39 research outputs found

    Students envisioning the future.

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    How can students be included as critical stakeholders in the systems and services provided by a university? To address the whole student experience, we engaged students and employees at a large Swedish university in a vision seminar process to elicit how these groups envisioned an ideal future university, and the necessary changes to technology and organisational structures required to achieve this ideal version. The process entailed six four-hour workshops with four groups consisting of six participants each. A survey instrument was used to follow up on the participants' experiences of participating in the vision seminar process and their thoughts on the future of the university. The results show that the participating students were more positive compared to the university employees. The students envisioned harmonized interdepartmental systems, seamlessly integrating a variety of services into one university-provided solution. The employees envisioned their future work as flexible, enabled by technology providing excellent support without hindering pedagogical and organisational development. Using technological frames, these visions of the future are identified, analysed and discussed in relation to the quality of university education and a holistic view on students' university experience. Finally we discuss the broader implications of the visions on the future of university education

    D8.4 Simulations of the Iron Ore line

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    The purpose of this document is to describe simulations performed for the Iron Ore Line (IOL), in order to test and evaluate the systems for operational re-planning in case of per-turbations. The simulator Hermes has been used for the simulations, with input data describing the IOL. When the simulator has been found valid for the IOL, a number of per-turbations scenarios have been used for evaluation of the ON-TIME modules for perturba-tion handling. The Perturbation Management Modules (PMM) have been connected to the simulator system. The PMM detects perturbations and the need for re-planning and calcu-lates a new real time traffic plan (RTTP), which is automatically executed to the (simulat-ed) traffic control system. Two different scenarios have been used for evaluation studies. One with a delayed loaded iron ore train and one with speed restrictions between two stations. The evaluation studies have resulted in the following conclusions: ā€¢The Hermes simulator can simulate the traffic on the IOL, for undisturbed traffic as well as for traffic with certain perturbations. However, with a number of limita-tion, as discussed above. ā€¢The developed systems for automatic re-planning, the PMM modules, are able to handle the perturbations specified in some scenario for the IOL. ā€¢That evaluations show that a number of requirements must be fulfilled, it the sys-tems are going to be used in real traffic control on the IOL. ā€¢That the results give us a good basis for future research and development. ā€¢It will be necessary to perform more advanced evaluations, in order to specify these requirements in detail. Final remarks are that the results so far are very interesting for future development in Sweden. Important will be to integrate the PMM modules with a fully interactive envi-ronment. The present system in Boden, with STEG and CATO, can profit from efficient systems for optimal re-planning and decision support. The human controllersā€™ tasks must be coordinated with the more automated functions and their user interfaces must visualize important aspects of the PMM actions.On-Tim

    Three Key Concerns for a Successful EPR Deployment and Usage

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    The health care environment is unique because of the large and complex organisation with a traditional hierarchic structure that is governed by laws and regulations. This paper examines how a large Swedish health care organisation work with usability issues regarding Electronic Patient Record (EPR) deployment and usage. EPR systems have great impact on work environment and clinical work routines will not be performed in the same way as before. This paper analyse how the EPR management and core business understand their EPR responsibilities and work with usability aspects at different levels in the organisations. The paper reveals that there is a conflict about responsibility between EPR management and core business management. The reasons for the confusion are contradictive understanding of what an EPR system is, an IT system or a tool for the core business to perform better health care work. This leads to that care staff's experience regarding the EPR system's usability, is not being listened to within the organisation. Three key concerns for a successful EPR deployment and usage are identified and further analysed; education, evaluation and support & improvement ideas

    Assessment of life quality and work ability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    ReimatoÄ«dais artrÄ«ts (RA) ir hroniska, progresējoÅ”a un invalidizējoÅ”a autoimÅ«na slimÄ«ba ar progresējoÅ”u gaitu, kurai raksturÄ«gi locÄ«tavu bojājumi, kas izpaužas ar hronisku aseptisku sinovÄ«tu un erozÄ«vi destruktÄ«vu locÄ«tavu bojājumu, kas sagrauj locÄ«tavu skrimsli un kaulu. Lai bÅ«tu iespējams izvērtēt reimatisko pacientu vispārējo ar slimÄ«bu saistÄ«to veselÄ«bas stāvokli un slimÄ«bas smagumu, tika izveidota speciāla anketas forma - SF 36 ā€“ kas sniedz informāciju par to, cik labi jÅ«tas katrs konkrētais indivÄ«ds, kādas ierastās fiziskās aktivitātes ir iespējamas veikt un un kāda ir paÅ”as slimÄ«bas ietekme uz pacientu dzÄ«vi, tās kvalitāti un kopējo dzÄ«vildzi. Darba mērÄ·is ir noteikt ar veselÄ«bu saistÄ«tos dzÄ«ves kvalitātes rādÄ«tājus pacientiem ar RA. Darba izstrādes laikā izvirzÄ«ti vairāki uzdevumi - izvērtēt RA pacientu vecuma, dzimuma un terapijas saistÄ«bu ar slimÄ«bu saistÄ«to dzÄ«ves kvalitāti, salÄ«dzināt ar slimÄ«bu saistÄ«to dzÄ«ves kvalitāti RA pacientiem un kontroles grupai. Materiāli un metodes. Tika veikts prospektÄ«vs pētÄ«jums, deviņu mēneÅ”u garumā, laika periodā no 2015 gada jÅ«lija lÄ«dz 2016 gada aprÄ«lim. Bāze darba izstrādei bija Paula Stradiņa KlÄ«niskās Universitātes slimnÄ«ca, Latvijas ReimatoloÄ£ijas centrs un privātpraksē Jaunliepājas Primārās VeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes centrā (JPVAC). Informācija par pētÄ«jumā iesaistÄ«to pacientu tika iegÅ«tu, veicot pacientu anketÄ“Å”anu. Kā anketa tika izmantota SF 36 forma. PētÄ«juma izstrādes laikā tika identificēti 86 pacienti, kuri slimoja ar RA un veidoja pētāmo grupu un kontroles grupa. Apkopojot informāciju no 86 RA pacientiem, 19 jeb 22,09 % bija vÄ«rieÅ”i un 67 jeb 77,91 % bija sievietes. Vidējais vecums pētÄ«juma grupā ir 55,99 Ā± 12,18, jaunākais pacients pētāmajā populācijā bija 30 gadus jauns savukārt vecākais 85 gadus vecs. Pacienti tika dalÄ«ti apakÅ”grupāsRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive and disabling autoimmune disease with progressive pace, characterized by joint damage as manifested by chronic aseptic synovitis and blistering destructive joint damage that destroys joint cartilage and bone. In order to be able to evaluate rheumatic patients overall disease-related health status and severity of disease, it was a special questionnaire form - SF 36 - which provides information on how well the feelings of each specific individual, a normal physical activity are likely to make and and what is the same disease impact on patients' lives, the quality and overall survival. The aim is to identify the health-related quality of life of patients with RA. Work during the development raised a number of challenges - to evaluate RA patients' age, sex, and treatment may be associated with disease-related quality of life, compared with disease-related quality of life in RA patients and control group. Materials and Methods. It was conducted in a prospective study, nine months in the period from July 2015 to April 2016. Base for the development work was Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Latvian Centre for Rheumatology and private Jaunliepaja Primary Health Care Centre (JPVAC). Information on the patients in the study was obtained from the patient questionnaires. As a questionnaire was used for the SF 36 form. Research during the development were identified in 86 patients suffering from RA and accounted for the studied group and control group. Gathering information from 86 RA patients, 19 or 22.09% were male and 67 or 77.91% were women. The average age of the study group is 55.99 Ā± 12.18, the youngest patient in the surveyed population was 30 years old while the oldest 85 years old. The patients were divided into subgroups by age, gender and disease duration in order to assess the age, sex and disease duration effects on RA. Data collection and primary processing was used in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. SF 36 questionnaire scale data obtained were entered into an electronic database, which automatically analyzes the questionnaires obtained parameters and give it to a numeric representation. Descriptive and analytical analysis using statistical analysis software for PC Stata (Stata Corp LP, USA) 2009th Results. Divided between the two gender groups are not equal, women are 3.5 times more than men. Most patients in the age group of 51 years and up. Disease duration ranging from two to 25 years. Most patients suffering from seven to eleven years. Men, like women, often received MTX FF + exercises and MTX + Prednisolone exercises. Comparing all four treatment groups, no statistically significant differences in quality of life indicators between the groups wa

    A strategy for putting methods in to practice and a formal evaluation of

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    The overall aim of the ON-TIME project is to improve railway customer satisfaction through increased capacity and decreased delays for both passengers and freight. This is achieved through new and enhanced methods, processes and algorithms. This document is one of the final deliverables of the ON-TIME project, and is produced as an output of Work Package 2: Examination of existing approaches and specification of innovations. The aim of the document is to report on ā€˜How to implement developed methods into practiceā€™ (Task 2.4) and ā€˜To collect results and evaluate demonstratorsā€™ (Task 2.5). Chapter 2 details the objectives and expected results in the project. The Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) of the project innovations before the project start are described. The four demonstration locations, namely the East Coast Main Line, Iron Ore Line, Bologna Node and Netherlands network are briefly described in terms of their traffic types and levels and infrastructure. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the HERMES simulation platform that has been used throughout the project. The evaluation tool which has been developed to undertake quantitative evaluation of the performed simulations is also explained, together with the measures and processes used to provide a quantitative comparator between solutions. Chapter 4 summarises the innovations developed in the project for methods and algorithms, tooling and system integration. These were specified in the original project proposal, and form the key technical outputs of the project. Each innovation is described in terms of its: (i) objectives; (ii) research activities; (iii) developed algorithms and systems; (iv) tests and demonstrations; and (v) evaluations and results. Chapter 5 explains the demonstration systems, simulations and demonstrations which have been undertaken in the project. Four key demonstrations were selected during the first phase of the project. The specific demonstrators were selected to allow the developed innovations to be tested on a range of scenarios from across Europe. Chapter 6 discusses how the results of the project can be put into practice, while Chapter 7 provides a summary of the research undertaken, the achieved TRLs and future tasks. Chapter 7 summarises the six innovations developed in the project and the demonstration on the Iron Ore Line, Sweden. Each innovation and the demonstration is described in terms of its: (i) state-of-the-art; (ii) research outputs; (iii) deliverables and proceedings; (iv) future tasks.On-Tim

    Beslutstƶd och automation i operativ tƄgtrafikstyrning (BAOT): slutrapport

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    Syftet med BAOT-projektet (Beslutstƶd och Automation i Operativ TĆ„gtrafikstyrning) har inte varit att utveckla nya beslutsstƶd, utan att ta fram kunskap om behov, fƶrutsƤttningar och krav pĆ„ framtida beslutsstƶd. Resultatet av projektet ska stƶdja den pĆ„gĆ„ende och kommande utvecklingen av sĆ„dana. Sedan tidigare har forskning om nya styrprinciper, anvƤndargrƤnssnitt och beslutsstƶd fƶr tĆ„gtrafikledning bedrivits i samverkan mellan institutionen fƶr informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet och Trafikverket. ƅr 2015 presenterades en slutrapport frĆ„n denna forskning: Sandblad B, Andersson AW, Tschirner S.: Framtida tĆ„gtrafikstyrning. Sammanfattande forskningsrapport samt slutrapport frĆ„n FOT-projektet. (https://fudinfo.trafikverket.se/fudinfoexternwebb/pages/PublikationVisa.aspx?PublikationId=2848) Det tidigare forskningsarbetet har resulterat i en kunskapsbas om samspelet mellan mƤnniskor i olika roller och de tekniska stƶdsystemen samt i en grundlƤggande analys av arbetet med att styra tĆ„gtrafik. Tillsammans med arbetsgrupper inom Trafikverket har fƶrslag till nya principer och grƤnssnitt fƶr operativ styrning, ā€trafikstyrning genom omplanering i realtidā€, tagits fram. Prototyper av de nya styrprinciperna och en ny generation av anvƤndargrƤnssnitt har utvecklats. GrundlƤggande studier av praktiskt fungerande beslutsstƶd fƶr trafikledare har varit en del av denna tidigare forskning. FrĆ„gestƤllningar om krav pĆ„ och nyttan av algoritmbaserade optimerande beslutsstƶd har Ƥven studerats inom EU-projektet ONTIME. Slutsatser har dragits frĆ„n detta arbete fƶr att finna lƤmpliga svenska ansatser. Inom projektet BAOT har behov av, och krav pĆ„, framtida avancerade beslutsstƶd fƶr operativ trafikstyrning studeras, sƤrskilt hur de kan integreras i aktuella svenska koncept fƶr operativ tĆ„gtrafikstyrning. Det vid trafikĀ¬ledningen i Boden infƶrda systemet STEG utgƶr en grund fƶr dessa studier. Det material som presenteras i denna rapport Ƥr avsett att utgƶra en bas fƶr fortsatt forskning. Det material som presenteras i denna rapport grundar sig pĆ„ samverkan med andra forsknings-projekt, de kunskaper som genererats inom vĆ„r tidigare forskning samt pĆ„ analyser och intervjuer genomfƶra med hjƤlp av erfarna trafikledare vid trafikledningen i Boden. Projektet ingĆ„r i branschprogrammet KAJT, Kapacitet i JƤrnvƤgstrafiken, http://www.kajt.org/BAOT - Beslutsstƶd och automation i operativ tĆ„gtrafikstyrnin