2,371 research outputs found

    Heat Fluctuations in Brownian Transducers

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    Heat fluctuation probability distribution function in Brownian transducers operating between two heat reservoirs is studied. We find, both analytically and numerically, that the recently proposed Fluctuation Theorem for Heat Exchange [C. Jarzynski and D. K. Wojcik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 230602 (2004)] has to be modified when the coupling mechanism between both baths is considered. We also extend such relation when external work is present. Our work fixes the domain of applicability of the theorem in more realistic operating systems.Comment: Comments are welcom

    White noise flashing Brownian pump

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    A Brownian pump of particles powered by a stochastic flashing ratchet mechanism is studied. The pumping device is embedded in a finite region and bounded by particle reservoirs. In the steady state, we exactly calculate the spatial density profile, the concentration ratio between both reservoirs and the particle flux. A simple numerical scheme is presented allowing for the consistent evaluation of all such observable quantities

    Dynamics of Holes and Universality Class of the Antiferromagnetic Transition in the Two Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    The dynamics of a single hole (or electron) in the two dimensional Hubbard model is investigated. The antiferromagnetic background is described by a N\`eel state, and the hopping of the carrier is analyzed within a configuration interaction approach. Results are in agreement with other methods and with experimental data when available. All data are compatible with the opening of a mean field gap in a Fermi liquid of spin polarons, the so called Slater type of transition. In particular, this hypothesis explains the unusual dispersion relation of the quasiparticle bands near the transition. Recent photoemission data for Ca2_2CuO2_2Cl2_2 are analyzed within this context.Comment: New results and comparison with recent data adde

    An analytical approach to sorting in periodic potentials

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    There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles driven across such a surface by an external force according to some particle characteristic such as size or index of refraction. The surface features cause the trajectories of particles driven across the surface to deviate from the direction of the force by an amount that depends on the particular characteristic, thus leading to sorting. While models of this behavior have provided a good understanding of these observations, the solutions have so far been primarily numerical. In this paper we provide analytic predictions for the dependence of the angle between the direction of motion and the external force on a number of model parameters for periodic as well as random surfaces. We test these predictions against exact numerical simulations

    Symmetric Brownian motor

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    In this paper we present a model of a symmetric Brownian motor (SBM) which changes the sign of its velocity when the temperature gradient is inverted. The velocity, external work and efficiency are studied as a function of the temperatures of the baths and other relevant parameters. The motor shows a current reversal when another parameter (a phase shift) is varied. Analytical predictions and results from numerical simulations are performed and agree very well. Generic properties of this type of motors are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 10 figure

    Tight coupling in thermal Brownian motors

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    We study analytically a thermal Brownian motor model and calculate exactly the Onsager coefficients. We show how the reciprocity relation holds and that the determinant of the Onsager matrix vanishes. Such condition implies that the device is built with tight coupling. This explains why Carnot's efficiency can be achieved in the limit of infinitely slow velocities. We also prove that the efficiency at maximum power has the maximum possible value, which corresponds to the Curzon-Alhborn bound. Finally, we discuss the model acting as a Brownian refrigerator

    Hole Pairs in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    The interactions between holes in the Hubbard model, in the low density, intermediate to strong coupling limit, are investigated. Dressed spin polarons in neighboring sites have an increased kinetic energy and an enhanced hopping rate. Both effects are of the order of the hopping integral and lead to an effective attraction at intermediate couplings. Our results are derived by systematically improving mean field calculations. The method can also be used to derive known properties of isolated spin polarons.Comment: 4 page

    Confinement of electrons in layered metals

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    We analyze the out of plane hopping in models of layered systems where the in--plane properties deviate from Landau's theory of a Fermi liquid. We show that the hopping term acquires a non trivial energy dependence, due to the coupling to in plane excitations, and can be either relevant or irrelevant at low energies or temperatures. The latter is always the case if the Fermi level lies close to a saddle point in the dispersion relation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figur

    Measuring self-esteem in Spanish adolescents: Equivalence across gender and educational levels

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    Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (RSES) has been applied in many areas of psychology, highlighting the interest in the study of gender differences and educational level. At the same time, there was a methodological debate on its psychometric properties. Evidence points at a scale measuring a single trait confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine RSES differences due to gender and educational level at the factor level, while controlling for the presence of method effects, in Spanish students. A completely a priori model was separately tested in four subsamples: college men and women, and high school men and women, and an invariance routine implemented for them. The primary conclusions are that the scale measures equally well in the four samples, and there were no latent mean differences due to gender or educational level. La escala de autoestima de Rosenberg (RSES) se ha empleado en muchas áreas de la psicología, destacando el interés por el estudio de las diferencias de género y de nivel educativo. Paralelamente, ha habido un debate metodológico sobre sus propiedades psicométricas: la evidencia señala que mide un solo rasgo de autoestima, pero confundido con un efecto de método asociado a los ítems invertidos. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las diferencias en género y nivel educativo de la RSES, controlando por la presencia de efectos de método en estudiantes españoles. Se estimó un modelo completamente a priori en cuatro muestras: estudiantes hombres y mujeres de instituto y de universidad, y se implementó una rutina completa de invarianza factorial. Los principales resultados son que la escala mide de forma adecuada a las cuatro muestras y no hubo diferencias en las medias latentes en función del género o el nivel educativo

    Spatio-temporal Bounded Noises, and transitions induced by them in solutions of real Ginzburg-Landau model

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    In this work, we introduce two spatio-temporal colored bounded noises, based on the zero-dimensional Cai-Lin and Tsallis-Borland noises. We then study and characterize the dependence of the defined bounded noises on both a temporal correlation parameter τ\tau and on a spatial coupling parameter λ\lambda. The boundedness of these noises has some consequences on their equilibrium distributions. Indeed in some cases varying λ\lambda may induce a transition of the distribution of the noise from bimodality to unimodality. With the aim to study the role played by bounded noises on nonlinear dynamical systems, we investigate the behavior of the real Ginzburg-Landau time-varying model additively perturbed by such noises. The observed phase transitions phenomenology is quite different from the one observed when the perturbations are unbounded. In particular, we observed an inverse "order-to-disorder" transition, and a re-entrant transition, with dependence on the specific type of bounded noise.Comment: 12 (main text)+5 (supplementary) page
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