2,315 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Quantum Theory and Special Relativity in signaling scenarios

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    The coexistence between Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity is usually formulated in terms of the no-signaling condition. Several authors have even suggested that this condition should be included between the basic postulates of Quantum Theory. However, there are several scenarios where signaling is, in principle, possible: based on previous results and the analysis of the relation between unitarity and signaling we present an example of a two-particle interferometric arrangement for which the dynamics is, in principle, compatible with superluminal transmission of information. This type of non-locality is not in the line of Bell's theorem, but closer in spirit to the one-particle acausality studied by Hegerfeldt and others. We analyze in this paper the meaning of this non-locality and how to preserve the coexistence of the two fundamental theories in this signaling scenario.Comment: See also the comment by G C Hegerfeldt in the online version of the journal, including more reference

    Self-sustained spatiotemporal oscillations induced by membrane-bulk coupling

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    We propose a novel mechanism leading to spatiotemporal oscillations in extended systems that does not rely on local bulk instabilities. Instead, oscillations arise from the interaction of two subsystems of different spatial dimensionality. Specifically, we show that coupling a passive diffusive bulk of dimension d with an excitable membrane of dimension d-1 produces a self-sustained oscillatory behavior. An analytical explanation of the phenomenon is provided for d=1. Moreover, in-phase and anti-phase synchronization of oscillations are found numerically in one and two dimensions. This novel dynamic instability could be used by biological systems such as cells, where the dynamics on the cellular membrane is necessarily different from that of the cytoplasmic bulk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    First Principles Studies on 3-Dimentional Strong Topological Insulators: Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3

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    Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 compounds are recently predicted to be 3-dimentional (3D) strong topological insulators. In this paper, based on ab-initio calculations, we study in detail the topological nature and the surface states of this family compounds. The penetration depth and the spin-resolved Fermi surfaces of the surface states will be analyzed. We will also present an procedure, from which highly accurate effective Hamiltonian can be constructed, based on projected atomic Wannier functions (which keep the symmetries of the systems). Such Hamiltonian can be used to study the semi-infinite systems or slab type supercells efficiently. Finally, we discuss the 3D topological phase transition in Sb2(Te1-xSex)3 alloy system.Comment: 8 pages,17 figure

    Diet of three large pelagic fishes associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the western equatorial Indian Ocean

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    Dieta de tres peces pelágicos de gran tamaño asociados a agregaciones de peces bajo objetos flotantes (DFADs) en el Océano Índico ecuatorial occidental Los objetos flotantes congregan distintas especies de peces en aguas tropicales marinas. Se capturaron tres especies depredadoras: atún de aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares), petos (Acanthocybium solandri) y llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus) en agregaciones bajo objetos flotantes en el Océano Índico occidental, para caracterizar su dieta y determinar si se alimentan de organismos asociados a las DFADs. Los atunes de aleta amarilla no se alimentaron de presas asociadas a objetos flotantes, mientras los petos y llampugas sí explotaron los recursos agregados a estos objetos flotantes, aunque predominantemente se alimentaron de otros organismos no asociados a ellos. En atunes de aleta amarilla y en llampugas asociados a FADs se observó una predación oportunista en la superficie de agrupaciones de crustáceos estomatópodos pero no así en los petos. Palabras clave: Dispositivos agregadores de peces, Atún de aleta amarilla, Llampuga, Peto, Contenidos estomacales, Dieta.Several species of fish, aggregate around DFADs in marine tropical waters. We captured three predatory species: yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares), wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from aggregations under DFADs in the Western Indian Ocean to characterize their diet and determine whether they fed on other DFAD associated organisms. Yellowfin tuna did not feed on DFAD–associated prey, while wahoo and dolphinfish did exploit resources aggregated by the DFADs, though they predominantly fed on other non–associated organisms. Opportunistic feeding on surface swarming stomatopod crustaceans was observed in yellowfin tuna and dolphinfish associated with FADs, but was not observed in wahoo. Key words: FAD, Yellowfin tuna, Dolphinfish, Wahoo, Stomach contents, Diet.Dieta de tres peces pelágicos de gran tamaño asociados a agregaciones de peces bajo objetos flotantes (DFADs) en el Océano Índico ecuatorial occidental Los objetos flotantes congregan distintas especies de peces en aguas tropicales marinas. Se capturaron tres especies depredadoras: atún de aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares), petos (Acanthocybium solandri) y llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus) en agregaciones bajo objetos flotantes en el Océano Índico occidental, para caracterizar su dieta y determinar si se alimentan de organismos asociados a las DFADs. Los atunes de aleta amarilla no se alimentaron de presas asociadas a objetos flotantes, mientras los petos y llampugas sí explotaron los recursos agregados a estos objetos flotantes, aunque predominantemente se alimentaron de otros organismos no asociados a ellos. En atunes de aleta amarilla y en llampugas asociados a FADs se observó una predación oportunista en la superficie de agrupaciones de crustáceos estomatópodos pero no así en los petos. Palabras clave: Dispositivos agregadores de peces, Atún de aleta amarilla, Llampuga, Peto, Contenidos estomacales, Dieta

    From subdiffusion to superdiffusion of particles on solid surfaces

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    We present a numerical and partially analytical study of classical particles obeying a Langevin equation that describes diffusion on a surface modeled by a two dimensional potential. The potential may be either periodic or random. Depending on the potential and the damping, we observe superdiffusion, large-step diffusion, diffusion, and subdiffusion. Superdiffusive behavior is associated with low damping and is in most cases transient, albeit often long. Subdiffusive behavior is associated with highly damped particles in random potentials. In some cases subdiffusive behavior persists over our entire simulation and may be characterized as metastable. In any case, we stress that this rich variety of behaviors emerges naturally from an ordinary Langevin equation for a system described by ordinary canonical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics

    Speeding chemical reactions by focusing

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    We present numerical results for a chemical reaction of colloidal particles which are transported by a laminar fluid and are focused by periodic obstacles in such a way that the two components are well mixed and consequently the chemical reaction is speeded up. The roles of the various system param- eters (diffusion coefficients, reaction rate, and obstacles sizes) are studied. We show that focusing speeds up the reaction from the diffusion limited rate, ~t-1/2 to very close to the perfect mixing rate, ~t1/2~t-1Postprint (published version

    Hole Pairs in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    The interactions between holes in the Hubbard model, in the low density, intermediate to strong coupling limit, are investigated. Dressed spin polarons in neighboring sites have an increased kinetic energy and an enhanced hopping rate. Both effects are of the order of the hopping integral and lead to an effective attraction at intermediate couplings. Our results are derived by systematically improving mean field calculations. The method can also be used to derive known properties of isolated spin polarons.Comment: 4 page

    Diffusion on a solid surface: Anomalous is normal

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    We present a numerical study of classical particles diffusing on a solid surface. The particles' motion is modeled by an underdamped Langevin equation with ordinary thermal noise. The particle-surface interaction is described by a periodic or a random two dimensional potential. The model leads to a rich variety of different transport regimes, some of which correspond to anomalous diffusion such as has recently been observed in experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that this anomalous behavior is controlled by the friction coefficient, and stress that it emerges naturally in a system described by ordinary canonical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics

    Class of self-limiting growth models in the presence of nonlinear diffusion

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    The source term in a reaction-diffusion system, in general, does not involve explicit time dependence. A class of self-limiting growth models dealing with animal and tumor growth and bacterial population in a culture, on the other hand are described by kinetics with explicit functions of time. We analyze a reaction-diffusion system to study the propagation of spatial front for these models.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Physical Review