Micro-Tensile Dentin Bond Strength of Two All-in-One Adhesives and an Etch-and-Rinse Adhesive


Svrha: Istraživanjem se željela ocijeniti mikrozatezna čvrstoća dentinske veze dvaju jednokomponentnih adhezivnih sustava te jednoga koji se jetka i ispire. Ispitanici i postupak: Zubi su bili nasumce podijeljeni u tri skupine kako bi se ispitali u postupku sa sljedećim adhezivnim sustavima: Adhese One®, Futurabond M® i Adper Singlebond® (kontrola). Zbog toga su korijeni i apikalni dio dna pulpne komore bili uklonjeni mikrotomom. Nakon toga su nadogradnje rezane okomito u pravokutne (≈1mm x 1mm) štapiće, te su oni testirani - uz konstantnu brzinu glave (1mm/min) - na univerzalnom stroju za ispitivanje čvrstoće. Na taj je način bio ispitan svaki adhezivni sustav. Dobilo se petnaest uzoraka i testiran je bio svaki materijal povezan s dentinom. Frakturirane površine pregledane su kako bi se odredila vrsta oštećenja. Rezultati: Čvrstoća veze Adhese One (5,83±3,13 MPa) bila je znatno niža nego Futurabonda M (15,76±4,2 MPa) (p:0,0001) i Adper Singlebonda (21,14±5,04 MPa) (p:0,0001). Također je čvrstoća veze Futurabonda M bila statistički mnogo niža nego Adper Singlebonda (p:0,003). Zaključak: Ispitani jednokomponentni adhezivni sustavi pokazali su manju zateznu čvrstoću dentinske veze nego onaj s jetkanjem i ispiranjem.Aim: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the micro-tensile bond strength to dentin of two all-in-one adhesives and an etch-and-rinse adhesive. Material and Methods: The teeth were randomly divided into three groups for treatment with one of the following adhesives: Adhese One®, Futurabond M® and Adper Singlebond® (control). Roots and the apical floor of pulp chambers were removed with a microtome. The build-ups were vertically sectioned into rectangular (≈1mmx 1mm) compound bars with microtome. The bars were submitted to tensile tests at constant crosshead speed (1mm/min) using a universal testing machine and tested for each adhesive. Fifteen specimens were manufactured and tested for each material for permanent dentin. Fractured surfaces were inspected to determine the mode of fracture. Results: The bond strengths of Adhese One (5,83±3,13 MPa) was significantly lower than Futurabond M (15,76±4,2 MPa) (p:0,0001) and Adper Singlebond (21,14±5,04 MPa) (p:0,0001) while dentin bond strenght of Futurabond M was significantly lower than that of Adper Singlebond (p:0,003). Conclusions: The tested all-in-one adhesives showed lower dentin bond strengths than an etch-and-rinse adhesive

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