16 research outputs found

    Synchronous tumours detected during cancer patient staging : prevalence and patterns of occurrence in multidetector computed tomography

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    Purpose: The incidental detection of one or more additional primary tumours during computed tomography (CT) staging of a patient with known malignancy is rare but possible. This occurrence should be considered by the radiologist when a new lesion is detected, especially if the lesion location is atypical for metastases. The purpose of this report was to document the usefulness of total body CT scan to detect synchronous primary malignancies in cancer patients undergoing a staging workup. Material and methods: This was done by reviewing the staging CT studies of the adult patients with a newly diagnosed cancer evaluated during a five-year period in a single cancer institute in order to identify any possible correlation, establishing which tumours are more frequently combined with a second tumour and which second tumours are more commonly present. Results: Among the patients with a second tumour, the most frequent first primary tumours were melanoma (eight patients, 17.8%), lymphoma (seven patients, 15.6%), and prostate carcinoma (seven patients, 15.6%). The most frequent incidentally detected second tumours were hepatocellular carcinoma (nine patients, 20% of 45 incidental tumours), renal carcinoma (eight patients, 17.8%), lung carcinoma (seven patients, 15.6%), and bladder carcinoma (four patients, 8.9%). One patient had three primary tumours synchronously. Conclusions: We believe that the radiologist's knowledge of the prevalence and pattern of occurrence of these multiple primary malignancies represents added diagnostic value

    Laparoscopic versus open hemihepatectomy: comprehensive comparison of complications and costs at 90 days using a propensity method

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    Laparoscopic hemihepatectomy (LHH) may ofer advantages over open hemihepatectomy (OHH) in blood loss, recovery, and hospital stay. The aim of this study is to evaluate our recent experience performing hemihepatectomy and compare complications and costs up to 90 days following laparoscopic versus open procedures. Retrospective evaluation of patients undergoing hemihepatectomy at our center 01/2010-12/2018 was performed. Patient, tumor, and surgical characteristics; 90-day complications; and costs were analyzed. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) was used to balance covariates. A total of 141 hemihepatectomies were included: 96 OHH and 45 LHH. While operative times were longer for LHH, blood loss and transfusions were less. At 90 days, there were similar rates of liver-specifc and surgical complications but fewer medical complications following LHH. Medical complications that arose with greater frequency following OHH were primarily pulmonary complications and urinary and central venous catheter infections. Complications at 90 days were lower following LHH (Clavien-Dindo grade≥III OHH 23%, LHH 11%, p=0.130; Comprehensive Complication Index OHH 20.0±16.1, LHH 10.9±14.2, p=0.001). While operating costs were higher, costs for hospital stay and readmissions were lower with LHH. Patients undergoing LHH experience a signifcant reduction in postoperative medical complications and costs, resulting in 90-day cost equity compared with OHH

    Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) Findings of Complications of Acute Cholecystitis. A Pictorial Essay

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    Acute cholecystitis stands out as one of the most common surgical pathologies that should always be considered in a right-upper abdominal pain emergency. For this, the importance of a correct diagnosis is well described. However, it has been demonstrated that the simple combination of clinical (pain, Murphy’s sign) and laboratory (leukocytosis) parameters alone does not provide for ruling in or ruling out the diagnosis of this condition, unless accompanied by a radiological exam. For a long time, and still today, ultrasonography (US) is by far the first-to-proceed radiologic exam to perform, thanks to its rapidity and very high sensibility and specificity for the diagnosis of simple acute cholecystitis. However, acute cholecystitis can undergo some complications that US struggles to find. In addition to that, studies suggest that multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is superior in showing complicated forms of cholecystitis in relation to sensibility and specificity and for its capability of reformatting multiplanar (MPR) reconstructions that give a more detailed view of complications. They have shown to be useful for a precise evaluation of vascular complications, the anatomy of the biliary tree, and the extension of inflammation to surrounding structures (i.e., colitis). Therefore, based also on our experience, in patients with atypical presentation, or in cases with high suspicion for a complicated form, a MDCT abdomen scan is performed. In this review, the principal findings are listed and described to create a CT classification of acute complications based on anatomical and topographic criteria

    Lesioni cistiche complex di fegato: reperti ecocontrastografici diagnostico-differenziali

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    le lesioni focali epatiche (Fll) di tipo cistico costituiscono un riscontro sempre più frequente come risultato del largo impiego dell’ecografia (US) quale esame di routine nello studio dell’addome. Tuttavia, sebbene la diagnosi US di cisti epatica semplice sia piuttosto semplice, controversie diagnostiche occorrono allorquando la lesione cistica rilevata differisce nelle seguenti caratteristiche ecostrutturali di complessità: ispessimento e/o irregolarità di parete, sepimentazione interna, nodularità, calcificazioni e contenuto emorragico o proteinaceo. Pertanto, siccome le FLLs cistiche complex all’US possono talora rivelarsi maligne, è compito del radiologo valutare attentamente tali caratteristiche ultrasonografiche, onde determinare se sia indicato o meno un ulteriore approfondimento diagnostico. Ad oggi, la ecocontrastografia (CEUS) a basso indice meccanico con mezzi di contrasto di seconda generazione fornisce una accurata rappresentazione della macro- e micro-vascolarizzazione, offrendo così informazioni essenziali sull’enhancement contrastografico del fegato e delle FLLs, in maniera non dissimile dalla tomografia computerizzata (TC) e dalla risonanza magnetica nucleare (RMN), ma in real-time e senza l’utilizzo di radiazioni ionizzanti. Scopo di questa pictorial review è quello di esaminare le recenti evidenze che supportano l’uso dei mezzi di contrasto ecografici di seconda generazione ed illustrare le caratteristiche di enhancement delle FLLs cistiche complex più comunemente incontrate. le patologie discusse comprendono cisti complicate da fenomeni infettivi o emorragici, ascessi, idatidosi cistica, emangiomi cistici, cistoadenomi e cistoadenocarcinomi biliari, metastasi cistiche e carcinomi epatocellulari

    Morphological and dynamic evaluation of complex cystic focal liver lesions by contrast-enhanced ultrasound: current state of the art

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    Complex cystic and cystic-like focal liver lesions (FLLs) encompass a spectrum of disorders ranging from non-neoplastic conditions to benign and malignant tumors. In this prospective, the possibility of non-invasive differentiation of these lesions is extremely important, because the clinical implications and therapeutic strategies vary considerably. Because of its advantageous cost/benefit ratio, widespread availability and easy execution, ultrasound (US) is the first-line imaging modality in most countries for the initial liver survey and represents the imaging technique that usually detects a complex liver cyst. However, US showed poor efficacy in the differential diagnosis of complex cystic FLLs. Thus, for years, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have been used for further assessment of these lesions. Recently, the development of low mechanical index real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) technique performed with the second generation of US contrast agents has led to an accurate depiction of macrovasculature and microvasculature. The technique yields information about contrast enhancement of the liver and FLLs almost as CT and MRI do, but in real time and without the use of ionizing radiation. To date, there is only a small amount of evidence about the role of CEUS in the less common setting of complex liver cysts. The aim of this review is to offer an up-to-date overview on the state of the art of CEUS in the study of the most common complex cystic focal liver lesions. To our knowledge, there are no literature comprehensive reviews on this topic

    Utility of a gel stand-off pad in the detection of Doppler signal on focal nodular lesions of the skin

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    Gel pad is an aqueous, flexible, easy available, disposable spacer used for the ultrasound (US) scan of superficial or difficult-to-visualize areas. In clinical practice, it is widely used in B-mode US approach of superficial lesions but, to date, no data have been provided as to its efficacy in the Doppler detection of superficial flows. The aim of our study was to demonstrate the role of stand-off gel pad in the detection of the otherwise-missed peri- or intra-lesional flow signals on Doppler imaging

    Major and ancillary features according to LI-RADS in the assessment of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the performance of the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) v2018 for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CCA) identifying the features that allow an accurate characterization

    Imaging Assessment of Interval Metastasis from Melanoma

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    Interval metastasis is a particular metastatic category of metastatic localizations in the lymph nodes in patients with melanoma. Interval nodes are generally located at nonregional lymphatic stations placed along the pathway of the spread of melanoma, such as the epitrochlear lymph node station, the popliteal fossa, and the retroareolar station. Imaging techniques for evaluation of patients with interval metastasis from melanoma diseases include ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), lymphoscintigraphy (LS), and positron emission tomography (PET). A literature review was conducted through a methodical search on the Pubmed and Embase databases. The evaluation of lymph node metastases represents a critical phase in the staging and follow-up of melanoma patients. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the imaging methods available and the interactions between the clinician and the radiologist are essential for making the correct choice for individual patients, for a better management, and to improve treatment and survival

    Trifluoroacetylated tyrosine-rich D-tetrapeptides have potent antioxidant activity

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    The term "oxidative stress" indicates a set of chemical reactions unleashed by a disparate number of events inducing DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, protein modification and other effects, which are responsible of altering the physiological status of cells or tissues. Excessive Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) levels may accelerate ageing of tissues or induce damage of biomolecules thus promoting cell death or proliferation in dependence of cell status and of targeted molecules. In this context, new antioxidants preventing such effects may have a relevant role as modulators of cell homeostasis and as therapeutic agents. Following an approach of peptide libraries synthesis and screening by an ORAC(FL) assay, we have isolated potent anti-oxidant compounds with well-defined structures. Most effective peptides are N-terminally trifluoroacetylated (CF3) and have the sequence tyr-tyr-his-pro or tyr-tyr-pro-his. Slight changes in the sequence or removal of the CF3 group strongly reduced antioxidant ability, suggesting an active role of both the fluorine atoms and of peptide structure. We have determined the NMR solution structures of the active peptides and found a common structural motif that could underpin the radical scavenging activity. The peptides protect keratinocytes from exogenous oxidation, thereby from potential external damaging cues, suggesting their use as skin ageing protectant and as cell surviving agents. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved