3,029 research outputs found

    Function and propriety: The furniture of the Royal Palace of Madrid under Charles III

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    Hasta ahora no había salido a la luz el inventario del mobiliario del Palacio Real de Madrid durante el reinado de Carlos III, periodo esencial en esta importante residencia regia pues corresponde al momento en que se concibe y realiza prácticamente todo su ornato interior y en que se habita por primera vez. El inventario del oficio de la Furriera, de 1776, permite una reconstrucción no sólo de importantes aspectos artísticos, sino de los de la vida cotidiana en la principal morada de aquel soberano ilustrado cuando la monarquía de España contaba aún entre las primeras potencias y una de las principales cortes de EuropaThe Royal Palace of Madrid inventory of furniture for the reign of Charles III had not come to light until now. An essential period in this important royal residence, because it corresponds to the moment when it is conceived and practically made all its interior decoration and in which it was inhabited for the first time. The inventory of the office of the Furriera, 1776, allows a reconstruction not only of important artistic aspects, but of those of the daily life in the principal residence of that enlightened sovereign, when the monarchy of Spain still counted among the first powers and it was one of the main Courts of Europ

    A Physical Layer Model for G3-PLC Networks Simulation

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    This work presents a model of the G3-PLC physical (PHY) layer tailored for network simulations. It allows simulating frequency selective channels with non-stationary colored noise. Collisions with other frames are modeled taking into account the length and the power of the interfering frames. Frame errors are estimated using the effective signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio mapping (ESM) function. The proposed PHY layer has been integrated into a distributed event-based simulator developed by Microchip. The layer 2+ stack of the simulator uses the same code that actual Microchip G3-PLC devices. Validation has been accomplished by comparing its results to a test network deployed in the laboratory. The latter consists of a coordinator and one hundred meters distributed in 5 levels. Faster-than-real-time simulations and an excellent agreement between the simulated and the measured performance indicators at the application layer have been obtained.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Function and propriety: The furniture of the Royal Palace of Madrid under Charles III

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    Hasta ahora no había salido a la luz el inventario del mobiliario del Palacio Real de Madrid durante el reinado de Carlos III, periodo esencial en esta importante residencia regia pues corresponde al momento en que se concibe y realiza prácticamente todo su ornato interior y en que se habita por primera vez. El inventario del oficio de la Furriera, de 1776, permite una reconstrucción no sólo de importantes aspectos artísticos, sino de los de la vida cotidiana en la principal morada de aquel soberano ilustrado cuando la monarquía de España contaba aún entre las primeras potencias y una de las principales cortes de EuropaThe Royal Palace of Madrid inventory of furniture for the reign of Charles III had not come to light until now. An essential period in this important royal residence, because it corresponds to the moment when it is conceived and practically made all its interior decoration and in which it was inhabited for the first time. The inventory of the office of the Furriera, 1776, allows a reconstruction not only of important artistic aspects, but of those of the daily life in the principal residence of that enlightened sovereign, when the monarchy of Spain still counted among the first powers and it was one of the main Courts of Europ

    Physical properties of voltage gated pores

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    Experiments on single ionic channels have contributed to a large extent to our current view on the function of cell membrane. In these experiments the main observables are the physical quantities: ionic concentration, membrane electrostatic potential and ionic fluxes, all of them presenting large fluctuations. The classical theory of Goldman–Hodking–Katz assumes that an open channel can be well described by a physical pore where ions follow statistical physics. Nevertheless real molecular channels are active pores with open and close dynamical states. By skipping the molecular complexity of real channels, here we present the internal structure and calibration of two active pore models. These models present a minimum set of degrees of freedom, specifically ion positions and gate states, which follow Langevin equations constructed from a unique potential energy functional and by using standard rules of statistical physics. Numerical simulations of both models are implemented and the results show that they have dynamical properties very close to those observed in experiments of Na and K molecular channels. In particular a significant effect of the external ion concentration on gating dynamics is predicted, which is consistent with previous experimental observations. This approach can be extended to other channel types with more specific phenomenology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparison of the crack pattern in accelerated corrosion tests and in finite elements simulations

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    In this work, the crack pattern obtained in accelerated corrosion tests is compared to the one obtained in numerical simulations for reinforced steel concrete samples. In the simulations, an expansive joint element is used to simulate the oxide layer behaviour together with finite elements with embedded adaptable cohesive crack to simulate the concrete fracture. In parallel, some samples are artificially corroded imposing constant current and after corrosion they are impregnated with resin containing fluorescein to improve the detection of the cracks. In the paper, the main features of the model and the experimental procedure are described and the crack pattern is analysed. A main crack across the concrete cover is easily seen in both cases, but also secondary cracks are observed after treating the concrete surface, in accordance with the model predictions, which gives further support to the ability of the numerical approach to simulate the real cracking processes

    Affine functors and duality

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    Un funtor de conjuntos X más de la categoría de álgebras-K conmutativa se dice que es un funtor afín si su funtor de funciones, Aₓ, es reflexiva y X = SpecAₓ. Probamos que funtores afines son igual a un límite directo de los esquemas afines y que los sistemas afines, esquemas formales, la finalización de los planes afines a lo largo de un subesquema cerrado, etc., son funtores afines. Dotar a un funtor afín X con un funtor de estructura monoide equivale a dotar Aₓ con un funtor de estructura biálgebras. Si G es un funtor afín de monoides, entonces A*G es el funtor envolvente de álgebras de G y la categoría de G-módulos es equivalente a la categoría de A*G-módulos. Las aplicaciones de estos resultados incluyen la dualidad Cartier, dualidad Tannakian neutral para los esquemas del grupo afín, la equivalencia entre los grupos formales y álgebras de Lie de característica cero, etc.A functor of sets X over the category of K-commutative algebras is said to be an affine functor if its functor of functions, Aₓ, is reflexive and X = SpecAₓ. We prove that affine functors are equal to a direct limit of affine schemes and that affine schemes, formal schemes, the completion of affine schemes along a closed subscheme, etc., are affine functors. Endowing an affine functor X with a functor of monoids structure is equivalent to endowing Aₓ with a functor of bialgebras structure. If G is an affine functor of monoids, then A∗G is the enveloping functor of algebras of G and the category of G-modules is equivalent to the category of A∗G-modules. Applications of these results include Cartier duality, neutral Tannakian duality for affine group schemes, the equivalence between formal groups and Lie algebras in characteristic zero, etc

    Reflexive functors of modules in commutative algebra

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    Funtores reflexivos de módulos aparecen de forma natural en Geometría algebraica, principalmente en la teoría de las representaciones lineales de los planes de grupo, y en "teorías de dualidad". En este trabajo se estudian determinados funtores reflexivos de los módulos y ofrecemos muchas propiedades de funtores reflexivos de los módulos, de álgebra y de biálgebras.Reflexive functors of modules naturally appear in Algebraic Geometry, mainly in the theory of linear representations of group schemes, and in “duality theories”. In this paper we study and determine reflexive functors of modules and we give many properties of reflexive functors of modules, of algebras and of bialgebras