4,562 research outputs found

    As metodologias BIM como auxiliar no projeto de reabilitação energética de edifícios

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    Atualmente o edificado europeu é responsável por 40% do total da energia consumida e por 36% da emissão de gases que contribuem para o efeito de estufa. A reabilitação energética do edificado existente, especialmente daquele construído antes da entrada em vigor da primeira regulamentação térmica, aliada a práticas sustentáveis, é um passo essencial e uma prioridade da UE para que os seus Estados-Membro reduzam a sua dependência energética e as suas emissões de gases de efeito de estufa, tornando os seus edifícios mais sustentáveis.Neste contexto, o presente estudo mostra a reabilitação energética de um edifício residencial português, construído no final da década de 60, utilizando uma abordagem baseada no Building Information Modelling (BIM) durante as fases iniciais de projeto. A metodologia BIM foi utilizada com o objetivo de realizar análises de desempenho energético do caso de estudo, de maneira a analisar as vantagens desta abordagem na identificação dos melhores cenários de reabilitação energética. Após a referida análise, foi possível constatar que a utilização de metodologias BIM, permite aos projetistas a rápida realização de comparações entre as possíveis soluções a adotar, auxiliando assim a tomada de decisão. Ao mesmo tempo, possibilita ainda a redução de tempo e custos durante as fases iniciais de um projeto e, consequentemente, promove a eficiência e a sustentabilidade do edificado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FELINE: Finite element solver for hydrodynamic lubrication problems using the inexact Newton method

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    In this work we present FELINE, a C++ solver of the Reynolds equation for treating hydrodynamic lubrication problems. To correctly describe cavitation regions, FELINE implements the inexact Newton iteration (INE) algorithm within a finite element method (FEM) framework. The solver was tested and validated against known cases in literature and industrially relevant cases of dimpled textures. Furthermore, we provide a benchmark for a complex dimpled texture case to evaluate the performance and robustness of the implementation. FELINE performs very fast when compared with existing implementations and shows a great degree of stability, while providing physically correct solutions thanks to the INE algorithm.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020 project PTDC/EME-SIS/30446/2017 and Advanced Computing Project CPCA/A2/ 4513/2020, awarded by FCT I.P., for accessing MACC-BOB HPC resources

    Non-pharmacological treatment-related changes of molecular biomarkers in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious mood disorder and leading cause of disability. Despite treatment advances, approximately 30% of individuals with MDD do not achieve adequate clinical response. Better understanding the biological mechanism(s) underlying clinical response to specific psychopharmacological interventions may help fine tune treatments in order to further modulate their underlying mechanisms of action. However, little is known regarding the effect of non-pharmacological treatments (NPTs) on candidate molecular biomarker levels in MDD. This review aims to identify molecular biomarkers that may elucidate NPT response for MDD. Methods We performed a systematic review and a multilevel linear mixed-effects meta-analyses, and a meta-regression. Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, and PsycINFO in October 2020 and July 2021. Results From 1387 retrieved articles, 17 and six studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analyses, respectively. Although there was little consensus associating molecular biomarker levels with symptomology and/or treatment response, brain metabolites accessed via molecular biomarker-focused neuroimaging techniques may provide promising information on whether an individual with MDD would respond positively to NPTs. Furthermore, non-invasive brain stimulation interventions significantly increased the expression of neurotrophic factors (NTFs) compared to sham/placebo, regardless of add-on pharmacological treatment. Conclusions NTFs are candidate biomarkers to fine-tune NIBS for MDD treatment.publishe

    Caracterización petrográfica y petrofísica de la roca encajante de la Cueva del Rull (Vall d'Ebo, Alicante)

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    La Cueva del Rull se encuentra en el sector nororiental de la Cordillera Bética, en el denominado Prebético Externo de Alicante (Azema 1977). Regionalmente, la zona de estudio está dominada por la dinámica compresiva de los materiales calizos existentes (Cretácico Superior) afectados, desde el Mioceno Medio y durante el Mioceno Superior, por diversos movimientos tectónicos a partir de los cuales se origina la Depresión de la Vall d'Ebo. Esta fosa tectónica, cuyos bordes norte y sur quedan delimitados por fallas normales con dirección aproximada E-O, está rellena por materiales rudíticos de edad Mioceno Superior, predominantemente conglomeráticos, de espesor variable (decenas a más de 100 metros), localmente plegados y depositados sobre margas de facies “tap” (margas mal estratificadas de carácter arcillo-limoso, desagregadas y de color blanquecino en superficie, cuya edad se atribuye al Mioceno Medio).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto CGL2011-25162 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. C. Pla cuenta con una beca predoctoral del MEC correspondiente a dicho Proyecto

    Estudo da eficácia da irradiação gama na conservação da qualidade nutricional de azedas durante o armazenamento refrigerado

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    O consumo de vegetais minimamente processados tem sido impulsionado pelo estilo de vida acelerado da sociedade moderna e pela crescente conscienciatização da influência da alimentação na saúde. Além de conveniência, salubridade e segurança, o consumidor procura também alimentos com características organoléticas diferenciadas das dos alimentos habitualmente consumidos diariamente. Neste sentido, a recuperação do uso das azedas (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) poderá responder a esta procura, aliando garantia de qualidade e inovação. Visto a maioria dos tratamentos convencionais ser ineficaz em assegurar segurança sem comprometer a qualidade, e dada a preocupação em tomo dos agentes químicos vulgarmente utilizados, a irradiação de alimentos emergiu como uma alternativa segura e eficaz. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia do tratamento de irradiação gama na conservação da qualidade nutricional das azedas durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Exemplares silvestres de azedas foram recolhidos no concelho de Bragança e lavados com água corrente. Uma porção foi imediatamente analisada (controlo não armazenado) e o restante material fresco foi embalado, submetido a diferentes doses de irradiação gama (até 6 kGy) numa câmara de cobalto-60 e seguidamente armazenado a 4°C durante 12 dias. Entre os parâmetros analisados, o teor em macronutrientes foi determinado seguindo procedimentos oficiais de análise, os perfis em açúcares, ácidos orgânicos, tocoferóis e ácidos gordos foram analisados por técnicas cromatográficas e as propriedades antioxidantes avaliadas recorrendo a diferentes ensaios in vitro. O tempo de armazenamento diminuiu o teor em lípidos e açúcares, que foram melhor preservados com a dose de 2 kGy, e aumentou o teor em ácidos orgânicos. Os tocoferóis aumentaram nas amostras armazenadas não irradiadas, aumento que poderá dever-se à formação de espécies reativas nos tecidos destas amostras, devido a condições de conservação indutoras de stresse. Verificou-se a adequação das doses de 2 e 6 kGy para preservação de ácidos gordos mono- e polinsaturados, respetivamente. Contudo, as amostras irradiadas com 1 e 6 kGy apresentaram os perfis mais dissimilares das amostras não armazenadas. Assim, foi possível verificar que diferentes doses de irradiação afetam de forma diferente os parâmetro de qualidade avaliados

    Traditional foods and innovation: use of modified atmospheres and ionizing radiation for quality preservation of buckler sorrel (Rumex sp.)

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    O crescimento do setor dos vegetais embalados prontos a comer tem levado à introdução de novos produtos e à adoção de tecnologias de conservação mais eficientes, seguras e sustentáveis. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia de diferentes atmosferas de embalamento e de diferentes doses de radiação ionizante na conservação de azedas (Rumex induratus) armazenadas a 4°C durante 12 dias. Ambos os tratamentos tiveram efeitos positivos e negativos na qualidade das amostras. Tendo em conta a contribuição de todos os parâmetros analisados, foi possível concluir que o embalamento a vácuo foi a melhor opção para conservar a qualidade global das amostras durante o armazenamento, seguido do embalamento em atmosfera enriquecida em árgon. Este estudo destacou também o potencial das azedas na indústria dos alimentos minimamente processados.Buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus) is an underutilized leafy vegetable with peculiar sensory properties. Its revalorization and introduction in contemporary diets as a novel food product demands an extended shelf -life for commercialization. Herein, the suitability of different non -conventional atmospheres and ionizing radiation doses for preserving quality parameters of buckler sorrel during storage at 4°C for 12 days was evaluated. It was observed that both treatments had positive and negative effects on the postharvest quality of the samples. The overall quality was better maintained under vacuum -packaging, followed by an argon -enriched atmosphere. This study highlighted the potential of buckler sorrel in the industry of minimally processed vegetables.Ao PRODER – Projeto AROMAP, pelo apoio financeiro ao trabalho, e à FCT pelo apoio financeiro ao CIMO (PEst -OE/AGR/UI0690/2014), ao REQUI MTE (UID/QUI/50006/2013) e ao C2TN (RECI/AAG - -TEC/0400/2012; UID/Multi/04349/2013) e pelas bolsas atribuídas a J. Pinela (SFRH/BD/92994/2013), a J.C.M. Barreira (SFRH/BPD/72802/2010) e a L. Barros (SFRH/BPD/107855/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gamma radiation-induced effects on the recovery of pharmacologically active polyphenols from tuberaria lignosa medicinal plant

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    Ionizing radiation has been used for many years as a safer and environmentally friendly alternative comparatively to chemical fumigants to decontaminate medicinal plants and other food commodities [1]. Perennial spotted rockrose (Tuberaria lignosa (Sweet) Samp.) is a highly quoted medicinal plant in the northeast region of Portugal rich in ellagitannin derivatives [2,3]. As polyphenols, these compounds play an important role in human nutrition and display several biological effects, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, and anti-HIV replication activities [2-4]. However, little is known about the impact of ionizing radiation on the integrity and extractability of these high added-value compounds. This work aimed to investigate the effects of γ-rays irradiation on the extraction and/or degradation kinetics of ellagitannins from T. lignosa aerial parts. The plant material was submitted to irradiation doses up to 10 kGy in a cobalt-60 experimental chamber. Then, the non-irradiated and irradiated plant material was submitted to different solid-liquid extractions, according to a three-level full factorial design, using boiling water as extraction solvent. The ellagitannins were analyzed in a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system connected to a diode array detector (DAD) and a mass spectrometer (MS). Punicalin, punicalagin isomers, and punicalagin gallate isomers were the most abundant compounds. In general, the extractability of this group of phytochemicals was improved by the irradiation treatment (5 kGy) and longer extraction times (10 min). In addition, the 10 kGy dose did not induced adverse effects. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the suitability of γ-rays irradiation for preserving or improving the extractability of pharmacologically active compounds from T. lignosa aerial parts.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of Portugal and FEDER, under Programme PT2020, for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013); to FCT/MEC for financial support to REQUIMTE/LAQV (UID/QUI/50006/2013 - POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265); to FCT for the J. Pinela grant (SFRH/BD/92994/2013) and L. Barros contract; to the Xunta de Galicia for financial support to M. A. Prieto; C2TN (RECI/AAG-TEC/0400/2012 and UID/Multi/04349/2013 projects); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA - CRP D61024 - DEXAFI). The authors are also grateful to the Interreg España-Portugal for financial support through the Project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stability of total folates/vitamin B9 in irradiated watercress and buckler sorrel during refrigerated storage

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    The suitability of post-packaging gamma radiation treatment for preserving total folates or vitamin B9 in watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) and buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) during storage at 4 °C was evaluated. Comparable amounts of total folates were found in fresh, non-stored samples of both species. In watercress, the irradiation treatment of up to 5 kGy reduced the loss of total folates caused by 7 days of storage. In turn, the 12-day storage period did not affect the total folate content of buckler sorrel (while the 2 kGy dose decreased the initial levels), evidencing that packaging and refrigeration are enough for preservation. These results suggest that the suitability of post-packaging irradiation for preserving total folates may depend not only on the applied dose but also on the plant matrix under analysis. In addition, new data useful to complete food composition tables or databases is provided.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology ( FCT , Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO ( UID/AGR/00690/2013 ), REQUIMTE/LAQV ( UID/QUI/50006/2013 – POCI/01/0145/FERDER/007265) and C2TN ( UID/Multi/04349/2013 ) and the Grant of J. Pinela (UID/AGR/00690/2013_DNAABN); and to the ALIMNOVA Research Group (Project UCM-252/2017).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suitability of gamma irradiation for preserving fresh-cut watercress quality during cold storage

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    The suitability of gamma irradiation (1, 2 and 5kGy) for preserving quality parameters of fresh-cut watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) during storage at 4±1°C for 7d was investigated. The storage time decreased the protein content and the main carbohydrates, and increased the levels of malic and fumaric acids, sucrose and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA). The different irradiation doses did not caused any significant colour change. In general, the 2kGy dose favoured PUFA and was the most suitable to preserve the overall postharvest quality of fresh-cut watercress during cold storage. In turn, the 5kGy dose better preserved the antioxidant activity and total flavonoids and favoured MUFA, tocopherols and total phenolics, thus originating a final product with enhanced functional properties. Therefore, the suitability of gamma irradiation for preserving fresh-cut watercress quality during cold storage was demonstrated.The authors are grateful to PRODER research project nº 53514, AROMAP, for financial support of the work; to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014), C2TN (RECI/AAG-TEC/0400/2012), J. Pinela (SFRH/BD/92994/2013), J.C.M. Barreira (SFRH/BPD/72802/2010) and L. Barros (SFRH/BPD/107855/2015); and to FCT/MEC for financial support to REQUIMTE/LAQV (UID/QUI/50006/2013 - POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265) through national funds and co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020

    Zn and Zn-Fe nanostructures with multifunctional properties as components for food packaging materials

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    Metallic and bimetallic nanostructures have shown interesting chromatic and antibacterial properties, and they can be used in various applications. In this work, zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) nanostructures were produced with different morphologies: (i) pure Zn; (ii) Zn-Fe nanoalloys; (iii) Zn-Fe nanolayers (Zn-Fe NLs); and (iv) Zn nanolayers combined with Fe nanoparticles (Zn NLs + Fe NPs). The aim was to produce components for food packaging materials with active and intelligent properties, including oxygen absorption capacity, chromatic properties, and antibacterial properties. Thus, the morphology, structure, and chemical composition of the samples were characterized and correlated with their oxidation, chromatic, and antibacterial properties. The results revealed a relevant reduction in the coating’s opacity after oxidation varying from 100 to 10% depending on the morphology of the system. All coatings exhibited significant antibacterial activity against S. aureus, revealing a direct correlation with Zn content. The incorporation of Fe for all atomic arrangements showed a negative impact on the antibacterial effect against E. coli, decreasing to less than half the zone of inhibition for Zn-Fe NLs and Zn NLs + Fe NPs and suppressing the antibacterial effect for Zn-Fe alloy when compared with the pure Zn system.This research was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the project NANOXYPACK-Nano-sized oxygen scavenger for new active food packaging (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030789), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI)–COMPETE 2020. This research is also sponsored by FCT under the scope of strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 and UIDB/00285/2020 units.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio