13,483 research outputs found

    Behaviour of compacted silt used to construct flood embankment

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    This paper investigates the unsaturated mechanical behaviour of a fill material sampled from flood embankments located along the Bengawan Solo River in Indonesia. In order to gain a better understanding of this fill material, in situ tests were carried out alongside an extensive laboratory programme. Two different phenomena related to changes in moisture content of the embankment fill material are experimentally studied herein: (a) volumetric collapse and (b) variation in shear strength with suction. At low densities, similar to those found in situ, the material exhibited significant volumetric collapse behaviour. Triaxial tests carried out under saturated, suction-controlled and constant water content conditions indicate that the shear strength of the material increased with suction; in particular the effective angle of friction increased from 24.9 degrees under saturated conditions to 35.8 degrees under air-dried conditions

    Mortality transition and differential incentives for early retirement

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    Many studies specify human mortality patterns parametrically, with a parameter change affecting mortality rates at different ages simultaneously. Motivated by the stylized fact that a mortality decline affects primarily younger people in the early phase of mortality transition but mainly older people in the later phase, we study how a mortality change at an arbitrary age affects optimal retirement age. Using the Volterra derivative for a functional, we show that mortality reductions at older ages delay retirement unambiguously, but that mortality reductions at younger ages may lead to earlier retirement due to a substantial increase in the individual's expected lifetime human wealth. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.postprin

    A Review of Crop Height Retrieval Using InSAR Strategies: Techniques and Challenges

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    This article compares the performance of four different interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques for the estimation of rice crop height by means of bistatic TanDEM-X data. Methods based on the interferometric phase alone, on the coherence amplitude alone, on the complex coherence value, and on polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR) are analyzed. Validation is conducted with reference data acquired over rice fields in Spain during the Science Phase of the TanDEM-X mission. Single- and dual-polarized data are exploited to also provide further insights into the polarization influence on these approaches. Vegetation height estimates from methodologies based on the interferometric phase show a general underestimation for the HH channel (with a bias that reaches around 25 cm in mid-July for some fields), whereas the VV channel is strongly influenced by noisy phases, especially at large incidences [root-mean-square error (RMSE) = 31 cm]. Results show that these approaches perform better at shallower incidences than the methodologies based on coherence amplitude and on PolInSAR, which obtain the most suitable results at steep incidences, with RMSE values of 17 and 23 cm. On the contrary, at shallower incidences, they are highly affected by very low input coherence levels. Hence, they tend to overestimate vegetation height.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, in part by the State Agency of Research, and in part by the European Funds for Regional Development under Project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P. The work of Noelia Romero-Puig was supported in part by the Generalitat Valenciana and in part by the European Social Fund under Grant ACIF/2018/204

    Assessing the generational impact of COVID-19 using National Transfer Accounts (NTAs)

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    An important aspect of the current COVID-19 crisis is that not all age groups are equally affected by the pandemic. To account for the generational impact of COVID- 19, a dynamic overlapping generations model with realistic demography, human capital and NTAs is constructed. The COVID-19 crisis is modelled through two unexpected and temporary negative shocks: an economic shock that reduces labour income, and a demographic shock that increases the mortality hazard rates of those infected. The model is applied to 12 countries for which full NTA data are available. Results are presented for two extreme fiscal policies: one in which governments compensate workers for 0% (without fiscal support) of their total labour income losses due to the pandemic, and another in which governments compensate workers for 100% (with fiscal support) of these losses. In addition, I analyse the impact of these policies on public debt. The results show that COVID-19 is affecting the financial situations of people aged 25 to 64 and their children more than those of older people. By compensating workers for their income losses, the economic impact of COVID-19 has been more evenly distributed across cohorts, reducing the burden on people aged zero to 64, and increasing the burden on people aged 65 and older. Moreover, the simulation results show that a 1% decline in labour income leads to an average increase in the debt-to-total labour income ratio of between 1.2% (without fiscal policy) and 1.6% (with fiscal policy)

    Evaluation of PolInSAR Observables for Crop-Type Mapping Using Bistatic TanDEM-X Data

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    The contribution of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR) observables to crop-type classification is investigated in this letter. The focus is set on characteristic parameters of the Coherence Region (CoRe), i.e. the representation in the polar plot of the PolInSAR data. For this purpose, time series of dual-pol HH-VV single-pass TanDEM-X bistatic data acquired over an agricultural area in Spain are exploited. In the experiment, up to 13 different crop types are evaluated. Crop classification is performed by means of the well-known Random Forest algorithm. The retrieved accuracy metrics highlight the potential of the evaluated PolInSAR descriptors for this application. Some PolInSAR features have proven to be enough representative of the scene, such as the Trace Coherence, which yields a classification accuracy of 75% and 87% at pixel and field level, respectively, on its own. Using all the PolInSAR parameters jointly as input features, classification reaches around 90% and 94% accuracy at pixel and field level, respectively. However, there are some PolInSAR feature subsets, e.g. the coherence measured at the Pauli channels or the foci of the ellipse which represents the CoRe, which yield accuracy levels very close to these maxima. These results demonstrate the suitability of the PolInSAR parameters for crop-type classification. Results are further improved when both polarimetric and PolInSAR features are combined, reaching 94% and 96% accuracy at pixel and field level, respectively.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Agency of Research (AEI) and the European Funds for Regional Development (EFRD) under Project PID2020-117303GB-C22. Mario Busquier received a grant from the University of Alicante [UAFPU20-08]

    Improving prediction of students' performance in intelligent tutoring systems using attribute selection and ensembles of different multimodal data sources

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    The aim of this study was to predict university students' learning performance using different sources of data from an Intelligent Tutoring System. We collected and preprocessed data from 40 students from different multimodal sources: learning strategies from system logs, emotions from face recording videos, interaction zones from eye tracking, and test performance from final knowledge evaluation. Our objective was to test whether the prediction could be improved by using attribute selection and classification ensembles. We carried out three experiments by applying six classification algorithms to numerical and discretized preprocessed multimodal data. The results show that the best predictions were produced using ensembles and selecting the best attributes approach with numerical data

    Estimation of RVoG Scene Parameters by Means of PolInSAR With TanDEM-X Data: Effect of the Double-Bounce Contribution

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    This article evaluates the effect of the double-bounce (DB) decorrelation term that appears in single-pass bistatic acquisitions, as in the TanDEM-X system, on the inversion of scene parameters by means of polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR). The retrieval of all scene parameters involved in the Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) model (i.e., ground topography, vegetation height, extinction, and ground-to-volume ratios) is affected by this term when the radar response from the ground is dominated by the DB. The estimation error in all these parameters is analyzed by means of simulations over a wide range of system configurations and scene variables for both agricultural crops and forest scenarios. Simulations demonstrate that the inclusion of the DB term, which complicates the inversion algorithm, is necessary for the angles of incidence shallower than 30° to achieve an estimation error below 10% in vegetation height and to avoid a significant underestimation in the ground-to-volume ratios. At steep incidences, this decorrelation term does not affect the estimation of vegetation height and ground-to-volume ratios. Regarding the extinction, this parameter is intrinsically not well estimated, since most retrieved values are close to the initial guesses employed for the optimization algorithm, regardless of the use or not of the DB decorrelation term. Finally, these findings are compared with the experimental results from the TanDEM-X data acquired over the rice fields in Spain for the available system parameters (baseline and incidence angle) of the acquired data set.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the State Agency of Research (AEI), and in part by the European Funds for Regional Development (EFRD) under Project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P. The work of Noelia Romero-Puig was supported in part by the Generalitat Valenciana and in part by the European Social Fund (ESF) under Grant ACIF/2018/204