47 research outputs found

    Force measurements with optical tweezers inside living cells

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    The force exerted by optical tweezers can be measured by tracking the momentum changes of the trapping beam, a method which is more general and powerful than traditional calibration techniques as it is based on first principles, but which has not been brought to its full potential yet, probably due to practical difficulties when combined with high-NA optical traps, such as the necessity to capture a large fraction of the scattered light. We show that it is possible to measure forces on arbitrary biological objects inside cells without an in situ calibration, using this approach. The instrument can be calibrated by measuring three scaling parameters that are exclusively determined by the design of the system, thus obtaining a conversion factor from volts to piconewtons that is theoretically independent of the physical properties of the sample and its environment. We prove that this factor keeps valid inside cells as it shows good agreement with other calibration methods developed in recent years for viscoelastic media. Finally, we apply the method to measuring the stall forces of kinesin and dynein in living A549 cells.Publisher PD

    Electric field assisted dissolution of metal clusters in metal island films for photonic heterostructures

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    The dissolution of metal clusters in metal island films by the simultaneous application of electric field and temperature is reported. The consequent fading of surface plasmon resonance greatly modifies the optical properties of the samples. The dissolution process is verified in island films of different metals, obtained under different conditions and covered by different dielectric materials, as well as on multilayer dielectric stacks showing interferential properties. The tailoring possibilities of the optical behavior of metal island films combined with the inexpensive technical requirements of this approach open up the possibility to produce low-cost photonic heterostructures

    Metal island film-based structures for sensing using spectrophotometry and ellipsometry

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    Metal island films (MIF) are good candidates for sensors due to the strong sensitivity of the localised surface plasmon resonance to the environment refractive index. The strong near field enhancement in the vicinity of the island surface can be even higher if a metal layer (ML) is placed close to a MIF. Structures containing MIF with and without ML are prepared and sensitivities of spectrophotometric and ellipsometric features of the measurements are compared. It is shown that simple MIF is preferable for ellipsometry-based sensing and the one including ML in the case of spectrophotometric measurements

    Fano resonances in plasmonic core-shell particles and the Purcell effect

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    Despite a long history, light scattering by particles with size comparable with the light wavelength still unveils surprising optical phenomena, and many of them are related to the Fano effect. Originally described in the context of atomic physics, the Fano resonance in light scattering arises from the interference between a narrow subradiant mode and a spectrally broad radiation line. Here, we present an overview of Fano resonances in coated spherical scatterers within the framework of the Lorenz-Mie theory. We briefly introduce the concept of conventional and unconventional Fano resonances in light scattering. These resonances are associated with the interference between electromagnetic modes excited in the particle with different or the same multipole moment, respectively. In addition, we investigate the modification of the spontaneous-emission rate of an optical emitter at the presence of a plasmonic nanoshell. This modification of decay rate due to electromagnetic environment is referred to as the Purcell effect. We analytically show that the Purcell factor related to a dipole emitter oriented orthogonal or tangential to the spherical surface can exhibit Fano or Lorentzian line shapes in the near field, respectively.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures; invited book chapter to appear in "Fano Resonances in Optics and Microwaves: Physics and Application", Springer Series in Optical Sciences (2018), edited by E. O. Kamenetskii, A. Sadreev, and A. Miroshnichenk

    Structure and Morphology of Silver Nanoparticles on the (111) Surface of Cerium Oxide

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    The structure of Ag nanoparticles of different size, supported on the cerium oxide (111) surface, was investigated by X-ray absorption fine structure at the Ag K-edge. The results of the data analysis in the near and extended energy range are interpreted with the help of the results obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements and allow to obtain a detailed atomic scale description of the model system investigated. The Ag nanoparticles have an average size of a few tens of angstroms, which increases with increasing deposited Ag amount. The nanoparticles show a slight tendency to nucleate at the step edges between different cerium oxide layers and they have a face centered cubic structure with an Ag-Ag interatomic distance contracted by 3-4% with respect to the bulk value. The interatomic distance contraction is mainly ascribed to dimensionality induced effects, while epitaxial effects have a minor role. The presence of Ag-O bonds at the interface between the nanoparticles and the supporting oxide is also detected. The Ag-O interatomic distance decreases with decreasing nanoparticle size

    DFT-Based Approach Enables Deliberate Tuning of Alloy Nanostructures Plasmonic Properties

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    Using DFT we calculated band structures and dielectric functions of multiple binary alloy systems. The obtained data enabled us to elucidate the interconnection between alloy composition, fundamental properties such as band structure and their optical properties. The analysis provides the explanation for the smooth change of optical properties in the UV/VIS range and reveals the appearance of strong optical losses in the IR range due to interband transitions. Since they are present in all alloys but not in pure metals we identify such transitions as an emergent property of alloying. To predict plasmonic properties of different alloy nanostructures we performed electrodynamics simulations based on calculated and experimental dielectric functions. The results showed that that calculations based on the standardly used PBE functional in some cases drastically deviate from experiment-based results, and the calculations with an equally efficient GLLB-SC functional are superior. </div

    Force measurements with optical tweezers inside living cells

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    The force exerted by optical tweezers can be measured by tracking the momentum changes of the trapping beam, a method which is more general and powerful than traditional calibration techniques as it is based on first principles, but which has not been brought to its full potential yet, probably due to practical difficulties when combined with high-NA optical traps, such as the necessity to capture a large fraction of the scattered light. We show that it is possible to measure forces on arbitrary biological objects inside cells without an in situ calibration, using this approach. The instrument can be calibrated by measuring three scaling parameters that are exclusively determined by the design of the system, thus obtaining a conversion factor from volts to piconewtons that is theoretically independent of the physical properties of the sample and its environment. We prove that this factor keeps valid inside cells as it shows good agreement with other calibration methods developed in recent years for viscoelastic media. Finally, we apply the method to measuring the stall forces of kinesin and dynein in living A549 cells