201 research outputs found

    Simulación Contabilidad

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    Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. Strain LRS4.154, a Moderately Halophilic Actinobacterium with the Biotechnologically Relevant Polyketide Synthase and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Systems

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    The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. strain LRS4.154, a moderately halophilic actinobacterium, has been determined. The genome has 4,860,108 bp, a G+C content of 71.0%, and 4,525 open reading frames (ORFs). The clusters of PKS and NRPS genes, responsible for the biosynthesis of a large number of biomolecules, were identified in the genome.España, Ministerio de Economía e Innovación grant number CGL2013-46941-

    Flujo de efectivo y su incidencia en la liquidez en empresas de inspección de medidores eléctricos, Lima Sur 2021

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    El trabajo de tesis tiene por objetivo general determinar de qué manera el flujo de efectivo incide en la liquidez en empresas de inspección de medidores eléctricos, Lima Sur 2021. La metodología empleada fue de tipo básica, con un nivel explicativo, de enfoque cuantitativo, con una población de 47 personas del área de contabilidad. El resultado fue que El flujo de efectivo incide en la liquidez, teniendo una significancia de 0.00, con un Rho Spearman de 0.571 de correlación positiva considerable; así como, el flujo de efectivo incide en el capital de trabajo, significancia de 0.03, y un Rho Spearman de 0.450 de correlación positiva media; también el flujo de efectivo incide en la liquidez corriente, con significancia de 0.00 con un Rho Spearman de 0.582 de correlación positiva considerable, por último el flujo de efectivo incide en la prueba ácida, con significancia de 0.04 y Rho Spearman de 0.440 de correlación positiva media. Se llegó a la conclusión, que en función a como las empresas generen efectivo, ayudará a llevar un control de flujo de efectivo optimo, sirviendo de información de la capacidad de pago que tienen las empresas para afrontar sus obligaciones viéndose reflejado en la liquidez

    Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. Strain LRS4.154, a Moderately Halophilic Actinobacterium with the Biotechnologically Relevant Polyketide Synthase and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Systems

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    The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. strain LRS4.154, a moderately halophilic actinobacterium, has been determined. The genome has 4,860,108 bp, a G C content of 71.0%, and 4,525 open reading frames (ORFs). The clusters of PKS and NRPS genes, responsible for the biosynthesis of a large number of biomolecules, were identified in the genome

    Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora piscinae KCTC 19743T, an Actinobacterium Containing Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters

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    Artículo científico producto de proyecto de investigación.The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora piscinae KCTC 19743T, with a size of 4,897,614 bp, was assembled into 11 scaffolds containing 4,561 open reading frames and a G C content of 71.0 mol%. Polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase gene clusters, which are responsible for the biosynthesis of several biomolecules, were identified and located in different regions in the genome.CONACY

    Pelvic actinimycosis

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    Actinomycosis is a chronic bacterial infection caused by Actinomyces, Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria. Its symptomatology imitates some malignant pelvic tumours, tuberculosis, or nocardiosis, causing abscesses and fistulas. Actinomycoses are opportunistic infections and require normal mucous barriers to be altered. No epidemiological studies have been conducted to determine prevalence or incidence of such infections. Objective. To analyse the clinical cases of pelvic actinomycosis reported worldwide, to update the information about the disease. Methods. A systematic review of worldwide pelvic actinomycosis cases between 1980 and 2014 was performed, utilising the PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The following information was analysed: year, country, type of study, number of cases, use of intrauterine device (IUD), final and initial diagnosis, andmethod of diagnosis. Results. 63 articles met the search criteria, of which 55 reported clinical cases and 8 reported cross-sectional studies. Conclusions. Pelvic actinomycosis is confusing to diagnose and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pelvic chronic inflammatory lesions. It is commonly diagnosed through a histological report, obtained after a surgery subsequent to an erroneous initial diagnosis. A bacterial culture in anaerobic medium could be useful for the diagnosis but requires a controlled technique and should be performed using specialised equipment

    Haloalkalitolerant Actinobacteria with capacity for anthracene degradation isolated from soils close to areas with oil activity in the State of Veracruz, Mexico

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    The use of native strains of microorganisms from soils is an excellent option for bioremediation. To our knowledge, until now there has been no other group working on the isolation of Actinobacteria from contaminated soils in Mexico. In this study, samples of soils close to areas with oil activity in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, were inoculated for the isolation of Actinobacteria. The strains isolated were characterized morphologically, and the concentrations of NaCl and pH were determined for optimal growth. Strain selection was performed by the detection of a phylogenetic marker for Actinobacteria located at the 23S rRNA gene, followed by species identification by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Several haloalkalitolerant Actinobacteria were isolated and identified as: Kocuria rosea, K. palustris, Microbacterium testaceum, Nocardia farcinica and Cellulomonas denverensis. Except for C. denverensis, the biomass of all strains increased in the presence of anthracene. The strains capacity to metabolize anthracene (at 48 h), determined by fluorescence emission, was in the range of 46–54%. During this time, dihydroxy aromatic compounds formed, characterized by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy bands of 1205 cm–1 and 1217 cm–1. Those Actinobacteria are potentially useful for the bioremediation of saline and alkaline environments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds