107 research outputs found

    Será que a soja aumenta as contagens sanguíneas em síndrome mielodisplásica?

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of clonal stem cell diseases characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis, bone marrow hyperproliferation, cytopenias in peripheral blood and risk of transformation into acute leukemia. We decided to investigate the effects of a soy concentrate on MDS patients based on the follow-up results of a 61 year-old Japanese female patient who was diagnosed with MDS and refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia in 2003 (hemoglobin = 11g/dL; white blood cells count = 2,500/uL and platelets = 25,000/uL; marrow with mild dysplasia and normal karyotype; paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria was excluded). She started using soy as a dietary supplementation in May 2004 and presented a gradual increment in blood counts, achieving normalization approximately eight months afterwards. Among the soy components, the main compounds with anti-carcinogenic activity are the isoflavones (genistein and daidzein). Based on these lines of evidence, we proposed to administer daily a standard soy concentrate to 14 MDS out-patients for a minimum period of three months and maximum of 12 months, in an attempt to evaluate prospectively the possible increase in hemoglobin, neutrophils and platelet counts. A historical control group was used to compare results. The use of a soy concentrate in a standardized manner was associated with an increase in neutrophil and/or platelet counts in some cases, but spontaneous increments were also observed in historical controls. This preliminary study does not allow establishing a relation between soy supplementation and blood cell count increase.As síndromes mielodisplásicas (SMD) são um grupo das doenças clonais de células-tronco caracterizado por hematopoese ineficaz, hiperproliferação de medula óssea, citopenias no sangue periférico e risco de transformação para leucemia aguda. Decidimos investigar os efeitos de um concentrado de soja em pacientes com SMD com base no fato de termos o seguimento de uma paciente japonesa, de 61 anos de idade, que foi diagnosticada em 2003 com SMD, citopenia refratária com displasia subtipo multilinhagens (hemoglobina = 11 g/dL; contagem de glóbulos brancos = 2.500/uL e plaquetas = 25.000/uL; medula com displasia leve e cariótipo normal; hemoglobinúria paroxística excluída), e que começou a usar a soja como suplemento alimentar em maio de 2004, apresentando gradual aumento da contagem das células sanguíneas, atingindo a normalização cerca de oito meses depois. Entre os componentes da soja, os principais compostos com propriedades anticarcinogênese são as isoflavonas (Ge nisteína e daidzeína). Com base nessas linhas de evidência, foi proposto oferecer diariamente um concentrado de soja padrão, por um período mínimo de três meses e máximo de doze meses, a 14 pacientes ambulatoriais, na tentativa de avaliar, prospectivamente, o possível aumento de hemoglobina, neutrófilos e plaquetas. Um grupo controle histórico foi utilizado para comparar os resultados. O uso de um concentrado de soja de forma padronizada foi associado ao aumento na contagem de neutrófilos e/ou de plaquetas em alguns casos, mas aumentos espontâneos também foram observados em controles históricos. Este estudo preliminar não permite estabelecer relação entre o uso de soja e o aumento na contagem sanguínea.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Hematologia e HemoterapiaEmpresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de SojaInstituto FleuryUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Hematologia e HemoterapiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Distinguishing Various Models of the 125 GeV Boson in Vector Boson Fusion

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    The hint of a new particle around 125 GeV at the LHC through the decay modes of diphoton and a number of others may point to quite a number of possibilities. While at the LHC the dominant production mechanism for the Higgs boson of the standard model and some other extensions is via the gluon fusion process, the alternative vector boson fusion is more sensitive to electroweak symmetry breaking through the gauge-Higgs couplings and therefore can be used to probe for models beyond the standard model. In this work, using the well known dijet-tagging technique to single out the vector boson fusion mechanism, we investigate its capability to discriminate a number of models that have been suggested to give an enhanced inclusive diphoton production rate, including the standard model Higgs boson, fermiophobic Higgs boson, Randall-Sundrum radion, inert-Higgs-doublet model, two-Higgs-doublet model, and the MSSM. The rates in vector-boson fusion can give more information of the underlying models to help distinguishing among the models.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; in this version some wordings are change

    Search for light custodians in a clean decay channel at the LHC

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    Models of warped extra dimensions with custodial symmetry usually predict the existence of a light Kaluza-Klein fermion arising as a partner of the right-handed top quark, sometimes called light custodians which we will denote b~R\tilde{b}_R. The production of these particles at the LHC can give rise to multi-W events which could be observed in same-sign dilepton channels, but its mass reconstruction is challenging. In this letter we study the possibility of finding a signal for the pair production of this new particle at the LHC focusing on a rarer, but cleaner decay mode of a light custodian into a ZZ boson and a bb-quark. In this mode it would be possible to reconstruct the light custodian mass. In addition to the dominant standard model QCD production processes, we include the contribution of a Kaluza-Klein gluon first mode. We find that the b~R\tilde{b}_R stands out from the background as a peak in the bZb Z invariant mass. However, when taking into account only the electronic and muonic decay modes of the ZZ boson and bb-tagging efficiencies, the LHC will have access only to the very light range of masses, mb~=O(500)m_{\tilde{b}} = {\cal O} (500) GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Exploring the Higgs Portal with 10/fb at the LHC

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    We consider the impact of new exotic colored and/or charged matter interacting through the Higgs portal on Standard Model Higgs boson searches at the LHC. Such Higgs portal couplings can induce shifts in the effective Higgs-gluon-gluon and Higgs-photon-photon couplings, thus modifying the Higgs production and decay patterns. We consider two possible interpretations of the current LHC Higgs searches based on ~ 5/fb of data at each detector: 1) a Higgs boson in the mass range (124-126) GeV and 2) a `hidden' heavy Higgs boson which is underproduced due to the suppression of its gluon fusion production cross section. We first perform a model independent analysis of the allowed sizes of such shifts in light of the current LHC data. As a class of possible candidates for new physics which gives rise to such shifts, we investigate the effects of new scalar multiplets charged under the Standard Model gauge symmetries. We determine the scalar parameter space that is allowed by current LHC Higgs searches, and compare with complementary LHC searches that are sensitive to the direct production of colored scalar states.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2: references added, correction to scalar form factor, numerical results updated with Moriond 2012 data, conclusions unchange

    Global Analysis of the Higgs Candidate with Mass ~ 125 GeV

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    We analyze the properties of the Higgs candidate with mass ~ 125 GeV discovered by the CMS and ATLAS Collaborations, constraining the possible deviations of its couplings from those of a Standard Model Higgs boson. The CMS, ATLAS and Tevatron data are compatible with Standard Model couplings to massive gauge bosons and fermions, and disfavour several types of composite Higgs models unless their couplings resemble those in the Standard Model. We show that the couplings of the Higgs candidate are consistent with a linear dependence on particle masses, scaled by the electroweak scale ~ 246 GeV, the power law and the mass scale both having uncertainties ~ 20%.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, v2 incorporates experimental data released during July 2012 and corrected (and improved) treatment of mass dependence of coupling

    Percepção docente da aprendizagem baseada em problemas - medicina UniEVANGÉLICA

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    O estudo relatado neste artigo teve como objetivo conhecer a percepção docente do curso de Medicina da UniEVANGÉLICA a respeito do Método de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (PBL). Quanto ao método adotado, foi realizado um estudo de campo, transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, com aplicação de entrevistas com 20 docentes do curso de medicina da UniEVANGÉLICA. Os dados evidenciaram que os entrevistados, quando questionados sobre o usodo método na formação médica, demonstraram positividade, apontando aspectos como humanização e maior necessidade de atuação pelo discente na construção do conhecimento. Dos professores entrevistados 85% acreditam na melhor capacidade do método na formação de médicos com habilidades interpessoais e interprofissionais, enquanto 95% afirmaram que a metodologia (PBL) exige mais do docente que atua em áreas fora de suas especialidades nas tutorias. A conclusão foi de que a aprendizagem baseada em problemas apresenta um modelo inovador para a construção do aprendizado. Portanto, existe a quebra de conceitos, historicamente construídos, sobre o processo do aprender , e vários são os desafios que o método PBL propõe aos docentes e discentes

    Adult Height in Patients with Advanced CKD Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy during Childhood.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Growth and final height are of major concern in children with ESRD. This study sought to describe the distribution of adult height of patients who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) during childhood and to identify determinants of final height in a large cohort of RRT children. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: A total of 1612 patients from 20 European countries who started RRT before 19 years of age and reached final height between 1990 and 2011 were included. Linear regression analyses were performed to calculate adjusted mean final height SD score (SDS) and to investigate its potential determinants. RESULTS: The median final height SDS was -1.65 (median of 168 cm in boys and 155 cm in girls). Fifty-five percent of patients attained an adult height within the normal range. Adjusted for age at start of RRT and primary renal diseases, final height increased significantly over time from -2.06 SDS in children who reached adulthood in 1990-1995 to -1.33 SDS among those reaching adulthood in 2006-2011. Older age at start of RRT, more recent period of start of RRT, cumulative percentage time on a functioning graft, and greater height SDS at initiation of RRT were independently associated with a higher final height SDS. Patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract and metabolic disorders had a lower final height than those with other primary renal diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Although final height remains suboptimal in children with ESRD, it has consistently improved over time