108 research outputs found

    The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement – Exceptional Circumstances or a new Paradigm for EU External Relations?

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    In the final days of 2020, the European Union and the United Kingdom concluded a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) covering a broad range of policy areas, including cooperation of law enforcement authorities and social security systems. The EU-UK TCA is unique as concerns the circumstances of its negotiation and adoption, as well as its substance. However, contrary to the argument of the EU institutions, the agreement will have broad implications for the understanding of the EU's external competence and Member States' ability to act in areas that are national competence and rely on national budgets. We are critical of the legitimacy of the TCA's conclusion process, consider that the lack of a deep constitutional analysis of the consequences of EU-only conclusion of the TCA, and of the TCA itself, are problematic, and believe that the choices made are likely to create difficulties for the implementation and enforcement of the agreement.Peer reviewe

    Dödssorgens vÀsen

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    Recension av: Pulkkinen, Mari: Salattu, suoritettu ja sanaton suru. LÀheisen menettÀminen kokonaisvaltaisena kokemuksena (2016).Helsingin Yliopisto, Humanistinen tiedekunta, Maailman kulttuurien laitos, Uskontotiede. Unigrafia, Helsinki, 417 s

    Maktagerande i dödens diskurs

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    I denna artikel diskuteras utifrĂ„n kulturanalytisk nĂ€rlĂ€sning av tretton intervjuer och med makt som teoretiskt perspektiv hur makt ”görs” hos informantfamiljerna dĂ„ döden gĂ€star. Fokus lĂ€ggs vid tvĂ„ maktstrategier: tystnad och auktoritet. Maktagerande som diskuteras uppstĂ„r under sjukdomstiden, dĂ„ döden intrĂ€ffar antingen pĂ„ sjukhus eller hemma, under begravningsarrangemangen och sjĂ€lva begravningen samt under det första Ă„ret av anpassning till ett liv som Ă€nka/Ă€nkling eller förĂ€ldralöst barn. Jag vĂ€ljer att utgĂ„ frĂ„n att döden i sig innehar den övergripande makten, dĂ„ döden Ă€r det ögonblick dĂ„ mĂ€nniskan mister sin makt att agera. Det Ă€r ju den specifika dödshĂ€ndelsen som styr hur den avlidnes nĂ€rmiljö agerar, alltsĂ„ vilka maktstrategier de anvĂ€nder sĂ„vĂ€l för att hantera chocken och sorgen som för att navigera genom de mĂ„nga praktiska bestyr kring döden som av samhĂ€llet förvĂ€ntas av dem. Makt uppfattas ofta som nĂ„got negativt, dĂ„ termen vanligen definieras med verb som ”styra” eller ”utöva kontroll” och motsatsen ”maktlöshet” som total saknad av inflytande. Man tenderar att glömma att maktagerande ocksĂ„ kan leda till nĂ„got positivt: ökad kunskap, bĂ€ttre levnadsförhĂ„llanden, jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet, och i samband med döden till exempel bĂ€ttre relationen mellan familjemedlemmar eller nya ritualer kring begravning och sorg

    On the Impact of Cadmium Sulfide Layer Thickness on Kesterite Photodetector Performance

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    Kesterites are currently viewed as one of the most promising candidates for earth abundant and benign elements to substitute critical raw materials in photovoltaic technologies and may also be suitable for low-noise, room-temperature, self-powered photodetectors. However, while the impact of buffer layers on kesterite solar cell efficiency has been an active area of investigation, links between photodetector performance and intermediate layers are yet to be addressed. Herein, the impact of cadmium sulfide buffer layers on the performance of kesterite (Cu2ZnSnS4) photodetectors is probed. Specifically, the effect of buffer layer thickness on various photodetector performance metrices is clarified, including noise current, spectral responsivity, noise equivalent power, frequency response, and specific detectivity. Devices with a 100 nm cadmium sulfide layer perform the best, achieving a linear dynamic range of 180 dB and frequency responses in the range of tens of kHz. The key loss mechanisms are identified, and it is found that the photodetector performance to be primarily limited by shunt resistance-induced thermal noise and defect-induced nonradiative losses. Furthermore, we estimate the upper radiative limit of specific detectivity to be approximately 10(19) Jones. Our results highlight the potential of kesterites to be used as an interesting earth abundant candidate for photodetection applications

    A universal Urbach rule for disordered organic semiconductors

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    In crystalline semiconductors, absorption onset sharpness is characterized by temperature dependent Urbach energies. These energies quantify the static, structural disorder causing localized exponential-tail states, and dynamic disorder from electron-phonon scattering. Applicability of this exponential-tail model to disordered solids has been long debated. Nonetheless, exponential fittings are routinely applied to sub-gap absorption analysis of organic semiconductors. Herein, we elucidate the sub-gap spectral line-shapes of organic semiconductors and their blends by temperature-dependent quantum efficiency measurements. We find that sub-gap absorption due to singlet excitons is universally dominated by thermal broadening at low photon energies and the associated Urbach energy equals the thermal energy, regardless of static disorder. This is consistent with absorptions obtained from a convolution of Gaussian density of excitonic states weighted by Boltzmann-like thermally activated optical transitions. A simple model is presented that explains absorption line-shapes of disordered systems, and we also provide a strategy to determine the excitonic disorder energy. Our findings elaborate the meaning of the Urbach energy in molecular solids and relate the photo-physics to static disorder, crucial for optimizing organic solar cells for which we present a new radiative open-circuit voltage limit

    Monitoring food marketing to children: A joint Nordic monitoring protocol for marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) towards children and young people

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    The protocol describes methods for how to monitor marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar towards children and young people at a given time as cross-sectional studies, as well as allowing for monitoring of trends. The data provided could also be used for evaluation purposes, for instance providing relevant data for evaluating regulation practices and schemes in the respective countries; to study advertising and marketing practices, contents and forms over time. In addition to being a tool for monitoring purposes within each country, the protocol will also enable comparisons between the Nordic countries by establishing a joint understanding on how each marketing channel should be monitored. The protocol has been developed as a Nordic project between representatives and experts from Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway together with international experts

    Implementing Integrated Care – Lessons from the Odense Integrated Care Trial

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    Introduction: Creating coordination and concerted action between sectors of modern healthcare is an inherent challenge, and decision makers in search for solutions tend replicate new models across countries and settings. An example of this is the translation of the North West London integrated care pilot into a large-scale trial that took place in the Danish Municipality of Odense from 2013–2016. This article highlights the findings from our evaluation of the ill-fated project and discusses lessons learned. Methods: We examined implementation and short-term outcome in a multi-method evaluation based on qualitative interviews, direct observation, electronic surveys and quantitative analysis of change in ser­vice use and costs, using patient level data and a matched control group. Results and discussion: Despite an ambitious setup, ample financing, a shared governance structure and a well-functioning project organisation, implementation failed at the clinical level. Also, service use and costs for included patients increased significantly, without yielding the intended results. Primary explana­tions relate to an overly optimistic timeframe and a failure to take professionals’ wishes, daily practices and values into account. The results underline the importance of basing future attempts at integrated care on thorough studies of the perception of actual needs and timing, including rigorous pilot testing on a smaller scale, before attempting large-scale implementation

    Reinstating Vacated Findings in Employment Discrimination Class Actions: Reconciling General Telephone Co. v. Falcon With Hill v. Western Electric Co.

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    Type 2 T-helper cell (Th2)-skewed immunity is associated with successful pregnancy and the ability to easily direct immune responses to a Th2-polarised profile may be an evolutionary benefit. The Th2-like immunity associated with allergic disease might generate favourable effects for the maintenance of pregnancy, but could also promote development of Th2-like immune responses and allergic disease in the offspring. The aim of this study was to explore, by using IgE as a stable proxy for Th2, the Th1/Th2 balance in allergic and non-allergic women by measuring allergen-specific and total IgE antibody levels in plasma during pregnancy and after delivery. Specific and total IgE antibody levels were determined by ImmunoCAP technology at five occasions during pregnancy (gestational weeks 10-12, 15-16, 25, 35 and 39), as well as at 2 and 12 months after delivery. Thirty-six women without and 20 women with allergic symptoms were included, of whom 13 were sensitised with allergic symptoms and 30 were non-sensitised without allergic symptoms. The levels of total IgE, but not allergen-specific IgE, were increased during early pregnancy when compared to 12 months after delivery in the sensitised women with allergic symptoms, but not in the non-sensitised women without allergic symptoms (pandlt;0.01). This increase in total IgE levels during early pregnancy only in the sensitised women with allergic symptoms indicates that allergy is associated with an enhanced Th2 deviation during pregnancy.Original Publication: Martina Sandberg, Anne Frykman, Yvonne Jonsson, Marie Persson, Jan Ernerudh, Göran Berg, Leif Matthiesen, Christina Ekerfelt and Maria Jenmalm, Total and allergen-specific IgE levels during and after pregnancy in relation to maternal allergy, 2009, JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY, (81), 1, 82-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jri.2009.04.003 Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. http://www.elsevier.com/</p

    Quantifying the Excitonic Static Disorder in Organic Semiconductors

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    Organic semiconductors are disordered molecular solids, and as a result, their internal charge generation dynamics, charge transport dynamics, and ultimately, the performance of the optoelectronic devices they constitute, are governed by energetic disorder. This is particularly pertinent for emerging photovoltaic technology where the extractable power is directly dependent on these dynamics. To ascertain how energetic disorder impacts charge generation, exciton transport, charge transport, and the performance of organic semiconductor devices, an accurate approach is first required to measure this critical parameter. In this work, it is shown that the static disorder of an organic semiconductor can be obtained from its photovoltaic external quantum efficiency spectrum at wavelengths near the absorption onset. A detailed methodology is presented, alongside a computational framework, for quantifying the static energetic disorder associated with singlet excitons. Moreover, the authors show that minimizing the limiting effects of optical interference is crucial for achieving high-accuracy quantifications. Finally, transparent devices are employed to estimate the excitonic static disorder in several technologically relevant organic semiconductor donor–acceptor blends, including the high-efficiency organic photovoltaic system PM6:Y6

    Djurskydd inom grisuppfödning

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    I Sverige tillĂ„ts idag generellt avvĂ€njning av smĂ„grisar i praktiken vid en individuell Ă„lder om tidigast 28 dagar. Detta skiljer frĂ„n EUs grisdirektiv dĂ€r avvĂ€njning tillĂ„ts frĂ„n 21 dagars Ă„lder. En digivningsperiod pĂ„ 21 dagar ger en högre produktion eftersom medeltalet kullar per sugga och Ă„r teoretiskt dĂ„ kan öka med 4,5 % (frĂ„n 2,2 till 2,3 kullar per Ă„r). Det har Ă€ven föreslagits att en kortare digivningsperiod skulle innebĂ€ra mindre pĂ„frestningar pĂ„ suggorna, och dĂ€rigenom medföra förbĂ€ttrad vĂ€lfĂ€rd för dessa. RĂ„det finner att det finns mycket fĂ„ studier som jĂ€mför avvĂ€njning vid just 21 och 28 dagar. De vetenskapliga studier som studerar detta mer i detalj Ă€r i de flesta fall genomförda i alternativa system, sĂ„ som grupphĂ„llnings-system eller sĂ„ kallade ”getaway pens” dĂ€r suggan kan gĂ„ ifrĂ„n sina smĂ„grisar. Resultat frĂ„n dessa studier gĂ„r dĂ€rmed inte att generalisera till konventionella system dĂ€r suggor med smĂ„grisar hĂ„lls individuellt med smĂ„ möjligheter för suggan att reglera t.ex. digivning eller födosöksbeteende. Trots bristen pĂ„ vetenskapligt granskade rapporter konstaterades att en avvĂ€njning vid 28 dagars Ă„lder var att föredra sett ur smĂ„grisens perspektiv, eftersom matsmĂ€ltningsapparat och immunsystem Ă€r mer utvecklade den fjĂ€rde levnadsveckan. Det förefaller dock finnas en ganska tydlig skillnad i fysiologisk mognad mellan grisar som Ă€r yngre (&lt;19-21 dagar) respektive Ă€ldre (28 dagar), men dĂ€r grisar som Ă€r 25 dagar och Ă€ldre skiljer sig mindre frĂ„n grisar som Ă€r 28 dagar gamla Ă€n grisar som Ă€r 23 dagar och yngre. Diperiodens belastning pĂ„ den domesticerade suggan i modern grisproduktion överstiger den hos frilevande suggor eftersom antalet överlevande kultingar Ă€r högre, samt att suggan inte heller genom att styra digivningen kan skydda sig frĂ„n kullens ökande krav pĂ„ att dia. De ökande kullstorlekarna kan teoretiskt innebĂ€ra pĂ„frestningar pĂ„ suggan, och tidig avvĂ€njning skulle dĂ€rmed kunna bidra till att minska pĂ„frestningarna pĂ„ suggan. Det finns dock inga vetenskapliga studier som stödjer en sĂ„dan slutsats. Det kan dock konstateras att en svensk sugga under slutet av diperioden i medeltal ger di till 13 kultingar som vardera vĂ€ger cirka 10 kg, vilka tillsammans dagligen krĂ€ver 108 MJ omsĂ€ttbar energi (25 800 kcal) varav huvuddelen kommer frĂ„n suggans mjölk. I dagens svenska grisproduktion med omgĂ„ngsuppfödning kan det skilja 4-7 dagar mellan de först födda och de sist födda i gruppen. För att samla sugg-gruppen inför nĂ€sta grisning avvĂ€njs alla suggor samma dag och vid en lĂ€gsta individuell avvĂ€njningsĂ„lder av 28 dagar blir medelĂ„ldern vid avvĂ€njning dĂ€rför i praktiken cirka 32 dagar. Om lantbruken fortsĂ€tter att fokusera pĂ„ avvĂ€njning sĂ„ nĂ€ra 28 dagars Ă„lder som möjligt kommer ”manöverutrymmet” för att synkronisera suggorna vid avvĂ€njning att försvinna. Suggor med fysiologiskt lĂ€ngre drĂ€ktighet Ă€n genomsnittet riskerar dĂ„ att förskjutas i grisningstid jĂ€mfört med medelsuggorna. Vid en förlĂ€ngning med tre dagar mellan tvĂ„ grisningstillfĂ€llen kan en sugga redan som tredjegrisare vara sĂ„ pass avvikande vad gĂ€ller grisningsdag att hon kommer att slĂ„s ut (slaktas) i förtid om det inte ges möjlighet att synkronisera gruppen vid avvĂ€njning. Vid en bedömning av lĂ€mpligaste dagen för avvĂ€njning bör sĂ„vĂ€l smĂ„grisens som suggans situation beaktas. Det vetenskapliga underlaget för detta Ă€r mycket begrĂ€nsat, men det ska beaktas att inhysning och skötsel har större betydelse för sĂ„vĂ€l smĂ„grisars som suggors hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lfĂ€rd Ă€n den exakta avvĂ€njningsĂ„ldern. Vid en samlad bedömning ansĂ„gs dĂ€rför att en avvĂ€njning vid 28 dagar i genomsnitt förefaller acceptabel, under förutsĂ€ttning att avvĂ€njningsĂ„ldern i inget enskilt fall understiger 25 dagar
