169 research outputs found

    Fishing Enterprises towards sustainable fisheries in the EU's reform of the Common Fisheries Policy

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    The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union is therefore studied in the following aspects: their influence of fisheries enterprises and stakeholders the CFP’s historical development (Chapter I); their adaptation to the conservation pillar of the reform, with a particular focus on the tools introduced to control and reduce pressure on stocks and preserve the marine environment (Chapter II); the Common Organisation of the Markets (CMO), with special reference to the strengthened role of Producer Organisations (POs) and new labelling requirements (Chapter III); the implications of the reorientation of the budgetary policy under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (Chapter IV) and, finally, the external dimension of the CFP, that brings opportunities, challenges and new duties for EU fleets operating in distant waters (Chapter V)

    Çocuklarda kapanış ilişkileri ve oklüzyon

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    The complementary part of oral health in children is the inspection of the eruption and maturation of deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition by a pediatric dentist. With this inspection the child will result with a functionally and esthetically stable and excaptable occlusion. Many changes occure in the dental occlusion from the time of birth to adulthood. These changes are minor in the permanent dentition while major in the mixed dentiton. The pediatric dentist should always be aware of these dental changes, be able to diagnose any abnormal development (malocclusion) in the child patient. This kind of a concept will stop the unnecessary treatment applied to the physiological changes. The aim of this review is to discuss the changes in the occlusal relations and occlusion from deciduous to permanent dentition in children. ÖZET Çocuk hastalarn ağız ve diş sağlığının korunmasındaki tamamlayıcı unsur dişlerin süt, karışık ve sürekli dişlenme dönemlerindeki sürme ve gelişimlerinin takibinin bir pedodontist tarafından yaplmasıdır. Yaplan bu takip sonucunda fonksiyonel ve estetik olarak kabul edilebilir, stabil bir oklüzyon sağlanmış olur. Doğumdan erişkinliğe kadar geçen süre boyunca dental oklüzyonda pek çok değişimler meydana gelir. Bu değişimler karışık dişlenme döneminde daha belirgin iken; sürekli dişlenme döneminde daha küçük değişimler şeklinde gözlenebilir. Hekimin, çocuk hastada meydana gelen dental değişimlerin farkında olması ve meydana gelebilecek herhangi bir anormal gelişime tanı koyabilmesi gereklidir. Böyle bir yaklaşım, çocuk hastada meydana gelen “normal” fizyolojik durumların gereksiz yere tedavi edilmesini de engellemiş olacaktır. Bu derlemenin amacı; çocuklarda dişsiz dönemden sürekli dişlenme dönemine kadar kapanış ilişkileri ve oklüzyonunda meydana gelen fizyolojik değişimleri incelemektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çocuklarda oklüzyon, maloklüzyon, kapanş ilişkis

    Current understandings of colibactin regulation

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    The biosynthetic machinery for the production of colibactin is encoded by 19 genes (clbA – S) within the pks pathogenicity island harboured by many E. coli of the B2-phylogroup. Colibactin is a potent genotoxic metabolite which causes DNA-damage and which has potential roles in microbial competition and fitness of pks+ bacteria. Colibactin has also been strongly implicated in the development of colorectal cancer. Given the genotoxicity of colibactin and the metabolic cost of its synthesis, the regulatory system governing the clb cluster is accordingly highly complex, and many of the mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In this review we summarise the current understanding of regulation of colibactin biosynthesis by internal molecular components and how these factors are modulated by signals from the external environment

    Micro-Tensile Bond Strength of Fissure Sealants Treated with Different Antibacterial Agents

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    Svrha - Ovim istraživanjem in vitro željela se na pojednostavljenom modelu caklinske fisure procijeniti mikrozatezna snaga smole za pečaćenje tretirana antibakterijskim samojetkajućim adhezivnim sustavom, antibakterijskim predtretmanom prije nanošenja samojetkajućeg adhezivnog sustava i samojetkajućim sustavom. Materijali i metode: Tek izvađeni kravlji mandibularni sjekutići nasumce su podijeljeni u četiri skupine: A. 35-postotna fosforna kiselina + Clinpro sealant®; B. 35-postotna fosforna kiselina + Clearfil protect bond + Clinpro sealant®; C. 35-postotna fosforna kiselina + Consepsis Scrub® + Clearfil SE bond® + Clinpro sealant®; D. 35-postotna fosforna kiselina + Clearfil SE bond® + Clinpro sealant®. Dva komadića cakline učvršćena su voskom na sterilna stakalca s razmakom od 0,6 ± 0,1 milimetar. Zatim su okomito razrezani štapići (≈1mm x 1mm) podvrgnuti testu čvrstoće u univerzalnom stroju s konstantnom poprečnom brzinom glave (1mm/ min). Nakon toga je popucalim površinama određena vrsta frakture. Za statističku analizu korištena je jednosmjerna analiza varijance te Tukeyev i hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Mikrozatezna snaga veze u skupini C (34,63 ± 15,59 MPa) bila je mnogo veća nego u skupini A (19,86 ± 7,08 MPa) (p: 0,0001), B (24,49 ± 9,38 MPa) (p: 0,002) i D (19,84 ± 9,92 MPa) (p: 0,0001). Frakturne pukotine uglavnom su se nalazile u adhezivnom sloju, a među skupinama nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u obliku fraktura (p: 0,343). Zaključak: Mikrozatezna snaga veze samojetkajućeg adhezivnog sustava bila je na površinama tretiranima klorheksidinskim kavitetnim ezinficijensom značajno veća nego ona kod primijenjenog antibakterijskog samojetkajućeg sustava zasebno, samojetkajućeg adhezivnog sustava ili konvencionalnog jetkajućeg sustava kiselinom.Objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the micro-tensile enamel bond strength of fissure sealants treated by an antibacterial self-etching agent, antibacterial pretreatment prior to application of a self-etching adhesive system and self-etching adhesive system alone using the simplified enamel fissure model. Materials and Methods: Fresh extracted bovine mandibular incisors were randomly divided into four groups: A. 35% phosphoric acid + Clinpro sealant®; B. 35% phosphoric acid + Clearfil protect bond + Clinpro sealant®; C. 35% phosphoric acid + Consepsis Scrub® + Clearfil SE bond® + Clinpro sealant®; D. 35% phosphoric acid + Clearfil SE bond® + Clinpro sealant®. Two pieces (4 x 6 mm) of enamel were secured with wax on a sterile glass slide to a mean distance of 0.6 ± 0.1 mm. Vertically sectioned bars (≈1mmx 1mm) were submitted to tensile tests at constant crosshead speed (1mm/min) using a universal testing machine. Fractured surfaces were inspected to determine the mode of fracture. Regarding statistical analysis, One-way variance, Tukey and Chi-square tests were applied. Results: The micro-tensile bond strengths of group C (34.63±15.59 MPa) was significantly higher than group A (19.86±7.08 MPa) (p:0.0001), group B (24.49±9.38 MPa) (p:0.002) and group D (19.84±9.92 MPa) (p:0.0001). Failures were predominantly adhesive in nature; where there were no statistically significant differences in fracture patterns between groups. (p:0,343). Conclusion: The micro-tensile bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system previously treated with chlorhexidine cavity disinfectant was significantly higher than an antibacterial self-etching adhesive system alone, a self-etching adhesive system and a conventional acid etching system

    The Buffering Capacity of Probiotic Yogurt

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    Svrha: U ovom se istraživanju želio odrediti u literaturi još neistražen potencijal puferiranja probiotičkih jogurta. Zadaća je bila odrediti pH, titracijsku kiselost određenih probiotičkih jogurta i njihov puferski kapacitet s naglaskom na raspon pH u kojem je puferiranje učinkovito. Materijali i metode: Dvadeset i pet mililitara svakog odabranog jogurta titrirano je s 1 mol/L natrijeva hidroksida. Dodavao se postupno po 0,5 mililitara sve dok nije postignuto 10, kako bi se procijenila ukupna titrabilna kiselost – mjera za puferski kapacitet jogurta. Rezultat: Početni pH bio je najniži kod jogurta Activia Peach (4,40± 0,14), a najviši kod Danonea natural (5,29± 0,10). Puferski kapacitet analiziranih jogurta može biti sljedeći: Danone natural >Danone peach >Activia plain >Activia strawberry >Activia Peach. Između tih pet jogurta nema statistički značajne razlike (p >0,05). Zaključak: Trebalo bi preispitati tvrdnju o puferskom kapacitetu probiotičkih jogurta.Aim: The potential buffering role of probiotic yogurt has not been investigated. The aim of the study was to determine the pH, titratable acidity of a selection of various probiotic yogurts, their buffering effects with an emphasis on the pH range in which the buffer is efficient. Material & Methods: A quantity of 25 ml of each yogurt was titrated with 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide, added gradually by 0.5 ml, until the pH reached 10 to assess the total titratable acidity - a measure of probiotic yogurt’s own buffering capacity. Results: The initial pH was the lowest for Activia peach yogurt (4.40± 0.14) and the highest for Danone natural yogurt (5.29± 0.10). The buffering capacities can be listed as follows: Danone natural >Danone peach >Activia plain >Activia strawberry >Activia peach. There were no statistically significant differences observed between yogurts within any of the five groups compared as a whole with one another. (p >0.05). Conclusions: Buffering capacities of probiotic yogurts should be undermined

    Functional and biochemical characterization of the Toxoplasma gondii succinate dehydrogenase complex

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    The mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC) is a series of membrane embedded enzymatic complexes critical for energy conversion and mitochondrial metabolism. In commonly studied eukaryotes, including humans and animals, complex II, also known as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), is an essential four-subunit enzyme that acts as an entry point to the mETC, by harvesting electrons from the TCA cycle. Apicomplexa are pathogenic parasites with significant impact on human and animal health. The phylum includes Toxoplasma gondii which can cause fatal infections in immunocompromised people. Most apicomplexans, including Toxoplasma, rely on their mETC for survival, yet SDH remains largely understudied. Previous studies pointed to a divergent apicomplexan SDH with nine subunits proposed for the Toxoplasma complex, compared to four in humans. While two of the nine are homologs of the well-studied SDHA and B, the other seven have no homologs in SDHs of other systems. Moreover, SDHC and D, that anchor SDH to the membrane and participate in substrate bindings, have no homologs in Apicomplexa. Here, we validated five of the seven proposed subunits as bona fide SDH components and demonstrated their importance for SDH assembly and activity. We further find that all five subunits are important for parasite growth, and that disruption of SDH impairs mitochondrial respiration and results in spontaneous initiation of differentiation into bradyzoites. Finally, we provide evidence that the five subunits are membrane bound, consistent with their potential role in membrane anchoring, and we demonstrate that a DY motif in one of them, SDH10, is essential for complex formation and function. Our study confirms the divergent composition of Toxoplasma SDH compared to human, and starts exploring the role of the lineage-specific subunits in SDH function, paving the way for future mechanistic studies

    Micro-Tensile Dentin Bond Strength of Two All-in-One Adhesives and an Etch-and-Rinse Adhesive

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    Svrha: Istraživanjem se željela ocijeniti mikrozatezna čvrstoća dentinske veze dvaju jednokomponentnih adhezivnih sustava te jednoga koji se jetka i ispire. Ispitanici i postupak: Zubi su bili nasumce podijeljeni u tri skupine kako bi se ispitali u postupku sa sljedećim adhezivnim sustavima: Adhese One®, Futurabond M® i Adper Singlebond® (kontrola). Zbog toga su korijeni i apikalni dio dna pulpne komore bili uklonjeni mikrotomom. Nakon toga su nadogradnje rezane okomito u pravokutne (≈1mm x 1mm) štapiće, te su oni testirani - uz konstantnu brzinu glave (1mm/min) - na univerzalnom stroju za ispitivanje čvrstoće. Na taj je način bio ispitan svaki adhezivni sustav. Dobilo se petnaest uzoraka i testiran je bio svaki materijal povezan s dentinom. Frakturirane površine pregledane su kako bi se odredila vrsta oštećenja. Rezultati: Čvrstoća veze Adhese One (5,83±3,13 MPa) bila je znatno niža nego Futurabonda M (15,76±4,2 MPa) (p:0,0001) i Adper Singlebonda (21,14±5,04 MPa) (p:0,0001). Također je čvrstoća veze Futurabonda M bila statistički mnogo niža nego Adper Singlebonda (p:0,003). Zaključak: Ispitani jednokomponentni adhezivni sustavi pokazali su manju zateznu čvrstoću dentinske veze nego onaj s jetkanjem i ispiranjem.Aim: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the micro-tensile bond strength to dentin of two all-in-one adhesives and an etch-and-rinse adhesive. Material and Methods: The teeth were randomly divided into three groups for treatment with one of the following adhesives: Adhese One®, Futurabond M® and Adper Singlebond® (control). Roots and the apical floor of pulp chambers were removed with a microtome. The build-ups were vertically sectioned into rectangular (≈1mmx 1mm) compound bars with microtome. The bars were submitted to tensile tests at constant crosshead speed (1mm/min) using a universal testing machine and tested for each adhesive. Fifteen specimens were manufactured and tested for each material for permanent dentin. Fractured surfaces were inspected to determine the mode of fracture. Results: The bond strengths of Adhese One (5,83±3,13 MPa) was significantly lower than Futurabond M (15,76±4,2 MPa) (p:0,0001) and Adper Singlebond (21,14±5,04 MPa) (p:0,0001) while dentin bond strenght of Futurabond M was significantly lower than that of Adper Singlebond (p:0,003). Conclusions: The tested all-in-one adhesives showed lower dentin bond strengths than an etch-and-rinse adhesive

    High prevalence of NDM metallo-β-lactamase among ESBL-producing Escherichia coli İsolates

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    Resistance to β-lactams in Enterobacteriaceae has been increasing worldwide. This study aimed to determine the frequency of β-lactamase genes and antibiotic resistance rates of 140 extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates obtained from urinary tract infection in Ordu Province, Turkey. Isolates were identified by classic methods and by automated system. ESBL production was confirmed by double disk synergy test and antimicrobial susceptibility was investigated by disk diffusion method. All isolates were screened for β-lactamase coding genes from three groups (A, B, and D) by polymerase chain reaction. The highest rate of susceptible isolates was observed for imipenem (IPM, 99.3%) and ertapenem (ETP, 97.9%), and the highest rate of resistant isolates was observed for cefuroxime (97.9%), ceftriaxone (97.2%), and cefazolin (90.7%). In our study, blaCTX-M1-like group was the most prevalent β-lactamase (n = 109), followed by blaTEM (n = 68), blaCTX-M2 (n = 22), and blaSHV (n = 2). By contrast to low resistance rate to IPM and ETP, we determined blaNDM in 31 isolates (22.1%). In co-prevalence of blaNDM-1 and ESBL-coding genes, a low carbapenem resistance was determined. We can confirm that blaCTX-M1-types are still the most frequent β-lactamase coding gene in Turkey. Our study showed the highest prevalence of blaNDM-1 metallo-β-lactamase coding gene in ESBL-producing E. coli

    A Quantitative Analysis of a Probiotic Storage Media for Avulsed Teeth

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    Svrha istraživanja bila je u uvjetima in vitro ispitati potencijal različitih medija za pohranu izbijenog zuba kao što je, primjerice, probiotski jogurt (Bifidibacterium animalis DN 173010) u usporedbi s Hankovom slanom otopinom (HBSS), fiziološkom otopinom i mlijekom te ocijeniti njihov potencijal u održavanju vitalnosti stanica parodontnog ligamenta (PDL). Materijali i metode: Trideset i šest jednokorijenskih ekstrahiranih zuba sa zatvorenim korijenima podijeljeno je u šest eksperimentalnih grupa (N = 6). Izvađeni su atraumatski i isprani fiziološkom otopinom kako bi se uklonila zaostala krv. Nakon ekstrakcije sa svakog zuba uklonjena su tri milimetra koronalnog dijela stanica parodontnog ligamenta kako bi se uklonile potencijalno oštećene stanice. Pozitivna i negativna kontrola obavljene su odmah te ponovno nakon osmosatnog sušenja. Nakon ekstrakcije uzorci u pozitivnoj kontroli odmah su tretirani dispazom i kolagenazom. Uzorci u negativnoj kontroli osušeni su i ostavljeni osam sati te su nakon toga tretirani dispazom i kolagenazom, bez prethodnog tretiranja određenom otopinom. Broj vitalnih PDL stanica prebrojen je svjetlosnim mikroskopom s pomoću hemocitometra (20 x povećanje). Rezultati su analizirani nanoparametrijskom ANOVA-om te Kruskal-Wallisovim i Dunnovim testom višestruke usporedbe. Rezultati: U pozitivnoj kontroli zabilježeni su znatno bolji rezultati negoli u ostalim skupinama. Uočena je statistički značajna razlika između pozitivne kontrole i ostalih testiranih grupa (p = 0,000). Zubi pohranjeni u otopini imali su u pozitivnoj kontroli najviše vitalnih PDL stanica, a zatim slijede stanice pohranjene u jogurtu, HDSS-u, fiziološkoj otopini i mlijeku. Zaključak: Bifidibacterium animalis DN 173010 dobra je alternativa za privremeno pohranjivanje izbijenih zuba zbog mnoštva vitalnih PDL stanica. Probiotici su se pokazali kao medij pogodan za transport izbijenih zuba, ali je potrebno daljnje istraživanje kako bi se odredili komercijalno dostupni proizvodi za pohranu takvih zuba.Aim: The aim of the present in vitro study was to investigate the potential of a storage medium, probiotic yogurt (Bifidibacterium animalis DN 173010) in comparison with Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS), saline and milk in maintaining viable periodontal ligament (PDL) cells on simulated avulsed teeth. Materials and methods: Thirty-six freshly extracted single-rooted human teeth with closed apices were divided into six experimental groups (N=6). The teeth were extracted as atraumatically as possible and washed in sterile saline solution to eliminate residual blood. Following extractions, the coronal 3 mm of PDL tissues were scraped with a #15 scalpel to remove cells that may have been damaged. The positive and negative controls corresponded to 0 minutes and an 8-hour dry time, respectively. After extraction, the positive control teeth were immediately treated with dispase and collagenase. The negative control teeth were bench-dried for 8 h, with no follow-up storage solution time, and then placed in the dispase and collagenase. The number of viable protective least significant difference PDL cells were counted under a light microscope with a hemocytometer at 20x magnification and analyzed. Statistical analysis of the data was accomplished using Nonparametric ANOVA complemented by Kruskal-Wallis Test and Dunn’s Multiple Comparisons Test. Results: Positive control was found to be significantly better than the others, there were statistically significant differences between positive control and other test groups (p=0.000). The teeth stored in positive control demonstrated the highest number of viable PDL cells followed in order by probiotic yogurt, HBSS, saline and milk. Conclusion: Bifidibacterium animalis DN 173010 seems to be an alternative for the temporary storage of avulsed teeth, due to high number of viable PDL cells. Probiotics may be suitable transport media for avulsed teeth, but further research is warranted using the commercially available products