21 research outputs found

    Análisis del patrón de expresión espacial y temporal del gen nurr1 en la hipófisis murina

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) U.A.N.L., 2006.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Targeting and retention of HPV16 E7 to the endoplasmic reticulum enhances immune tumour protection

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is where the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules are loaded with epitopes to cause an immune cellular response. Most of the protein antigens are degraded in the cytoplasm to amino acids and few epitopes reach the ER. Antigen targeting of this organelle by Calreticulin (CRT) fusion avoids this degradation and enhances the immune response. We constructed a recombinant adenovirus to express the E7 antigen with an ER-targeting signal peptide (SP) plus an ER retention signal (KDEL sequence). In cell-culture experiments we demonstrated that this new E7 antigen, SP-E7-KDEL, targeted the ER. Infection of mice with this recombinant adenovirus that expresses SP-E7-KDEL showed interferon induction and tumour-protection response, similar to that provided by an adenovirus expressing the E7 antigen fused to CRT. This work demonstrated that just by adding a SP and the KDEL sequence, antigens can be targeted and retained in the ER with a consequent enhancement of immune response and tumour protection. These results will have significant clinical applications

    Calidad de vida en adultos mayores cuidadores de nietos del norte y suroeste de México

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    Objective: Determine the relationship of personal characteristics with the quality of life in elderly people who care for their grandchildren from northern and southwestern Mexico.Method: Descriptive-correlational and comparative method, using a sample of 326 older adults who take care of their grandchildren; this sample was collected through convenience sampling and making sure that people met the inclusion criteria. A personal data card and the self-perceived quality of life scale were applied in elderly people in the community (α=0.93). The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics such as U Mann-Whitney, Chi Square, and Spearman tests. It was approved by the Ethics Committee, in compliance with national and international regulations. Results: The population had an M of 68.56 years, being 54.9% male and 45.1% female, with one M of 9.10 hours of care of the grandchild. The association of quality of life with the geographical area of Mexico was found (Chi=35,695, p<0.05). The relationship between age (r=-0,155) and number of children (r=-0,279) and quality of life was seen.Conclusions: It was seen that the older the age and number of children, the lower the quality of life. Similarly, quality of life is associated with the geographical area. It is recommended that care be given within physical, psychological, and social health of this vulnerable group.Objetivo: Determinar la relación de las características personales con la calidad de vida en adultos mayores cuidadores de nietos del norte y suroeste de México.Métodos: Descriptivo-correlacional y comparativo, con una muestra de 326 adultos mayores cuidadores de nietos, recolectado mediante muestreo a conveniencia y que cumpla con los criterios de inclusión. Se aplicó una cedula de datos personales y la escala de Calidad de Vida Autopercibida en Adultos Mayores en Comunidad (α=0.93). Los datos se analizaron con estadística descriptiva e inferencial como pruebas de U de Mann-Whitney, Chi cuadrada y Spearman. Contó con la aprobación del Comité de ética, acatándose los reglamentos nacionales e internacionales. Resultados: La población tuvo una de M=68.56 años, siendo el 54.9% hombre y el 45.1% mujer, con una de M=9.10 horas del cuidado del nieto. Se halló asociación de la calidad de vida con la zona geográfica de México (Chi=35.695, p<0.05). Se observó relación de la edad (r=-0.155) y el número de hijos (r=-0.279) con la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Se observó que, a mayor edad y número de hijos, menor calidad de vida. De igual manera, la calidad de vida se asocia con la zona geográfica. Se recomienda prestar atención en la salud física, psicológica y social de este grupo vulnerable

    Quality of life in older caregivers of grandchildren in northern and southwestern Mexico

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    Objetivo: Determinar la relación de las características personales con la calidad de vida en adultos mayores cuidadores de nietos del norte y suroeste de México. Métodos: Descriptivo-correlacional y comparativo, con una muestra de 326 adultos mayores cuidadores de nietos, recolectado mediante muestreo a conveniencia y que cumpla con los criterios de inclusión. Se aplicó una cedula de datos personales y la escala de Calidad de Vida Autopercibida en Adultos Mayores en Comunidad (α=0.93). Los datos se analizaron con estadística descriptiva e inferencial como pruebas de U de Mann-Whitney, Chi cuadrada y Spearman. Contó con la aprobación del Comité de ética, acatándose los reglamentos nacionales e internacionales. Resultados: La población tuvo una de M=68.56 años, siendo el 54.9% hombre y el 45.1% mujer, con una de M=9.10 horas del cuidado del nieto. Se halló asociación de la calidad de vida con la zona geográfica de México (Chi=35.695, p<0.05). Se observó relación de la edad (r=-0.155) y el número de hijos (r=-0.279) con la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Se observó que, a mayor edad y número de hijos, menor calidad de vida. De igual manera, la calidad de vida se asocia con la zona geográfica. Se recomienda prestar atención en la salud física, psicológica y social de este grupo vulnerable.Objective: Determine the relationship of personal characteristics with the quality of life in elderly people who care for their grandchildren from northern and southwestern Mexico. Method: Descriptive-correlational and comparative method, using a sample of 326 older adults who take care of their grandchildren; this sample was collected through convenience sampling and making sure that people met the inclusion criteria. A personal data card and the self-perceived quality of life scale were applied in elderly people in the community (α=0.93). The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics such as U Mann-Whitney, Chi Square, and Spearman tests. It was approved by the Ethics Committee, in compliance with national and international regulations. Results: The population had an M of 68.56 years, being 54.9% male and 45.1% female, with one M of 9.10 hours of care of the grandchild. The association of quality of life with the geographical area of Mexico was found (Chi=35,695, p<0.05). The relationship between age (r=-0,155) and number of children (r=-0,279) and quality of life was seen. Conclusions: It was seen that the older the age and number of children, the lower the quality of life. Similarly, quality of life is associated with the geographical area. It is recommended that care be given within physical, psychological, and social health of this vulnerable group

    Anticancer Effect of Pomegranate Peel Polyphenols against Cervical Cancer

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    Polyphenols are a broad group of bioactive phytochemicals with powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiviral activities. Numerous studies have demonstrated that polyphenol extracts obtained from natural sources can be used for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Pomegranate peel extract is an excellent source of polyphenols, such as punicalagin, punicalin, ellagic acid, and caffeic acid, among others. These phenolic compounds have antineoplastic activity in in vitro models of cervical cancer through the regulation of cellular redox balance, induction of apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and modulation of different signaling pathways. The current review summarizes recent data from scientific reports that address the anticancer activity of the predominant polyphenol compounds present in PPE and their different mechanisms of action in cervical cancer models

    Synergism in novel silver-copper/hydroxyapatite composites for increased antibacterial activity and biocompatibility

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    This study develops a novel silver-copper/hydroxyapatite composite (Ag–Cu/HA) with high biocompatibility and antibacterial activity. Two different materials were synthesized, namely silver-hydroxyapatite (Ag-HA) and copper-hydroxyapatite (Cu-HA) composites, with 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1.0% (mol) of each metal. These materials were mixed in a planetary mill to obtain the Ag–Cu/HA composites. The results of our characterization demonstrated the low cytotoxicity and hemolytic response. The composite showed higher percent-inhibition for bacterial growth compared to those in separated composites of silver or copper with hydroxyapatite. Hence, these new materials promise higher efficacy as antibacterial hydroxyapatites

    Antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects of polyphenols from pomegranate peel and coffee pulp on cancer cells

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    Pomegranate peel (PP) and coffee pulp (CP) are by-products of the food industry that can cause environmental pollution if not handled adequately. These by-products contain a significant amount of polyphenolic compounds which have antioxidant and possibly anticancer properties. We investigated the antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities of polyphenols from PP, CP and a 50–50% mixture of both against HeLa, A549, MDA-MB and Hek-293 cells. The total phenolic content of the PP and CP extracts was determined by high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation/mass spectrometry, and the antiproliferative and cytotoxic potentials were evaluated by MTT (3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) and Lactate Dehydogenase assays, respectively. Results showed antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects of polyphenols from PP and CP when administered at different concentrations or mixtures on HeLa, A549 and MDA-MB cells. No significant antiproliferative effects were observed on Hek-293 cells treated under similar conditions. These results suggest the potential of PP and CP polyphenols, individually or in combination, to modulate biological mechanisms involved in cervical, breast and lung cancer.</p