying attention’’ (26%), ‘’obsessions’’ (19.9%), ‘’oscillations of humor’’ (18.5%), ‘’drinking problems’’ (15.5%), ‘’crying a lot’’ (11.2%). Commitment on the Adaptative Functioning in general was associated with all items of ASR, with the exception of the alcohol consuming issue. An average or bad quality of life was checked by 30% of the students and in 50% of physical and psychological domains of WHOQOL-100. The prevalence risk of suicidal behaviours was of 11.5% and the presence of any DSM-oriented problem in clinical level multiplied the risk of suicide in 5 times (OR= 5.09 IC 95%= 3.47-7.47) and for the ASR in 6,5 times (OR = 6.45 IC = 95% = 3.92–10.62), associated mainly with Internalizing Problems, Anxiety Problems, Depressed Problems and Avoidant Personality Problems. About 50% of them presented from one to three correlated syndromes. Superior Educations Institutions must implement preventive strategies, early diagnosis and multidisciplinary therapeutic orientation in order to guarantee to its students the possibility to graduate with an adequate and compatible life quality to the youth

    Evaluation of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist as a screening tool for the identification of emotional and psychosocial problems

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate the Brazilian version of Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) as a screening tool to identify psychosocial and emotional problems in schoolchildren from six to 12 years old. METHODS Diagnostic test conducted in a public school of Curitiba, Paraná (Southern Brazil), to evaluate the PSC accuracy and consistency, considering the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) as the gold standard. Among 415 parents invited for the study, 145 responded to both PSC and CBCL. The results of the two instruments were compared. PSC and CBCL were considered positive if scores ≥28 and >70 respectively. RESULTS Among the 145 cases, 49 (33.8%) were positive for both PSC and CBCL. The ROC curve showed the PSC score of 21 as the best cutoff point for screening psychosocial and emotional problems, with a sensitivity of 96.8% and a specificity of 86.7%. Regarding the reference cutoff (score ≥28 points), the sensitivity was 64.5% and the specificity, 100.0%, similar to those found in the original version of the tool. CONCLUSIONS The Portuguese version of PSC was effective for early identification of emotional and/or psychosocial problems in a schoolchildren group and may be useful for pediatricians

    Effects of early spasticity treatment on children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a preliminary study

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    Objective To compare motor and functional performance of two groups of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP). Only the study group (SG) received early treatment of spasticity with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BXT-A). Methods Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), functional performance (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory - PEDI), range of movement, gait pattern (Physician Rating Scale - PRS) and the speed of hand movements were considered. Results The SG, composed of 11 HCP (45.64±6.3 months), was assessed in relation to the comparison group, composed of 13 HCP (45.92±6.4 months). SG showed higher scores in four of the five GMFM dimensions, which included scores that were statistically significant for dimension B, and higher scores in five of the six areas evaluated in the PEDI. Active wrist extension, the speed of hand movements and PRS score were higher in the SG. Conclusion Children who received early BXT-A treatment for spasticity showed higher scores in motor and functional performance