131 research outputs found

    Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory for coupled heat and mass transport

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    Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics (LNET) has been used to express the entropy generation and dissipation functions representing the true forces and flows for heat and mass transport in a multicomponent fluid. These forces and flows are introduced into the phenomenological equations to formulate the coupling phenomenon between heat and mass flows. The degree of the coupling is also discussed. In the literature such coupling has been formulated incompletely and sometimes in a confusing manner. The reason for this is the lack of a proper combination of LNET theory with the phenomenological theory. The LNET theory involves identifying the conjugated flows and forces that are related to each other with the phenomenological coefficients that obey the Onsager relations. In doing so, the theory utilizes the dissipation function or the entropy generation equation derived from the Gibbs relation. This derivation assumes that local thermodynamic equilibrium holds for processes not far away from the equilibrium. With this assumption we have used the phenomenological equations relating the conjugated flows and forces defined by the dissipation function of the irreversible transport and rate process. We have expressed the phenomenological equations with the resistance coefficients that are capable of reflecting the extent of the interactions between heat and mass flows. We call this the dissipation-phenomenological equation (DPE) approach, which leads to correct expression for coupled processes, and for the second law analysis

    Prediction of Vapor Pressures and Enthalpies of Vaporization Using a COSMO Solvation Model

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    We have developed a general predictive method for vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization based on the calculation of the solvation free energy that consists of three components; the electrostatic, dispersion, and cavity formation contributions. The electrostatic contribution is determined using the quantum mechanical COSMO solvation model. Thermodynamic perturbation theory for hard-core molecules is used for the cavity term, and the dispersion term is modeled using a mean field term proportional to the density and molecular surface area. The proposed model uses one set of van der Waals atomic radii to describe molecular shape, two universal interaction parameters for the electrostatic interaction, one set of atom-specific dispersion coefficients, one universal parameter to scale the atomic exposed surface area, and a single universal parameter for the ratio of the hard-core to atomic radii. The model parameters have been determined using 371 pure substances of varying molecular structure, functionality, and size. The average accuracy of the model for vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization at the normal boiling temperature is found to be 76% and 4.81 kJ/mol, respectively, with temperature-independent parameters. The average error in the normal boiling temperature is found to be 16 K for species whose boiling points range from 191 to 610 K

    Challenges of and Insights into Acid-Catalyzed Transformations of Sugars

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    The selective transformation of hexose and pentose sugars to intermediate platform chemicals, such as furans, is an essential step in the conversion of cellulosic and hemicellulosic biomass to biofuels and biochemicals. Yet, many challenges in achieving commercially viable processes remain. In this feature article, we outline challenges that need to be overcome to enable these transformations. Then, we present the newly introduced acid-catalyzed isomerization of aldose sugars to ketose sugars via a class of solid Lewis acid catalysts (e.g., Sn-Beta, Ti-Beta). We elucidate mechanistic insights arising from subnanometer cooperativity and solvent effects that can be controlled to tune reaction pathways and selectivity and draw parallels between heterogeneous and homogeneous Lewis acid catalysts. Subsequently, we discuss fructose dehydration to 5-hydroxyl-methylfurfural (HMF) via homogeneous and heterogeneous Brønsted acid-catalyzed chemistry. We show how fundamental insights arising from the combination of kinetics, spectroscopy, and multiscale simulations rationalize the improved yield of HMF in water–organic cosolvents. The stability of heterogeneous Lewis acid catalysts under low pH enables tandem Brønsted and Lewis acid-catalyzed reactions in a single pot that overcomes equilibrium limitations and gives a high HMF yield starting from sugar raw materials. Additionally, we provide an overview of multicomponent adsorption of biomass derivatives from solution in microporous materials and discuss how structure–property relations can lead to superior micro- and micromesoporous carbon adsorbents for reactive adsorption toward high HMF yield. Finally, we provide an outlook for the field

    Genetic Associations in the Vitamin D Receptor and Colorectal Cancer in African Americans and Caucasians

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    Low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) and higher mortality from the disease. In the US, African Americans (AAs) have the highest CRC incidence and mortality and the lowest levels of vitamin D. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene have been previously associated with CRC, but few studies have included AAs. We studied 795 AA CRC cases and 985 AA controls from Chicago and North Carolina as well as 1324 Caucasian cases and 990 Caucasian controls from Chicago and Spain. We genotyped 54 tagSNPs in VDR (46586959 to 46521297 Mb) and tested for association adjusting for West African ancestry, age, gender, and multiple testing. Untyped markers were imputed using MACH1.0. We analyzed associations by gender and anatomic location in the whole study group as well as by vitamin D intake in the North Carolina AA group. In the joint analysis, none of the SNPs tested was significantly associated with CRC. For four previously tested restriction fragment length polymorphisms, only one (referred to as ApaI), tagged by the SNP rs79628898, had a nominally significant p-value in AAs; none of these polymorphisms were associated with CRC in Caucasians. In the North Carolina AAs, for whom we had vitamin D intake data, we found a significant association between an intronic SNP rs11574041 and vitamin D intake, which is evidence for a VDR gene-environment interaction in AAs. In summary, using a systematic tagSNP approach, we have not found evidence for significant associations between VDR and CRC in AAs or Caucasians

    New Group Contribution and Equation of State Models for Improved Engineering Practice

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    As this was the final year of the research contract, most of the activities centered on completing some of the research in progress, and an orderly transition to other activities. Overall, the recent years of the project have been successful as evidenced by the accomplishments listed below and the papers published between 2005 and the present, as well as their impact and the cooperation they have encouraged with people qt other universities and industry

    Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Engineering and Science

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    The field of nonequilibrium thermodynamics has been a popular one outside the United States, especially in Europe, and scientists there from various disciplines have published extensively on the use of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a large variety of biological, chemical, and mechanical engineering applications. In contrast, the number of publications from North America has been relatively modest. Here, we review the field of nonequilibrium thermodynamics to assess its utility and impact in engineering and science. We find that developments in the fields thermodynamic optimality of processes, dissipative structures, coupled transport and rate processes, and biological systems suggest that in some circumstances nonequilibrium thermodynamics can be quite useful

    Equation of State Modeling of Refrigerant Mixtures

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