7,638 research outputs found

    Basic tastes and basic emotions: Basic problems and perspectives for a nonbasic solution

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    Contemporary behavioral and brain scientists consider the existence of so-called basic emotions in a similar way to the one described by Erickson for so-called basic tastes. Commenting on this analogy, I argue that similar basic problems are encountered in both perspectives, and I suggest a potential nonbasic solution that is tested in emotion research (i.e., the appraisal model of emotion

    No Riddle but Time: Historical Consciousness in Two Islamicate Films

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    This article explores ways in which film expresses “internal history” in the context of Muslim cultures. As such, it enquires how film can work as both Islamic art and historical contemplation. The films discussed here, Nacer Khemir’s Wanderers in the Desert and Muhammad Rasoulof’s Iron Island, inhabit and explore the borderline between imagination and reality. The films in question offer an imaginal interspace between “modern” and “traditional” worlds. As such they open up critical perspectives on the meaning of history. What follows is a discussion of how each film offers a window onto differing perceptions of time, and what may be glimpsed through this window

    Love that Tames: Anti-Heroes, Power and Islamic Reform Reflected in Two Iranian Films

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    This paper is an exploration of two Iranian films that draw upon spiritual, artistic and literary roots in Islamic history, while at the same time engaging in critiques of knowledge and power in contemporary Muslim societies. These films offer a chance to explore ways in which culture (as distinct from theological discourse) deals with problems of reform in Muslim societies. This article juxtaposes the films with the trickster archetype in folklore, Sufi thought about leadership, and beliefs about the figure of the Mahdi (“the guided one” mentioned in Prophetic hadith as preceding the second coming of Jesus)


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    The work described herein serves as a foundation for the development of CMOS imaging in lab-on-a-chip microsystems. Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems attempt to emulate the functionality of a cell biology lab by incorporating multiple sensing modalidites into a single microscale system. LOC are applicable to drug development, implantable sensors, cell-based bio-chemical detectors and radiation detectors. The common theme across these systems is achieving performance under severe resource constraints including noise, bandwidth, power and size. The contributions of this work are in the areas of two core lab-on-a-chip imaging functions: object detection and optical measurements

    An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies, institutions and culture

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    Analyse van de factoren (bijv. economische en sociale) die het niveau van ondernemerschap bepalen. Het niveau van ondernemerschap kan verklaard worden door onderscheid te maken in aanbodzijde (arbeidsmarkt) en vraagzijde (productmarkt) en de invloed van overheidsmaatregelen op ondernemerschap. Het ontwikkelde model kan gebruikt worden om de verschillen in ondernemerschap in tijd en plaats te verklaren.

    Use of CVM Stages in Assessment of Young Orthodontic Patients to Estimate Growth Potential

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    Harnessing a patient’s growth to correct parasagittal discrepancies is an important part of Class II correction in orthodontic treatment; however, orthodontists rarely have the opportunity to choose when a patient is referred to them. Diagnostic records can assist the orthodontist in determining how much growth a patient has remaining. The purpose of this retrospective cephalometric study was to determine whether the amounts of in-treatment facial growth differ significantly by sex and by cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stage. The sample consisted of 133 Class II division 1 patients from a single private practice office treated with a combination of a functional appliance (Bionator, Frankel or MARA) and full Edgewise appliances. This sample was compared to a conventionally treated edgewise sample of 183 Class II division 1 patients from the University of Tennessee Department of Orthodontics. The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stage was determined for the lateral cephalometric radiographs available for each patient using Lamparski’s original 6 stages. Amounts of facial bony growth were evaluated for 5 linear dimensions (Se-Na, Se-A, Se-B, Se-Gn, Se-Go) that occurred over the course of treatment (i.e., pre- to posttreatment changes). There was no association between CVM stage and duration of treatment. CVM stages were analyzed statistically to determine if craniofacial growth was linked to CVM grade assessed. The results showed that as individuals develop, less growth occurs with treatment. Maximum growth occurred for cases starting at CVM 1, and the average amounts of growth diminish monotonically across the 6 stages. Using a two-way ANOVA, growth for CVM stages 1-4 was highly significant for each stage as well as between sexes (P \u3c 0.0001). Girls achieved CVM stages more than one year ahead of boys on the average, while boys have larger amounts of growth than girls at each CVM grade. Interestingly, little facial growth occurred after the age of 15 in either sex in the sample, and orthodontists need to keep this in mind if their goals are to modulate jaw growth and not rely solely on orthodontic tooth movement for correcting skeletal discrepancies

    From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of entry barriers

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    This exploratory study focuses on the convention from nascent to actual entrepreneurship and the role of entry barriers in this process. Evidence is found for a strong conversion from nascent to actual entrepreneurship. Also positive effects are found on entrepreneurial activity rates of labour flexibility and tertiary enrollment and a negative effect of social expenditure.
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