126 research outputs found

    Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung in Brasilien

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    Brasilien stand schon immer im internationalen Rampenlicht ökologischer Besorgnisse, vor allem, wenn man an die Gefährdung der amazonischen Regenwald-Ökosysteme, an gigantische Staudammbauten oder Großprojekte des Straßenbaus und der Erzgewinnung denkt. Die UNCED-Umweltkonferenz im Juni 1992 lenkte ein weiteres Mal den Blick auf die Umweltverhältnisse in diesem Land, in erfreulicher Differenzierung: Wurde doch wahrgenommen, daß auch und gerade in den Industrie- und Ballungsregionen des Landes die Umweltqualität bereits derart schlecht geworden ist, daß die Lebens- und Produktionsverhältnisse ernsthaft bedroht sind. Die Situation in São Paulo und in der benachbarten Industrieregion im Vale de Cubatão sind nur ein Beispiel dafür. Weniger bekannt dürfte jedoch sein, daß die Umweltgesetzgebung in Brasilien durchaus dem Standard moderner Industrieländer vergleichbar ist und Brasilien dies auch auf der UNCED-Konferenz durch die Unterschriften unter die verschiedenen Dokumente zu Klima, Biodiversität usw. dokumentiert hat. Dieser Beitrag will am Beispiel der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung zeigen, wie sich politisches Wollen gesetzgeberische Absicht und verwaltungsmäßige Umsetzung der Vorschriften den Umweltproblemen Brasiliens in der täglichen Praxis stellen. Am Beispiel der paranaensischen Landesumweltbehörde IAP (Instituto Ambiental de Paraná, vormals SUREHMA – Superintendencia dos Recursos Hidricos e Meio Ambiente) werden Grundlagen, Ablaufschema und Probleme bei der Anwendung und Umsetzung der UVP im Planfeststellungsverfahren dargestellt und diskutiert. Dieser Beitrag ist innerhalb eines Projektes der Technischen Zusammenarbeit im Umweltbereich zwischen Brasilien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entstanden, die unter dem Titel „Umweltauswirkungen von Staudammvorhaben“ seit 1987 vom bereits erwähnten IAP und der GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH) im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit durchgeführt wird

    Estimates of genetic parameters for birth and monthly weights till 450 days in Guzerá cattle

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    The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for body weight at different ages in Guzerá cattle. Birth and monthly weights till 450 days of age were analyzed with two univariate models; model 1- included additive direct and maternal genetic effects or permanent environmental effect, model 2- included additive direct and maternal genetic effects, and permanent environmental effect. Maternal heritability estimates were higher than direct heritabilities for all ages, except birth weight which showed maternal heritability zero. Models 1 and 2 produced heritabilities estimates quite similar to the direct effect. However, the maternal heritability estimates observed using model 2 were lower than the observed by model 1, and were higher than the estimates of direct effect, just for the ages 60, 120 and 210 days. In spite of the results, models 1 and 2 did not differ significantly by likelihood ratio test at 5%. The data structure, in each age month, did not allow separating direct and maternal effects appropriately

    Quantitative genetic study of milk production in goats of the Saanen breed

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    Astudy was conducted to estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters of milk yield (MY) and the individual breeding value of 447 Saanen goats belonging to 5 herds enrolled in the PROCAPRI program. The fixed effects considered in the statistical model were contemporary group (herd, year and season of kidding), type (single or multiple) of kidding; the covariates age at kidding (linear and quadratic) and lactation length (linear); and the random effects of animal and permanent environment. Variance components and heritability estimates were obtained by the Multiple Trait Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method. Heritability and repeatability estimates for MY were 0.37 and 0.47, respectively. The results suggest that selection for MY can be based on performance and that culling decisions should be based on more than one lactation. The genetic trend in MY indicated no evolution of the animals during the period studied

    Use of direct and iterative solvers for estimation of SNP effects in genome-wide selection

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    The aim of this study was to compare iterative and direct solvers for estimation of marker effects in genomic selection. One iterative and two direct methods were used: Gauss-Seidel with Residual Update, Cholesky Decomposition and Gentleman-Givens rotations. For resembling different scenarios with respect to number of markers and of genotyped animals, a simulated data set divided into 25 subsets was used. Number of markers ranged from 1,200 to 5,925 and number of animals ranged from 1,200 to 5,865. Methods were also applied to real data comprising 3081 individuals genotyped for 45181 SNPs. Results from simulated data showed that the iterative solver was substantially faster than direct methods for larger numbers of markers. Use of a direct solver may allow for computing (co)variances of SNP effects. When applied to real data, performance of the iterative method varied substantially, depending on the level of ill-conditioning of the coefficient matrix. From results with real data, Gentleman-Givens rotations would be the method of choice in this particular application as it provided an exact solution within a fairly reasonable time frame (less than two hours). It would indeed be the preferred method whenever computer resources allow its use

    Comparative randomised trial of high and conventional doses of praziquantel in the treatment of schistosomiasis mansoni

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    The efficacy of oral praziquantel in the treatment of schistosomiasis has been considered low by most public health institutions. In this paper, we compared the efficacy of two dosages of praziquantel (80 mg/kg vs. 50 mg/kg) in patients with chronic schistosomiasis mansoni. Two hundred eighty-eight patients with schistosomiasis from a community in Brazil were randomly divided into two groups: 145 patients (Group 1) received 80 mg/kg body weight of oral praziquantel divided in two equal doses with 1 h interval and 143 patients (Group 2) received 50 mg/kg body weight of oral praziquantel. To keep the study masked, patients in Group 2 received placebo 1 h after the first dose. All patients were subjected to clinical and ultrasonographic examination. Cure assessment was performed by repeating two stool examinations, by a quantitative method, at 30, 90 and 180 days after treatment. The morbidity of schistosomiasis was low, with a few cases of light periportal thickening and 16 cases of mild splenomegaly. The cure rates were 89.7% for Group 1 and 83.9% for Group 2. There was no difference in the efficacy of both therapeutic dosages of praziquantel assayed. The adverse reactions were more frequent with higher dosage