12,230 research outputs found

    The full Schwinger-Dyson tower for random tensor models

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    We treat random rank-DD tensor models as DD-dimensional quantum field theories---tensor field theories (TFT)---and review some of their non-perturbative methods. We classify the correlation functions of complex tensor field theories by boundary graphs, sketch the derivation of the Ward-Takahashi identity and stress its relevance in the derivation of the tower of exact, analytic Schwinger-Dyson equations for all the correlation functions (with connected boundary) of TFTs with quartic pillow-like interactions.Comment: Proceedings: Corfu 2017 Training School "Quantum Spacetime and Physics Models

    Argentina's labor markets in an era of adjustment

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    The current economic crisis in Argentina is only partly the result of inappropriate domestic policies to cope with the recent external shocks. Years of inappropriate policies have damaged Argentina's economy. Even if no external shocks had occurred, the country would still have to change the structure of production. Argentina has had trouble sustaining a program of structural adjustment. Its experiences provide policymakers with some lessons in designing a sustainable program to achieve price stability and change the incentive system : a) macroeconomic and trade policies must be consistent; b) labor relations and labor market institutions must be changed including the decentralization of wage bargaining and the elimination of traditional wage policies and general government intervention; c) rigidities and restrictions on labor mobility must be eliminated, leading to less pervasive government intervention in the form of restrictive regulations and spending patterns; and d) public spending must be profoundly changed to reduce social costs during the transition period.Economic Stabilization,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research

    Effects of whey protein concentrate on shelf life of cookies using corn and sunflower oils

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of whey protein concentrate (WPC) on shelf life of cookies using corn and sunflower oils as fat source. Wheat flour was partially replaced by WPC with levels of 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 %. A User Defined Design was used and the three following responses were measured: peroxide index (meqO2/kg), flavour (score from 1-10) and rancidity (detectable and non-detectable) at 0, 7, 14, 21 and 70 days of storage. Results show that during storage peroxide index (PI) increases in all cookies samples. However a significant decrease was found when corn oil was used instead of sunflower oil and when the level of WPC goes from 0% to 15%. Regarding sensory evaluation, all cookies were evaluated as acceptable (scored flavour ≥ 6) and no rancid flavour was perceived, except for two samples which were assigned with 5 and rancid flavour was considered as detectable; these samples correspond to cookies evaluated at day 70, elaborated with sunflower oil and the lowest dose of WPC. No significant differences were found in cookies flavour prepared with different oils. On the other hand and relative to the level of WPC replacement, differences were found by the panel at days 0 and 7, a reduction in assigned score when WPC dose was increased, however this difference was not significant in the subsequent assessment days. According to research results, an increase in stability was clearly obtained in cookies elaborated with corn oil and the highest concentration of WPC.Fil: Erben, Melina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Hugo Diego. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Osella, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentin

    Methodological Flaws in Cognitive Animat Research

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    In the field of convergence between research in autonomous machine construction and biological systems understanding it is usually argued that building robots for research on auton- omy by replicating extant animals is a valuable strategy for engineering autonomous intelligent systems. In this paper we will address the very issue of animat construction, the ratio- nale behind this, their current implementations and the value they are producing. It will be shown that current activity, as it is done today, is deeply flawed and useless as research in the science and engineering of autonomy

    Altruistic behavior pays, or the importance of fluctuations in evolutionary game theory

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    Human behavior is one of the main problems for evolution, as it is often the case that human actions are disadvantageous for the self and advantageous for other people. Behind this puzzle are our beliefs about rational behavior, based on game theory. Here we show that by going beyond the standard game-theoretical conventions, apparently altruistic behavior can be understood as self-interested. We discuss in detail an example related to the so called Ultimatum game and illustrate the appearance of altruistic behavior induced by fluctuations. In addition, we claim that in general settings, fluctuations play a very relevant role, and we support this claim by considering a completely different example, namely the Stag-Hunt game.Comment: For the proceedings of the 8th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics (AIP Proceedeings Series

    Transición demográfica y pensiones en el claustro académico de la UAEM

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    Se examina la transición demográfica del claustro académico de la UAEM. Específi camente, se muestra el gradual envejecimiento que observan los docentes mediante la medición de su edad media. Los datos e indicadores que presenta permiten identifi car los retos laborales y académicos que enfrentará la UAEM derivados del envejecimiento de su cuerpo académico, del creciente número de docentes jubilados y del eventual retiro en los próximos años de los universitarios que construyeron la UAEM a lo largo de sus 50 años. Asimismo, se recuperan ciertas experiencias presentadas por las universidades públicas del país sobre la demanda de pensiones y sus repercusiones en los presupuestos

    Estrategias de recuperación de predios baldíos en la Ciudad de Toluca: prospectiva del ordenamiento urbano

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    This study contributes to a scarcely worked topic, the lack of regulations that regulate the recovery of vacant urban land in the city of Toluca. The foundations of urban planning, territorial ordering and the law made it possible not only to identify the complexity of the recovery of the ownership of unoccupied urban land, but also the lack of cohesion in urban matters of the different systems at the state and local level. The results show that the regulatory framework of urban land uses does not include strategies for the reintegration of urban gaps into the city's economy. What sharpens its abandonment, commercial speculation, fraudulent alienation and underutilization under the weakness of urban policy. The legislative gaps identified in the State of Mexico defined the normative nature of the capital gains exchange policy and the recovery strategies that are proposed, which are subject to a long process of discussion in the local congress according to the Constitution of the State from Mexico; and approval in the different spheres of government of the State of Mexico and in the city councils. The contribution of this research constitutes a viable initiative in the context of the New General Law of Human Settlements, Territorial Planning and Urban Development, which raises the need to update the municipal plans of urban development, incorporating strategies that guarantee urban innovation in the medium and long term. The exchange of capital gains policy should be considered as a proposal for public regulation of the problems and contradictions of vacant urban land. This policy instructs on the fiscal mechanisms to recover the value of the uncultivated land, provides intervention 10 instruments that will contribute to the containment of commercial speculation of the urban land and to mitigate the outbreaks of unhealthiness. The fiscal mechanisms of the exchange of capital gains policy respond not only to the phenomenon of vacant urban land in the city of Toluca, in its general nature have an impact on the regulation of the real estate processes of the State of Mexico and previous adjustment applicable to other entities from the country. The contribution of this research constitutes an innovative initiative in the context of the provisions of the New General Law of Human Settlements, Territorial Planning and Urban Development. The State of Mexico and all the federal entities have the challenge of adapting the guidelines to the particularities demanded by urban development. It represents the opportunity to reformulate soil regulation instruments to adapt them to a new order to optimize urban uses and functions. The municipal plans of urban development that derive require policies and strategies of medium and long term that guarantee the reinsertion of the urban uncultivated lands to the economic dynamics and contribute in the urban densification. Based on the results of this research, additions are proposed to the New General Law of Human Settlements, Territorial Planning and Urban Development, which make up the general support of the exchange policy of capital gains proposed for the recovery of vacant urban land. The analytical method was applied in the literature review, orders, plans and programs, and the inductive method through a reference list and a technical sheet to update the information of urban wastelands.Resumen Este estudio contribuye con un tema escasamente trabajado, la carencia de ordenamientos que regulen la recuperación de los predios urbanos baldíos en la ciudad de Toluca. Los fundamentos del urbanismo, el ordenamiento territorial y el derecho permitieron identificar no solo la complejidad de la recuperación de la propiedad de los predios urbanos baldíos, sino también la carencia de cohesión en materia urbana de los diversos ordenamientos en el ámbito estatal y local. Los resultados muestran que el marco regulatorio de los usos de suelo urbano no contempla estrategias de reinserción de los vacíos urbanos a la economía de la ciudad. Lo que agudiza su abandono, la especulación comercial, la enajenación fraudulenta y la subutilización al amparo de la debilidad de la política urbana. Los vacíos legislativos identificados en el Estado de México definieron la naturaleza normativa de la política de intercambio de plusvalías y las estrategias de recuperación que se proponen, mismas que están sujetas a un proceso largo de discusión en el congreso local de acuerdo a la Constitución del Estado de México; y aprobación en los diversos ámbitos de gobierno del Estado de México y en los ayuntamientos. El aporte de esta investigación se constituye en una iniciativa viable en el contexto de la Nueva Ley General de Asentamientos Humanos, Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano, misma que plantea la necesidad de actualizar los planes municipales de desarrollo urbano, incorporando estrategias que garanticen la innovación urbana a mediano y largo plazo. La política de intercambio de plusvalías debe considerarse como propuesta de regulación pública de los problemas y contradicciones de los predios urbanos baldíos. Esta política instruye sobre los mecanismos fiscales para recuperar el valor de la renta de los baldíos, dota de instrumentos de intervención que coadyuvarán en la contención de la especulación comercial del suelo urbano y en la mitigación de los focos de insalubridad. Los mecanismos fiscales de la política de intercambio de plusvalías responden no solo al fenómeno de los predios urbanos baldíos en la ciudad de Toluca, en su carácter general tienen incidencia en la regulación de los procesos inmobiliarios del Estado de México y previa adecuación aplicables a otras entidades del país. El aporte de esta investigación constituye una iniciativa innovadora en el contexto de las disposiciones de la Nueva Ley General de Asentamientos Humanos, Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano. El Estado de México y todas las entidades federativas tienen el reto de adaptar los lineamientos a las particularidades que demanda el desarrollo urbano. 9 Representa la oportunidad para reformular los instrumentos de regulación del suelo para adaptarlos a un nuevo orden para optimizar los usos y funciones urbanas. Los planes municipales de desarrollo urbano que se deriven requieren de políticas y estrategias de mediano y largo plazo que garanticen la reinserción de los predios urbanos baldíos a la dinámica económica y coadyuven en la densificación urbana. A partir de los resultados de esta investigación se proponen adiciones a la Nueva Ley General de Asentamientos Humanos, Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano, las cuales conforman el sustento general de la política de intercambio de plusvalías que se propone para la recuperación de los predios urbanos baldíos. Se aplicó el método analítico en la revisión de literatura, ordenamientos, planes y programas, y el método inductivo mediante un listado de referencia y una ficha técnica para actualizar la información de los baldíos urbanos.CONACYT Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic