469 research outputs found

    O cidadão e o legislador na ética e política de Aristóteles.

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    O cidadão e o legislador são conceitos de grande importância tanto na Ética a Nicômacos quanto na Política. É dos dois que depende a autossuficiência da cidade e a felicidade de seus habitantes, ou seja, a realização da finalidade da ciência política e da ética. A partir disso, este trabalho se propõe a elaborar a relação entre essas duas figuras, considerando o que é necessário para que alguém seja um bom cidadão e, no caso do legislador, o que o torna capaz de instituir uma boa constituição, e aquilo em que ela consiste. Nessas questões, delineiase mais claramente a relação entre os dois: o bom cidadão depende de boas leis (em sua formação e em sua convivência com outros cidadãos), elaboradas por bons legisladores, assim como o trabalho desses legisladores só alcança de fato sua finalidade se as leis são respeitadas e promovidas por cidadãos virtuosos

    Standardisation of risk screening processes in healthcare through business rules management

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    In 2012, an audit held by the Netherlands Institute for Accreditation in Healthcare (NIAZ) at the ‘Rivierenland’ hospital in The Netherlands, concluded that their processes were not sufficiently standardised. One of the suggested improvements was to develop and implement a hospital-wide method for analysing and standardising care processes. This paper focuses on the standardisation of the risk screening process, which is used to assess a number of patient risk factors prior to treatments or hospital admissions. By separating the decision logic of the risk screening processes into a set of business rules, the screening process was standardised to be identical for each risk factor. This allows for the decision logic and the process to be changed independently of each other. Additional business rules were introduced to serve as constraints, thereby limiting the number of performed screening processes depending on the age of the patient and the duration of the treatment or admission. Based on historical data from the year 2013, a retrospective analysis demonstrated potential time savings of around 1600 hours on a yearly basis thanks to the introduction of the new standardised process incorporating business rules. Similar standardisation methods may be useful to other hospitals facing increasingly stringent demands for quality, safety and efficiency

    Identification of Value Proposition and Development of Innovative Business Models for Demand Response Products and Services Enabled by the DR-BOB Solution

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    The work presented is the result of an ongoing European H2020 project entitled DR-BOB Demand Response in Blocks of Buildings (DR-BOB) that seeks to integrate existing technologies to create a scalable solution for Demand Response (DR) in blocks of buildings. In most EU countries, DR programs are currently limited to the industrial sector and to direct asset control. The DR-BOB solution extends applicability to the building sector, providing predictive building management in blocks of buildings, enabling facilities managers to respond to implicit and explicit DR schemes, and enabling the aggregation of the DR potential of many blocks of buildings for use in demand response markets. The solution consists of three main components: the Local Energy Manager (LEM), which adds intelligence and provides the capacity for predictive building management in blocks of buildings, a Consumer Portal (CP) to enable building managers and building occupants to interact with the system and be engaged in demand response operations, and a Decentralized Energy Management System (DEMS®, Siemens plc, Nottingham, England, UK), which enables the aggregation of the DR potential of many blocks of buildings, thus allowing participation in incentive-based demand response with or without an aggregator. The paper reports the key results around Business Modelling development for demand response products and services enabled by the DR-BOB solution. The scope is threefold: (1) illustrate how the functionality of the demand response solution can provide value proposition to underpin its exploitation by four specific customer segments, namely aggregators and three types of Owners of Blocks of Buildings in different market conditions, (2) explore key aspects of the Business Model from the point of view of a demand response solution provider, in particular around most the suitable revenue stream and key partnership, and (3) assess the importance of key variables such as market maturity, user engagement, and type of blocks of buildings as drivers to market penetration and profitability. The work presented is framed by the expected evolution of DR services in different market contexts and the different relationships between the main stakeholders involved in the DR value chain in different EU countries. The analysis also relies on the results of interviews conducted at the fours pilot sites of the DR-BOB project with key representatives of the management, operations, and marketing. These are used to better understand customer needs and sharpen the value proposition

    The police care... (for later)?

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    We weten het allemaal: politie, zorg en onderwijs kampen met stevige personeelstekorten. Door toenemende krapte op de arbeidsmarkt wordt het steeds lastiger om voldoende en goed opgeleid personeel te vinden. Doordat deze organisaties en sectoren tegelijkertijd geconfronteerd worden met steeds meer nieuwe en ingewikkelde maatschappelijke problemen neemt de druk op de toch al schaarse capaciteit van deze organisaties enorm toe. Het resultaat: zieke medewerkers en/of onvoldoende dienstverlening en zorg richting burgers. Zonder een paradigmashift in het denken rond veiligheid, zorg en onderwijs blijven deze problemen groeien. De auteurs van dit artikel pleiten voor een andere manier van sturen op de politie vanuit kabinet, ministeries en het gezag. Een benadering waarin de maatschappelijke problematiek en de (impact op de) burger meer centraal staan, en er meer gewerkt wordt vanuit een integrale aanpak samen met andere uitvoeringsinstanties. Met als doel: een gezonde en veilige leefomgeving waarin burgers zich kunnen ontwikkelen en ontplooien. Een op het onderliggende maatschappelijke vraagstuk gerichte benadering vanuit de politie kan wellicht het verschil gaan maken. In dit essay wordt dit toegelicht

    Identification of phonological processes in preschool children's single-word productions

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    Speech and language therapists (SLTs) often refer to phonological data norms as part of their assessment protocols in evaluating the communication skills of the pre-school child. There is a variety of norms available and although broadly similar, differences are embedded within their definitions of mastery of the adult target system. Presence of velar fronting, stopping of affricates and [s] reduction in the dataset was found to mirror previous research. However, there was a lower than expected incidence by age groups of palato-alveolar fronting, stopping of fricatives and obstruent cluster reduction

    ALMA Confirmation of an Obscured Hyperluminous Radio-Loud AGN at z=6.853z=6.853 Associated with a Dusty Starburst in the 1.5 deg2^2 COSMOS Field

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    We present band 6 ALMA observations of a heavily-obscured radio-loud (L1.4 GHz=1025.4L_{1.4\ \mathrm{GHz}}=10^{25.4} W Hz1^{-1}) AGN candidate at zphot=6.83±0.06z_\mathrm{phot}=6.83\pm0.06 found in the 1.5 deg2^2 COSMOS field. The ALMA data reveal detections of exceptionally strong [CII]158μ\mum (z[CII]=6.8532z_\mathrm{[CII]}=6.8532) and underlying dust continuum emission from this object (COS-87259), where the [CII] line luminosity, line width, and 158μ\mum continuum luminosity are comparable to that seen from z7z\sim7 sub-mm galaxies and quasar hosts. The 158μ\mum continuum detection suggests a total infrared luminosity of 9×10129\times10^{12} LL_\odot with corresponding very large obscured star formation rate (1300 MM_\odot/yr) and dust mass (2×1092\times10^9 MM_\odot). The strong break seen between the VIRCam and IRAC photometry perhaps suggests that COS-87259 is an extremely massive reionization era galaxy with M1.7×1011M_\ast\approx1.7\times10^{11} MM_\odot. Moreover, the MIPS, PACS, and SPIRE detections imply that this object harbors an AGN that is heavily obscured (τ9.7μm=2.3\tau_{_{\mathrm{9.7\mu m}}}=2.3) with a bolometric luminosity of approximately 5×10135\times10^{13} LL_\odot. Such a very high AGN luminosity suggests this object is powered by an \approx1.6 ×\times 109^9 MM_\odot black hole if accreting near the Eddington limit, and is effectively a highly-obscured version of an extremely UV-luminous (M145027.3M_{1450}\approx-27.3) z7z\sim7 quasar. Notably, these z7z\sim7 quasars are an exceedingly rare population (\sim0.001 deg2^{-2}) while COS-87259 was identified over a relatively small field. Future very wide-area surveys with, e.g., Roman and Euclid have the potential to identify many more extremely red yet UV-bright z7z\gtrsim7 objects similar to COS-87259, providing richer insight into the occurrence of intense obscured star formation and supermassive black hole growth among this population.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Updated to accepted version (MNRAS