17 research outputs found

    The acquisition path of [w]-final plurals in Brazilian Portuguese

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    The plural of Brazilian Portuguese [w]-final nouns includes an alternation with [j], but the change is partially blocked in monosyllables and following a tense vowel (Becker et al. 2017). In this paper, we present a nonce word study with 115 children ages 7-13 and 43 adults, all participants from the state of São Paulo, showing that blocking in monosyllables is acquired earlier than blocking by tense vowels. We claim that sensitivity to monosyllabicity and vowel tenseness are both due to universal phonological pressures, but the effect of vowel tenseness is learned more slowly because it is limited to the plural morphology in this language. Our results from nonce words are convergent with evidence from innovative plurals and loanword adaptation, showing the primacy of phonological factors over history, orthography, and lexical frequency when it comes to alternations and their acquisition

    A grammar of Kadiwéu : with special reference to the polysynthesis parameter

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    Neither You Nor I Nor He: The Relacional Morpheme In Person Hierarchy And Differential Object Marking In Kadiweu [nem Eu, Nem Você E Nem Ele: O Morfema Relacional Em Hierarquia De Pessoa E Marcação Diferenciada De Objeto No Kadiwéu]

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    In kadiwéu, a Waikurúan language, the person of the object affects agreement as well as constituent order. The verb must be marked by a relational morpheme if the internal argument is fi rst or second person, and a person agreement morpheme appears according to the 1plOBJ>2>1>3 hierarchy. Moreover, first/second person internal arguments must precede the verb (OV order, the relational is marked) but third person internal arguments follow it (VO order, no relational marker). This work presents the claim that the so-called relational morpheme is an agreement morpheme. According to this view, it is an impoverished morpheme that marks agreement with a dislocated internal argument. More specifi cally, this work claims that kadiwéu person agreement prefi xes are TP agreement, whereas the so-called relational is vP agreement reversed to [-author, -participant]. This work develops Rodrigues's (1990) ideas on person neutralization.30SpecialIssue645658Arregi, K., Nevins, A., (2007) Obliteration vs. Impovireshment in the Basque g-/z- constraint, 13 (1), pp. 1-14. , Penn worling papers in linguistics. PhiladelphiaBonet, E., (1991) Morphology after syntax: Pronominal clitics in Romance, , Tese de doutorado. MIT, Cambridge, MassFreitas, M.L., (2011) Hierarquia de pessoa em ava guarani: considerações a partir da morfologia distribuida, , Unicamp. Dissertação de mestradoGildea, S., Semantic and pragmatic inverse - "inverse alignment" and "inverse voice" - in Carib of Surinam (1994) Voice and Inversion, , GIVóN, T. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John BenjaminsHalle, M., Distributed Morphology: Impoverishment and Fission (1997) MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 30, pp. 425-439. , Cambridge, MassachusettsHalle, M., Marantz, A., A. Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Infl ection (1993) The View from Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger, , Kenneth HALE & Jay KEYSER (eds.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT PressIto, J., Mester, A., (2003) Japanese Morphophonemics: Markedness and Word Structure, , Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 41. Cambridge, MA: MIT PressJelinek, E., Carnie, A., Argument Hierarchies and the Mapping Principle (2003) Formal Approaches to Function in Grammar, pp. 265-296. , In honor of Eloise Jelinek CARNIE, AHARLEY, HWILLIE, M. (eds.). Philadelphia, PA, USA: John Benjamins Publishing CompanyNevins, A., The Representation of Third Person and its Consequences for Person-Case Effects (2007) Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 25 (2), pp. 273-313Nevins, A., Sandalo, F., Markedness and morphotactics in Kadiwéu [+participant] agreement (2011) Morphology, 21 (2), pp. 351-378Pollock, J.-Y., Verb Movement, Universal Grammar, and the Structure of IP (1989) Linguistic Inquiry, 20, pp. 365-424Rodrigues, A.D., Morfologia do verbo Tupi (1953) Letras, 1, pp. 121-152Rodrigues, A.D., You and I = neither you nor I: the personal system of Tupinambá (1990) Amazonian Linguistics studies in lowland South American languages, , PAYNE, D. (ed.). Austin: University of Texas PressSandalo, F., Person Hierarchy and inverse voice in Kadiwéu (2009) Liames, 9, pp. 27-40Sandalo, F., Enfraquecimento posicionais e assimetrias em linguas indigenas (2013) Fonologia: teorias e perpectivas, pp. 45-58. , Leda BISOL & Gisela COLLISCHONN (eds.). Porto Alegre: EdipucrsSandalo, F., Freitas, M.L., Uma hipótese morfofonológica para hierarquia de pessoa (2014) Fonologia, Linguística in Focus 10, pp. 37-50. , José S. de MAGALHãES. Uberlândia: EDUFUZwicky, A., On markedness in morphology (1978) Die Sprache, 24 (2), pp. 129-14

    Markedness And Morphotactics In Kadiwéu [+participant] Agreement

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    We examine the realization of subject and object agreement in Kadiwéu, where there is only one prefixal position, and neither subject nor object can consistently be said to win-rather, the person and number of the arguments matters. We argue for an analysis in terms of the markedness of the 1st person compared to the second, dispreferring 1st person realization. This analysis is complicated by the fact that 1st person plural does in fact win over 2nd person, but only when it is an object. This turns out to be a consequence of the fact that the 1st plural object prefix is a portmanteau fusing person and number. The properties of the exponent inventory, combined with the morphological resources of Kadiwéu (understood here in terms of Trommer's (2008) Coherence constraints) and its independent need for inverse marking thus conspire to yield the particular set of argument realization combinations. We argue that factoring out the analysis into feature-sensitive realization of the feature [+participant] and [+plural], dispreferred realization of marked [+author], and these morphotactic coherence constraints, provides a better analysis of crosslinguistic variation and language-internal facts than positing an autonomous language-specific hierarchy to encode the facts. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.212351378Anderson, S., (1992) A-Morphous Morphology, , Cambridge: Cambridge University PressBeavers, J., (2006) Argument/Oblique alternations and the structure of lexical meaning, , Doctoral dissertation, Stanford UniversityBéjar, S., Rezac, M., Cyclic agree (2009) Linguistic Inquiry, 40 (1), pp. 35-73Bobaljik, J., Branigan, P., Eccentric agreement and multiple case-checking (2006) Ergativity: Emerging Issues, pp. 47-77. , A. Johns, D. Massam, and J. Ndayiragije (Eds.), Dordrecht: SpringerBraggio, S., (1981) Aspectos fonológicos e morfológicos do Kadiwéu, , Master's thesis, UNICAMP, BrazilCalabrese, A., On absolute and contextual syncretism: Remarks on the structure of paradigms and how to derive it (2005) The Bases of Inflectional Identity, pp. 156-205. , A. Bachrach and A. Nevins (Eds.), New York: Oxford University PressCalabrese, A., (2009) On the shyness of the first person, , (this volume)Cooreman, A., A functional typology of antipassives (1994) Voice: Form and Function, pp. 50-87. , B. Fox and P. Hopper (Eds.), Amsterdam: John BenjaminsFarkas, D., Kazazis, K., (1980) Clitic pronouns and topicality in Rumanian, 16, pp. 75-82. , Chicago Linguistic SocietyHale, K., Keyser, S.J., On argument structure and the lexical expression of syntactic relations (1993) The view from building 20, pp. 53-109. , Cambridge, MA: MITWPLHalle, M., Impoverishment and fission (1997) PF: Papers at the Interface, 30, pp. 425-450. , MITWPL Cambridge, MA: MITWPLHalle, M., Marantz, A., Distributed morphology and the pieces of inflection (1993) The View from Building 20, pp. 111-176. , K. Hale and S. J. Keyser (Eds.), Cambridge, MA: MITWPLHalle, M., Marantz, A., Some key features of distributed morphology (1994) In MITWPL 21: Papers on phonology and morphology, pp. 275-288. , Cambridge, MA: MITWPLHarbour, D., (2009) On descriptive and explanatory markedness, , (this volume)Harley, H., Ritter, E., Person and number in pronouns: A feature-geometric analysis (2002) Language, 78 (3), pp. 482-526Hiraiwa, K., Multiple agree and the defective intervention constraint in Japanese (2001) In The proceedings of the MIT-Harvard joint conference(HUMIT 2000), 40, pp. 67-80. , MITWPL Cambridge, MA: MITWPLIto, J., Mester, A., (2003) Japanese Morphophonemics: Markedness and Word Structure, , Cambridge, MA: MIT PressKawasaki, H., (1982) An acoustic basis for universal constraints on sound sequences, , Doctoral dissertation, UC BerkeleyKibrik, A., As línguas semanticamente ergativas na perspectiva da Tipologia Sintática (originally Semantitcheskie ergativnye jazyki v perspektive Sintaksitcheskoj Tipologuii, translation by Lucy Seki) (1990) Cadernos De Estudos Linguísticos, 18, pp. 15-36Kiparsky, P., Structural case in Finnish (2001) Lingua, 111, pp. 315-376Marantz, A., Implications of asymmetries in double object constructions (1993) Theoretical Aspects of Bantu Grammar, pp. 113-150. , S. Mchombo (Ed.), Stanford: CSLI PublicationsMcGinnis, M., On markedness asymmetries in person and number (2005) Language, 81 (3), pp. 699-718Müller, G., (2006) Extended exponence by enrichment: Argument encoding in German, Archi, and Timucua, , Paper presented at the Workshop on Theoretical Morphology, LeipzigNevins, A., The representation of third person and its consequences for person-case effects (2007) Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 25 (2), pp. 273-313Noyer, R., (1992) Features, positions and affixes in autonomous morphological structure, , Doctoral dissertation, MITSandalo, F., (1995) A grammar of Kadiwéu, , Doctoral dissertation, University of PittsburghSandalo, F., (1997) A grammar of Kadiwéu with special reference to the polysynthesis parameter, , MITOPL 11, distributed by MIT Working Papers in LinguisticsSteele, S., Towards a theory of morphological information (1995) Language, 71 (2), pp. 260-309Trommer, J., Coherence in affix order (2008) Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 27 (1), pp. 99-140Wunderlich, D., Cause and the structure of verbs (1997) Linguistic Inquiry, 28, pp. 27-6

    From intonational phrase to syntactic phase: The grammaticalization of enclisis in the history of Portuguese

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    In the history of European Portuguese, from the 16th to the 19th century, clitic-placement underwent significant changes, specifically with respect to the environments where enclisis obligatorily occurs. In this paper, we show how the architecture of grammar proposed in Distributed Morphology (Embick and Noyer, 2001, 2006) can shed a light on this change. We analyze enclisis as the result of post-syntactic rules and we argue that the change involved a shift in the operation that displaces the clitic from Prosodic Inversion to Lowering, accounting for the different environments where enclisis obligatorily occurs across time. Moreover, the employment of such a view of the architecture of grammar allows us to interpret this shift as a case of grammaticalization, thus broadening the treatment of this concept in the framework of Generative Grammar. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.122895297

    Vowel Deletion And Binarity In Portuguese: A Study Based On Bayesian Predictive Inference [apagamento Vocálico E Binariedade No Português: Uma Investigação Baseada Em Preditivas Bayesianas]

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    The applications of statistical models in laboratory phonology have been shown to be productive in evaluating the predictive power of hypotheses. In this paper, the strength of the restriction FootBin was tested statistically in Brazilian and European Portuguese, on the basis of a Bayesian predictive inference model. We assumed that if the restriction FootBin is active there is a preference, in a language, for words with an even number of syllables. This sudy, based on such assumption, was conducted on the basis of acoustic and statistical analysis of data from an experiment on vowel deletion/reduction. Our statistical results show that FootBin is active in both PB and EP, although the strength of binarity is stronger in PB. The fact that FootBin is active in both varieties with a different strength in BP and in EP supports an optimality constraint-based analysis.301121Abaurre, M.B., Galves, C., Rhythmic differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese: an optimalist and minimalist approach (1998) DELTA, 14, pp. 377-403Bisol, L., Palatalization and its variable restriction (1991) International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 89, pp. 107-124Bisol, L., O acento e o pé métrico binário (1992) Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos, 22, pp. 69-80. , Universidade Estadual de CampinasBisol, L., O troqueu silábico no sistema fonológico (2000) DELTA, 16, pp. 403-413Bisol, L., Hora, D., Palatalização da oclusiva dental e fonologia lexical (1993) Letras, 5, pp. 25-40Carvalho, J.B., Réduction vocalique, quantité et accentuation: pour une explication structurale de la divergence entre portugais lusitanien et portugais brésilien (1988) Boletim de Filologia, 32, pp. 5-26Carvalho, J.B., Phonological conditions on portuguese clitic placement:on syntactic evidence for stress and rhythmical patterns (1989) Linguistics, 27, pp. 405-436Collischonn, G., Um estudo do acento secundário em português. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1993), Dissertação de mestradoD'Andrade, E., Laks, S.B., Na crista da onda: o acento de palavra em português (1991) Actas do 7o Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, pp. 15-26Frota, S., Prosody and Focus in European Portuguese (1998), Universidade de Lisboa. Tese de doutoradoGupta, A., Nadarajah, S., Handbook of Beta Distribution and its Applications (2004), New York: Marcel Dekker, IncHarris, J.W., Syllable structure and stress in Spanish: a nonlinear analysis (1983), Cambridge, MA: MIT PressHarris, J.W., A podiatric note on secondary stress in Spanish (1989), MIT msHayes, B., Metrical stress theory: Principles and Case Studies (1995), Chicago: University of Chicago PressKager, R., Rhythmic vowel deletion in Optimality Theory (1997) Derivations and Constraints in Phonology, pp. 463-499. , In I. Roca (ed.), Oxford:Oxford University PressMassini-Cagliari, G., Cantigas de amigodo ritmo poético ao lingüístico-um percurso histórico da acentuação em português. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1995), Tese de doutoradoMateus, M.H.M., Aspectos da Fonologia do Português (1975), Lisboa:Instituto Nacional de Investigação CientíficaMateus, M.H.M., Gramática da Língua Portuguesa (1983), Coimbra: AlmedinaMateus, M.H.M., D'Andrade, E., The Phonology of Portuguese (2000), Oxford: Oxford University PressMatos, M.P., Sandalo, F., Síncope vocálica no Português Brasileiro (2006), In Anais do VI Encontro do CELSUL, Círculo de Estudos Linguísticos do Sul. Florianópolis: UFSCPrince, A., Relating to the Grid (1983) Linguistic Inquiry, 14, pp. 19-100Pirrehumbert, J., Beckman, M., Ladd, D.R., Conceptual Foundations of Phonology as a Laboratory Science: Conceptual and Empirical Issues (2000) Phonological Knowledge, pp. 273-303. , In: N. Burton-Roberts, P. Carr & G. Docherty (orgs), Oxford: Oxford University PressRamus, F., Nespor, M., Mehler, J., Correlates of Linguistic Rhythm in the Speech Signal (1999) Cognition, 73, pp. 265-292Roca, I.M., Secondary Stress and Metrical Rhythm (1986) Phonology Yearbook, 3, pp. 341-370Sandalo, F., Abaurre, M.B., Mandel, A., Galves, C., Secondary stress in two varieties of Portuguese and the Sotaq optimality based computer program (2006) Probus-International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics, pp. 97-125. , 8.1Sandalo, F., Abaurre, M.B., Acento secundário em duas variedades de português: uma análise baseada na OT (2007) O acento em português: abordagens fonológicas, , In: Araújo, G. A. (org), São Paulo:ParábolaVigário, M., Cliticização no português europeu: uma operação póslexical (1998) Actas do XIV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 1, pp. 557-598. , Aveiro, PortugalVigário, M., The prosodic word in European Portuguese (2003) Interface Explorations, p. 6. , Berlin: Mouton de GruyterWetzels, L., The lexical representation of nasality in Brazilian Portuguese (1997), Probus 9.

    Secondary stress in two varieties of Portuguese and the Sotaq optimality based computer program

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    This paper presents an analysis of secondary stress in Brazilian and European Portuguese (BP and EP) based on Optimality Theory (OT). We argue that a representational analysis has the following advantages: (i) generating all the facts of Brazilian and European Portuguese without postulating any cases of absolute neutralization; (ii) not forcing the usage of the notion of directionality, thus implying a simplification of the phonological theory; and (iii) being able to generate variant forms in parallel. We have developed a computer program, sotaq, that tests proposed stress systems (formulated in terms of constraint hierarchies) for both varieties of Portuguese against observed actual stresses and in large corpora, thus allowing for automatic testing of Optimality Theory predictions for secondary stress.o TEXTO COMPLETO DESTE ARTIGO, ESTARÁ DISPONÍVEL À PARTIR DE AGOSTO DE 2015.1819712

    Studi sullo stato sanitario dell'olivo in aree marginali dell'Italia settentrionale. 2 Verticillosi.

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    La verticillosi dell'olivo ha avuto in questi anni un'incidenza via via crescente negli areali vocati a questa coltivazione. Nel biennio 2003-2004, si \ue8 ritenuto importante, quindi, effettuare un monitoraggio preliminare per valutare la presenza di Verticillium dahliae anche in aree olivicole marginali. In generale, negli isolamenti effettuati \ue8 stata evidenziata una micoflora di tipo saprofitario e solo nel materiale vegetale proveniente dalle Marche sono state identificate colonie fungine riferibili a V. dahliae Kleb