5 research outputs found

    Trust as subject content: Advancing students’ reasoning on democracy through displacement

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    Purpose: The article explores how the tension between embracing and scrutinising democracy can be productively overcome through social science teaching about democracy that focuses on trust as a subject content. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical materials were collected through focus group interviews before and after an inquiry-based teaching segment on trust, and the materials were analysed qualitatively through three grounded themes. Findings: It is argued that working with the displacement of subject content in inquiry-based teaching about democracy enhances the possibilities for students to deepen their knowledge about democracy, while enabling them to scrutinise the democratic system critically. Research limitations/implications: The article reports from a small-scale study of four classes in two upper secondary schools in Sweden, and the study provides tentative observations and conclusions that should be investigated further in future research. Practical implications: The article shows how trust as a subject content can contribute to problematising students’ understandings of democracy, and how the displacement of content can be important in formulating compelling questions and in designing inquiries on democracy

    Adsorption and Reduction of NO on Tin(W)Oxide Doped with Chromium(lll) Oxide

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    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is claimed to be a good choice for event handling applications. Current object- oriented telecom applications are known to suffer from additional complexity due to event handling code. In this paper we study the maintainability of FRP programs in the tele- com domain compared to traditional object-oriented programming (OOP), with the motivation that higher maintainability increases the service quality and decreases the costs. Two implementations of the same procedure are created: one using Haskell and the reactive-banana FRP frame- work and one using C++ and the OOP paradigm. Four software experts each with over 20 years of experience and three development engineers working on a product subject to study were engaged in evaluations, based on a questionnaire involving five different aspects of maintainability. The evaluations indicate a higher maintainability profile for FRP compared with OOP. This is confirmed by a more detailed analysis of the code size. While performance was not a main criteria, a preliminary evaluation shows that the OOP prototype is 8-10 times faster than the FRP prototype in the current (non-optimised) implementations.Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].</p

    Elevers erfarenheter i samhÀllskunskapsundervisning

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    I digitaliseringens tidevarv beskrivs ofta unga mĂ€nniskors politiska engagemang som minskande – inte minst nĂ€r det gĂ€ller traditionella former som ungdomsförbund och föreningsliv. Undersökningar om ungas engagemang och tilltro till det politiska systemet ger otvivelaktligen en sĂ„dan bild. Inom statsvetenskaplig forskning pĂ„gĂ„r emellertid en debatt om hur allvarligt lĂ€get Ă€r. Förenklat kan vi sĂ€ga att det finns tvĂ„ perspektiv som prĂ€glas av pessimism respektive optimism vad gĂ€ller framtiden. Pessimisterna menar att den unga generationens minskande engagemang utgör en potentiell risk för det demokratiska samhĂ€llet eftersom de demokratiska institutionerna fortlever genom nya generationers engagemang och aktivitet i föreningar, intresseorganisationer och politiska partier. Ur ett sĂ„dant perspektiv riskerar nu demokratin sin framtid genom att inte kunna locka till sig en ny generation politiskt aktiva ungdomar. Optimisterna pekar Ă„ sin sida pĂ„ att engagemanget och intresset finns kvar, men att det skiftat form: borta Ă€r unga som engagerade sig ideologiskt i politiska partier, men de har ersatts av en generation med lika brinnande intresse för ensaksfrĂ„gor och alternativa pĂ„verkansformer. Det politiska partiengagemanget i det inomparlamentariska systemet kan alltsĂ„ sĂ€gas ha ersatts av politiskt engagemang i sakfrĂ„gor i det utomparlamentariska systemet. FrĂ„gan Ă€r dĂ„ vilken roll skolan och sĂ€rskilt samhĂ€llskunskapsundervisningen – kan spela i ett sĂ„dant förĂ€ndrat landskap

    Should Government Agencies Be Trusted? Developing Students’ Civic Narrative Competence Through Social Science Education

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    Democratic school systems are expected to equip students with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes needed for life as citizens, particularly through social science education. Disciplinary knowledge, derived from the academic counterparts to school subjects, is essential in developing these skills. However, research has also emphasized the importance of life-world perspectives, where students’ experiences are included and taken seriously in teaching. This study suggests that the theory of (civic) narrative competence can function as a bridge between the disciplinary domain and the life-world domain in its focus on how students’ civic reasoning can be developed through teaching. The article uses narrative theory to explore how the students’ civic narratives changed and became more nuanced after a teaching segment focusing on social and political trust. In the article, we demonstrate how the students’ personal experiences colored their interpretations and orientations before the teaching segment and how their civic narratives were developed through the implemented teaching, which provided them with concepts, a theoretical model, and empirical examples. We found that the students did not discard previous perceptions after the teaching segment, but integrated them into their new knowledge and orientations, thus integrating the life-world and disciplinary domains.Social Science Education on Trust for an Active and Critical Citizenship (2019-03439_VR

    Maintainability of Functional Reactive Programs in a Telecom Server Software

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    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is claimed to be a good choice for event handling applications. Current object- oriented telecom applications are known to suffer from additional complexity due to event handling code. In this paper we study the maintainability of FRP programs in the tele- com domain compared to traditional object-oriented programming (OOP), with the motivation that higher maintainability increases the service quality and decreases the costs. Two implementations of the same procedure are created: one using Haskell and the reactive-banana FRP frame- work and one using C++ and the OOP paradigm. Four software experts each with over 20 years of experience and three development engineers working on a product subject to study were engaged in evaluations, based on a questionnaire involving five different aspects of maintainability. The evaluations indicate a higher maintainability profile for FRP compared with OOP. This is confirmed by a more detailed analysis of the code size. While performance was not a main criteria, a preliminary evaluation shows that the OOP prototype is 8-10 times faster than the FRP prototype in the current (non-optimised) implementations.Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].</p